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Recent publications – Universität Innsbruck

Current publications

Publications as well as other achievements in research teaching of this year, but also of previous years, can be retrieved via Research Performance Database (FLD) . There you can search for individual researchers and institutes as well as research platforms and centres.

Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2024): Prüfung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten - Teil 1: Prüfungsziele der CSRD und Prüfungsstandards.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 4, pp. 128 - 134.

  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2024): Prüfung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten –
    Teil 2: Anforderungen und Herausforderungen des ED ISSA 5000.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 5, pp. 152 - 161.

  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2024): Wer darf Nachhaltigkeitsberichte prüfen? Anforderungen der CSRD und kritische Würdigung der in Frage kommenden Institutionen.
    In: Reporting & Wirtschaft kompakt 2024/6, pp. 198 - 208. (Web link)

  • Becker, Marcus; Georgiou, Nadine; Kreße, Bernhard; Kühn, Svenja (2024): Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun. Ein Recht auf Erklärbarkeit von Black Box-Algorithmen am Beispiel der automatisierten Anlageberatung.
    In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht. Wertpapier-Mitteilungen. Teil IV 78/25, pp. 1145 - 1151. (Web link)

  • Carey, Peter; Eierle, Brigitte; Hartlieb, Sven (online first): Audit Staff Satisfaction and Audit Quality: Evidence from the Private Client Market Segment.
    In: European Accounting Review. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eierle, Brigitte; Arvidsson, Susanne; Hartlieb, Sven (2024): Job satisfaction and investment efficiency – Evidence from crowdsourced employer reviews.
    In: European Management Journal 42/2, pp. 266 - 280. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hartlieb, Sven; Eierle, Brigitte (2024): Do Auditors Respond to Clients’ Climate Change-related External Risks? Evidence from Audit Fees.
    In: European Accounting Review 33/3, pp. 1075 - 1103. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hummel, Katrin; Mittelbach-Hörmanseder, Stéphanie; Cho, Charles H.; Matten, Dirk (2024): Corporate social responsibility disclosure: a topic-based approach.
    In: Accounting and Business Research 54/1, pp. 87 - 124. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Keller, Isabell; Eierle, Brigitte; Hartlieb, Sven (2024): Auditors’ Carbon Risk Consideration under the EU Emission Trading System.
    In: Accounting in Europe 32/2, pp. 14 - 43. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (in press): Sustainability Outlook: Sustainability Reporting requirements in the European Union.
    In: Kirsch, Robert J.; et al: Modern History of Accounting in Europe: A Comparison of Selected European Member States
    and the United Kingdom. Erlangen: FAU University Press.

  • Guo, Meng; Hartlieb, Sven; Lasse, Niemi (2024): Provision of Non-Audit Services in European Countries.
    In: Ahsen, von Anette; Schiereck, Dirk; Wolz, Matthias: Quick Notes on Accounting. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 978-3-95710-407-6, pp. 343 - 362. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich (2024): Methodologische Grundlagen.
    In: Urnik, Sabine; Kanduth-Kristen, Sabine; Eberhartinger, Eva; Hirschler, Klaus; Niemann, Rainer; Tumpel, Michael: Handbuch der österreichischen Steuerlehre, Band I. Grundlagen der Unternehmensbesteuerung: Ertragsteuern, Grunderwerbsteuer, Umsatzsteuer. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac., ISBN 978-3-7007-8386-2, pp. 1 - 26. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2024): Neue Regelungen zur Prüfung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte - Implikationen der CSRD für die Aufsichtsrattätigkeit.
    In: Der Aufsichtsrat akutell - Fachinformation für verantwortungsvolle Überwachung und Beratung von Unternehmen 20/4, pp. 133 - 143. (Web link)

Publications 2023


Textbook, Scientific
  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2023): Internationale Prüfungsstandards-International Standards on Auditing. Eine Einführung. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac. ISBN 978-3-7007-8576-7. 8., neu bearb. Auflage. (Web link)

  • Bitzyk, Peter; Steckel, Rudolf (2023): Der Jahresabschluss - Konzernabschluss. Mit Hinweisen auf die International Financial Reporting Standards. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac. ISBN 978-3-7007-8517-0. 10., neu bearbeitete Auflage. (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich (2023): Steuerrecht I. Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe - Einkommensteuer - Körperschaftsteuer. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac. ISBN 978-3-7007-8537-8. 15., aktual. Auflage. (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich (2023): Steuerrecht II. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac. ISBN 978-3-7007-8536-1. 13., neu bearb. Auflage. (Web link)

  • Steckel, Rudolf; Bitzyk, Peter (2023): Der Jahresabschluss. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac. ISBN 978-3-7007-8516-3. 11., neu bearbeit. Auflage. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2023): Sustainability Assurance Engagements - Im Lichte der Anforderungen der CSRD und der Standardsetzung des IAASB.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 7-8, pp. 238 - 249. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Holzknecht, Simona (2023): Reform der Abschlussprüferaufsicht in Österreich und Deutschland - Wo liegen die festgestellten Mängel bei der Abschlussprüfung? Ein Rückblick auf die ersten (fünf) Tätigkeitsjahre.
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 2023/13, pp. 722 - 743. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Holzknecht, Simona; Steller, Marcel (2023): Perceived Attractiveness of Tax Consultancy and Auditing Professions: Insights from a German-speaking Area.
    In: Sage Open 13/1, online. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hosp, Irina; Kraft, Benjamin; Graschitz, Sabine (2023): Wie werden Nachhaltigkeitsberichte geprüft? Eine Analyse von Prüfungsvermerken zu Nachhaltigkeitsberichten von DAX30- und ATX-Prime Unternehmen für Geschäftsjahre von 2015 – bis 2020.
    In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 2023/4, pp. 505 - 529. (Web link)

  • Mittelbach-Hörmanseder, Stéphanie; Pfanner, Sophia (2023): Inflationsbedingte Anhebung der Schwellenwerte für Größenklassen.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 2023/12, No. 65. (Web link)

  • Ortmann, Regina; Pummerer, Erich (2023): Distortional efects of separate accounting and formula apportionment on factor allocation.
    In: Journal of Business Economics 93, pp. 1277 - 1307. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Preller, Niklas; Pelger, Christoph (2023): Risikovorsorge nach IFRS 9 bei österreichischen Banken. Eine empirische Analyse der Geschäftsjahre 2018–2022.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 2023/12, pp. 374 - 380. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Baldauf, Julia (2023): IAASB Fact Sheet: Die "Fraud Linse" - Beziehung des ISA 240 zu anderen ISAs.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2023/3, pp. 60 - 65. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia (2023): IAASB Fact Sheet: Interaktion zwischen ISA 220 Revised, ISQM 1 und ISA 600.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2023/1, pp. 18 - 21. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia (2023): IAASB veröffentlicht neue FAQs zur praktischen Anwendung von automatisierten Tools und Techniken (ATT) im Zusammenhang mit Fragen der Wesentlichkeit.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2023/2, pp. 22 - 29. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine (2023): Prüfung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte - Anforderungen der CSRD und Standardsetzung des IAASB.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2023/3, pp. 6 - 20. (Web link)

Publications 2022

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Cot, José R.; Treisch, Corinna (2022): The legal framework for doing business in Austria.
    In: Currents: Journal of International Economic Law 25/1, pp. 19 - 41. (Web link)

  • Georgiou, Nadine; Sobczynski, Gina (2022): Die ökonomische Sichtweise des RTF-Leitfadens: Operative Resilienz.
    In: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 75/17, pp. 30 - 35. (Web link)

  • Georgiou, Nadine; Sobczynski, Gina (2022): Umsetzung der Neuausrichtung der Risikotragfähigkeit in Banken.
    In: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 75/3, pp. 24 - 29. (Web link)

  • Hosp, Irina; Kraft, Benjamin (2022): Quo vadis Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung?
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 2022/4, pp. 111 - 117. (Web link)

  • Petry, Tanja; Treisch, Corinna; Peters, Mike (2022): Designing job ads to stimulate the decision to apply: a discrete choice experiment with business students.
    In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 33/15, pp. 3019 - 3055. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich; Steller, Marcel (2022): Sanierung verbotener Einlagenrückgewähr und Jahresabschluss.
    In: Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht und angrenzendes Steuerrecht 2022/8, pp. 367 - 372. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2022): Prüfungsdokumentation bei der Verwendung von automatisierten Tools und Techniken.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/1, pp. 18 - 21. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2022): Prüfungsplanung bei der Verwendung automatisierter Tools und Techniken.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/1, pp. 18 - 21. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2022): Risikoidentifikation und -beurteilung unter Berücksichtigung von automatisierten Tools und Techniken.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/2, pp. 28 - 32. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine (2022): Vortragsnachlese zu Regnose und Prognose - wie uns die nächsten 70 Jahre gelingen werden.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/2, pp. 73 - 74. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Hochreiter, Klaus (2022): Von 0 auf 100 Bewerbungen pro Job – Praxisbericht des New-Work Pioniers eMAGNETIX.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/4, pp. 66 - 68. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Komarek, Michael; Pajer, Christian (2022): Aktuelles zu/r Qualitätssicherung/-sprüfungen und Inspektionen.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2022/4, pp. 13 - 16. (Web link)

Publications 2021


Textbook, Scientific
  • Pummerer, Erich (2021): Unternehmensbewertung von KMU. Grundlagen, Umsetzung und Plausibilität. Wien: Linde Verlag. ISBN 9783707342499. 2., aktual. Auflage. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Aust, Viktoria; Pelger, Christoph; Drefahl, Christian (2021): Exploring the relationship between valuation and stewardship uses of accounting information: Empirical evidence from German listed firms.
    In: Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 42, No. 100375. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Georgiou, Nadine; Heilmann, Melina (2021): Bessere Kommunikation in der Finanzberichterstattung? Eine systematische Auswertung der Reaktionen auf den Entwurf ED/2019/7.
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 8, pp. 501 - 513.

  • Hosp, Irina; Kraft, Benjamin (2021): Die IFRS Foundation als neuer Standardsetzer für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung. Eine Analyse der Stellungnahmen zu den Vorschlägen im Exposure Draft ED/2021/5.
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 74/22, pp. 1395 - 1403. (Web link)

  • Hosp, Irina; Kraft, Benjamin (2021): Zur Zukunft der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung. Analyse der Stellungnahmen zu ausgewählten Fragen des Konsultationspapiers „Sustainability Reporting“ der IFRS Foundation.
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 74/13, pp. 825 - 832. (Web link)

  • Kraft, Benjamin (2021): Die neuen ESMA Guidelines on Enforcement of Financial Information - Alles beim Alten?
    In: Kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung - Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung 21/4, pp. 174 - 180. (Web link)

  • Kraft, Benjamin; Hosp, Irina (2021): Eine neue Ära der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung? Analyse des Richtlinienentwurfs zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung der Europäischen Kommission.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 2021/56/10, pp. 295 - 300. (Web link)

  • Kraft, Benjamin; Pelger, Christoph (2021): Das deutsche Finanzmarktintegritätsstärkungsgesetz (FISG) - Implikationen für das österreichische Enforcement?
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 10, pp. 317 - 322. (Web link)

  • Kraft, Benjamin; Pelger, Christoph (2021): Der Fall Wirecard und das zweistufige Enforcement-System - Implikationen für Österreich.
    In: RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht & Rechnungswesen 31/3, pp. 75 - 81. (Web link)

  • Meusburger, Pia; Pelger, Christoph (2021): Wie wirkt Enforcement auf die Rechnungslegungspraxis? – Einblicke aus Deutschland und Österreich.
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 74/9, pp. 568 - 574. (Web link)

  • Oberwallner, Kathrin; Pelger, Christoph; Sellhorn, Thorsten (2021): Preparers’ Construction of Users’ Information Needs in Corporate Reporting: A Case Study.
    In: European Accounting Review 30/5, pp. 855 - 886. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich; Steller, Marcel (2021): Auditor’s Income Taxation and Audit Quality.
    In: Sage Open 11/3. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Djanani, Christiana; Steckel, Rudolf; Graschitz, Sabine (2021): § 269: Gegenstand und Umfang der Prüfung.
    In: Bertl, Romuald; Fröhlich, Christop; Mhandl, Dieter: Handbuch Rechnungslegung - Band III: Die Abschlussprüfung. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac., ISBN 978-3-7007-7465-5, 2., überarbeitete Auflage. (Web link)

  • Kraft, Benjamin; Pelger, Christoph (2021): Enforcement in Europa – Problemfelder und Potenziale.
    In: Mittelbach-Hörmanseder, Stéphanie; Schiebel, Alexander: Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung: Aktuelle Fragestellungen der Rechnungslegung und angrenzender Themengebiete. Festschrift für Romuald Bertl. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac., ISBN 978-3-7007-7950-6, pp. 89 - 100. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Hammer, Sabine; van Essen, Luciano; Hugl, Ulrike (2021): Questioning the Austrian Universities’ Distance Learning Landscape during the COVID-19 Crisis.
    In: International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education: Proceedings of ‏The 3rd International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education. 26-28 February 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam: Diamond Scienticic Publishing., ISBN 978-609-485-131-5, p. 91. (Web link)

  • Hugl, Ulrike (2021): In situ: Chip under Your Skin?
    In: Wills, Gary; Kacsuk, Péter; Chang, Victor: IoTBDS 2021 - Final Program and Book of Abstract. 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. 23.-25.04.2021, online. Setubal: SciTEPress., p. 36. (Web link)

  • Hugl, Ulrike; Hammer, Sabine; van Essen, Luciano (2021): Responding to the COVID-19 crisis? A survey of scientific staff at Austrian public universities.
    In: Proceedings of the 6th Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference. Online, 22-23 April, 2021. Budapest: Central European University (CEU) / Közep-Europai Egyetem / Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest / Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem. (Web link)

  • van Essen, Luciano; Hugl, Ulrike; Hammer, Sabine (2021): Coping with COVID-19: Working Challenges for Scientists at Austrian Public Universities.
    In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings. 13th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Online Conference, 5-6 July, 2021. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (= EDULEARN Proceedings)., ISBN 978-84-09-31267-2, p. 11315. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2021): International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 2 „Auftragsbegleitende Qualitätssicherung“.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2021/3, pp. 46 - 51. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2021): ISA 220 Revised Qualitätsmanagement für Abschlussprüfungsaufträge. International Standard on Auditing 220 Revised “Quality Management for an Audit of Financial Statements”.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2, pp. 20 - 24. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2021): ISA 720 Verantwortlichkeit des Abschlussprüfers im Zusammenhang mit sonstigen Informationen. ISA 720 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 1, pp. 29 - 32. (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine (2021): Prüfung von „Less Complex Entities“ – ein praktikabler Vorschlag des IAASB?
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2, pp. 6 - 9. (Web link)

Publications 2020


Textbook, Scientific
  • Steckel, Rudolf; Baldauf, Julia (2020): Internationale Prüfungsstandards. International Standards on Auditing. Eine Einführung. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac (= Orac-Wirtschaftsskripten). ISBN 978-3-7007-7799-1. 7., aktualisierte Auflage, bearbeitete Ausgabe. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Aust, Viktoria; Morais, Ana Isabel; Pinto, Inês (2020): How does foreign direct investment contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from African countries.
    In: Journal of Cleaner Production 245, No. 118823. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Graschitz, Sabine; Müller, Claudia (2020): A teaching concept for auditing – Evaluation of the ILPA case.
    In: Accounting Education: An International journal 29/4, pp. 372 - 408. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Haid, Marco; Mühlburger, Magdalena; Heimerl, Peter (2020): Brennpunkt „dolose Handlungen“ - Definitionen, Täterprofile und Manipulationen im Geschäftsbericht.
    In: Der Betriebswirt. Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis 61/1, pp. 23 - 41. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Graschitz, Sabine; Holzknecht, Simona (2020): Wie agiert die Abschlussprüferaufsicht in Österreich und Deutschland?
    In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 2020/22, pp. 1341 - 1348. (Web link)

  • Haid, Marco; Steller, Marcel; Graschitz, Sabine; Heimerl, Peter (2020): Holen Österreichs Aufsichtsräte auf? Ein Vergleich der Aufsichtsratsvergütung in Österreich und Deutschland.
    In: Der Betrieb - Wochenzeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeitsrecht 20, pp. 1017 - 1021. (Web link)

  • Kopp, Peter; Scherz, Bernd; Schillinger, Christoph; Sommer, Andreas; Steckel, Rudolf; Wurditsch, Josef; Zenz, Christian (2020): Bezüge (-Regelungen) in der gemeinnützigen Wohnungswirtschaft. Ein Beitrag zum laufenden Prozess einer finalen Festlegung per Verordnung und brancheneigenem Kodex.
    In: Wohnrechtliche Blätter 33/9, pp. 283 - 296. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pelger, Christoph (2020): The Return of Stewardship, Reliability and Prudence – A Commentary on the IASB’s New Conceptual Framework.
    In: Accounting in Europe 17/1, pp. 33 - 51. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Petry, T; Treisch, C; Bullinger, B (2020): The logic of attraction: exploring the institutional complexity of job preferences.
    In: Employee Relations - the international journal 42/6, pp. 1465 - 1485. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Marten, Kai-Uwe; Graschitz, Sabine (2020): Digitalisierung in der Wirtschaftsprüfung – Herausforderungen und Chancen.
    In: Institut Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer (IWP): Wirtschaftsprüfer-Jahrbuch 2020. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4210-9, pp. 3 - 23. (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich; Eberhartinger, Eva; Moshammer, Alexander; Leyrer, Patrick (2020): Einführung.
    In: Eberhartinger, Eva; Pummerer, Erich: Handbuch der österreichischen Steuerlehre Band V: Internationale Steuerplanung. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac., ISBN 978-3-7007-6588-2, 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, pp. 1 - 20. (Web link)

  • Pummerer, Erich; Moßhammer, Alexander (2020): Das Außensterrecht Österreichs.
    In: Eberhartinger, Eva; Pummerer, Erich: Handbuch der österreichischen Steuerlehre Band V: Internationale Steuerplanung. Wien: LexisNexis ARD Orac., ISBN 978-3-7007-6588-2, 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, pp. 171 - 236.

