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Playreading Performance May 2008 – Universität Innsbruck

    American Corner Innsbruck

    Woman at a Threshold, Beckoning

    A play by John Guare; performed by the Theater Workshop (Coffee Room Amateur Players)

    (Link to iPoint review)

    May 15 and 16, 2008, 7.30 p.m.
    Coffee Room, 3rd floor


    The Coffee Room Amateur Players
    with director Linda Quehenberger

    Snapshots from the play:

    Woman at a Threshold, Beckoning

    This universal but surreal courtroom drama, which was originally performed as a part of Brave New World, the commemoration of the first anniversary of 9/11 at Town Hall in New York, is a provocative attempt to spiritually understand and come to peace with the atrocities experienced on that day. The narrator Joan recounts her time as a juror on the grand jury: one day the monotony of testimonies and indictments is interrupted when an Arab woman suspected of terrorist ties suddenly appears to testify before the grand jury. Soon the question of whether or not she really is a terrorist pales in the face of even greater questions—the search for God and the wish to give meaning to life.

    The dancers are spinning around their own hearts
    because God is there in their hearts.
    They lose all connection with the earth
    and with this heaviness called gravity,
    And they become torches
    which burn with a great fire.
    Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran

    About the Author

    The American dramatist John Guare was born in New York City on February 5, 1938. He first debuted off-off-Broadway in 1964 with To Wally Pantoni, We Leave a Credenza. He made a name for himself as one of the initiators of the new theatre in America, frequently dealing with themes such as family relationships and people seeking to escape from their daily lives, and he often employs devices such as asides, monologues, songs and slapstick, as well as pantomime to make darkly comic attacks on American values. His highly satirical plays are the antithesis of "kitchen sink" naturalism, with the comic situations sometimes veering into violence. In his own words, Guare tries to expand the boundaries of theater "because […] the chaotic state of the world demands it."
    His highly praised Obie and Tony Award-winning House of the Blue Leaves (1971) put him in the front ranks of American dramatists. Other works by Guare include Two Gentlemen of Verona (1971), Rich and Famous (1974), The Landscape of the Body (1977), Bosoms and Neglect (1979), and Six Degrees of Separation (1990).
    (text: Theater Workshop)


    Joan 1 - Janina Desnica
    Joan 2 - Edith Kreutner
    Joan 3 - Marie-Therese Schostal
    Assistant District Attorney 1 - Ariane Schalk
    Assistant District Attorney 2 - Benjamin Kremmel
    Translator 1 - Katja Volgger
    Translator 2 - Susanne Bargetz
    Arab Woman - Vanessa Schrader
    Judge - Carina Lesky
    Juror 1/Vendor - Michael Maurer
    Juror 2 - Bettina Rahm
    Juror 3 - Christina Sturn
    Foreman of the Jury/Guard/Detective/Person in Line - Katrin Seilinger

    Stage Manager/Programs/Prompter - Georgia Hinterleitner
    Lights - Bert Walser

    Director - Linda Quehenberger-Dobbs



    American Corner Innsbruck
    Department of American Studies
    Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 1. Stock (Altstadt, Claudiana)
    6020 Innsbruck

    T +43 512 507-7064, F +43 512 507-2879,