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Mag. Philipp Strobl, MA PhD – University of Innsbruck


Mag. Philipp Strobl, MA PhD

currently at the University of Hildesheim



Education and Work Experience
  • 2007-2009     University of Innsbruck (Austria), Mag. phil. in Social and Economic History
  • 2008-2009     Project Assistant at the HiMAT-project (The History of Mining in the Tyrol and the adjacent Areas) at 
                            the University of Innsbruck, Austria
  • 2009-2010     University of New Orleans (USA), M.A. in Contemporary History
  • 2009-2010     Research Assistant at the History Department of the University of New Orleans 
                           (Prof. Günther Bischof, Project: Quiet Invaders)
  • 2010-2014     University of Innsbruck, PhD in Social and Economic History
  • 2011- 2015    Lecturer at the Institute of Applied Languages at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2015               Editor, Austrian Federal Publishing House (oebv), Vienna (responsible for the design and realisation of
                            a new school book series for Austrian high schools, as well as an online platform for educational movies)
  • 2016-2018    Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Urban Transitions
  • from 2018     University of Innsbruck, Austria, Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History
  • from 2019     Research Assistant, University of Hildesheim, Germany 
Fields of Research and Teaching

History of Economic and Social Exchange, History of Consumerism, History of Migration, Urban History, History of Globalisation 

Academic Awards
  • 2016 Erwin-Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • 2014 Award for Academic Research at the University of Innsbruck (Preis für Wissenschaftliche Forschung an der Universität Innsbruck)
  • 2012 Best Journal Paper Award of the University of Innsbruck
  • 2011 Fellowship of the Tyrolean Science Fund
  • 2010 PhD Scholarship at the University of Innsbruck
  • 2010 Rolf Steininger Award 2010 (University of Innsbruck)
  • 2009 Performance Scholarship of the Richard und Emmy Bahr Stiftung 
Memberships in Academic Organisations 
  • Adjunct Researcher at the Centre for Urban Transitions at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne (Australia)
  • Associate of the Contemporary Histories Research Group at Deakin University, Melbourne (2017-today)
  • Contributor to the Austrian Dictionary of Biography (Österreichische Biographische Lexikon)
  • Member of the organising committee of the “Conference in World History: The Role and Function of the Global City” (Innsbruck 2011)
  • Editor and co-editor of several edited books (“Globalization and the City: Two Connected Phenomena in Past and Present”, “The Phenomenon of Globalization: A Collection of Interdisciplinary Globalization Research Essays”, “Österreich in der Zweiten Republik: Ein Land im Wandel”, and “Ski Practices, Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts: A Transcultural Account”)
  • Member of the research platform “Global History” at the University of Vienna
  • Member of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung “öge”
  • Member of the German Studies Association, Baltimore  
Selected publications 
  • with Podkalicka, Aneta (eds.), Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts, London (Palgrave’s Global Culture and sport Series) 2018.
  • with Aneta Podkalicka, Skiing Transnational: Cultures, Practices, and Ideas on the Move, in: Philipp Strobl and Aneta Podkalicka (eds.), Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts, London (Palgrave) 2018, 1-24.
  • From Niche sport to Mass Tourism: Transnational Lives in Australia’s Thredbo Resort, in: Philipp Strobl and Aneta Podkalicka (eds.), Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts, London (Palgrave) 2018, 185-214.
  • “But the Main Thing is I had the Knowledge…” – Gertrude Langer, Cultural Transformation and the Emerging Art Sector in Postwar Queensland (Australia), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 2018 (DOI)
  • Die Erschaffung einer neuen Identität – Die deutschsprachigen Gebiete Westungarns im Spannungsfeld zwischen Österreich und Ungarn (1918-1922), in: Jahrbuch des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa 25 (2017).
  • with Maria Schaller, “From the Danube to the Yarra River”, radio program broadcast on SBS from February to April 2017,
  • “The Origins of "Little Burgenland": A Close Look at Austria's Most Important Area of Emigration during the Interwar Period,” in: Günter Bischof (ed.), Quiet Invaders Revisted: biographies of twentieth century immigrants to the United States, Transatlantica 11, Innsbruck (Studienverlag) 2017, 79-100.
  • Migration, Knowledge Transfer and the Emergence of Australian Post-War Skiing: The Story of Charles William Anton, in: The International Journal of the History of sport 33:16 (2016): 2006-2025 (DOI:10.1080/09523367.2017.1313234).
  • “Märkte, Migration und die „Demokratisierung des Geschmacks“ – Amsterdam und London als Zentren der frühneuzeitlichen Weltwirtschaft,“ in: Oberste, Jörg, Ehrich, Susanne (eds.), Die bewegte Stadt: Migration, soziale Mobilität und Innovation in vormodernen Großstädten, Regensburg (Schnell&Steiner) 2015, 235-250.
  • " der Notlage dieser Tage zu entfliehen": Die burgenländische Amerikawanderung der Zwischenkriegszeit, Innsbruck (Studia Verlag) 2015.
  • “Zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - Hermann Hallwich als Wirtschaftshistoriker, Politiker und Industrielobbyist,“ Rebitsch, Robert and Kilian, Jan and Svoboda, Milan (eds.), Hermann Hallwich (1838-1913): Historiker und Sammler, Funktionär und Politiker, Innsbruck (University Press) 2014, 77-90.
  • The Dawning of a Global Age: Globalization and Global Cities 1600 to 1900 (Innsbruck, phil.Diss, 2014).
  • Österreich in der Zweiten Republik: Ein Land im Wandel (ed.), Hamburg (Dr. Kovac) 2014.
  • Innsbrucker Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Innsbruck (Studienverlag) 2013.
  • with Manfred Kohler (eds.), The Phenomenon of Globalization: A Collection of Interdisciplinary Globalization Research Essays, Frankfurt (Peter Lang Verlag).
  • with Exenberger, Andreas/Bischof, Günter/Mokhiber, James (eds.), Globalization and the City: Two Connected Phenomena in Past and Present, Innsbruck (Innsbruck University Press) 2013.
  • “Thinking Cosmopolitan: Or How Joseph Became Joe Buttinger,“ in: Bischof Günter/Fritz Plasser (eds.), Contemporary Austrian Studies XXI: Biographical Approaches to Contemporary Austrian History, New Orleans (University Press) 2012, 92-122.

Detailed list of publications

Research documentation

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