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Events and Publications – University of Innsbruck

Events and Publications

Upcoming Events

Lecture: Education as a Profession - An Assessment

October 17, 2024

On October 18, 2024, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Helmut Fend will be awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Innsbruck as part of the Dies Academicus. On October 17, 2024, at 5:00 PM, the honoree will give an academic lecture titled "Education as a Profession - An Assessment." Further information can be found on the event's website.


Register here



Recent Publications of Members of the Research Unit


Berger, F. & Grob, U. (in review). Intergenerational Transmission of Positive Parenting. 

Berger, F. (2023). Jugend. In M. Huber & M. Döll (Hrsg.), Handbuch Bildungswissenschaft in Begriffen, Theorien und Diskursen (S. 273-280). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Berger, F., Guerrini, F., Bütow, B., Fennes, H., Lauermann, K., Sting, S. & Wächter, N. (Hrsg.), (2021). Jugend – Lebenswelt – Bildung. Perspektiven für Jugendforschung in Österreich. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Berger, F. & Jammal-Abboud, R. (submitted). The long-term impact of family experiences in adolescence on mother-child relationships in early adulthood. Journal of Family Issues.

Berger, F., Kraler, C., & Schreiner, C. (2024). Transition from Primary to Lower Secondary School in Austria during COVID-19. Findings from a Longitudinal Study. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.

Berger, F., Schreiner, C., Hagleitner, W., Jesacher-Rößler, L., Roßnagl, S. & Kraler, C. (2021). Predicting Coping With Self-Regulated Distance Learning in Times of COVID-19: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 03 September 2021 (open access).

Fend, H. & Berger, F. (2019). Die Erfindung der Erziehung. Eine Einführung in die Erziehungswissenschaft. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.

Gadinger, S. & Berger, F. (2023). Evaluierung von EUer Jahr der Jugend 2023. Wien: OeAD, Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung.

Gadinger, S. & Berger, F. (2023). Auswirkungen der Erasmus+ Partnerschaftsprojekte in den Bereichen Schulbildung, Berufsbildung, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Jugend und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps in Österreich auf systemischer Ebene. Wien: OeAD, Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung.

Gadinger, S. & Berger, F. (2021). The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on Youth Work in Europe (RAY-COR). Case Studies in Austria. Wien: OeAD.

Gniewosz, G. & Gniewosz, B. (2024). Beyond Linear Effects: Multiple Perspectives of Mother–Adolescent Positive Parenting & Adolescent’s Problem BehaviorJournal of Early Adolescence, Online First. DOI: 10.1177/02724316241240110

Gniewosz, G. (2023). Adolescent Loneliness and Negative Affect during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Extraversion and Neuroticism. Journal Youth Adolescence 52, 1965–1982. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01808-4

Gniewosz, G., Regina M. Sticker & Markus Paulus (2022). A longitudinal assessment of the stability of the three-dimensional moral self-concept during early childhood, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2022.2090333

Gniewosz, G., Katstaller, M., & Gniewosz, B. (2022). Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment During Challenging Times: The Role of Mothers’, Fathers’, and Adolescents’ Ratings of Parental Warmth, Developmental Psychology, DOI: 10.1037/dev0001473

Gniewosz, G. (2022). A mother’s perspective: perceived stress and parental self-efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2022.2120464

Gniewosz, G., Leiner, J.E.M., Ortner, T.M. (2022). Ziele von Online-Self-Assessments: Die Bedeutung einer frühzeitigen Auftragsklärung. In: Stoll, G., Weis, S. (eds) Online-Self-Assessments zur Studienfachwahl. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-63827-9_2

Gniewosz, G., Ortner, T. M., & Scherndl, T. (2020). Personality in Action: Assessing Personality to Identify an ‘Ideal’ Conscientious Response Type with Two Different Behavioural Tasks. European Journal of Personality. Advance online publication.

Gniewosz, G., Leiner, J. & Ortner, T. M. (accepted, 2020). Online Self-Assessments: Ziele und Auftragsklärung (Handbuchkapitel). Handbuch Online Self-Assessment. Heidelberg: Springer.