  • Pummerer, Erich; Steller, Marcel; Moßhammer, Alexander (2020): Ertragsbesteuerung und attraktive Arbeitsplätze.
    In: Kanduth-Kristen, Sabine; Urnik, Sabine; Fritz-Schmied, Grudrun: Gedenkschrift Herbert Kofler, Herausforderungen im Unternehmenssteuerrecht und in der Rechnungslegung. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4166-9, pp. 137 - 160. (Web link)

  • Steckel, Rudolf (2020): Entwicklungen in den Internationalen Prüfungsstandards und den Internationalen Berufsgrundsätzen.
    In: Kanduth-Kristen, Sabine; Urnik, Sabine; Fritz-Schmied, Grudrun: Gedenkschrift Herbert Kofler, Herausforderungen im Unternehmenssteuerrecht und in der Rechnungslegung. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4166-9, pp. 553 - 580. (Web link)

  • Steckel, Rudolf; Graschitz, Sabine; Holzknecht, Simona (2020): Internationale Prüfungsstandards und Digitalisierung in der Abschlussprüfung.
    In: Urnik, Sabine; Kirchmayr, Sabine; Steinhauser, Elisabeth: Besteuerung und Wirtschaftsprüfung im Kontext der Digitalisierung. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4086-0, pp. 169 - 190. (Web link)

  • Treisch, Corinna (2020): Concepts of Income and Taxable Capacity.
    In: Kanduth-Kristen, Sabine; Urnik, Sabine; Fritz-Schmied, Grudrun: Gedenkschrift Herbert Kofler, Herausforderungen im Unternehmenssteuerrecht und in der Rechnungslegung. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4166-9, pp. 381 - 406. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Hugl, Ulrike (2020): Am I really becoming a cyborg? Human implants as the next big Security, Privacy and Ethics Debate.
    In: Proceedings DeepINTEL Conference - Focus on Security Intelligence. 18 November 2020, Vienna, Austria. Wien: DeepSec., online. (Web link)

  • Hugl, Ulrike (2020): "Security of brains?” - Analyzing HUMINT operations and information correction techniques.
    In: Proceedings DeepINTEL Conference - Focus on Security Intelligence. 18 November 2020, Vienna, Austria. Wien: DeepSec., online. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2020): ISA 315 (Revised 2019) Identifizierung und Beurteilung der Risiken wesentlicher falscher Darstellungen.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2020/1, pp. 14 - 17. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2020): ISA 315 (Revised 2019) Identifizierung und Beurteilung der Risiken wesentlicher falscher
    Darstellungen. Teil 2 Anforderungen.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2020/2, pp. 36 - 40. (Web link)

  • Baldauf, Julia; Steckel, Rudolf (2020): ISA 320 Die Wesentlichkeit bei der Planung und Durchführung einer Abschlussprüfung. ISA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit.
    In: Journal des Instituts Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer 2020/3, pp. 22 - 25. (Web link)

Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bachler, Sebastian; Flecke, Sarah Lynn; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (2024): Carbon Pricing, Carbon Dividends and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 225, pp. 37 - 50. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fišar, M.; Greiner, B.; Huber, C.; Katok, E.; Ozkes, A.; ..., ...; Holzmeister, Felix; Woods, Daniel; Walzl, Markus; König genannt Kersting, Christian; Stefan, Matthias; The Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration (2024): Reproducibility in Management Science.
    In: Management Science 70/3, pp. 1343 - 2022. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Flecke, Lynn Sarah; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (Early View): Nature Experiences and Pro-Environmental Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
    In: Journal of Environmental Psychology. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Kirchler, Michael; König genannt Kersting, Christian (2024): Financial professionals and climate experts have diverging perspectives on climate action.
    In: Communications Earth & Environment 5/1, Nr. 159. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Johannesson, Magnus; Böhm, Robert; Dreber, Anna; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2024): Heterogeneity in effect size estimates.
    In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121/32, No. e2403490121. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Horn, Samantha; Litovsky, Yana; George Loewenstein (2024): Using curiosity to counter health information avoidance.
    In: Social Science & Medicine 340, No. 116383. (DOI) (Web link)

  • König genannt Kersting, Christian (Early View): On the robustness of social norm elicitation.
    In: Journal of the Economic Science Association-JESA. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Menkveld, Albert J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; ..., ...; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Lindner, T.; et, al. (2024): Nonstandard Errors.
    In: Journal of Finance 79/3, pp. 2339 - 2390. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pérignon, Christophe; Akmansoy, Olivier; Hurlin, Christophe; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Menkveld, Albert J.; Razen, Michael; Weitzel, Utz (Early View): Computational Reproducibility in Finance: Evidence from 1,000 Tests.
    In: The Review of Financial Studies, p. hhae029. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yeung, Hak; Huber, Jürgen (2024): Has China's Belt and Road Initiative positively impacted the Economic Complexity of Host Countries? Empirical Evidence.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 69, pp. 246 - 258. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
  • Bachler, Sebastian; Holzknecht, Armando; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2024): From individual choices to the 4-Eyes-Principle: The Big Robber Game revisited among Financial Professionals and Students.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2024, No. 04. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Pérignon, C.; Akmansoy, O.; Hurlin, C.; Dreber, A.; Holzmeister, F.; Huber, J.; Johannesson, M.; Kirchler, M.; Menkveld, A.; Razen, M.; Weitzel, U. (2024): Reproducibility of empirical results: evidence from 1,000 tests in finance. (Web link)

  • Pérignon, Christophe; Akmansoy, Olivier; Hurlin, Christophe; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Menkveld, Albert J.; Razen, Michael; Weitzel, Utz (2024): Computational Reproducibility in Finance: Evidence from 1,000 Tests. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sarafoglou, Alexandra; Hoogeveen, Suzanne; van den Bergh, Don; ..., ...; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; et al (2024): Subjective Evidence Evaluation Survey For Multi-Analyst Studies. (Web link)

Publications 2023

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Hackethal, Andrea; Kirchler, Michael; Laudenbach, Christine; Razen, Michael; Weber, Annika (2023): On the role of monetary incentives in risk preference elicitation experiments.
    In: Journal Of Risk And Uncertainty 66, pp. 189 - 213. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holmén, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Wengström, Erik (2023): Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population.
    In: Economic Journal 133/656, pp. 2949 - 2977. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Holmen, Martin; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Wengström, Erik (2023): Delegation decisions in finance.
    In: Management Science 69/8, pp. 4363 - 4971. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Dreber, Anna; Huber, Jürgen; ..., ...; Kirchler, Michael; Woods, Daniel John; Holzmeister, Felix; et, al (2023): Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs.
    In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120/23, No. e2215572120. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kirchler, Michael; Huber, Christoph (2023): Experiments in finance - A Survey of historical trends.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 37, No. 100737. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kling, Luisa; König-Kersting, Christian; Trautmann, Stefan T. (2023): Investment Preferences and Risk Perception: Financial Agents versus Clients.
    In: Journal of Banking and Finance 154, No. 106489. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • König genannt Kersting, Christian; Kops, Christopher; Trautmann, T. Stefan (2023): A Test of (Weak) Certainty Independence.
    In: Journal of Economic Theory 209, No. 105623. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lawrenz, Jochen; Oberndorfer, Julia (2023): What Drives Negative Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities? Revenue Effect Versus Corporate Life-Cycle Dynamics.
    In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 75, pp. 483 - 518. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stefan, Matthias; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Sutter, Matthias; Walzl, Markus (2023): Monetary and Social Incentives in Multi-Tasking: The Ranking Substitution Effect.
    In: European Economic Review 156, No. 104458. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Umlandt, Dennis (2023): Score-driven asset pricing: Predicting time-varying risk premia based on cross-sectional model performance.
    In: Journal of Econometrics 237/2 (Part C), No. 105470. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weitzel, Utz; Kirchler, Michael (2023): The Banker's Oath and financial advice.
    In: Journal of Banking and Finance 148, No. 106750. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yeung, Hak; Huber, Jürgen (2023): China's Belt and Road Initiative and Life Expectancy in Host Countries: Empirical Analysis".
    In: International Advances in Economic Research 29, pp. 225 - 242. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
  • Aschenwald, Marco; Holzknecht, Armando; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael (2023): Determinants of financial literacy and behavioral bias among adolescents.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023, No. 01. (Web link)

  • Bachler, Sebastian; Erhart, Andrea; Holzknecht, Armando (2023): Replication Report on Altmann et al. (2022).
    In: I4R Discussion Paper Series. (Web link)

  • Bachler, Sebastian; Flecke, Sarah Lynn; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (2023): Carbon Pricing, Carbon Dividends and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023, No. 07. (Web link)

  • Flecke, Sarah Lynn; Schwaiger, Rene; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2023): Nature Experiences and Pro-Environmental Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023, No. 90. (Web link)

  • Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Kirchler, Michael; König-Kersting, Christian (2023): Climate Crisis Attitudes among Financial Professionals and Climate Experts.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023-06. (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, F.; Johannesson, M.; Böhm, R.; Dreber, A.; Huber, J.; Kirchler, M. (2023): Heterogeneity in effect size estimates: Empirical evidence and practical implications.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023, No.17. (Web link)

  • Xu, Xiaogeng; Metsälampi, Satu; Kirchler, Michale; Kotakorpi, Kaisa; Matthews, Peter; Miettinen, Topi (2023): Which income comparisons matter to people and how? Evidence from a large field experiment.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2023, No. 05. (Web link)

Publications 2022


Textbook, Scientific
  • Auer, Kurt (2022): Kennzahlen für die Praxis. Betriebswirtschaftliche Instrumente für Geschäftsführer - Management, Finanzleiter - Controller, Steuerberater - Wirtschaftsprüfer, Banken. Wien: Linde Verlag (= Steuer- und Wirtschaftskartei. SWK-Spezial). ISBN 978-3-7073-4498-1. 2., aktual. Auflage. (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schredelseker, Klaus (2022): Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft. Ein informationsökonomischer Zugang. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (= De Gruyter Studium). ISBN 978-3-11-077035-3. 4. erw & überarb. Auflage. (DOI) (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Böhm, Robert; Litovsky, Yana; Sprengholz, Philipp; Brewer, Noel T.; Chapmann, Gretchen; Leask, Julie; Loewenstein, George; Scherzer, Martha; Sunstein, Cass R.; Kirchler, Michael (2022): Crowdsourcing interventions to promote uptake of COVID-19 booster vaccines.
    In: EClinicalMedicine 53, No. 101632. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dufwenberg, Martin; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Schwaiger, Rene (2022): Mean markets or kind commerce?
    In: Journal of Public Economics 209, No. 104648. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Farago, Adam; Holmén, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael (2022): Cognitive skills and economic preferences in the fund industry.
    In: Economic Journal 132/648, pp. 1737 - 1764. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Heinicke, Franziska; König genannt Kersting, Christian; Schmidt, Robert (2022): Injunctive vs. Descriptive Social Norms and Reference Group Dependence.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 195, pp. 199 - 218. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hirota, Shinichi; Huber, Jürgen; Stöckl, Thomas; Sunder, Shyam (2022): Speculation, Money Supply and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 200, pp. 1275 - 1296. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (2022): Nudging debtors to pay their debt. Two randomized controlled trials.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 198, pp. 535 - 551. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2022): Volatility shocks and investment behavior.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 194, pp. 56 - 70. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Jürgen; Hueber, Laura; Kleinlercher, Daniel; Stöckl, Thomas (2022): Acceptance or rejection of welfare migration – An experimental investigation.
    In: SN Business & Economics 2, No. 179. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Jürgen; Sabiou, Inoua; Kerschbamer, Rudolf; König genannt Kersting, Christian; Palan, Stefan; Vernon, Smith (2022): Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review.
    In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119/41, No.e2205779119. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hueber, Laura; Schwaiger, Rene (2022): Debiasing Through Experience Sampling: The Case of Myopic Loss Aversion.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 198, pp. 87 - 138. (DOI) (Web link)

  • König genannt Kersting, Christian; Trautmann, Stefan T.; Vlahu, Razvan (2022): Bank instability: Interbank linkages and the role of disclosure.
    In: Journal of Banking and Finance 134, No. 106353. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kupfer, A.; Oberndorfer, J.; Kunz, F. (2022): Why do corporate cash holdings differ within reunified Germany?
    In: Journal of Business Economics 92, pp. 197 - 232. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Litovsky, Yana; Loewenstein, George; Horn, Samantha; Olivola, Christopher Y. (2022): Loss aversion, the endowment effect, and gain-loss framing shape preferences for noninstrumental information.
    In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119/34, No. e2202700119. (DOI) (Web link)

  • McEvoy, David; Haller, Tobias; Blanco, Esther (2022): The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation.
    In: Environmental & Resource Economics 81/4, pp. 685 - 710. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schmidt, Robert; Heinicke, Franziska; König genannt Kersting, Christian (2022): Using coordination games to measure beliefs.
    In: Economics Letters 219, No. 110821. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schwaiger, Rene; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Kleinlercher, Daniel; Weitzel, Utz (2022): Unequal Opportunities, Social Groups and Redistribution.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 100, No. 101911. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yeung, Hak; Huber, Jürgen (2022): Further evidence on China’s B&R impact on host countries’ quality of institutions.
    In: Sustainability 14/9, No. 5451. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
  • Stefan, Matthias; Holmén, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Wengström, Erik (2022): You can’t always get what you want—An experiment on finance professionals’ decisions for others.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2022 - 02. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Füllbrunn, Sascha; Huber, Christoph; König-Kersting, Christian (2022): Experimental Finance and Financial Professionals.
    In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 64 - 72. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Heim, Réka; Huber, Jürgen (2022): Nudging and RCTs in Finance: A review of recent literature.
    In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 395 - 407. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Christoph; Palan, Stefan (2022): A critical perspective on the conceptualization of risk in behavioral and experimental finance.
    In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 408 - 413. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva; Razen, Michael (2022): Experiential learning in finance education – Applying experimental finance methodology.
    In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 362 - 374. (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Thompson, Jacqueline M; Dreber, Anna; Gaunt, Tom; Gordon, Michael; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Juergen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Lyon, Matthew S; Penton-Voak, Ian; Pfeiffer, Thomas; Munafò, Marcus R (2022): Using prediction markets to estimate ratings of academic research quality in a mock. Research Excellence Framework exercise. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yeung, Hak; Huber, Jürgen (2022): China's Belt and Road Initiative and Life Expectancy in Host Countries. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yeung, Hak; Huber, Jürgen (2022): Impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative on the Economic Complexity of Host Countries: Empirical Evidence. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2021

