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Experts on Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability

Experts on Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability

The PEAK experts
Researchers who conduct research in the fields of climate, biodiversity and sustainability. All experts have their own summary page with contact and key data. This list can be explored by using a full-text search.

All experts at a glance

Anke Bock­reis

Focus: Waste Treatment and Resource Management

Bar­bara Sch­nei­der-Mun­tau

Focus: Geotechnical Engineering

Bet­tina Thalinger

Focus: Molecular Animal Ecology

Bir­git Sat­tler

Focus: Microbial Ecology of Glaciers

Elis­a­beth Gsot­tbauer

Focus: Environmental Economics

Engel­bert Portenkirch­ner

Focus: Sustainable Energy Storage

Esther Blanco

Focus: Sustainability Economics

Georg Niedrist

Focus: Aquatic Ecology

Ilse Kran­ner

Focus: plants, environmental stress factors

Ivana Stiper­ski

Focus: Mountain Meteorology

Jan Beu­tel

Focus: High-alpine Cryosphere

Jana Sophie Kesen­heimer

Focus: Environmental Psychology

johannes Rüdisser

Focus: Biodiversity

Julia Kunze-Lieb­häuser

Focus: Materials and electrochemistry

Jutta Kis­ter

Focus: Geographies of Sustainability

Kurt Nico­lussi

Focus: Tree-ring research

Man­fred Klei­dor­fer

Focus: Urban Water Management

Mar­greth Keiler

Focus: Natural Hazards

Mathias Rotach

Focus: Dynamic meteorology

Michael Bahn

Focus: Ecosystems under global change

Michael Kirch­ler

Focus: Behavioral Economics

Michael Trau­gott

Focus: Biodiversity, sustainable mountain agriculture

Monika Mayrhofer

Focus: Human Rights/Migration

Nadine Prög

Focus: Soil Microbiology & Climate Crisis

Nikolina Ban

Focus: High-resolution modelling of climate 

Oli­wia Murawska

Focus: anthropogenic climate change, Anthropocene, eco-effects and posthumanism

Peter Schön­swet­ter

Focus: Biodiversity

Rein­gard Span­nring

Focus: Environmental education, critical animal studies

Rike Stot­ten

Focus: Sustainable food production and consumption

Robert Hof­mann

Focus: Geotechnical Engineering

Robert Steiger

Focus: Tourism

Ste­fan Mayr

Schwerpunkt: Alpine Pflanzen

Susanne Zeilinger-Migsich

Focus: Microbial communication & biofungicides

Thea Wiesli

Focus: sustainable development, food, inequality, environmental behavior

Thomas Karl

Focus: Atmosphere

Ulrich Remus

Focus: Digital Society

Ulrike Tappeiner

Focus: Landscape Ecology

Wolf­gang Gur­giser

Focus: Mountain research

Wolf­gang Stre­icher

Focus: Energy Efficient Building

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