Gniewosz, G. & Gniewosz, B. (2020). Psychological Adjustment during Multiple Transitions between Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 40(4), 566-598.

Groinig, M., Hagleitner, W., Maran, S. & Sting, S. (2019). Bildung als Perspektive für Care Leaver. Schriftenreihe der ÖFEB-Sektion Sozialpädagogik. Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Groinig, M., Hagleitner, W., Maran, T. & Sting, S. (2019). Bildung im Kontext. Bildungschancen und Bildungsbiographien von „Care Leavern“.  In: Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit, VOL 1, S. 127-155.

Grušovnik, T., Spannring, R., & Lykke Syse, K. (Eds.) (2021). Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial. Averting our Gaze. Lexington.

Hagleitner, W. (2023). Chancengleichheit in der stationären Erziehungshilfe in Österreich. Dissertation.

Hagleitner, W., Sting, S. & Maran, T. (2022). Socio-economic status and living situation of care leavers in Austria. Children and Youth Services Review, 142, 106620.

Hagleitner, W. (2022). Ohne Heute gibt es morgen kein Gestern: Veränderungen der Topographie stationärer Erziehungshilfe und ihrer Klientel. Sozialpädagogische Impulse, 1/2022, S. 36-39.

Hagleitner, W., Trummer, A., Altenweisl, C. (2021). Ein- und Austrittsalter sowie Verweildauer in stationären Angeboten der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Vergleichende Analysen bei Pro Juventute und SOS-Kinderdorf im Längsschnitt. Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit, 3. Jg., S. 292 - 312.

Hawke, S.; Spannring, R. (2022). EDITORIAL: Critical inter-disciplinary and inter-species approaches to water sustainability and climate change issues. Visions for Sustainability, No 18, Dec 21 2022, pp. 3-10. ISSN 2384-8677

Huber, S. G., Günther, P., Paula, S., Berger, F., Hagleitner, W., Kraler, C., Pham Xuan, R., Schreiner C. et al. (2023). Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Normalität in Schule und Bildung?! In S. G. Huber, C. Helm & N. Schneider (Hrsg.), COVID-19 und Bildung – Studien und Perspektiven (S. 729-745). Münster: Waxmann.

Jesacher-Rößler, L., Schreiner, C., Berger, F., Kraler, C., Roßnagl, S. & Hagleitner, W. (2021). „Schaffen wir das?“ Einflüsse der Pandemie auf das Unsicherheitsgefühl von Schüler*innen am Übergang zwischen Sekundarstufe I und II. In DDS- Die deutsche Schule, Schule und Schulpolitik während der Corona-Pandemie: Nichts gelernt? Band 18, S. 108-123. Zugriff am 25.10.2021.

Katstaller, M., & Gniewosz, G. (2020). How can Test-taking Motivation Be Theoretically Understood and Measured in Educational Intervention Research? In H. Astleitner(Ed.), Intervention Research in Educational Practice: Alternative Theoretical Frameworks and Application Problems (pp. 171-185). Münster: Waxmann.

Kraler, C., Schreiner, C., Roßnagl, S., Jesacher-Rößler, L. & Berger, F. (2022). Lehrer*innen­bildung zwischen lokalen und nationalen Strategien: Professiona­lisierungsprozesse über regionale Strukturen. In: G. Schauer, L. Jesacher-Rößler, D. Kemethofer, J. Reitlinger & C. Weber (Hrsg.), Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege. Professionalisierungs­forschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung (S. 215-231). Münster: Waxmann.

Maag Merki, K., Berger, F. & Grob, U. (2021). Thementeil: Langfristige Auswirkungen von personalen und sozialen Ressourcen sowie von strukturellen Merkmalen des Bildungswesens auf schulische und berufliche Übergänge und Entwicklungsverläufe. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 67(5).

Roßnagl, S. & Beer, G. (2020). Analyse von Beziehungskompetenzen Lehramtsstudierender als Basis für Coachings zur Gestaltung pädagogischer Beziehungen. Erziehung und Unterricht, 9-10(170), 792-799. 