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Aczel, Balazs; Szaszi, Barnabas; Nilsonne, Gustav; van den Akker, Olmo R.; Albers, Casper J.; van Assen, Marcel A.; Bastiaansen, Jojanneke A.; Benjamin, Daniel; Boehm, Udo; Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem; Bringmann, Laura F.; Busch, Niko A.; Caruyer, Emmanuel; Cataldo, Andrea M.; Cowan, Nelson; Delios, Andrew; van Dongen, Noah NN.; Donkin, Chris; van Doorn, Johnny B.; Dreber, Anna; Dutilh, Gilles; Egan, Gary F.; Gernsbacher, Morton Ann; Hoekstra, Rink; Hoffmann, Sabine; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Juergen; Johannesson, Magnus; Jonas, Kai J.; Kindel, Alexander T.; Kirchler, Michael; Kunkels, Yoram K.; Lindsay, D. Stephen; Mangin, Jean-Francois; Matzke, Dora; Munafò, Marcus R.; Newell, Ben R.; Nosek, Brian A.; Poldrack, Russell A.; van Ravenzwaaij, Don; Rieskamp, Jörg; Salganik, Matthew J.; Sarafoglou, Alexandra; Schonberg, Tom; Schweinsberg, Martin; Shanks, David; Silberzahn, Raphael; Simons, Daniel J.; Spellman, Barbara A.; St-Jean, Samuel; Starns, Jeffrey J.; Uhlmann, Eric Luis; Wicherts, Jelte; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan (2021): Consensus-based guidance for conducting and reporting multi-analyst studies.
    In: eLife 10, No. e72185. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bank, Matthias; Insam, Franz (2021): Corporate aging and changes in the pricing of stock characteristics.
    In: Finance Research Letters 42, No. 101908. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Haeussler, Stefan; Stefan, Matthias; Schneckenreither, Manuel; Onay, Anita (2021): The Lead Time Updating Trap: Analyzing Human Behavior in Capacitated Supply Chains.
    In: International Journal of Production Economics 234, No. 108034. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Stefan, Matthias (2021): The risk elicitation puzzle revisited: Across-methods (in)consistency?
    In: Experimental Economics 24, pp. 593 - 616. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2021): Market Shocks and Professionals’ Investment Behavior – Evidence from the COVID-19 Crash.
    In: Journal of Banking and Finance 133, No. 106247. (DOI) (Web link)

  • König genannt Kersting, Christian; Pollmann, Monique; Potters, Jan; Trautmann, Stefan T. (2021): Good decision vs. good results: Outcome bias in the evaluation of financial agents.
    In: Theory And Decision 90, pp. 31 - 61. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kupfer, A.; Schmidt, M.G. (2021): In search of retail investors: The effect of retail investor attention on odd lot trades.
    In: Journal of Empirical Finance 62, pp. 315 - 326. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lindner, Florian; Kirchler, Michael; Rosenkranz, Stephanie; Weitzel, Utz (2021): Social Motives and Risk-Taking in Investment Decisions.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 127, No. 104116. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Razen, Michael; Huber, Jürgen; Hueber, Laura; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias (2021): Financial Literacy, Economic Preferences, and Adolescents’ Field Behavior.
    In: Finance Research Letters 40, No. 101728. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schwaiger, Rene; Hueber, Laura (2021): Do MTurkers Exhibit Myopic Loss Aversion?
    In: Economics Letters 209, No. 110137. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Trautmann, Stefan T; Xu, Yilong; König genannt Kersting, Christian; Patenaude, Bryan N; Harling, Guy; Sié, Ali; Bärnighausen, Till (2021): Value of statistical life year in extreme poverty: a randomized experiment of measurement methods in rural Burkina Faso.
    In: Population Health Metrics 19/1, No. 45. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
  • Bachler, Sebastian; Holzmeister, Felix; Razen, Michael; Stefan, Matthias (2021): The Impact of Presentation Format and Choice Architecture on Portfolio Allocations: Experimental Evidence.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck. (Web link)

  • Dufwenberg, Martin; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Schwaiger, Rene (2021): Mean Markets or Kind Commerce?
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-07, online. (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Schwaiger, Rene (2021): Nudging Debtors to Pay Their Debt: Two Randomized Controlled Trials.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021, No. 21. (Web link)

  • Hueber, Laura; Schwaiger, Rene (2021): Debiasing Through Experience Sampling: The Case of Myopic Loss Aversion.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-01, online. (Web link)

  • Martin Holmen, Martin; Holzmeister, Felix; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Wengström, Erik (2021): Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-03. (Web link)

  • Razen, Michael; Kupfer, Alexander (2021): Can increased tax transparency curb corporate tax avoidance?
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-10, online. (Web link)

  • Schwaiger, Rene; Hueber, Laura (2021): Do MTurkers Exhibit Myopic Loss Aversion?
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021-12, online. (Web link)

  • Weitzel, Utz; Kirchler, Michael (2021): The Banker’s Oath And Financial Advice.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2021, No. 04. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Menkveld, Albert J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; ..., ...; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Rittmannsberger, Thomas; et al (2021): Non-standard errors. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Menkveld, Albert J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; ..., ...; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Rittmannsberger, Thomas; (2021): Non-Standards Errors. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2020


Textbook, Scientific
  • Auer, Kurt (2020): Jahresabschluss + Buchhaltung. Erstellen – Verstehen – Analysieren. Götzens: Dr. Auer & Partner Consulting. ISBN 978-3-9502505-6-5. 11., überarbeitete Auflage.

Book, Transfer-Oriented
  • Razen, Michael; Huber, Jürgen; Hueber, Laura; Kirchler, Michael; Obermeier, Michael; Stefan, Matthias (2020): FiT - Ein innovatives Finanztrainingsprogramm für Jugendliche. Innsbruck: Studia Universitätsverlag. ISBN 978-3903030909. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Balmus, Tatiana; Huber, Juergen; Ploner, Matteo (2020): More competition in delegated portfolio management: A win-win situation? An experimental analysis.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 178, pp. 777 - 800. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem; Holzmeister, Felix; Camerer, Colin F; Dreber, Anna; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Kupek, Sebastian; et al; The Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests Collaboration (2020): Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams.
    In: Nature 582/7810, pp. 84 - 88. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Giamattei, Marcus; Huber, Jürgen; Graf Lambsdorff, Johann; Nicklisch, Andreas; Palan, Stefan (2020): Who inflates the bubble? Forecasters and traders in experimental asset markets.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 110, No. 103718. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Weitzel, Utz; Zeisberger, Stefan (2020): What Drives Risk Perception? A Global Survey with Financial Professionals and Lay People.
    In: Management Science 66/9, pp. 3799 - 4358. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen (2020): Bad bankers no more? Truth-telling and (dis)honesty in the finance industry.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 180, pp. 472 - 493. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Weitzel, Utz (2020): Delegated Investment Decisions and Rankings.
    In: Journal of Banking and Finance 120, No. 105952. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Landy, Justin F; Jia, Miaolei; Ding, Isabel; ..., ...; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Stefan, Matthias; The Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests Collaboration (2020): Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests: Making Transparent How Design Choices Shape Research Results.
    In: Psychological Bulletin 146/5, pp. 451 - 479. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Özgümüs, Asri; Rau, Holger A.; Trautmann, Stefan T.; König genannt Kersting, Christian (2020): Gender bias in the evaluation of teaching materials.
    In: Frontiers in Psychology 11, No. 1074. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Palan, Stefan; Huber, Jürgen; Senninger, Larissa (2020): Aggregation mechanisms for crowd predictions.
    In: Experimental Economics 23, pp. 788 - 814. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Razen, Michael; Kirchler, Michael; Weitzel, Utz (2020): Domain-specific risk-taking among finance professionals.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 27, No. 100331. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schadner, Wolfgang (2020): An idea of risk-neutral momentum and market fear.
    In: Finance Research Letters 37, No. 101347. (DOI)

  • Schwaiger, Rene; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Weitzel, Utz (2020): Determinants of investor expectations and satisfaction. A study with financial professionals.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 110, No. 103675. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sutter, Matthias; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Stefan, Matthias; Walzl, Markus (2020): Where to look for the morals in markets?
    In: Experimental Economics 23, pp. 30 - 52. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weitzel, Utz; Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Lindner, Florian; Rose, Julia (2020): Bubbles and Financial Professionals.
    In: The Review of Financial Studies 33/6, pp. 2659 - 2696. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Discussion-/Working Paper)
  • Hackethal, Andrea; Kirchler, Michael; Laudenbach, Christine; Razen, Michael; Weber, Annika (2020): On the (ir)relevance of monetary incentives in risk preference elicitation experiments.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020, No. 29. (Web link)

  • Holzmeister, Felix; Kerschbamer, Rudolf (2020): oTree: The Equality Equivalence Test.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020, No. 14. (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen (2020): Bad bankers no more? Truth-telling and (dis)honesty in the nance industry.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020-03, pp. 1 - 44. (Web link)

  • Huber, Christoph; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael (2020): Market shocks and professionals’ investment behavior – Evidence from the COVID-19 crash.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020, No. 11. (Web link)

  • Schwaiger, Rene; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Kleinlercher, Daniel; Weitzel, Utz (2020): Unequal Opportunities, Social Groups, and Redistribution: Evidence from the General Population.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020, No. 26. (Web link)

  • Stefan, Matthias; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Sutter, Matthias; Walzl, Markus (2020): Monetary and Social Incentives in Multi-Tasking: The Ranking Substitution Effect.
    In: Working Papers in Economics and Statistics - University of Innsbruck 2020-06. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Huber, Jürgen (2020): Open Science öffnet viele Türen - Erfahrungen mit Crowd-Analysis-Projekten (Interview). In: Open-Science-Magazin,. (Web link)

Department of Organisation and Learning

Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bettinazzi, Emanuele; Jacqueminet, Anna; Neumann, Kerstin; Snoeren, Peter (2024): Media Coverage of Firms in the Presence of Multiple Signals: A Configurational Approach.
    In: Academy of Management Journal 67/1, pp. 150 - 177. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia; Chore, Laverne Iminza; Junker, Mario (2024): How you value shapes whom you value: The contribution of apprenticeships to sustainable development goals.
    In: German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung 38/2, pp. 231 - 256. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Heimstädt, M. (online first): The Structural Transformation of the Scientific Public Sphere: Constitution and Consequences of the Path towards Open Access. Philosophy & Social Criticism.
    In: Philosophy & Social Criticism. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Donovan, Christina; Hautz, Hannes (online first): Thresholds for dis/trust: exploring the impact of standards-based reforms on the process of being and becoming a VET teacher in England and Austria.
    In: Education and Training. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dornauer, Verena; Netzer, Michael; Kaczkó, Éva; Norz, Lisa-Maria; Ammenwerth, Elske (online first): Automatic Classification of Online Discussions and Other Learning Traces to Detect Cognitive Presence.
    In: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Leybold, Milena; Nadegger, Monica (online first): Overcoming communicative separation for stigma reconstruction: How pole dancers fight content moderation on Instagram.
    In: Organization. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Loacker, Bernadette; Weiskopf, Richard (First View): Being (Ab)normal - Be(com)ing Other: Struggles Over Enacting and Ethos of Difference in a Psychosocial Care Centre.
    In: Journal of Business Ethics. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica (online first): Carving Lines through Melting Lands: A Diffractive Engagement with Troubled and Troubling Relations of Alpine Skiing in the Anthropocene.
    In: Leisure Sciences. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Poon, Marilyn (online first): Achieving Organizationality Through Authorship Affordances — A Communicative Episode of Telegram Polling from 2019 Hong Kong.
    In: Social Movement Studies. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneider, Anna (2024): Shaping the future of work: how labour market intermediaries (LMIs) use institutional work to transition to triadic, project-based employment relationships.
    In: Employee Relations - the international journal 46/9, pp. 141 - 160. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yilmaz, Levent; Brandl, Julia (2024 Online first): Does pay disclosure in job offers remove gender differences in pay estimations? Evidence from an experiment with students and job seekers in the context of Austria.
    In: German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zangerle, K.; Dobusch, L.; Weiskopf, R. (online first): Barracudas, Piranhas and Crowds: Making ideas valuable in pharmaceutical innovation through opening and closing practices of valuation.
    In: Innovation. Organization & Management. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zangerle, Katharina (early view): Learning and the ‘Change Enterprise’: Inclusion and Ambivalences in an Education Action Research and Development Project.
    In: Educational Action Research. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Dobusch, Leonhard; Dobusch, L.; Kreissl, K. (in press): Searching for Transformative Potential: Comparing Conceptualizations of Open, Inclusive and Alternative Organizations.
    In: Weik, Elke; Land, Chris; Hartz, Roland (Hrsg.): The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter., ISBN 978-3-11-099832-0. (Web link)

  • Habersam, Michael (2024): Vexierspiel imaginierter Immaterialität im digitalen Kapitalismus: Funktion und Desillusion.
    In: Heinritz, Alena; Sexl, Martin: Die Materialität des Digitalen. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= schneeblind, 15)., ISBN 978-3-99106-133-5, pp. 67 - 91. (Web link)

  • Mitterhofer, Hermann; Jordan, Silvia (2024): Using metaphors in research: visual metaphors in organizations.
    In: Örtenblad, Anders: The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press (= Oxford Handbooks)., ISBN 9780192895707, pp. 265 - 285. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Kohlberger, Martina; Bösl, Sabine; Brandl, Julia; Eggenhofer-Rehart, Petra (2024): Umsetzung eines partizipativen Ansatzes bei der Technologie-Weiterentwicklung am Beispiel eines Decoders für Stellenanzeigen.
    In: AK Vorarlberg: Forschung 3. Technikfolgenabschätzung aus Arbeitnehmer:innenperspektive. Feldkirch: Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg., ISBN 978-3-902898-13-5, pp. 86 - 109. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Dobusch, Leonhard (2024): Von Sendern zum offenen Ökosystem. Zur Reform und Zukunft des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks.
    In: Journalistik 2024/1, pp. 97 - 110. (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Loacker, Bernadette; Pecis, Lara (2024): Complexities of managing people and change: The case of a 'recycling and recovery' organization. (Web link)

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Gössling, Bernd; Rothleitner, Hannah; Deuber, Antonia; Grüner, Franziska (2024): Lernkompetenzen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung fördern (LERNweiter). (Web link)

Publications 2023

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Becker, Albrecht; Lukka, Kari (2023): Instrumentalism and the publish-or-perish regime.
    In: Critical Perspectives on Accounting, No. 102436. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bullinger, Bernadette; Schneider, Anna; Gond, Jean-Pascal (2023): Destigmatization through visualization: Striving to redefine refugee workers’ worth.
    In: Organization Studies 44/5, pp. 739 - 763. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Flanschger, Andreas; Heinzelmann, Rafael; Messner, Martin (2023): Between consultation and control: How incubators perform a governance function for entrepreneurial firms.
    In: Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 36/9, pp. 86 - 107. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Friesl, M.; Brielmaier, C.; Dobusch, Leonhard (2023): Taking individual choices seriously: A process perspective of self-selection in strategy work.
    In: Organization Theory 4/2. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Goretzki, Lukas; Messner, Martin; Wurm, Maria (2023): Magicians, unicorns or data cleaners? Exploring the identity narratives and work experiences of data scientists.
    In: Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 36/09, pp. 253 - 280. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd (2023): Potenziale digitaler Lerntechnologien für die betriebliche Ausbildung didaktisch erschließen.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial-Ausgabe AT-5, online. (Web link)

