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23.01.2024 Gastvortrag Piunno – Universität Innsbruck



Corpus tools and Translation.
How to use the Sketch Engine in a translational perspective.
Ass. Prof. Valentina Piunno (University of Bergamo)

23.01.2024, 17:15-18:45, INTRAWI-bibliothek

This lecture discusses the advantages of employing corpus tools and methodologies for empirical research in translation studies. The investigation focuses on the corpus-based analysis of paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of words for translational purposes. To this end, the main search queries and potential of the Sketch Engine platform will be discussed and parallel corpora will be used to examine regularity phenomena and to highlight language specificities from a translational perspective.

Valentina Piunno is Associate Professor in Linguistics at the University of Bergamo. She obtained a PhD in “Synchronic, Diachronic and Applied Linguistics” at Roma Tre University. Her research interests include the study of the lexicon at the semantic/syntax interface, lexical semantics, diachronic linguistics, corpus linguistics and combinatorial lexicography.

If you would like to attend this lecture, please register by sending an e-mail to

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura Giacomini
Tel.: +43 512 507-42455

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