Summer School der St. Mary's University School of Law in Innsbruck

Heuer findet bereits zum 38. Mal die Summer School der St. Mary's University School of Law in Innsbruck statt. Das Programm dauert fünf Wochen vom 30. Juni bis zum 31. Juli 2025.
Die Kurse entsprechen Lehrveranstaltungen, wie sie für den Lehrbetrieb an einer amerikanischen Universität typisch sind. Abgesehen davon, dass alle Vorlesungen in englischer Sprache gehalten werden, wird von den Studierenden auch erwartet, dass sie sich auf jede einzelne Stunde gezielt vorbereiten. Dazu werden im Voraus sogenannte reading assignments aufgegeben, also eine bestimmte Anzahl von Fällen oder anderen Texten, die von den Studierenden vorab gelesen werden müssen. Potentielle TeilnehmerInnen an einer solchen summer school seien also schon jetzt darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Bewerbung nur dann für sie sinnvoll sein kann, wenn die entsprechende Bereitschaft zu intensivem Arbeiten besteht.
Neben den Lehrveranstaltungen gibt es auch einige field trips und social events.
Teilnahmemöglichkeit für Innsbrucker Studierende
Auch heuer haben wieder acht Studierende die Möglichkeit, an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, ohne tuition fees zu bezahlen. Dazu ist eine Bewerbung bis zum 3. Mai 2025 bei Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard A. Koch, LL.M., nötig. Das nötige Bewerbungsformular kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Prüfungen müssen keine abgelegt werden, es gibt allerdings auch keine Anrechnungsmöglichkeiten für das hiesige Studium!
Programm 2025
Folgende Lehrveranstaltungen werden im Sommer 2025 angeboten:
- International Business Transactions (Albert Hermann Professor of Law Richard Flint, St. Mary’s University)
This course will focus on the legal aspects of the most important forms of international commercial sales transactions, including the documentary sales transaction. The course includes an overview of the principal institutions involved in international sales transactions as well as of the principal forms of international commercial activity. It focuses primarily on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; UCC articles 2, 5 and 7; the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act; the Federal Bill of Lading Act, the UCP 600 (International Chamber of Commerce, Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits) and the International Chamber of Commerce INCOTERMS. It will also include discussion of other applicable treaties, conventions, and laws concerning the international commercial sales of goods; the laws governing the transportation of goods in international commerce; and the financing of international sales transactions. - Lawyering Abroad: Basic Concepts Of European Legal Systems (Prof. Bernhard A. Koch, University of Innsbruck)
Students in this course will be introduced to the core elements of European legal systems and to their structural dissimilarities with American legal systems. Emphasis will be placed on major differences between common law and civil law approaches, and examples will be drawn from the laws of Germany, France, and other countries. Particular attention will be given to the practical aspects of lawyering, such as finding the law and communicating with foreign counsel. - Private International Human Rights (Prof. Adam McLeod, St. Mary´s Univeristy)
This course examines the concepts, sources, and substance of private rights in international law, with a focus on rights of labor and property, contract and exchange, marriage and family, and freedom of association. Most studies of human rights in international law focus on public human rights, rights that pertain between states and states and those that pertain between states and persons. And most treat human rights law as a branch of public international law. But the oldest and longest-established rights in international law are private rights, rights that pertain between persons and other persons. Those rights are much more ancient than the modern public rights of the Westphalian order of sovereign states. They originate in the ius gentium, ius commune, and ius naturale, which precede modern state sovereignty by thousands of years. - European Dispute Resolution (Associate Dean Ramona Lampley, St. Mary’s University)
This course is designed to provide a basic overview of the seminal differences between dispute resolution in the United States and that in the EU, with a focus on the significant differences between aggregate litigation (class or collective redress). The course takes a comparative approach, first analyzing some tenets of collective redress in the United States, then comparing it to the EU system. The course then replicates this comparative approach for private dispute resolution (ADR). - Business Human Rights (Prof. Jena Martin, St. Mary’s University)
Like it or not, businesses have an increasing impact – not just on our economy, but on society as a whole. Combine this with the incredible amount of power they yield (for instance, if Walmart was a country, it would the 24th largest in the world) and you have a potentially potent mix. This course will serve as a deep dive into corporations’ larger societal impacts – particularly in the area of human rights. We will read stories of people who work on the inside, people who tried to make change from the outside, and hear from the people whose lives have been directly affected by businesses. Among the questions this course will explore include: what does it mean to be a corporate idealist? Can a business do well and also do good? How do you craft a legal framework that allows business to thrive while still keeping communities in mind?
Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden in zwei Blöcken jeweils von Montag bis Donnerstag Vormittag statt (Ausnahme: Der Kurs "International Business Transactions" wird über die gesamten fünf Wochen angeboten).
First Session (30. Juni - 15. Juli 2025)
Time | Title | Professor |
08:00 a.m.-09:10 a.m. | International Business Transactions | R. Flint |
09:20 a.m.-10:30 a.m. | Lawyering Abroad | B.A. Koch |
10:40 a.m.-11:50 a.m. | International Human Rights | A. MacLeod |
Second Session (16. Juli - 31. Juli 2025)
Time | Title | Professor |
08:00 a.m.-09:10 a.m. | International Business Transactions | R. Flint |
09:20 a.m.-10:30 a.m. | European Dispute Resolution | R. Lampley |
10:40 a.m.-11:50 a.m. | Business Human Rights | J. Martin |