  • Haşim, K.; & Soppe, B. (2023): When entrepreneurs become custodians: Categories’ place-based identity and collective coping response in extreme contexts.
    In: Strategic Organization 21/1, pp. 186 - 216. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva; Ostendorf, Annette (2023): Critical thinking in the community of inquiry framework: An analysis of the theoretical model and cognitive presence coding schemes.
    In: Computers & Education 193, Nr. 104662. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kunzl, Ferdinand; Messner, Martin (2023): Temporal Structuring as Self-Discipline: Managing time in the budgeting process.
    In: Organization Studies 44/9, pp. 1439 - 1464. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Loacker, Bernadette (2023): Does the Ethos of Law Erode? Lawyers’ Professional Practices, Self-Understanding and Ethics at Work.
    In: Journal of Business Ethics 187, pp. 33 - 52. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lukka, Kari; Becker, Albrecht (2023): The future of critical interdisciplinary accounting research: Performative ontology and critical interventionist research.
    In: Critical Perspectives on Accounting 93, No. 102447. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica (2023): From Ephemerality to Organisationality: The Role of Hashtags in the Constitution of the #wirsindmehr Protests in Germany.
    In: puntOorg International Journal 8/1, pp. 55 - 77. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica (2023): Nachhaltigkeit im alpinen Wintertourismus. Alternative Perspektiven auf Schnee zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger Geschäftsmodelle.
    In: Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation / Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation 2023/6, pp. 362 - 366. (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica (2023): Reassembling more-than-human sustainability: Relations with snow.
    In: Annals of Tourism Research 101, No. 103613. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Oliva, S.; Piber, M. (2023): Striving for relevance: The social value of museums.
    In: Capitale Culturale-Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 28, pp. 105 - 128. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ostendorf, Annette (2023): Betriebliches Engagement für die Berufsausbildung als Aspekt einer ‚Corporate Social Responsibility‘ (CSR) – Betrachtungen zu einem wenig beachteten Zusam­menhang.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Profil 8, online. (Web link)

  • Splitter, V.; Dobusch, L.; Krogh, G.; Whittington, R.; Walgenbach, P. (2023): Openness as Organizing Principle: Introduction to the Special Issue.
    In: Organization Studies 44/1, pp. 7 - 27. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Thoma, Michael; Ostendorf, Annette (2023): Zieldimensionen und didaktische Interventionen zur Förderung von Kritikfähigkeit bei Lehrpersonen: Vom Mainstream zur Criticality.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial-Ausgabe AT-5, online. (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard (2023): Dis/organizing visibilities: governmentalization and counter-transparency.
    In: Organization 30/2, pp. 326 - 344. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard; Hansen, Hans Krause (2023): Algorithmic Governmentality and the Space of ethics. Examples form People Analytics.
    In: Human Relations 76/3, pp. 483 - 506. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zimmermann, Paul (2023): Governing by protection: Studying the problematization of whistleblower protection in the EU.
    In: Administrative Theory & Praxis 45/3, pp. 211 - 229. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Boesl, Sabine (2023): Diversität fördern durch inklusive Sprache im Jobinserat: Qualitätskriterien für digitale Tools zur Optimierung der Sprache, Austrian Management Review, 13, 86-95. Eggenhofer-Rehart, Petra; Brandl, Julia; Kohlberger, Martina;Senthilvele, Sajeevan;.
    In: Austrian Management Review 13, pp. 86 - 95.

Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Antonacopoulou, Elena; Cameron, Chloe; Goestl, Sabrina; Kim, Chang; Kuah, Adrian; Kratochvil, Renate; Poon, Marilyn; Sharma, Arti (2023): Process and Practice Perspectives: A Morphological Analysis and Reassessment of Impact.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2023/1, No. 11330. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kohlberger, Martina; Brandl, Julia (2023): Moving Beyond Mode-2: Knowledge-Production in Scholar-HRM Practitioner Collaborations.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2023/1. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schupfer, H.; Soppe, B. (2023): Time will tell: Category reinvention as incumbent stigma management strategy in contested industries.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2023/1, No. 14785. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Editorial)
  • Hautz, Hannes; Thoma, Michael (2023): Editorial zur bwp@ Spezial-Ausgabe AT-5: Beiträge zum 16. Österreichischen Wirtschaftspädagogik-Kongress 2023.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial-Ausgabe AT-5, online. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Bosio, Birgit; Fecker, Denise; Nadegger, Monica; Schegg, Roland (2023): Airbnb im ländlichen Raum - Eine länderübergreifende Analyse Tirol ‒ Wallis.
    In: Bieger, T.; Beritelli, P.; Laesser, C.: Alpiner Tourismus in disruptiven Zeiten. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2022/2023. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (ESV) (= St. Galler Schriften für Tourismus und Verkehr, 14)., ISBN 978-3-503-21229-3, pp. 57 - 72. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia (2023): Sociology of conventions and human resource management.
    In: Diaz-Bone, Rainer; de Larquier, Guillemette (Eds.): Handbook of Economics and Sociology of Conventions. Living reference work. Cham: Springer Nature., pp. 1 - 21. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Grunau, Janika; Gössling, Bernd (2023): Wissenschaft-Praxis-Kooperation in designbasierten Forschungsprojekten – Pragmatische Ansätze zum Umgang mit einem Ideal.
    In: Kremer, H.-Hugo; Ertl, Hubert; Sloane, Peter F.E.: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Designbasierte Forschung in der beruflichen Bildung. Opladen u.a.: Verlag Barbara Budrich (= BIBB Fachbeiträge zur beruflichen Bildung)., ISBN 978-3-8474-2894-7, pp. 120 - 139. (Web link)

  • Habersam, Michael; Piber, Martin (2023): The Role of Participation in European Capitals of Culture: Various Patterns and Consequences on Impact.
    In: Del Baldo, Mara; Piber, Martin; Demartini, Paola; Aureli, Selena: Cultural Heritage as a Trigger for Civic Wealth Creation and Sustainable Urban Development. Rom: RomaTrE-Press., ISBN 979-12-5977-201-5, pp. 103 - 123. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Klausner, L.D.; Heimstädt, M.; Dobusch, Leonhard (2023): Schöne neue Lieferkettenwelt’: Workers’ Voice und Arbeitsstandards in Zeiten algorithmischer Vorhersage.
    In: Haipeter, Thomas; Helfen, Markus; Kirsch, Anja; Rosenbohm, Sophie: Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten. Bielefeld: Transcript (= Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 200)., ISBN 978-3-8376-6770-7, pp. 97 - 114. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lang, Ute-Maria; Ostendorf, Annette (2023): Shared worry and action: VET resilience and the role of solidarity and institutional action in the German skill ecosystem during the pandemic.
    In: Evans, Karen; Ostendorf, Annette; Permpoonwiwat Chompoonuh K.: Resilience of Vocational Education and Training in Phases of External Shock – Experiences from the Corona Pandemic in Asian and European Skill Eco Systems. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-116-8, pp. 48 - 72. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Messner, Martin; Becker, Albrecht (2023): Management Control Systems and Ethics.
    In: Brivot, Marion; Cho, Charles: Research Handbook on Accounting and Ethics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 9781800881013, pp. 155 - 167. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nadegger, M.; Dobusch, L. (2023): Meta-organisations as drivers for sustainability across tourism clusters in the Alps. A case study of “Alpine Pearls.
    In: Lupova-Henry, Evgeniya; Francesco Dotti, Nicola: Clusters and Sustainable Regional Development. A Meta-Organisational Approach. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781032103839, pp. 160 - 175. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ostendorf, Annette (2023): Vom Wettbewerbsdispositiv und kollektiver Subjektivierung.
    In: Beck, Klaus; Seifried, Jürgen: Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik im selbstkritischen Diskurs. Bielefeld: wbv (= Wirtschaft - Beruf - Ethik)., ISBN 978-3-76397-605-8, pp. 343 - 352. (Web link)

  • Thoma, Michael; Hautz, Hannes (2023): Subjektivierung.
    In: Huber, Matthias; Döll, Marion (Hrsg.): Bildungswissenschaft in Begriffen, Theorien und Diskursen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS., ISBN 978-3-658-37857-8, pp. 605 - 612. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard (2023): The practice of parrhēsia and the transformation of managerial governmentality.
    In: Walters, William; Tazzioli, Martina: Handbook on Governmentality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (= Political Science and Public Policy, 2023)., ISBN 9781839108655, pp. 369 - 388. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Welte, Heike; Mathies, Regine; Dimai, Bettina; Vötsch, Mario (2023): Reflexionspotenzial in der Ausbildung von Berufsschullehrer*innen in Österreich.
    In: Bauer, Reinhard; Süss-Stepancik, Evelyn; Petz, Ruth: Perspektiven auf die Berufsbildung. Rück- und Ausblick. Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, London, Zürich: LIT-Verlag (= PH Wien - Forschungsperspektiven, Sonderband 5)., ISBN 978-3-643-51135-5, pp. 123 - 141. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Editorial)
  • Ostendorf, Annette; Evans, Karen; Permpoonwiwat Chompoonuh K. (2023): Introduction: Resilience of Vocational Education and Training in Phases of External Shock: Experiences from the Corona Pandemic in Asian and European Skill Eco Systems.
    In: Evans, Karen; Ostendorf, Annette; Permpoonwiwat Chompoonuh K.: Resilience of Vocational Education and Training in Phases of External Shock – Experiences from the Corona Pandemic in Asian and European Skill Eco Systems. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-116-8, pp. 7 - 13. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Piber, Martin; Aureli, Selena; Del Baldo, Mara; Demartini, Paola (2023): Editorial: Cultural Heritage as a Trigger for Civic Wealth Creation and Sustainable Urban Development.
    In: Del Baldo, Mara; Piber, Martin; Demartini, Paola; Aureli, Selena: Cultural Heritage as a Trigger for Civic Wealth Creation and Sustainable Urban Development. Rom: RomaTrE-Press., ISBN 979-12-5977-201-5, pp. 25 - 32. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Gössling, Bernd (2023): Design Principles for Developing Vocational Skills of Low-Qualified Adults.
    In: Nägele, Christof; Kersh, Natasha; Stalder, Barbara E.: Trends in vocational education and training research. Vol. VI. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Glasgow, Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET). Bern: Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET)., pp. 129 - 132. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Li, Junmin; Schlüter, Ekaterina; Hautz, Hannes; Bell, Julián; Marhuenda, Fernando (2023): Quality Management in Vocational Education and Training: A Reflection on Educational Governance in Austria, Germany and Spain.
    In: Tūtlys, Vidmantas; Vaitkutė, Lina; Nägele, Christo: Vocational Education and Training Transformations for Digital, Sustainable and Socially Fair Future. Proceedings of the 5th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training. Kaunas, 25.-26. May 2023. Bern: Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET)., ISBN 9798390503386, pp. 265 - 272. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Murauer, Benjamin; Tschuggnall, Michael; Specht, Günther; Brandl, Julia (2023): Algorithmic Segmentation of Job Ads Using Texture Analysis.
    In: Gelbukh, A.: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. 19th International Conference, CICLing 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 18–24, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Cham: Springer (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13397)., ISBN 978-3-031-23803-1, pp. 287 - 300. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nadegger, M.; Bosio, Birgit; Engl, Christoph (2023): The School of Alpine Pastures: A Best Practice for Agritourism and Education in the Tyrolean Alps.
    In: Chase, L.; Hollas, C.; Qian, X.; Whitehouse, C.; (Eds.): International Workshop on Agritourism 2022 Conference Proceedings. University Park, PA: Northeast Regional Center for Rura., pp. 132 - 135. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Gössling, Bernd (2023): Kompetenzorientiertes Prüfen mit E-Klausuren.
    In: FNMA Magazin 1, pp. 16 - 19. (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva (2023): Prüfen im digitalen Zeitalter.
    In: FNMA Magazin 2023/1, pp. 23 - 25. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Hondros, Konstantin; Leybold, Milena (2023): Increasing Vaccine Access in a Shorter Time. Discussing Alternative Regulatory Frameworks in Response to Pandemics. (DOI) (Web link)

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Nadegger, Monica (2023): Using more-than-human ethnography to investigate how snow relates to sustainability processes in ski resorts [Video]. (DOI)

  • Sartoris, Costanza; Nadegger, Monica (2023): Networks, Meshworks, Intra-Actions & Kinships.

Publications 2022

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Aboramadan, Mohammed; Hamid, Zeeshan; Kundi, Yasir Mansoor; El Hamalawi, Eissa (2022): The effect of servant leadership on employees'extra-role behaviors in NPOs: The role of workengagement.
    In: Nonprofit Management and Leadership 33/1, pp. 109 - 129. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Beck, S.; Bergenholtz, C.; Bogers, M.; Brasseur, T. M.; Conradsen, M. L.; Di Marco, D.; Distel, A.P.; Dobusch, L.; Dörler, D.; Effert, A.; Fecher, B.; et. al. (2022): The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach.
    In: Industry and Innovation 29/2, pp. 136 - 185. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bischoff, Ivo; Eigler, Joachim; Habersam, Michael; Homölle, Susanne; Nonnenmacher, Jonas; Wein, Thomas (2022): Mehr Transparenz gefordert. Über den Zugang zu wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Masterstudiengängen in Deutschland.
    In: Forschung & Lehre 29/4, pp. 292 - 293. (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia (2022): Frames of reference in managing employment from the perspective of economics of conventions.
    In: Industrial Relations 61/3, pp. 290 - 302. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia; Keegan, Anne; Kozica, Arjan (2022): When less is more: HRM implementation, legitimacy, and decoupling.
    In: Human Resource Management Journal 32/1, pp. 247 - 260. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Coyte, R.; Messner, Martin; Zhou, S. (2022): The revival of zero-based budgeting: drivers and consequences of firm-level adoptions.
    In: Accounting & Finance 62/3, pp. 3147 - 3188. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L. (2022): Objektivität in Anführungszeichen: Über Wissenschaft und Aktivismus.
    In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 26-27, pp. 35 - 41. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Koester, N.; Schäfer, E.; Seckler, C. (2022): Fehlschläge offen einräumen: Über das Nachleben gescheiterter Start-ups.
    In: Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation / Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation 04, pp. 223 - 230. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Köster, N.; Schäfer, E.; Seckler, C. (2022): Open About Organizational Failure: A Communication Perspective on Postmortem Impression Management.
    In: Long Range Planning 55/6, No. 102176. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, Laura; Dobusch, Leonhard (2022): Wie offen sind „offene“ Online-Gemeinschaften? Inklusion, Exklusion und die Ambivalenz von Schließungen. How Open Are “Open” Online Communities? Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Ambivalence of Closures.
    In: Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie 74/1, pp. 257 - 281. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Frieske, S.; Dobusch, L.; Heimstädt, M. (2022): Striving for societal impact as an early-career researcher: Reflections on five common concerns.
    In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 79, pp. 239 - 255. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hautz, Hannes (2022): The ‘conduct of conduct’ of VET teachers: governmentality and teacher professionalism.
    In: Journal of Vocational Education & Training 74/2, pp. 210 - 227. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kohlberger, Martina (2022): Making change happen: How HRM professionals experience and deal with tensions in times of organizational change.
    In: Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice 2022/4, pp. 446 - 468. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Messner, Martin (2022): Die Macht der (Re )Präsentation durch das Controlling.
    In: Controlling. Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung 34/4, pp. 18 - 23. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Messner, Martin; Jordan, Silvia (2022): Planungsqualität mit Kennzahlen steuern.
    In: Controlling & Management Review. Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management 66/4, pp. 48 - 51. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mölk, Andreas; Auer, Manfred; Peters, Mike (2022): Radicalization and attenuation in the construction of tourism employment images: a multi-level frame analysis.
    In: International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34/2, pp. 457 - 481. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ostendorf, Annette; Thoma, Michael (2022): Demands and design principles of a “heterodox” didactics for promoting critical thinking in higher education.
    In: Higher Education 84, pp. 33 - 50. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Poon, Marilyn; Kohlberger, Martina (2022): Twitter as a leadership actor — A communication as constitutive of organizing perspective on a ‘leaderless’ social movement.
    In: Leadership 18/5, pp. 656 - 679. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneider, Anna; Subramanian, Dilip; Suquet, Jean-Baptiste; Ughetto, Pascal (2022): Situating service work in action: A review and a pragmatist agenda for analysing interactive service work.
    In: International Journal Of Management Reviews 24/1, pp. 25 - 50. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Borbe, Victoria (2022): Wie es gelingen kann. Beispiele für den Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen in der betrieblichen Ausbildung.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial AT-4, pp. 1 - 15. (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva (2022): Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Gestaltung des sozioökonomischen Unterrichts anhand des Community-of-Inquiry-Rahmenwerks: fachdidaktische Überlegungen.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial AT-4, pp. 1 - 18. (Web link)

