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Journal service and reviewing – Universität Innsbruck

Journal service and reviewing

Research agency review process

-        Member of the Kuratorium of the Austrian Research Fund (FWF, 2017-)

Section editor (social psychology)

-        Acta Psychologica (2021-2023)

Associate editor

-        European Journal of Social Psychology (2012-2014)

-        Journal of Economic Psychology (2015-2017)

(Co)Editor special section (European Journal of Social Psychology):

Putting the Social (Psychology) into Social Media

(Co)Editor special issue of Technology, Mind, and Behavior:

Technology-mediated interactions and their impact on the human mind and behavior in a time of social distancing


Consulting editor

-        European Journal of Social Psychology (2011-2012, 2015-2022)

-        Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2012-)

-        The Journal of Social Psychology (2014-2017)

-        Social Psychology (2016-)

-        British Journal of Social Psychology (2017-)

-        Communication Research Reports (2017-2022)

-        Social Psychological and Personality Science (2018-2019)

-        European Review of Social Psychology (2019-2022)

-        Technology, Mind, and Behavior (2019-)

-        Aggressive Behavior (2020-)

-        Psychology of Violence (2024-)


Ad hoc reviewer for:

-        Psychological Bulletin

-        American Psychologist

-        Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

-        Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

-        Psychological Science

-        Personality and Social Psychology Review

-        Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

-        Perspectives on Psychological Science

-        Current Directions in Psychological Science

-        Molecular Psychiatry

-        Biological Psychiatry

-        Journal of Personality

-        Emotion

-        Epidemiologic Reviews

-        Pediatrics

-        Proceedings B

-        Health Psychology Review

-        Child Development

-        Developmental Psychology

-        Child Development Perspectives

-        Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

-        Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

-        Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

-        European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 

-        Social Psychological and Personality Science

-        Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

-        Cognition and Emotion

-        Acta Psychologica

-        Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

-        Review of General Psychology

-        European Review of Social Psychology

-        Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience

-        Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

-        Journal of Environmental Psychology

-        Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

-        Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

-        Journal of Youth and Adolescence

-        Journal of Adolescence

-        Experimental Psychology

-        Human Communication Research

-        Social and Personality Psychology Compass

-        Behavior Research Methods

-        European Journal of Social Psychology

-        British Journal of Social Psychology

-        British Journal of Psychology

-        Children and Youth Services Review

-        European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

-        International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior

-        Ethics & Behavior

-        Journal of Language and Education

-        Behaviour & Information Technology

-        Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

-        Journal of Clinical Medicine

-        Journal of Research in Personality

-        Journal of School Psychology

-        Technology, Mind, and Behavior

-        European Psychologist

-        Psychoneuroendocrinology

-        Body Image

-        Plos One

-        Personality and Individual Differences

-        Brain and Cognition

-        Social Science & Medicine

-        Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

-        Social Development

-        Psychology of Violence

-        Motivation and Emotion

-        Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

-        Social Cognition

-        Group Processes and Intergroup Relations

-        Political Psychology

-        Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

-        Aggressive Behavior

-        Journal of Interpersonal Violence

-        Computers in Human Behavior

-        Motivation Science

-        Psychological Research

-        Learning and Individual Differences

-        Journal of Adolescent Health

-        Personal Relationships

-        Evolutionary Psychology

-        Social Sciences Computer Review

-        Journal of Sustainable Tourism

-        Sustainability

-        Journal of Communication 

-        Communication Research

-        Communication Theory

-        Social Psychology

-        Social Justice Research

-        The Journal of Social Psychology

-        Media Psychology

-        Psychology, Health & Medicine

-        Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

-        Journal of Positive Psychology

-        Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research

-        Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media

-        Entertainment Computing

-        Interactive Learning Environments

-        Journal of Youth Studies

-        Royal Society Open Science

-        Music Perception

-        Musicae Scientiae

-        Poetics

-        Economic Inquiry

-        Group Dynamics

-        Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

-        Social Influence

-        Journal of Business Venturing