Roßnagl, S., Hagleitner, W., Schreiner, C., Berger, F., Kraler, C. & Jesacher-Rößler, L. (2023). Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Ausbildungs- und Berufswahl von Schülerinnen und Schülern am Übergang von der Sekundarstufe I zur Sekundarstufe II in Zeiten einer Pandemie – ausgewählte Befunde aus einer Paper-Pencil-Längsschnittstudie. In S. G. Huber, C. Helm & N. Schneider (Hrsg.), COVID-19 und Bildung – Studien und Perspektiven (S. 331-360). Münster: Waxmann.

Roßnagl, S., Hagleitner, W., Schreiner, C., Berger, F., Kraler, C. & Jesacher-Rößler, L. (2021). Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Ausbildungs- und Berufswahl in Zeiten einer Pandemie – ausgewählte Befunde aus einer Längsschnittstudie von Schülerinnen und Schülern am Übergang von der Sekundarstufe I zur Sekundarstufe II (in Druck).

Sacher, W., Berger, F. & Guerrini, F. (2019). Schule und Elternhaus - eine schwierige Partnerschaft. Wie Zusammenarbeit gelingt. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.

Schreiner, C., Roßnagl, S., Berger, F. & Kraler, C. (2020). Die Bedeutung von Eltern, Freundinnen und Freunden sowie Lehrpersonen für die Berufs- und Ausbildungsorientierung im Jugendalter. Erziehung & Unterricht, 170(3-4), 354-363. 

Schreiner, C., Kraler, C., Berger, F., Hagleitner, W., Jesacher-Rößler, L. & Roßnagl, S. (2022). Zunahme von Bildungsungleichheit durch die COVID-19-Pandemie beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe II: Leistungsschwache und wenig motivierte Schüler*innen als besonders vulnerable Gruppe. In Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.

Spannring, R., & Waechter, N. (2024). Youth and climate crisis: participation and learning in complex, adaptive systems. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung, 1-12.

Spannring, R.; Kompatscher, G.; Gallenberger, D. (2024). Auch andere Arten baden. Flusslandschaften als Multispezies-Gemeinschaften. in Antenhofer, Ch.; Leitner, U.; Schnegg, K. (Eds.) Baden. Eine historisch-topographische Spurensuche. Innsbruck University Press. Forthcoming

Spannring, Reingard (2023). Critical animal pedagogy: liberating the nonhuman learner? On Education. Journal for Research and Debate 6/16, No. 8,

Spannring R.; Grušovnik T. (2023). Zur Dekonstruktion von Bildungsräumen durch die Critical Animal Pedagogy. Anti-Speziesismus und Tierliebe? in Giehl, M.; Mattig, R. (Eds.): Bildung als (De-)Zentrierung – (De-)Zentrierung der Bildung. Weinheim/München: Beltz Juventa, pp. 97-114, ISBN 978-3-7799-7068-2

Spannring, R.; Unterrainer, Christine; Smidt, W. (2022). Participation in organizations and institutions across the life course. In: Spannring, R.; Smidt, W.; Unterrainer, C.: Institutions and organizations as learning environments for participation and democracy? Opportunities, challenges, obstacles. Cham: Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-031-17948-8, pp. 1 - 13.

Spannring, R.; Smidt, W.; Unterrainer, C. (2022). Institutions and organizations as learning environments for participation and democracy? Opportunities, challenges, obstacles. Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-031-17948-8.

Spannring, R. & Hawke, S. (2021). Anthropocene Challenges for Youth Research: Understanding Agency and Change Through Complex, Adapative Systems. Journal of Youth Studies (ahead-of-print, open access).

Spannring, R. (2019). Ecological Citizenship Education and the Consumption of Animal Subjectivity. Education Sciences9(1), 41.

Thaler, Guido (2023): Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre. Eine Grounded Theory über die vorzeitige Lehrvertragsauflösung, Weinheim: Beltz. ISBN 978-3-7799-7564-9 Print, ISBN 978-3-7799-7565-6 E-Book (PDF)

Thaler, Guido (2021):  Soziale Aspekte in der Ausbildung: Die Sichtweisen von Auszubildenden auf die Lehrausbildung in Tirol nach einer vorzeitigen Lehrvertragsauflösung, Reihe "Junge Forschung", [online] [30.11.2021].