  • Thoma, Michael; Welte, Heike (2022): Bildungswege, Berufswahlmotive und Vorstellungen über den Lehrberuf von angehenden Lehrpersonen der Berufsbildung in Österreich.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial AT-4, pp. 1 - 19. (Web link)

  • Vötsch, Mario; Dimai, Bettina; Mathies, Regine; Welte, Heike (2022): Die Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis als besonderes Reflexionspotenzial in berufsbildenden Studienprogrammen. Empirische Ergebnisse aus einer formativen Evaluationsstudie an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial AT-4, pp. 1 - 20. (Web link)

Journal Article (Editorial)
  • Büchter, Karin; Wilbers, Karl; Windelband, Lars; Gössling, Bernd (2022): Digitale Arbeitsprozesse als Lernräume für Aus- und Weiterbildung.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 43, pp. 1 - 6. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Becker, Albrecht (2022): Qualitative Forschung im Management Accounting.
    In: Becker, Wolfgang; Ulrich, Patrick (Hrsg.): Handbuch Controlling. 2 Bände. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler (= Springer Reference Wirtschaft)., ISBN 978-3-658-04795-5, 2., neu bearb. Aufl., pp. 159 - 175. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia; Keegan, Anne; Aust, Ina (2022): Line Managers and HRM: A Relational Approach to Paradox.
    In: Townsend, Keith; Bos-Nehles, Anna; Jiang, Kaifeng: Handbook of Research on Line Managers. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978 1 83910 273 8, pp. 82 - 94. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L. (2022): Schöne Neue Digitale Organisationswelt: Offen für Diversität oder Exklusion durch Offenheit?
    In: Schnegg, Kordula; Tschuggnall, Julia; Voithofer, Caroline; Auer, Manfred: Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures IV. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-067-3, pp. 57 - 70. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, Leonhard (2022): Chancen des Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunks.
    In: Otto Brenner Stiftung: Welche Öffentlichkeit brauchen wir? Zur Zukunft des Journalismus und demokratischer Medien. Berlin: Otto-Brenner-Stiftung., pp. 171 - 190. (Web link)

  • Gerholz, Karl-Heinz; Gössling, Bernd (2022): Changing Appreciation of Vocational Learning During Work – The Case of the German Apprenticeship System.
    In: Harteis, C.; Gijbels, D.; Kyndt, E.: Research Approaches on Workplace Learning. Insights from a Growing Field. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Professional and Practice-based Learning, 31)., ISBN 978-3-030-89582-2, pp. 399 - 414. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd (2022): Neue Arbeit = Neue Bildung?!
    In: Schlögl, Peter; Tafner, Georg; Ostendorf, Annette; Bock-Schappelwein, Julia; Gramlinger, Franz: Wie wollen wir arbeiten? Berufliches Lernen zwischen Tradition und Transformation. Beiträge zur 7. Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK). Bielefeld: wbv., ISBN 978-3-7639-6978-4, pp. 15 - 28. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hautz, Hannes (2022): Österreichischer Berufsbildungsforschungspreis 2020. Short notes: Die „Führung der Führungen“ –
    Gouvernementalität und professionelles Handeln berufsbildender Lehrpersonen.
    In: Schlögl, Peter; Tafner, Georg; Ostendorf, Annette; Bock-Schappelwein, Julia; Gramlinger, Franz: Wie wollen wir arbeiten? Berufliches Lernen zwischen Tradition und Transformation. Beiträge zur 7. Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK). Bielefeld: wbv., ISBN 978-3-7639-6978-4, pp. 29 - 35. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva; Razen, Michael (2022): Experiential learning in finance education – Applying experimental finance methodology.
    In: Füllbrunn, Sascha; Haruvy, Ernan: Handbook of Experimental Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80037-232-0, pp. 362 - 374. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schoeneborn, D.; Blagoev, B.; Dobusch, L. (2022): The Communicative Constitution of Organizationality.
    In: Basque, J.; Bencherki, N.; Kuhn, T.: The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organizations. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 978-0-367-48070-7, pp. 134 - 147. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Trabelsi, Lilach (2022): Corporate sustainability, stakeholder orientation, and collaboration between competitors: What lies beneath.
    In: Gianiodis, Peter; Espina, Maritza; Meek, William: World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics & Entrepreneurship. Volume 1: Environmental and Social Entrepreneurship. Singapore [u.a.]: World Scientific Publishing., ISBN 978-981-124-158-1, pp. 89 - 117. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wegerer, Philipp K.; Nadegger, Monica (2022): Zeit zu handeln – Digitaler Widerstand gegen touristische Entwicklungsprojekte.
    In: Rußmann, U.; Aubke, F.; Ortiz, D.; Pezenka, I.; Schulz, A,; Schweiger, C.: Zukunft verantwortungsvoll gestalten. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen 2021. Wien [u.a.]: Springer (= Forschung und Praxis an der FHWien der WKW)., ISBN 978-3-658-36860-9, pp. 115 - 124. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Editorial)
  • Bosio, B.; Fecker, D.; Nadegger, M.; Haselwanter, S. (2022): Krisenkommunikation in Skigebieten. Eine länderübergreifende Social-Media-Analyse der COVID-19 Krise Schweiz – Österreich.
    In: Bieger, T.; Beritelli, P.; Laesser, C.: Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2021/2022. Krisenbewältigung und digitale Innovation im alpinen Tourismus. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (ESV) (= St. Galler Schriften für Tourismus und Verkehr, 13)., ISBN 978-3-503-20915-6, pp. 11 - 28. (Web link)

  • Schnegg, Kordula; Tschuggnall, Julia; Voithofer, Caroline; Auer, Manfred (2022): Einleitung.
    In: Schnegg, Kordula; Tschuggnall, Julia; Voithofer, Caroline; Auer, Manfred: Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures IV. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP)., ISBN 978-3-99106-067-3, pp. 7 - 12. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Brandl, Julia; Eggenhofer-Rehart, Petra; Kohlberger, Martina (2022): Technologie als Mittel zur Kompetenzentwicklung: Wie wir die Potenziale tatsächlich nutzen können.
    In: Schaffarei: Forschung 2. Technikfolgenabschätzung aus Arbeitnehmer:innenperspektive. Publikation zur Wissenschaftskonferenz der Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg im November 2022. Feldkirch: Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg., pp. 25 - 41. (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica; Untersteiner, Janosch (2022): No Business like Snow Business? The Performance, Coherence, and Dimensions of Organizational Scripts in Organizing Winter Tourism with or without Snow.
    In: 2022 TTRA International Conference: Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally. Victoria, British Columbia | June 14-16, 2022. Massachusetts: ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst., No. 25. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Dobusch, L.; Hondros, K. (2022): 21 for 2021: Three Faces of Openness in Organising Copyright. In: CREATe, 17. Juni. (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Borbe, Victoria; Hauser, Lena; Thurow, Nina (2022): Präzisierung und Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Abschlussbericht des Kooperationsprojekts ‚Key Competencies‘ (KEYS) in Kooperation mit dem AMS Tirol. (Web link)

  • Kaczkó, Éva; Norz, L-M.; Dornauer, V.; Ammenwerth, E. (2022): Community-of-Inquiry-Rahmenwerk: Deutschsprachiger Kodierleitfaden zur Inhaltsanalyse der kognitiven und sozialen Präsenz. (DOI)

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Hondros, Konstantin; Leybold, Milena (2022): Are there Open-Source Vaccines? In: Governance across borders, 20. Oktober. (Web link)

Publications 2021

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Albashiti, Belal; Hamid, Zeeshan; Aboramadan, Mohammed (2021): Fire in the belly: the impact of despotic leadership on employees work-related outcomes in the hospitality setting.
    In: International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management 33/10, pp. 3564 - 3584. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Auer, Manfred; Edlinger, Gabriela; Mölk, Andreas (2021): How do Potential Applicants Make Sense of Employer Brands?
    In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 73/1, pp. 47 - 73. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Becker, Albrecht; Pedell, Burhard; Pfaff Dieter (2021): Management accounting developments in German-speaking countries: an overview and editorial reflections.
    In: Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 17/4, pp. 457 - 470. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Heimstädt, M. (2021): Strukturwandel der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit: Konstitution und Konsequenzen des Open-Access-Pfades.
    In: Leviathan. Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft Sonderband 37, pp. 425 - 454. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Hondros, K.; Quack, S.; Zangerle, K. (2021): Between anxiety and hope? How actors experience regulatory uncertainty in creative processes in music and pharma.
    In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 75, pp. 137 - 160. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fecker, D.; Bosio, B.; Nadegger, M.; Haselwanter, S. (2021): Skiing during the pandemic with masks and tests. How Austrian ski resorts cope with the COVID-19 crisis on Instagram.
    In: Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 13/3, pp. 423 - 443. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Ostendorf, Annette (2021): Der digital transformierte Betrieb als Ort beruflicher Bildung / The digitally transformed company as a site for vocational education.
    In: transfer. Forschung⇔Schule 2021/7, pp. 13 - 25. (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Ostendorf, Annette; Mathies, Regine (2021): Organisation forschungsnaher Steuerungsaufgaben im österreichischen Bildungssystem. Zu den institutionellen Schnittstellen zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Schulpraxis.
    In: Berufsbildung. Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie in Betrieb und Schule 188, pp. 17 - 19. (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Thoma, Michael; Welte, Heike (2021): Bildungs- und Berufswege von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Innsbruck.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Spezial 18, pp. 1 - 22. (Web link)

  • Habersam, Michael; Piber, Martin; Skoog, Matti (2021): Calculative regimes in the making: implementation and consequences in the context of Austrian public universities.
    In: Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 18/2, pp. 169 - 194. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hautz, Hannes; Thoma, Michael (2021): Teacher subjectivation in the quality dispositive: the example of VET in Austria.
    In: British Journal of Sociology of Education 42/5-6, pp. 792 - 811. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Heimstädt, M.; Dobusch, L. (2021): Riskante Retweets: „Predictive Risk Intelligence“ und Interessenvertretung in globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken.
    In: Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management 28/2, pp. 194 - 211. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Krause Hansen, Hans; Weiskopf, Richard (2021): From Universalizing Transparency to the Interplay of Transparency Matrices: Critical insights from the emerging social credit system in China.
    In: Organization Studies 42/1, pp. 109 - 128. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Müller, B.; Diefenbach, S.; Dobusch, L.; Baer, K. (2021): From Becoming to Being Digital: The Emergence and Nature of the Post-Digital.
    In: i-com. Journal of Interactive Media 20/3, pp. 319 - 328. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pradies, Camille; Aust, Ina; Bednarek, Rebecca; Brandl, Julia; Carmine, Simone; Cheal, Joe; Pina e Cunha, Miguel; Gaim, Medhanie; Keegan, Anne; Lê, Jane K.; Miron-Spektor, Ella; Nielsen, Rikke Kristine; Pouthier, Vanessa; Sharma, Garima; Sparr, Jennifer L.; Vince, Russ; Keller, Joshua (2021): The Lived Experience of Paradox: How Individuals Navigate Tensions during the Pandemic Crisis.
    In: Journal of Management Inquiry 30/2, pp. 154 - 167. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneider, Anna; Bullinger, Bernadette; Brandl, Julia (2021): Resourcing under tensions: How frontline employees create resources to balance paradoxical tensions.
    In: Organization Studies 42/8, pp. 1291 - 1317. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard (2021): "Vorhersageprodukte“. Algorithmische Entscheidungsfindung, Profiling und die Kapitalisierung des Werdens.
    In: Berliner theologische Zeitschrift 38/1, pp. 215 - 235. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ziehe, D; Helfen, M. (2021): “You are not my boss!”: Managing inter-organizational collaboration in German ground handling operations.
    In: German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung 35/3, pp. 356 - 382. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Ostendorf, Annette; Gössling, Bernd (2021): Die Revision kaufmännischer Lehrinhalte in der digitalen Transformation und das Wissenstrilemma der
    Lehrkräfte und Ausbilder/innen.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 2021/Spezial AT-3, pp. 1 - 19. (Web link)

  • Thoma, Michael; Hautz Hannes (2021): Dispositiv als Analyseperspektive in der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – Theoretische Grundlagen und forschungsmethodische Implikationen.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 2021/Spezial AT-3, pp. 1 - 19. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Baumann-Pauly, Dorothee; Trabelsi, Lilach (2021): The business case for human rights - Irrelevant or indispensable?
    In: Bantekas, Ilias; Stein, Michael Ashley: The Cambridge Companion to Business and Human Rights Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (= Cambridge Companions to Law)., ISBN 9781108820721, pp. 115 - 144. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L. (2021): Freie Lizenzen und öffentlich-rechtliche Medien: Wettbewerbspolitische Dimensionen.
    In: Budzinski, O.; Haucap, J.; Stöhr, A.; Wentzel, D. (Hrsg.): Zur Ökonomik von sport, Entertainment und Medien. Schnittstellen und Hintergründe. Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter (= Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, 108)., ISBN 9783110724400, pp. 261 - 272. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L.; Parger, R. (2021): Formen digitaler Publikumseinbindung: Potentiale für öffentlich-rechtliche Medien.
    In: ORF (Hg.): Digitale Transformation: Vom Broadcaster zum Qualitätsnetzwerk. Public Value Studie. Öffentlich-rechtliche Qualität im Diskurs. Wien: ORF., pp. 97 - 120. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, Leonhard (2021): Creative Commons as a Public Service Task.
    In: Baratsits, Alexander (Eds.): Building a european digital public space. Strategies for taking back control from Big Tech platforms. Berlin: iRights Media., ISBN 978-3-94436-295-3, pp. 227 - 241. (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd (2021): Funktionieren mit Problemen: Gruppenarbeiten im Online-Studium.
    In: Desiree, Daniel; Emmler, Tina; Fuge, Juliane: Die große Lehre im virtuellen Raum. The Empty Space. Bielefeld: wbv., ISBN 978-3-7639-6990-6, pp. 189 - 208. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Habersam, Michael; Piber, Martin; Skoog, Matti (2021): The hybrid state of public universities in Austria.
    In: Vakkuri, Jarmo; Johanson, Jan-Erik: Hybrid Governance, Organisations and Society. Value Creation Perspectives. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 978-0-367-22211-6, pp. 183 - 201. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Nadegger, Monica (2021): Ways of Seeing for Ourselves. The Role of Webcams in Tourism Research & Practice.
    In: Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally (TTRA 2021). Abstractbook. June 14-16, 2021, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Massachusetts: ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst., ISBN 978-0-692-46509-7, No. 76. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Becker, Sebastian D.; Messner, Martin; Schäffer, Utz (2021): The Evolution of an Accounting Innovation.
    In: Strategic Finance 102/10, pp. 19 - 20. (Web link)

