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Events & Media – Universität Innsbruck

Events & Media

European Calcium Channel Conference

This conference focus on the latest results from leading international research groups in the field of Ca-conducting cation channels. Some of these "calcium channels" are already known targets for approved drugs. Young scientists have the opportunity to present their results for discussion. This event are intended to draw the attention of the interested public to the research area and to stimulate scientific exchange in Germany, Austria and beyond.

Life Science PhD Meeting

The Life Science PhD Meeting provides a platform for scientists from the MUI and LFU, from undergraduate students up to PIs, to share their science, knowledge, experience and critical thinking. Furthermore, this is the ideal platform to encourage younger students to present their research for the first time to train this important skill for international conferences. The participants of the Life Science Meeting present excellent scientific work from numerous fields, which is only possible due to the huge variety of scientific interests from the many PhDresearch programs represented at the meeting.

CMBI Meeting



06/2024 Diabetes und Geschlecht WissenswertP. Tuluc
09/2023 Wenn die Gehirnzellen nicht richtig kommunizieren You Tube FWFJ. Striessnig
09/2023 Vorgestellt: Nadine Jasmin Ortner LFU, #gemeinsamJ. Striessnig
07/2023 Atmen und Riechen gegen die Angst scilogN. Singewald
05/2023 ÖAZ- Alumni-Pharmazie-Treffen ÖAZN. Singewald, A. Weidmann
03/2023 Lebenswichtige Kalziumkanäle gemeinsam erforschen Universität InnsbruckP.Tuluc, / A. Koschak / N. Ortner (CaxX PhD programme)
01/2023 Internationale Experten eröffnen neuen Pharmazie-masterUniversität InnsbruckJ. Striessnig
08/2022 Neue Studienangebote an der Universität Innsbruck - masterstudium Pharmaceutical SciencesAPAJ. Striessnig
06/2022 Epigenetics: Is DNA methylation a way forward in the treatment of anxiety?Progress in MindN. Singewald
02/2022 Forschungsgruppen Netzwerk FG 18 genehmigt: „Neurobiologie der Angst bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen“ Med Uni InnsbruckN. Singewald
09/2021 Zwölf FWF-Pro­jekte bewilligt Universität Innsbruck J. Striessnig / N. Singewald
09/2021 EVI TOP LIST of Women in European Vision Research and Ophthalmology 2021 vision-research.euA. Koschak / Molecular sensory physiology group 
04/2021 Kalzium­kanal: Krank­heits­gen für neu­ro­nale Ent­wick­lungs­stö­rung Universität InnsbruckCavX Phd Program / El Ghaleb et al.
03/2021 Meditation als mögliche Therapie bei Angststörungen credoweb N. Singewald / Neuropharmacology Group Gizewski et al. (Brain Behav.)
01/2021 Beste Disser­tatio­nen aus­gezeich­net Universität InnsbruckNadja Hofer, Anita Siller, Nadine Ortner, Jörg Striessnig
01/2020 Universität Innsbruck: Vier der meistzitierten Forscher Universität InnsbruckJörg Striessnig
10/2020 On the objectivity, reliability, and validity of deep learning enabled bioimage analyses eLife Sciences N. Singewald / Neuropharmacology Group
02/2020 För­de­rung des TWF ver­geben Universität Innsbruck N. Singewald, K. Ebner / Neuropharmacology Group
02/2020 Erfolg­reiche Nach­­wuchs­­forscher Universität Innsbruck  J. Striessnig

11/2019Wie Angst unser Gehirn verändert Medical University N. Singewald / Neuropharmacology Group / SFB-f44 Project
07/2019Bipo­lare Zel­len in der Netz­haut Universität Innsbruck A. Koschak / Molecular sensory physiology grou

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