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30-060 Notifications – Universität Innsbruck

30-060 Notifications


Via the course element Notifications you can provide your course members with important information. This course element allows you to embed notifications in your course structure. These notifications will then be visible in the course as well as in single users’ notifications. When clicking onto the course element Notifications for the first time, course members will automatically be subscribed to these notifications. This means that as soon as you create another notification, members of your course will receive an e-mail notification.

The subscription will stay active until the course element is deleted, the subscription is terminated by the course members themselves via the course element Notifications or deactivated in their Personal Tools (under Subscriptions) or until course members are removed from the course.

Important Steps

  1. Open your course via Authoring.
  2. Click onto Administration and then onto Course editor. The Course editor opens up.
  3. Choose Insert course elements in the upper left-hand corner and under Administration and Organisation the course element Notifications. The course element has been added to the course structure and can (if necessary) be moved to a different place via Drag&Drop. Alternatively it is possible to add course elements with the Quick-Add function in the yellow-lined menu on top of the course: Insert the name of the course element into the Quick-Add bar and push the Enter button.
  4. Fill in the title shown in the course structure under Title in the tab Title and description and, if desired, fill in the Description. Click onto Insert additional information to add Objectives, instructions or instructions for the coach. In Addition to this, you can Set a link for this course element by clicking onto the blue text and copying the predefined link. Save your changes.
  5. In the tabs Visibility and Access or Learning path you can, if desired, regulate the visibility and the access to the course elements:
    • If your course is a Conventional course, you will find more detailed information in HelpCard 10-030.
    • If your course is a Learning path course, you will find more detailed information in HelpCard 10-031.
  6. In the tab Layout you can change the layout of course elements. You can add background images to course elements or change the font colour. How to do this you will find in HelpCard 10-033 Layout.
  7. In the tab Notification configuration you can configure the amount of shown notifications at any given point as well as the duration of the time span that they should be visible for. Moreover you can determine who can manage and create notifications here.
  8. Click onto the red X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Course editor. To publish these changes, choose the option Yes, automatically (for further information about the publishing of course contents see HelpCard 10-020). The course view has been adjusted to include any changes made.
  9. Click in the course element Notifications onto the button Create new message. Type in a subject as well as a message and click onto Next. The window Configure e-mail distribution opens up.
  10. Select the desired recipients who you would like to receive an e-mail and/or click onto Finish. The created notification will be displayed in the course element Notifications and (if desired) sent to the selected recipients.

With the buttons underneath the notification you can edit or delete the notification after its creation. No new e-mail will be sent when the notification is edited. Should important changes need to be added, it is advisable to instead compose a new notification!

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