  • Dobusch, L. (2021): Freie Lizenzen als Investition in die Zukunft öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien.
    In: Aviso. Informationsdienst der DGPuK 73/02, pp. 9 - 10. (Web link)

  • Dornauer, Verena; Kaczkó, Éva; Norz, Lisa-Maria (2021): Der Traum vom Dashboard - Einblicke in das Projekt LACOI.
    In: FNMA Magazin 2021/2, pp. 11 - 15. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Dobusch, L. (2021): Aussetzen von Impfstoffpatenten als Innovationskiller? Nicht so schnell! (Web link)

  • Leybold, Milena; Dobusch, Leonhard (2021): Warum gibt es keinen Open-Source-Impfstoff gegen das Covid-19-Virus? (Web link)

  • Nadegger, Monica; Radkohl, Sonja; Binder, Daniel (2021): Digital Literacy im steirischen Tourismus - Digi-T. In: TTR Tirol Tourism Research (Blog). (Web link)

Electronic Publication (Preprint)
  • Brandl, Julia; Yilmaz, Levent; Schönherr, Bianca (2021): Gender differences in pre-career salary estimations. A classroom experiment with job offers based on the pay transparency reform in Austria. (DOI) (Web link)

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Brandl, Julia (2021): Trotz Gehaltstransparenz: Die Aussichten für Equal Pay in Unternehmen bleiben trüb. In: VHB online, 08. März. (Web link)

Publications 2020

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Andersen, A.D; Steen, M.; Mäkitie, T.; Hanson, J.; Thune, T. M.; Soppe, B. (2020): The role of inter-sectoral dynamics in sustainability transitions: A comment on the transitions research agenda.
    In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 34, pp. 348 - 351. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Becker, Sebastian D.; Messner, Martin; Schäffer, Utz (2020): The interplay of core and peripheral actors in the trajectory of an accounting innovation: Insights from Beyond Budgeting.
    In: Contemporary Accounting Research 37/4, pp. 2224 - 2256. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Biondi, Lucia; Demartini, Paola; Marchegiani, Lucia; Marchiori, Michela; Piber, Martin (2020): Understanding orchestrated participatory cultural initiatives: Mapping the dynamics of governance and participation.
    In: CITIES - The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning 96, No. 102459. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brandl, Julia; Dreher, Jochen; Schneider, Anna (2020): “The HR Generalist is Dead”: A Phenomenological Perspective on Decoupling.
    In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 65A, pp. 85 - 97. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Crvelin, David; Becker, Albrecht (2020): 'The spirits that we summoned': A study on how the 'governed' make accounting their own in the context of market-making programs in Nepal.
    In: Accounting Organizations And Society 81, No. 101079. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Good, M.; Knockaert, M.; Soppe, B. (2020): A typology of technology transfer ecosystems: how structure affects interactions at the science–market divide.
    In: Journal of Technology Transfer 45/5, pp. 1405 - 1431. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd (2020): Nur die „Illusion guter Zusammenarbeit“? Zur Initiierung und Begleitung studentischer Gruppenarbeiten.
    In: die hochschullehre. Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre 6, pp. 181 - 200. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Grunau, Janika (2020): Validation arrangements for formally low-qualified staff in geriatric care: The Design-based Research project KomBiA.
    In: Educational Design Research 4/2, No. 31. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Grunau, Janika; Gössling, Bernd (2020): Cooperation between research and practice for the development of innovations in an educational design project.
    In: Educational Design Research 4/1, Article 23. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hautz, Hannes; Ostendorf, Annette (2020): Konnektivität im Betriebspraktikum als empirisches Phänomen und Ansatzpunkt einer Praktikumsdidaktik. Connectivity in Business Internships as an Empirical Phenomenon and Basic Concept for an Internship-SpecificTeaching and Learning Arrangements.
    In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik / Beihefte, pp. 113 - 137. (Web link)

  • Heimstädt, M.; Dobusch, L. (2020): Transparency and Accountability: Causal, Critical and Constructive Perspectives.
    In: Organization Theory 1/4, pp. 1 - 12. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Helfen, M.; Sydow, J.; Wirth, C. (2020): Service delivery networks and employment relations at German airports: Jeopardizing industrial peace on the ground?
    In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 58/1, pp. 168 - 198. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jordan, Silvia; Messner, Martin (2020): The Use of Forecast Accuracy Indicators to Improve Planning Quality: Insights from a Case Study.
    In: European Accounting Review 29/2, pp. 337 - 359. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mordhorst, Lisa; Gössling, Bernd (2020): Dual Study Programmes as a Design Challenge. Identifying Areas for Improvement as a Starting Point for Interventions.
    In: Educational Design Research 4/1, No. 24. (DOI)

  • Ostendorf, Annette (2020): Fachliches Innovieren in der digitalen Transformation als Herausforderung für die kaufmännische Berufsbildungspraxis und die Lehrer/innenbildungsforschung.
    In: bwp@. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Profil 6, pp. 1 - 15. (Web link)

  • Reichel, Astrid; Scheibmayr, Isabella; Brandl, Julia (2020): The HR lady is on board: Untangling the link between HRM's feminine image and HRM's board representation.
    In: Human Resource Management Journal 30/4, pp. 586 - 603. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard (2020): Algorithmic Decision-Making, Spectrogenic Profiling, and Hyper-Facticity in the Age of Post-Truth.
    In: Le Foucaldien 6/1, pp. 1 - 37. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Dobusch, Leonhard (2020): Predatory journals: tell-tale lax review.
    In: Nature 580/7801, p. 29. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Biondi, Lucia; Demartini, Paola; Marchegiani, Lucia; Marchiori, Michela; Piber, Martin (2020): Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector: An Introduction.
    In: Piber, Martin: Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 978-3-030-46796-8, pp. 1 - 8. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, Bernd; Sloane, Peter F. E. (2020): Implikationen der digitalen Transformation für die didaktische Arbeit an berufsbildenden Schulen.
    In: Rützel, Josef; Friese, Marianne; Wang, Jiping: Digitale Welt – Herausforderungen für die berufliche Bildung und die Professionalität der Lehrenden. Detmold: Eusl Verlag (= Darmstädter Beiträge zur Berufspädagogik, 35)., ISBN 978-3-940625-96-0, pp. 135 - 155. (Web link)

  • Labaronne, Leticia; Piber, Martin (2020): Performance Measurement and Evaluation in the Arts and Cultural Sector:
    State-of-the-Art in Theory and Practice and Prolegomena for Further Developments.
    In: Piber, Martin: Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 978-3-030-46796-8, pp. 219 - 240. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Marx, Ulrike; Becker, Albrecht (2020): Geschlechterverhältnisse steuern: Zahlen und Feminismus.
    In: Carl, Andrea-Hilla; Kunze, Stefanie; Olteanu, Yasmin; Yildiz, Özlem; Yollu-Tok, Aysel: Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kontext von Unternehmen und Gesellschaft. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag (= Wissenschaftliche Schriften der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, 70)., ISBN 978-3-7489-0707-7, pp. 167 - 180. (Web link)

  • Ostendorf, Annette (2020): Schulnahe Curriculumarbeit im Kontext der digitalen Transformation.
    In: Greimel-Fuhrmann, Bettina; Fortmüller, Richard: Wirtschaftsdidaktik - den Bildungshorizont durch Berufs- und Allgemeinbildung erweitern. Festschrift für Josef Aff. Wien: Facultas., ISBN 978-3-7089-2038-2, pp. 28 - 40. (Web link)

  • Otto, Birke; Schüßler, Elke; Zangerle, Katharina (2020): Greenhouses are made of glass. Tensions in experimental spaces for creative collaboration in front-end pharmaceutical research.
    In: Montanari, Fabrizio; Mattarelli, Elisa; Scapolan, Anna Chiara: Collaborative Spaces at Work. Innovation, Creativity and Relations. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 978-0-42-932942-5, pp. 238 - 251. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pershina, R.; Soppe, B. (2020): Alone or in Concert? Creative Entrepreneurs and the Role of Multiple Institutional Logics in Crowdfunding Pitches.
    In: Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper; Slavich, Barbara; Khaire, Mukti: Technology and Creativity. Production, Mediation and Evaluation in the Digital Age. Houndmills [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan., ISBN 978-3-030-17565-8, pp. 147 - 179. (DOI) (Web link)

(Book) Reviews

Journal Article (Book Review)
  • Weiskopf, Richard (2020): Zuboff, Shoshana: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New York: Public Affairs, 2019.
    In: Organization 27/6, pp. 975 - 978. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Gümüsay, A.; Dobusch, L. (2020): This Is Not (Digital) Business as Usual. In: MIT Sloan Management Review Online Portal, 29. Mai. (Web link)

  • Heimstädt, M.; Dobusch, L. (2020): To address the rise of predatory publishing in the social sciences, journals need to experiment with open peer review. (Web link)

  • Weiskopf, Richard (2020): From blind dis/obedience to responsible organizing? In: Blog der Organization Studies Innsbruck Community (, 23.11.2020). (Web link)

Database Entry, Scientific
  • Heimstädt, M.; Dobusch, L. (2020): Open Access. In: Journalistikon. Das Wörterbuch der Journalistik. (Web link)

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Otto, P.; Dobusch, L.; Klausner, L.D (2020): Ein Modernes Urheberrecht. Studie im Auftrag der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung. (Web link)

Department of Organisation and Learning, Business Languages Section

Publications 2023

Contributions to Books / Journals

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Belgrano, Maria (2023): Una “lava” di fraseologismi: piano d'analisi delle espressioni idiomatiche nel omanzo L'amica geniale di Elena Ferrante e nella traduzione tedesca.
    In: Badolati, Maria Teresa; Floridi, Federica; Verkade, Suze Anja: Nuovi studi di fraseologia e paremiologia. Atti del Primo Convegno Dottorale Phrasis. Rom: Sapienza Università Editrice University Press (= Convegni, 60)., ISBN 9788893772631, pp. 227 - 244. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bell, J. Jason; Pescher, Christian; Tellis, Gerard J.; Füller, Johann (online first): Can AI help in ideation? A theory-based model for idea screening in crowdsourcing contests.
    In: MARKETING SCIENCE. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bereczki, Izabella; Füller, Johann (First View): SME and Startup Collaboration in the Context of Open Innovation Projects: SMEs’ Digital Transformation.
    In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Haid, M.; Albrecht, J.N.; Tangl, P.; Plainker, A. (2024): Regional Products and Sustainability.
    In: Sustainability 16/2, No. 628. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hofmann, Verena; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Wetzels, Martin (early view): The Role of a Smile in Customer-Employee Interactions: Primitive Emotional Contagion and its Boundary Conditions.
    In: Psychology & Marketing, pp. 1 - 16. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hutter, Katja; Brendgens, Ferry-Michael; Gauster, Sebastian Peter; Matzler, Kurt (early view): Scaling organizational agility: key insights from an incumbent firm's agile transformation.
    In: Management Decision. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jaufenthaler, Philipp; Kallmuenzer, Andreas; Kraus, Sascha; De Massis, Alfredo (online first): The localness effect of family firm branding on consumer perceptions and purchase intention: An experimental approach.
    In: Journal of Small Business Management. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Just, Julian (2024): Natural language processing for innovation search–Reviewing an emerging non-human innovation intermediary.
    In: Technovation 129, No. 102883. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Just, Julian; Hutter, Katja; Füller, Johann (First View): Catching but a glimpse?—Navigating crowdsourced solution spaces with transformer-based language models.
    In: Creativity and Innovation Management. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Just, Julian; Ströhle, Thomas; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (early view): AI-based novelty detection in crowdsourced idea spaces.
    In: Innovation. Organization & Management. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kölbl, Kathrin; Blank, Cornelia; Schobersberger, Wolfgang; Peters, Mike (online first): Increasing the willigness to stay - a novel and comprehensive member satisfaction index (MSI) model tested in a leading German tennis club.
    In: The TQM Journal. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas (online first): Information distance: Conceptual development and empirical tests of a novel measure of cross-national distance.
    In: Journal of International Management, No. 101087. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lintumäki, Petri; Koll, Oliver (2024): sport team identification: a social identity perspective comparing local and distant fans.
    In: International Journal of sports Marketing & Sponsorship 25/1, pp. 1 - 17. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mancuso, Ilaria; Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio; Urbinati, Andrea; Matzler, Kurt (2024): Leadership in the metaverse: Building and integrating digital capabilities.
    In: Business Horizons 67/4, pp. 331 - 343. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Matzler, Kurt; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan; Stoiber, Kristina; Hautz, Julia; Stadler, Christian (2024): Open Strategy: Durch offene Strategieprozesse Geschäftsmodelle innovieren.
    In: Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching 31, pp. 79 - 95. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mayer, M.; Abegg, B. (2024): Development of summer skiing days in Austrian glacier ski areas in the first two decades of the 21st century.
    In: International Journal Of Biometeorology 68, pp. 547 - 564. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Menkveld, Albert J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; ..., ...; Kirchler, Michael; Razen, Michael; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Lindner, T.; et, al. (2024): Nonstandard Errors.
    In: Journal of Finance 79/3, pp. 2339 - 2390. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Moscon, Veronica; Simbrig, Ines; Bernhart, Josef; Decarli, Peter; Promberger, Kurt (2024): Schlüsselthemen der Sozialpolitik. Die Sicht von Stakeholdern und ihre Berücksichtigung in der Sozialplanung.
    In: Qual.Met /Journal 2/1. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ortner, Thomas; Hautz, Julia; Stadler, Christian; Matzler, Kurt (2024 early view): Open strategy and digital transformation: A framework and future research agenda.
    In: International Journal Of Management Reviews. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Pachucki, Christoph; Scholl-Grissemann, Ursula (First View): Identifying online user discourses triggered by destination stakeholder reactions.
    In: Tourism Review. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Puhr, Harald; Müllner, Jakob (2024): Vox populi, vox dei: A concept and measure for grassroots socio-political risk using Google Trends.
    In: Journal of International Management 30/2, No. 101096. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd F.; Becker, Larissa (2024): Customer Journey Partitioning – A Customer-centric Perspective Beyond Stages and Touchpoints.
    In: Journal of Business Research 181, No. 114745. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Kuhnle, Janina S. (2024): How and When Effective Customer Journeys Drive Brand Loyalty: The Role of Consumer-Brand Identification,.
    In: Journal of Service Management 35/6, pp. 109 - 135. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Riedl, Christoph; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja; Tellis, Gerard J (2024): Cash or Non-Cash? Exploring Ideators’ Incentive Preferences in Crowdsourcing Contests.
    In: Journal of Management Information Systems 41/2, pp. 487 - 514. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Riehle, Ramona; Wieser, Verena; Hemetsberger, Andrea (Online First): “We truly love what we do”: The Tribal Consumer Inside Passionate Service Employees.
    In: Journal of Service Research. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, Sarah; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2024): Young peoples’ environmentally sustainable tourism attitude and responsible behavioral intention.
    In: Tourism Review 79/4, pp. 939 - 952. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, Sarah; Raich, Frieda; Zehrer, Anita; Pikkemaat, Birgit (online first): Exploring Generation Y´s perception of family-run hotels: the perceived family firm image.
    In: Journal of Vacation Marketing, pp. 1 - 13. (DOI)

