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Alexander Kupfer – University of Innsbruck

Alexander Kupfer

Alexander Kupfer, PhD

Room: w 3.08 (Sowi building)

Tel.: +43 (512) 507 - 73223
Fax: +43 (512) 507 - 73399

E-Mail: alexander.kupfer(at)

LinkedIn | Google Scholar


My current work focuses on information in digital business and digital markets. Online reviews, for instance, help to considerably reduce information asymmetries for consumers (e.g., hotel reviews or amazon reviews). In particular, my research investigates the effects of rewards and design aspects on online review systems. More generally, I am keenly interested in a wide variety of digital business and digital market phenomena that employ the reduction of (information) asymmetries including crowdfunding and sharing platforms.

Research Interests

Information on digital platforms, such as 

  • online review systems (e.g., textual aspects of consumer reviews)
  • social media platforms (e.g., usefulness/informativeness of posts)
  • search engines (e.g., making use of Google search volume)
  • etc.

Consequences of information on digital platforms, such as

  • eCommerce (e.g., impact of cues on purchase behavior)
  • online review systems (e.g., impact of information about existing reviews on reviewing behavior)
  • social media platforms (e.g., impact of cues in social media posts on followers)
  • etc.


Journal Articles

Schreieck, M., Huang, Y., Kupfer, A., Krcmar, H. (2024), The Effect of Digital Platform Strategies on Firm Value in the Banking Industry. Journal of Management Information Systems, 41(2), 394-421. []

Razen, M., Kupfer, A. (2023), The Effect of Tax Transparency on Consumer and Firm Behavior: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 104, article no: 101990. []

Puhr, H., Kupfer, A. (2023), Media in the Geopolitical Crossfire: Identification and Novel Data Sources for IB Research. AIB Insights, 23(1), 1-6. []

Rohde, C., Kupfer, A., Zimmermann, S. (2022), Explaining Reviewing Effort: Existing Reviews as Potential Driver, Electronic Markets, 32, 1169-1185. []

Wrabel, A., Kupfer, A., Zimmermann, S. (2022), Being informed or getting the product? How the coexistence of Scarcity Cues and Online Consumer Reviews affects Online Purchase Decisions, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64(5), 575-592.  []

Kupfer, A., Oberndorfer, J. & Kunz F. (2022), Why do corporate cash holdings differ within reunified Germany? Journal of Business Economics, 92, 197-232. []

Kupfer, A. & Schmidt, M.G. (2021), In search of retail investors: The effect of retail investor attention on odd lot trades, Journal of Empirical Finance, 62, 315-326. []

Kupfer, A. & Zorn, J. (2019), A Language-Independent Measurement of Economic Policy Uncertainty in Eastern European Countries, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(5), 1166-1180[]

Kupfer, A. & Zorn, J. (2019), Valuable Information in Early Sales Proxies: The Use of Google Search Ranks in Portfolio Optimization, Journal of Forecasting, 38(1), 1-10. []

Kupfer, A (2018), Estimating Inflation Risk Premia using Inflation-Linked Bonds: A Review, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(5), 1326-1354. []

Kupfer, A. (2015), Revisiting Svensson’s test of inflation target credibility, Applied Economic Letters, 22(5), 343-348. []

Auckenthaler, J., Kupfer, A. & Sendlofer, R. (2015), The Impact of Liquidity on Inflation-Linked Bonds: A Hypothetical Indexed Bonds Approach, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 32, 139-154. []

Bank, M. & Kupfer, A. (2014), A sequential pricing framework for corporate securities: The case of rating-trigger step-up/
-down bonds, Finance Research Letters, 11(4), 437-445. []

Kupfer, A. (2014), Inflationsgeschützte Staatsanleihen für ein besseres Staatsschuldenmanagement: Vorteile und Implikationen für Österreich, Bankarchiv, 62(11), 850-857. [LINK]

Bank, M. Kupfer, A. & Sendlhofer, R. (2014), Performance-sensitive government bonds, Credit and Capital Markets, 47(1), 79-101. []

Conference Proceedings

Röder, A., Bohnen, E., Züllig, K., Kupfer, A., Zimmermann, S. (2023), Dynamic Pricing on Two-Sided Platforms: Consequences on Customers’ Fairness Perceptions and Purchase Intentions. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023). [LINK]

Wrabel, A., Kupfer, A., Zimmermann, S. (2023), Can a Button Change your Purchase? – The Effect of the Accessibility of Consumer Reviews on Consumers’ Online Purchase Decisions. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings (WI 2023). [LINK]

Erlebach, S., Kupfer, A., Wrabel, A., Zimmermann, S. (2023), Tagging the Fakes? - The Impact of Tagging Fake Reviews on Consumer Trust and Purchase Intention. Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023). [LINK]

Züllig, K., Erlebach, S., Kupfer, A., Zimmermann, S. (2023), Bargain Hunting On Black Friday - Making Great Deals And Bragging About Them. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 2023). Hawaii, USA. [LINK]

Erlebach, S., Kupfer, A., Wrabel, A., Zimmermann, S. (2022), Tag Me If You Can - (How) Should Platforms Tag Fake Reviews and Fake Users? Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022). [LINK]

Rohde, C., Kupfer, A. & Zimmermann, S. (2021), Explaining Reviewing Effort: Existing Reviews as Potential Driver. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings (WI 2021). [LINK]

Kupfer, A., Maier, R., Zimmermann, S. & Thiele, J. (2020), Do Featured Consumer Reviews Matter? Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020). [LINK]

Kupfer, A., van Essen, L. & Zimmermann, S. (2019), Design Features of Non-Financial Reward Programs for Online Reviews: Evaluation based on Google Maps Data. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019 Proceedings (WI 2019). [LINK]

Presentations and talks (selection)

What Are The Motivations Of Finfluencers? Evidence From Tiktok. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023.

How Should Fake Reviews Be Tagged? The Influence Of Fake Reviews On Consumers’ Willingness-to-pay And Future Reviewing Effort. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021. Joint work with Erlebach, S., Wrabel, A. & Zimmermann S.

Do Featured Consumer Reviews Matter? Presented at 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020). Joint work with Maier, R., Zimmermann, S. & Thiele, J.

Influence of a Review Environment on Reviewing Effort. Evidence From Google Maps. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020. Joint work with Rohde, C. & Zimmermann, S.

Bought at First Sight? The Effects of Featured Consumer Reviews. Presented at Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2020). Joint work with Maier, R., Zimmermann, S. & Thiele, J.

Explaining Reviewing Effort: Existing Reviews as Potential Driver. Presented at Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2020). Joint work with Rohde, C. & Zimmermann, S.

Complete list of presentations and talks.

Grants, Prizes, and Awards

Research grant (together with M. Razen), HYPO Tirol Bank AG, 2016

LFUI Best Student Paper Award 2015, University of Innsbruck, 2015

Research grant, Aktion D. Swarovski KG, 2012

Research grant, Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds, 2011

PhD grant (Doktoratsstipendium), University of Innsbruck, 2011

Merit scholarship grant (Leistungsstipendium), University of Innsbruck, 2010


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