Zerle-Elsäßer, C., & Gniewosz, G. (2020). Linking mothers’ well-being to a subsequent birth: The mediating role of coparenting and personal income. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.


Previous Events

Austrian Conference on Youth Research 2023. Youth in Times of Crisis (Jugend in Zeiten von Krisen)

June 22-24, 2023
The conference took place from June 22 to 24, 2023, at the University of Innsbruck. It focused on the current health, environmental, and societal crises (pandemic, climate change, war in Ukraine) and their effects on adolescents and on youth as a generation. The conference addressed issues of adolescents’ agency in times of crisis, the significance of youth as an “engine” for social transformation, the overcoming of personal challenges and crises in adolescence, as well as (social) pedagogical measures for empowering adolescents and young adults. It was organised by the research centre “Education – Generation – Life Course”, the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” and the Austrian Network for Youth Research in collaboration with various Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences as well as several institutions active in youth work and youth welfare.


Review of the Conference


Symposium “Pädagogische Beziehungen in der Schule” (Student-Teacher Relationships in School)

November 11, 2022
The symposium was held on November 11, 2022, at the University of Innsbruck. It was organised by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies”, the Institute for Teacher Education and School Research and the Catholic Institute for Teacher Education, Edith Stein. The programme consisted of two keynotes and six practical workshops. The target audience is specialist from the field of training and further education of teaching staff as well as teachers and students of Educational Sciences.


Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position for Dr Romain Jammal-Abboud

August and September 2022
Dr Jammal-Abboud from Zefat Academic College and Tel Aviv University (Israel) is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Education and the Research Center “Education – Generation – Life Course” since October 2020. She is a renowned expert in the field of multicultural social work. Her research and practice are devoted to culture-sensitive social work education and the welfare and health of children and families at risk in Israel. Dr Jammal-Abboud has visited the University of Innsbruck for several times in the past two years. For her upcoming visit in August and September 2022, she was granted a two-months post-doctoral fellowship position at the University of Innsbruck. The visit of Dr Jammal-Abboud will provide the opportunity to exchange on the topic of culture-sensitive social work education and to progress on joint research and publication projects based upon her research in Israel and the “Three Generation Longitudinal Life Course Study LifE”.


Innsbruck Summer Seminar on Methods in Empirical Social and Educational Research 2022

July 2022
Innsbruck Summer Seminar on Methods in Empirical Social and Educational Research 2022
The Summer Seminar 2022 offered researchers of all levels from education research and associated disciplines the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of methodology under expert guidance. A total of 5 workshops on selected methods of social and educational research were given. The Summer Seminar was organised by the research centre “Education – Generation – Life Course” and by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Institute for Quality Assurance at Austrian Schools (Institut des Bundes für Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Schulwesen, IQS) and the Austrian Society for Research and Development in Education (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen, ÖFEB).


Scientific Exchange on Social Work Education in Israel – Post-Doctoral Research Visit of Dr Jammal-Abboud

June 2022
In June 2022, Dr Jammal-Abboud was visiting the Department of Education to exchange on the topic of social work education and to work on a scientific publication. Dr Jammal-Abboud is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Education and the Research Centre “Education – Generation – Life Course”. In her publication, she discusses the cultural conflicts and tensions of Arab social work students and points to the need of implementing a multicultural approach of supervision in social work education in Israel. On the backdrop of this, she introduces a culture-sensitive supervision model that takes into account the challenging process of professional identity formation of Arab social work students in Israel. The model is directed towards entering a reflective process, transmitting and acquiring informal multicultural knowledge, and encouraging a culture-sensitive practice. 