  • Schöps, J. D.; Schwarz, S.; Rojkowski, V. (early view): Memetic logics of participation: Fitness body culture on Instagram.
    In: Marketing Theory, p. No 14705931231201779. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schöps, Jonathan; Jaufenthaler, Philipp (2024): Semantic network analysis in consumer and marketing research: application areas in phygital contexts.
    In: Qualitative Market Research 27/3 (SI), pp. 495 - 514. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schweiger, Nina; Matzler, Kurt; Hautz, Julia; de Massis, Alfredo (2024): Family Businesses and Strategic Change: The Role of Family Ownership.
    In: Review of Managerial Science 18/10, pp. 2981 - 3005. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Ortner, Thomas (2024 early view): Open Strategy and the multinational firm.
    In: Multinational Business Review. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stoiber, Kristina; Degischer, Daniel; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt (2024 early view): Open Strategy as Turnaround: The Impact of Openness in Restructuring Under Financial Distress.
    In: Academy of Management Perspectives. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wang, Ruoyuan; Peters, Mike (E-First): Consumer Intention to Switch from Cash to Mobile Payment in Restaurants During and After Pandemic.
    In: Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yuan, Yuke; Chan, Chung-Shing Chan; Eichelberger, Sarah; Ma, Hang; Pikkemaat, Birgit (online first): The effect of social media on travel planning process by Chinese tourists: the way forward to tourism futures.
    In: Journal of Tourism Futures, pp. 1 - 20. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Lindner, Thomas; Müllner, Jakob; Puhr, Harald (online first): Ownership, institutions, and the agency of M&A completion.
    In: Global Strategy Journal. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas (2024): Information distance: Conceptual development and empirical tests of a novel measure of cross-national distance.
    In: Journal of International Management 30/2, Nr. 101087. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneck, Sebastian; Hautz, Julia (2024): Overconfident executives: do they wreak havoc or inspire the troops?
    In: Journal of Business Strategy 45/2, pp. 115 - 123. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, Sarah (online first): Tourism actors´responsible behavior: A Systematic literature review.
    In: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. (DOI)

  • Slangen, Arien; Valboni, Riccardo; Eerola, Aleksi; Lindner, Thomas (online first): Tax-Motivated Relocations of Headquarters: The Role of Affinity Bias among Socially-Responsible Blockholders and CEOs.
    In: Journal of Management Studies. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Stoiber, Kristina; Degischer, Daniel (2024): Finding the Balance: Practices to Leverage Open Strategy in Restructuring Under Financial Distress.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings. (DOI)

Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Brielmaier, Christoph; Ortner, Thomas; Friesl, Martin; Hautz, Julia (2024): Sitting in a glasshouse? Employees’ social experiences of organizational transparency.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2024/1, online. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Editorial)
  • Hartwell, Christopher; James, Barclay; Lindner, Thomas; Müllner, Jakob; Vaaler, Paul (2024): Populist politics and international business policy: problems, practices, and prescriptions for MNEs.
    In: Journal of International Business Policy 7, pp. 12 - 18. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Bichler, Bernhard; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2024): Accelerating Innovation in Tourism - Living Labs as a Way Forward.
    In: Hall, Michael: Tourism. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism. Oxford [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing., ISBN 9781119753797, 2nd, updated edition, pp. 348 - 363. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Larcher, Birgit; Koll, Oliver (2024): Der Einfluss des Namens auf den Erfolg von Marken, Eine vergleichende Analyse Österreich - Ungarn.
    In: Kovács, László; Zipser, Katharina; Szőke, Viktória; Kegyes, Erika (Hrsg.): Marken im Kontext von Kultur und Sprache / Márkák a kultúra és a nyelv kontextusában. Die kulturelle Vermittlungsfunktion österreichischer und ungarischer Marken / Osztrák és magyar márkák kultúraközvetítő szerepe. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač (= PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, 275)., ISBN 978-3-339-13782-1, pp. 183 - 200. (Web link)

  • Stoiber, Kristina; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt; Stadler, Christian; von den Eichen, Friedrich Stephan (2024): Open strategy - the role of strategic leadership.
    In: Simsek, Zeki; Heavey, Ciaran; Fox, Brian C.: Handbook of Research on Strategic Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978 1 80220 880 1, pp. 365 - 388. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Other)
  • Wieser, Verena; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2024): Social Responsibility.
    In: Gollnhofer, Johanna; Hofstetter, Reto; Tomczak, Torsten; (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-80392-626-1, pp. 287 - 290. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Editorial)
  • Pachucki, Christoph; Scholl-Grissemann, Ursula (2024): More than a crisis? Corporate entrepreneurship and COVID-19 pandemic in Austrian tourism.
    In: Aguiar-Quintana, Teresa; Day, Jonathon; Alamo Vera, Francisca Rosa: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality: Global Post COVID-19 Recovery Strategies. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781003454465. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Just, Julian; Ströhle, Thomas; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (2024): What the Structure of Crowdsourced Solution Landscapes Reveals About Their Ideas’ Value.
    In: Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9-13 August 2024. New York: Academy of Management.

  • Rupp, Jonathan; Füller, Johann (2024): Evaluating Innovation with AI: The Emotional Dimensions of Crowdfunding.
    In: Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9-13 August 2024. New York: Academy of Management., Vol. 1.

  • Schmidmaier, Matthias; Rupp, Jonathan; Cvetanova, Darina; Mayer, Sven (2024): Perceived Empathy of Technology Scale (PETS): Measuring Empathy of Systems Toward the User.
    In: Mueller, F.F.; Kyburz, P.; et al: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024). Honolulu HI USA, May 11 - 16, 2024. New York: ACM Digital Library., ISBN 979-8-4007-0330-0, No. 456. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sommer, Fabian; Füller, Johann (2024): Vibrant Ecosystems and Effective Startup Programs: What Startups Need and Benefit the Most.
    In: Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9-13 August 2024. New York: Academy of Management.

  • Steiger, T.; Durani, K.; Just, J.; Hutter, K.; Eckhardt, A. (2024): From Concept to Creation: Artificial Intelligence in Innovation Teams. Short Paper.
    In: Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2024). Vietnam, July 1-5, 2024. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)., No. 16. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Engl, Christoph; Pauer, Sophia (2024): Bone Brox: From a Startup to an Established Business. (Web link)

Publications 2023


Monograph, Scientific
  • Atz, Hermann; Bernhart, Josef; Gross, Melanie; Promberger, Kurt (2023): Wie weiblich ist die Gemeindepolitik? Der (nach wie vor) mühevoll Weg der Frauen ins Rathaus. Bozen: Athesia Tappeiner Verlag. ISBN 978-88-6839-616-9. 2. akt. und erw. Auflage. (Web link)

Book, Transfer-Oriented
  • Matzler, Kurt (2023): Das High Performance Mindset: Race Across America - Was wir vom härtesten Radrennen der Welt lernen können. Wien: Egoth. ISBN 978-3903376519. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bazzanella, F; Schnitzer, M; Peters, M; Bichler, F (2023): The role of sports events in developing tourism destinations: a systematized review and future research agenda.
    In: Journal of sport & Tourism 27/2, pp. 77 - 109. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eisenreich, Anja; Füller, Johann (2023): You Can’t Go Circular Alone. A Stakeholder Approach to Circular Innovation.
    In: Circular Economy 1/1, pp. 1 - 4. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eller, Robert; Kronenberger, Christopher; Peters, Mike (2023): Digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises: business model innovation and
    information technology adoption – the case of Austria.
    In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 48/3, pp. 318 - 342. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gössling, S.; Balas, M.; Mayer, M.; Sun, Y.-Y (2023): A review of tourism and climate change mitigation: The scales, scopes, stakeholders and strategies of carbon management.
    In: Tourism Management 95, No. 104681. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gusenbauer, Michael; Schweiger, Nina; Matzler, Kurt; Hautz, Julia (2023): Innovation Through Tradition: The Role of Past Knowledge for Successful Innovations in Family and Non-family Firms.
    In: Family Business Review 36/1 (SI), pp. 17 - 36. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jaufenthaler, P.; Koll, O.; Lude, M.; Prügl, R. (2023): Country Differences in Family Firm Reputation: An Exploration in Germany, India, and the United States.
    In: Family Business Review 36/4, pp. 352 - 374. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jaufenthaler, Phiipp (2023): A safe haven in times of crisis: The appeal of family companies as employers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
    In: Journal of Family Business Strategy 14/1, No. 100520. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jaufenthaler, Philipp (2023): Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder: consumers' and jobseekers' interpretations of the family business brand.
    In: Journal of Product and Brand Management 32/5, pp. 697 - 712. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Klingler, Michael; Schermer, Markus; Hemetsberger, Andrea; Stotten, Rike; Maaß, Clemens (2023): Uncovering the sociomaterial assemblage of a culinary heritagization: The Wildschönauer Krautinger schnapps.
    In: Journal of Rural Studies 103, No. 103125. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Koll, Oliver; von Wallpach, Sylvia; Uzelac, Boris (2023): Stakeholder-oriented brand management: A Venn-diagram approach to monitor brand associations.
    In: European Management Journal 41, pp. 437 - 444. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas; Stocco, Giulia (2023): Asymmetric risk perception and firm financing in the institutional envelope.
    In: International Business Review 32/3, Nr. 102067. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Meier, Andrea; Peters, Mike (2023): Limited engagement of SMEs with social media: A structuration and sensemaking perspective.
    In: Information & Management 60/7, No. 103853. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mooradian, Todd; Matzler, Kurt; Strobl, Andreas; Teichmann, Karin (2023): Tell me where you come from and I know what makes you tick: Managing the consumer personality–satisfaction link in diverse cultures.
    In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour 22/2, pp. 253 - 271. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Müllner, Jakob; Filatotchev, Igor; Lindner, Thomas (2023): Striking a balance? Finance perspectives on international business research.
    In: Multinational Business Review 31/3, pp. 313 - 332. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Plaikner, A.; Haid, M.; Kallmuenzer, A.; Kraus, S. (2023): Employer Branding in Tourism: How to Recruit, Retain and Motivate Staff.
    In: Journal of Tourism and Services 14/27, pp. 1 - 21. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Puhr, Harald; Kupfer, Alexander (2023): Media in the Geopolitical Crossfire: Idenfication and Novel Data Sources for IB Research.
    In: Academy of International Business Insights (AIB Insights) 23/1, pp. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Puhr, Harald; Müllner, Jakob; Trentini, Claudia (2023): UNCTAD Insights: An innovative measure for digital firms’ internationalization.
    In: Transnational Corporations 30/3, pp. 129 - 159. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Salim, Emanuel; Mayer, Marius; Sacher, Philipp; Ravanel, Ludovic (2023): Visitors' motivations to engage in glacier tourism in the European Alps: comparison of six sites in France, Switzerland, and Austria.
    In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism 31/6, pp. 1373 - 1393. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, S.; Eller, R.; Kallmuenzer, A.; Peters, M. (2023): Organisational learning and sustainable tourism: the enabling role of digital transformation.
    In: Journal of Knowledge Management 27/11, pp. 82 - 100. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, S.; Peters, M.; Kuščer, K. (2023): Sustainable tourism policies:From crisis-related awareness to agendas towards measures.
    In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 27, Nr. 100762. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schönherr, Sarah; Bichler, Bernhard; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2023): Attitudes not set in stone: Existential crises changing residents’ irritation.
    In: Tourism Management 96, No. 104708. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schroll, Roland (2023): 'Ouch!' When and why food anthropomorphism negatively affects consumption.
    In: Journal of Consumer Psychology 33/3, pp. 561 - 574. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schwarz, Sarah; Aufschnaiter, Christiane; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2023): Social Linking Practices in Physical Distance: The Material Constitution of Sociality.
    In: Marketing Theory 23/2, pp. 321 - 342. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Simbrig, Ines; van der Weegen, Sanne; Kofler, Manfred; Piazolo, Felix; Sturm, Nadine; Hvalič-Touzery, Simona (2023): Impact of using aging-in-place technologies on quality of life: Results from a randomized controlled trial in four European countries.
    In: Gerontechnology Journal 21/1, pp. 1 - 21. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt; Friedrich von Eichen, Stephan (2023): Alle machen mit!
    In: Harvard Business Manager 2023/10, pp. 36 - 45. (Web link)

  • Steiger, R; Graiff, L; Peters, M; Schnitzer, M (2023): The COVID-19 pandemic and leisure providers—Challenges, opportunities and adaptation strategies for ski area operators in Austria.
    In: Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism 2, No. 1136163. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Hofmann, Verena; Hebborn, Heike; Wanisch, Anna Teresa (2023): Effects of COVID-19 on Well-Being and Customer Loyalty: A Life Event Perspective.
    In: Marketing. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis / Journal of Research and Management 45/2, pp. 34 - 48. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena (2023): Can a smile help healing service failures? The interplay of employee emotions, guest emotions and justice perceptions for successful service recoveries in the hospitality industry.
    In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 55, pp. 261 - 276. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Strassburger, C; Wachholz, F; Peters, M; Schnitzer, M; Blank, C (2023): Organizational leisure benefits – a resource to facilitate employees’ work-life balance?
    In: Employee Relations - the international journal 45/3, pp. 585 - 602. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Strassburger, C; Wachholz, F; Peters, M; Schnitzer, M; Blank, C (2023): Organizational leisure benefits: a neglected signaling device in hospitality job advertisements?
    In: Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 22/2, pp. 266 - 295. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Strobl, Andreas; Kallmuenzer, Andreas; Peters, Mike (2023): Entrepreneurial leadership in Austrian family SMEs: A configurational approach.
    In: International Small Business Journal 41/2, pp. 152 - 180. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Suck, Elisabeth; Koll, Oliver; Morshed, Golam (2023): Stakeholder expectations and contributions to creating a market for automated, connected, electric and shared vehicles.
    In: Research in Transportation Business and Management 50, No. 101036. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Tekic, Anja; Willoughby, Kelvin W; Füller, Johann (2023): Different settings, different terms and conditions: The impact of intellectual property arrangements on co‐creation project performance.
    In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 40/5, pp. 679 - 704. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Tekic, Zeljko; Füller, Johann (2023): Managing innovation in the era of AI.
    In: Technology in Society. An international journal 73, Nr. 102254. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Stoiber, Kristina; Matzler, Kurt; Hautz, Julia (2023): Ambidextrous structures paving the way for disruptive business models: a conceptual framework.
    In: Review of Managerial Science 17, pp. 1439 - 1485. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Jaud, Philipp; Lindner, Thomas (2023): Nachhaltige Finanzierung und ihre Bedeutung für den Kapitalmarkt.
    In: Zahradnik, Andreas; Richter-Schöller, Christian (Hrsg.): Praxishandbuch Nachhaltige Finanzierung. Wien: Linde Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7073-4818-7, pp. 15 - 32. (Web link)

  • Matzler, Kurt; Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia (2023): Preempting Digital Disruption: The Nightmare Competitor Contest.
    In: Project Management Institute: The Digital Transformation Playbook: What You Need to Know and Do. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute, Inc., ISBN 978-1628257816, pp. 85 - 93.