-        Communication Methods and Measures

-        Journal of Economic Psychology

-        Psychology of Popular Media Culture

-        Environmental Challenges  

-        Deviant Behavior

-        Anxiety, Stress, & Coping

-        Legal and Criminological Psychology

-        Journal of the National Medical Association

-        Violence Against Women

-        American Journal of Psychology

-        The Journal of General Psychology

-        Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology

-        Cognitive Development

-        Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

-        Journal of Experimental Criminology

-        Journal of Media Economics

-        Justice Quarterly

-        European Journal of Neuroscience

-        Social Neuroscience

-        Physiology & Behavior  

-        Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

-        Sex Roles

-        Current Psychology

-        Teaching and Teacher education

-        International Journal of Hospitality Management

-        New Media and Society

-        Swiss Journal of Psychology

-        Behaviour & Information Technology

-        Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma

 -       Societies

-        International Journal of Psychology

-        Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion

-        Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

-        Journal of Marketing Communications

-        Social Psychology Quarterly

-        Journal of Risk Research

-        Color Research and Application

-        Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies

-        Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace

-        Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

-        Comprehensive Psychology

-        Science and Education

-        Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

-        Applied Psychology: An International Review

-        Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour 

-        Applied Cognitive Psychology

-        Museum Management and Curatorship

-        Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science

-        Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

-        Small Group Research

-        Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

-        Basic and Applied Social Psychology

-        Journal of Applied Social Psychology

-        Emerging Adulthood

-        The Journal of Moral Education

-        Behaviour & Information Technology

-        International Journal of Computer Games Technology

-        Psychology, Crime and Law

-        Journal of Children and Media

-        Asian Journal of Social Psychology

-        Asian Pacific Education Review

-        Asian Journal of Communication

-        PsyCh Journal

-        The International Journal of Human Resource Management

-        Transactions on Applied Perception

-        International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

-        Games for Health Journal

-        Communication Research Reports

-        Interaction Studies

-        Children and Youth Services Review

-        Heliyon

-        SAGE Open

-        Discover Psychology

-        Social Sciences

-        Diagnosis

-        Journal of Occupational Science

-        Journal of Bioeconomics

-        BuR - Business Research

-        The Social Science Journal

-        Advances in Mental Health

-        Social Sciences & Humanities Open

-        Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain

-        Sexuality and Culture

-        Journal of Psychology

-        European sport Management Quarterly

-        Psychology of Music

-        The Spanish Journal of Psychology

-        Journal of Media Psychology

-        Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies

-        Social Behavior and Personality

-        Revista de Psicología Social

-        Psychological Reports

-        Psychologische Rundschau

-        Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

-        Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie

-        Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie

-        Wirtschaftspsychologie

-        Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

-        Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht

-        Kriminologie

-        Oxford Bibliographies


Other professional activities

-        Panel member Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

-        Academy of Finland

-        Reviewer National Science Foundation

-        Reviewer DFG

-        Reviewer British Academy

-        Reviewer ESRC

-        Reviewer ANR

-        Reviewer Leverhulme

-        Reviewer Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

-        Reviewer Templeton Foundation

-        Reviewer Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen

-        Reviewer Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

-        Reviewer TWF

-        Reviewer Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF)

-        Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

-        Reviewer Foundation for Polish Science

-        Reviewer Sapienza University of Rom

-        Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank

-        University Tenure Review (Northwestern University)

-        Dozent und Juror bei der Bayerischen Elite-Akademie

-        Tutor bei der Bayerischen Elite-Akademie

-        Dozent im Rahmen des Elitenetzwerks Bayern

-        Member of the organizing committee of the 16th General Meeting of the EASP in Stockholm (2011)

-        Member of the organizing committee of the 19th General Meeting of the EASP in Krakow (2020)

-        Member of the Academy of Finland's review panel on psychology

-        Reviewer for the 17th General Meeting of the EASP in Amsterdam

-        APS Fellow


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