Post-Doc Research Visit of Dr Jammal-Abboud, Zefat Academic College and Tel Aviv University, Israel

July and September 2021
In July and September 2021, Dr Romain Jammal-Abboud was visiting the Department of Education to work on two publications on the topic of long-term effects of different parenting practices in late childhood on intergenerational relationships in adulthood based upon data of the “Three Generation Longitudinal Life Course Study LifE”. Her research visit was funded by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” and the AIANI Fellow Program. Dr Jammal-Abboud is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Education and the Research Centre “Education – Generation – Life Course”.


Workshop on the Subject “Culturally Sensitive Social Work with Disadvantaged Families” by R. Jammal-Abboud, MA.

January 2020
On January 24 and 25, 2020, a workshop spanning one and a half days was held on the subject of culturally sensitive social work with disadvantaged families. The workshop was led by Ms Jammal-Abboud, MA., who has developed a programme on culturally sensitive social work based on her long experience of social work with disadvantaged Palestinian families, children, and youths in Israel. The workshop provided an understanding of the structures, values, and gender-specific roles in Arab families and an introduction – through theoretical and practical exercises – into the fundamentals of a culturally sensitive social-pedagogic approach to disadvantaged families from other cultures. The workshop formed a part of the Elective Module 5 in the master’s programme in Educational Sciences created by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies”.


Presentation of the LifE Study in the Art Exhibition “Research in Motion”

April to October 2019
The research platform “Organizations & Society” had organised a photography exhibition on the subject of “Research in motion” for the celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the University of Innsbruck. The exhibition intended to present a “moving journey through the colourful world of research projects”. 14 research projects were presented through photos – including the international and interdisciplinary three-generational and longitudinal study LifE, in which the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” is a participant. The exhibition took place in the Social Sciences building at Universitätsstraße 15. It ran from April till October 2019.


Innsbruck Summer Seminar on Methods in Empirical Social and Educational Research 2019

July 2019
The fourth Innsbruck Summer Seminar on methods in empirical social and educational research took place from July 1 to 5, 2019. Again, the Summer Seminar offered researchers of all levels from education research and associated disciplines the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of methodology under expert guidance. A total of 7 workshops on selected methods of social and educational research were offered. As in previous years, the Summer Seminar was organised by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies”, together with the research centre “Education, Generation, Life Courses”. Besides the long-term cooperation partner, the Austrian Society for Research and Development in Education (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen, ÖFEB), this year the Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and Development (Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation & Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens, BIFIE) also joined as a partner.


Keynote by Mag. Dr. Claudia Schreiner on the Subject of “Equality of Opportunities in the Austrian School System”

June 2019
On June 5, 2019, Mag. Dr. Claudia Schreiner of the Institute for Teacher Education and School Research of the University of Innsbruck was invited by the research centre “Education, Generation, Life Courses” and the the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” to give a presentation on the subject of equality of opportunities in the Austrian school system. Dr. Schreiner is one of the foremost experts on the Austrian school system. In her presentation, she addressed the question of the influence of social origin on the acquisition of educational qualifications in Austria.


Guest Lecture by Dr. Liat Yakhnich on the Subject of “Adaption of Immigrant Youth in Israel”

May 2019
On May 22, 2019, Dr. Liat Yakhnich was invited by the research centre “Education, Generation, Life Courses” and the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” to give a presentation titled “Problems of Adaptation of Immigrant Youth in Israel and its Consequences for Social Work”. Dr. Yakhnich is the head of the Department for Youth Development and a member of the Department of Criminology at Beit Berl College in Israel. In her guest lecture, she used several studies to describe the problems faced by young migrants in Israel and corresponding assistance offerings in the field of social work.


Innsbruck Summer School on Methods in Empirical Educational Research 2018

July 2018
The Innsbruck Methods Summer School was held from July 2 to 6, 2018, for the third time, again with a wide-ranging programme. In a total of six workshops held over one week, item-response theory, structural equation models, multi-level analysis, and large-scale assessments were examined in depth. Over 70 students, upcoming researchers, and academics from more than 20 universities from Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany were welcomed to the Summer School.


Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Faisal Azaiza on the Subject of “Social Work Education in Israel”

April 2018
On April 18, 2018, Professor Dr. Faisal Azaiza of Haifa University in Israel was invited by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” and the Management Centre Innsbruck (Department of Social Work) to give a presentation titled “Social Work Education in Israel”. Prof. Azaiza is a renowned researcher in the areas of social work and health sciences. Through his research and his education policy work, he is committed to cultural understanding between the different ethnic groups in Israel and to the promotion of the Arab minority. In his guest lecture, he provided an overview of the training of social workers in the multicultural and conflictual environment of Israel.


Long Night of Research 2018 – Adolescent Worlds in Family, School and Leisure Time

April 2018
The research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” was also represented at the Long Night of Research 2018 with its own station. Under the theme “What do today’s adolescent worlds look like, and is adult life influenced by adolescence?”, visitors were shown how different adolescent worlds are today and how significant experiences in adolescence can be for adult life. Posters and a film presented the research findings of several youth studies of the research and teaching unit. Visitors also had the opportunity to participate in a youth and education quiz and listen to brief presentations on current subjects in youth research.


Interdisciplinary Austrian Youth Conference “Youth - Adolescent World - Education. Perspectives for Research on Adolescence in Austria”

November 2017
From November 16 to 18, 2017, a large Austrian youth conference, organised by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies”, was held at the University of Innsbruck. The conference was aimed at researchers in Austria and at people in positions of responsibility in Austrian youth work and youth policy. The conference provided Austrian researchers on adolescence and young adulthood a platform to present its research activities and initiate a debate between research, practice, and policy. The conference was supported by various institutions in the field of youth studies, youth work and youth policy. i-point / Interview


Innsbruck Summer School on Methods in Empirical Educational Research 2017

July 2017
From July 3 to 7, 2017, the Innsbruck Summer School on Methods in Empirical Educational Research was held for the second time. It offered researchers the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of methodology at a high level. The positive feedback from the 1st Innsbruck Summer School in 2016 pushed the organisers to renew the further education event with an expanded programme. The Summer School was organised jointly by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies”, the research centre “Education - Generation – Life Courses” at the University of Innsbruck, and the section Empirical Educational Research of the Austrian Society for Research and Development in Education (ÖFEB). 


Guest Lecture by Romain Jammal-Abboud on the Subject of the “Professional Socialisation Process of Arab Social Workers in Israel

February 2017
At the start of February 2017, Ms Romain Jammal-Abboud was invited by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” and the Austria-Israel Academic Network Innsbruck (AIANI) as a guest lecturer. Ms Jammal-Abboud, MA. works as a researcher at Haifa University and as a lecturer in Social Work at various Israeli universities. She gave a guest lecture at the Palais Claudiana titled “Between Individualism and Collectivism: Guiding Arab Social Workers in Israel through the Professional Socialisation Process”.


Information Event on European Youth Projects

November 2016
On November 9, 2016, a presentation and information event titled “What is happening in European youth projects? Latest research results!” was held in the auditorium of the Instiute of Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Studies of the University of Innsbruck. The event was organised by the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” (Helmut Fennes, Susanne Gadinger) and by InfoEck Tirol, the youth support office of the State of Tyrol. The latest results from the Austrian study accompanying the Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme and various local youth projects were presented to the audience.


1st Innsbruck Summer School on Methods in Empirical Educational Research

July 2016
From July 4 to 7, 2016, the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” (Alfred Berger, Katharina Lunardon) and the Austrian Society for Research and Development in Education (ÖFEB) together organised the 1st Innsbruck Summer School on Methods in Empirical Educational Research. A workshop on structural equation models and a workshop on item-response theory were offered. Over 30 (upcoming) researchers from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland took part in the two workshops.


Long Night of Research 2016

April 2016
As part of this year’s Long Night of Research, the research and teaching unit on “Intergenerational Research, Educational Research and Youth Studies” (Alfred Berger, Katharina Lunardon, Andrea Umhauer) presented two of its larger projects (LifE + RAY) under the question “How does adolescence influence future life?”. The visitors were provided information through a video presentation and a diverse range of documents. There was also the opportunity to carry out a qualitative interview or participate in an online survey.


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