  • Peters, M.; Eichelberger, S. (2023): Digital Tourism Experts – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des digitalen Know-how-Transfers.
    In: Gardini, M.A.; Sommer, G.: Digital Leadership im Tourismus. Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz als Wettbewerbsfaktro der Zukunft. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler., ISBN 3658375442, pp. 525 - 535. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Peters, Mike; Steiger, Robert (2023): The Covid-19 Pandemix and its Influence on Austria´s Tourism Industry.
    In: Landry, Marc; Rupnow, Dirk: COVID-19 and Pandemics in Austrian History. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= Contemporary Austrian Studies, 32)., ISBN 978-3-99106-115-1, pp. 193 - 212. (Web link)

  • Plaikner, A.; Weiskopf, B.; Weiskopf, K.; Haid, M. (2023): New concepts for traditional family-run inns.
    In: Kraus, S.; Clauss, T.; Kallmuenzer, A.: Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 9781800889231, pp. 215 - 238. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Kuhnle, Janina; Reitsamer, Bernd; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2023): Livestream vs Pre-Recorded - Exploring Customer Behavior towards Digital Social Viewing Strategies.
    In: Hu, Kejia; Park, Sin Juk: Re-Imaginining Service to Enhance Human Life and Society. QUIS18 Proceedings. VinUniversity, Hanoi, June 20-23, 2023. Hanoi: VinUniversity., pp. 378 - 383. (Web link)

  • Plaikner, Alexander; Haid, Marco; Sparber, Johanna (2023): Tourism meets Agriculture.
    In: Chase, L.; Hollas, C.; Qian, X.; Whitehouse, C.; (Eds.): International Workshop on Agritourism 2022 Conference Proceedings. University Park, PA: Northeast Regional Center for Rura., pp. 61 - 67. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Elschenbroich, Simon (2023): The Role of Delivery Packaging Cues and Consumer Shopping Values: A Systematic Literature Review.
    In: Saint Clair, Julian; Kumar, Alok; Liu, Lucy YAN: 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. A World Disrupted: Marketing´s Role in Understanding, Adapting and Transforming the Business Ecosystem. Proceedings Volume 34. July 31 (Virtual), August 4-6, San Francisco, CA. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-017-2, pp. 960 - 963. (Web link)

  • Hebborn, Heike; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2023): The Relevance of User-Product Interactions for Marketing: Lessons Learned from Industrial Design Research and Related Disciplines.
    In: Saint Clair, Julian; Kumar, Alok; Liu, Lucy YAN: 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. A World Disrupted: Marketing´s Role in Understanding, Adapting and Transforming the Business Ecosystem. Proceedings Volume 34. July 31 (Virtual), August 4-6, San Francisco, CA. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-017-2, pp. 392 - 395. (Web link)

  • Kuhnle, Janina S. (2023): Press Play! How Digital Social Viewing Strategies impact Customer Behavior.
    In: Umashankar, Nita; Lisjak, Monika: Proceedings of the 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference (Volume 34). Marketing During Times of Change. February 6 (virtual), February 10-12 (Nashville, TN). Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-015-8, pp. 723 - 726. (Web link)

  • Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Kuhnle, Janina S.; Hebborn, Heike; Hofmann, Verena (2023): Uncovering the Impact of Product Design on Marketing Success: A Longitudinal Study.
    In: Saint Clair, Julian; Kumar, Alok; Liu, Lucy YAN: 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. A World Disrupted: Marketing´s Role in Understanding, Adapting and Transforming the Business Ecosystem. Proceedings Volume 34. July 31 (Virtual), August 4-6, San Francisco, CA. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-017-2, pp. 416 - 420. (Web link)

  • Wanisch, Anna Teresa; Hebborn, Heike; Hofmann, Verena; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2023): Emotional and Professional Competence of Service Employees in Offline and Online Encounters: Role and Relevance.
    In: Saint Clair, Julian; Kumar, Alok; Liu, Lucy YAN: 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. A World Disrupted: Marketing´s Role in Understanding, Adapting and Transforming the Business Ecosystem. Proceedings Volume 34. July 31 (Virtual), August 4-6, San Francisco, CA. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-017-2, pp. 983 - 986. (Web link)

Encyclopaedia Entry, Scientific
  • Muehr, Christina Maria; Lindner, Thomas (2023): International Initial Public Offerings.
    In: Aldag, Ramon J.: Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Business and Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 9780190224851, online. (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Bernhart, Josef; Decarli, Peter; Moscon, Veronica; Promberger, Kurt; Simbrig, Ines (2023): Perspektiven für die Sozialpolitik in Südtirol. Bedürfnisse und Empfehlungen aus der Praxis. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bernhart, Josef; Decarli, Peter; Moscon, Veronica; Promberger, Kurt; Simbrig, Ines (2023): Prospettive per le politiche sociali in Alto Adige. Il contributo della pratica. (DOI) (Web link)

Research Report (Commissioned Research)
  • Pikkemaat, Birgit: Entwicklung eines Regionalitätsindex (R-Index) am Beispiel Pitzal.
    Tourismusverband Pitztal, 2022-12-01 - 2023-12-31.

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Schönherr, Sarah: Personalsituation der Hotellerie im Raum Innsbruck.
    Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer, Innsbruck, 2022-12-01 - 2023-01-31.

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Pikkemaat, Birgit (2023): Nachgefragt: Birgit Pikkemaat (Interview). 13 Fragen an Birgit Pikkemaat. (Web link)

Publications 2022


Monograph, Scientific
  • Bernhart, Josef; Promberger, Kurt; Simbrig, Ines; Vigl, Sonja (2022): Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage zum Thema Alter und Technik in Südtirol. Anziani e tecnologie in Alto Adige - risultati di un'indagine rappresentativa. Bozen: EURAC research/Europäische Akademie. ISBN 978-88-98857-71-5. (Web link)

  • Edmiston, Dawn; Mooradian, Todd; Matzler, Kurt; Ring, Lawrence (2022): Marketing Management. A Strategic Framework and Tools for Success. San Diego: Cognella Academic. ISBN 978-1793580085.

  • Matzler, Kurt; Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan; Anschober, Markus (2022): Open Strategy. Durch offene Strategiearbeit Disruption erfolgreich managen. München: Vahlen. ISBN 978-3-8006-6942-4. Deutsche Fassung. (Web link)

  • Plaikner, Alexander; Kammerer, Nina (2022): Die Transformation des Tourismus durch COVID-19 in Resilienz als Strategie in Region, Destination und Unternehmen. Eine raumbezogene Perspektive. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler (= Gabler Research. Entrepreneurial Management und Standortentwicklung). ISBN 978-3-658-37295-8. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zbaraszewski, W.; Balas, M.; Dmytrów, K.; Majewska, A.; Mayer, M.; Steingrube, W. (2022): Socio-economic research in protected areas of the Euroregion Pomerania: Visitor satisfaction, economic impacts and park–people relationships. Poznań: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe. ISBN 978-83-7986-420-1. (DOI)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bereczki, Izabella; Füller, Johann; Stănculescu, Oana (2022): The perfect match! Open innovation platforms-assets for collaborative start-ups.
    In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 26/3-4, pp. 133 - 160. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, Bernhard F; Petry, Tanja; Peters, Mike (2022): ‘We did everything we could’: how employees’ made sense of COVID-19 in the tourism and hospitality industry.
    In: Current Issues in Tourism 25/23: COVID-19, pp. 3766 - 3782. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, B.F.; Kallmünzer, A.; Peters, M.; Petry, T.; Clauss, T (2022): Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: how family firm embeddedness triggers ecosystem development.
    In: Review of Managerial Science 16, pp. 15 - 44. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Brahic, E.; Garms, M.; Deuffic, P.; Lyser, S.; Mayer, M. (2022): How do inhabitants of mountain areas perceive climate change and forest dieback? A comparison between France and Germany.
    In: Environmental Management 70/6, pp. 896 - 910. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Chan, Chung Shing; Pikkemaat, Birgit; Agapito, Dora; Zhou, Qinrou (2022): The connection between VFR experience based and sociocultural dimensions of international students and mainland Chinese students.
    In: International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 16/1, pp. 276 - 293. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Estes, Zachary; Streicher, Mathias (2022): Getting a Handle on Sales: Shopping Carts Affect Purchasing by Activating Arm Muscles.
    In: JOURNAL OF MARKETING 86/6, pp. 135 - 154. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fisch, Jan Hendrik; Puhr, Harald (2022): Financial hedging and operational flexibility as instruments to manage exchange-rate uncertainty in multinational corporations.
    In: Global Strategy Journal 12/2, pp. 308 - 333. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja; Wahl, Julian; Bilgram, Volker; Tekic, Zeljko (2022): How AI revolutionizes innovation management – Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 178, No. 121598. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gusenbauer, Michael (2022): Search where you will find most: Comparing the disciplinary coverage of 56 bibliographic databases.
    In: Scientometrics 127, pp. 2683 - 2745. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hagleitner, Wolfgang; Sting, Stephan; Maran, Thomas (2022): Socio-economic status and living situation of care leavers in Austria.
    In: Children and Youth Services Review 142, Nr. 106620. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hetzenauer, Kathrin; Pikkemaat, Birgit; Albinsson, Pia A. (2022): Exploring strategies of small ski areas with different destination governance structures: A comparative case study.
    In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 40, No. 100561. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hoffmann, Alexandra; Ellmerer, P.; Maran, T.; Sachse, Pierre (2022): Cardiovascular reactivity during sadness induction predicts inhibitory control performance.
    In: Physiology and Behavior 254, No. 113869. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hoffmann, Alexandra; Maran, T.; Grünbaum, T.; Liegl, S.; Lobis, U.; Sachse, Pierre (2022): A psychophysiological investigation of mourning: There are two sides to the story.
    In: Motivation and Emotion 46/2, pp. 276 - 290. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Koll, Oliver; Plank, Andreas (2022): Do shoppers choose the same brand on the next trip when facing the same context? An empirical investigation in FMCG retailing.
    In: Journal of Retailing 98/4, pp. 576 - 592. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kortmann, M.; Angelstam, P.; Mayer, M.; Leibl, F.; Reichert, J.; Thorn, C.; Thorn, S. (2022): Disturbance severity and human-nature relationsships: a new approach to analyze people's well-being along a bark beetle infestation gradient.
    In: Forests 13/11, No. 1954. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kuščer, Kir; Eichelberger, Sarah; Peters, Mike (2022): Tourism organizations’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: an investigation of the lockdown period.
    In: Current Issues in Tourism 25/2, pp. 247 - 260. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lonardi, S.; Unterpertinger, Y. (2022): The Relevance of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Traditional Languages for the Tourism Experience: The Case of Ladin in South Tyrol.
    In: Sustainability 14/5, No. 2729. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lonardi, Serena (2022): Minority languages and tourism: a literature review.
    In: Journal of Heritage Tourism 17/3, pp. 342 - 356. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, Thomas; Baldegger, Urs; Klösel, Kilian (2022): Turning visions into results: unraveling the distinctive paths of leading with vision and autonomy to goal achievement.
    In: Leadership & Organization Development Journal 43/1, pp. 133 - 154. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, Thomas; Hoffmann, Alexandra; Sachse, Pierre (2022): Early lifetime experience of urban living predicts social attention in real world crowds.
    In: Cognition 225, No. 105099. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, Thomas; Liegl, Simon; Davila, Andrés; Moder, Sebastian; Kraus, Sascha; Mahto, Raj (2022): Who fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 175, No. 121352. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mölk, Andreas; Auer, Manfred; Peters, Mike (2022): Radicalization and attenuation in the construction of tourism employment images: a multi-level frame analysis.
    In: International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34/2, pp. 457 - 481. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Müller, Timo; Maran, Thomas (2022): Exploration und Exploitation als Ordnungskategorien menschlichen Verhaltens und Entscheidens – Parallelen und Implikationen für die Unternehmensführung.
    In: Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity 15/1, pp. 41 - 55. (Web link)

  • Pandza, Krsto; Whittington, Richard; Hautz, Julia (2022): In praise of fractionated trading zones: Respectful partnerships in management innovation.
    In: Strategic Management Review 3/1, pp. 169 - 185. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Peng, Yuanxiang; Yin, Ping; Matzler, Kurt (2022): Analysis of Destination Images in the Emerging Ski Market: The Case Study in the Host City of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.
    In: Sustainability 14/1, No. 555. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Petry, Tanja; Pikkemaat, Birgit; Chan, Chung-Shing; Scholl-Grissemann, Ursula (2022): Understanding students as hosts: moving beyond sightseeing.
    In: International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 16/1, pp. 7 - 19. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Petry, Tanja; Treisch, Corinna; Peters, Mike (2022): Designing job ads to stimulate the decision to apply: a discrete choice experiment with business students.
    In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 33/15, pp. 3019 - 3055. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Plaikner, Alexander; Heimerl, Peter; Peters, Mike; Sparber, Johanna; Haid, Marco (2022): Interne und externe Unternehmensnachfolgeprozesse in der Hotellerie.
    In: Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 14/2, pp. 199 - 226. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Puhr, Harald; Müllner, Jakob (2022): Foreign to all but fluent in many: The effect of multinationality on shock resilience.
    In: Journal of World Business 57/6, No. 101370. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sacher, P.; Meyerhoff, J.; Mayer, Marius (2022): Evidence of the association between deadwood and forest recreational site choices.
    In: Forest Policy and Economics 135, No. 102538. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneckenberg, Dirk; Matzler, Kurt; Spieth, Patrick (2022): Theorizing business model innovation: an organizing framework of research dimensions and future perspectives.
    In: R & D Management 52/3, pp. 593 - 609. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Scholl-Grissemann, U; Peters, M; Bichler, BF; Happ, E (2022): Hiking tourism: educating hikers through the interpretation of on-site information and predicting precautionary behavior.
    In: Tourism Review 77/6, pp. 1436 - 1454. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Scholl-Grissemann, Ursula; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Teichmann, Karin (2022): The Importance of Perceived Fairness in Product Customization Settings.
    In: Service Industries Journal 42/11-12, pp. 823 - 842. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schöps, Jonathan; Reinhardt, Christian; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2022): Sticky market webs of connection - human and non-human market co-codification dynamics across social media.
    In: European Journal of Marketing 56/13, pp. 78 - 104. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Shirodkar, Vikrant; Rajwani, Tazeeb; Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Mayer, Michael CJ (2022): Corporate Political Activity and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effects of International and Product Diversification.
    In: Journal of International Management 28/4, Nr. 100941. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan (2022): Open Up Your Strategy.
    In: MIT Sloan Management Review 63/3, pp. 85 - 90. (Web link)

  • Wahl, Julian; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (2022): AI-assisted searching through crowdsourced solution spaces.
    In: Marketing Review St.Gallen 2022/6, pp. 30 - 38.

  • Wahl, Julian; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (2022): What’s the problem? How crowdsourcing and text-mining may contribute to the understanding of unprecedented problems such as COVID-19.
    In: R & D Management 52/2, pp. 427 - 446. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wahl, Julian; Hutter, Katja; Füller, Johann (2022): How AI-supported searches through other perspectives affect ideation outcomes.
    In: International Journal of Innovation Management 26/09, No. 2240028. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Yuanxiang, Peng; Ping, Yin; Jingjing, Yang; Matzler, Kurt (2022): Exploring the Tourism Experience of Beginner Skiers in the Emerging Ski Market.
    In: Journal of Resources and Ecology 13/4, pp. 613 - 623. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Eisenreich, Anja; Füller, Johann; Stuchtey, Martin; Gimenez-Jimenez, Daniela (2022): Toward a circular value chain: Impact of the circular economy on a company's value chain processes.
    In: Journal of Cleaner Production 378, Nr. 134375. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hartmann, Simon; Lindner, Thomas; Müllner, Jakob; Puck, Jonas (2022): Beyond the nation-state: Anchoring supranational institutions in International Business research.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies 53, pp. 1282 - 1306. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas; Verbeke, Alain (2022): Beyond addressing multicollinearity: Robust quantitative analysis and machine learning in international business research.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies 53, pp. 1307 - 1314. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Price, Martin F.; Gurgiser, Wolfgang; Juen, Irmgard; Adler, Carolina; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kaser, Georg; Mayr, Stefan; Bahn, Michael; Björnsen Gurung, Astrid; Dax, Thomas; Duglio, Stefano; Fischer, Jan-Thomas; Füreder, Leopold; Kurmayer, Rainer; Machold, Ingrid; Mailer, Markus; Marke, Thomas; Marzeion, Ben; McDowell, Graham Matthew; Meyer, Michael; Neuburger, Martina; Nicholson, Lindsey; Nicolussi, Kurt; Oedl-Wieser, Theresia; Peters, Mike; Richter, Kristin; Rotach, Mathias; Rüdisser, Johannes; Ruiz Peyré, Fernando; Rutzinger, Martin; Schermer, Markus; Schirpke, Ute; Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Steiger, Robert; Stotten, Rike; Szarzynski, Joerg; Tappeiner, Ulrike; Ueno, Kenichi; Wohlfahrt, Georg (2022): The International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2019 (IMC2019): A Synthesis with Recommendations for Research.
    In: Mountain Research And Development 42/1, pp. A1 - A16. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Correction: Self-Correction)
  • Hoffmann, Alexandra; Maran, T.; Grünbaum, T.; Liegl, S.; Lobis, U.; Sachse, Pierre (2022): Correction to: A psychophysiological investigation of mourning: There are two sides to the story (Feburary, 10.1007/s11031-022-09928-3, 2022).
    In: Motivation and Emotion 46/2, p. 291. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Haßlacher, Peter; Pütz, Marco; Nischik, Gero; Knauf, Christoph; Mayer, Marius; Job, Hubert (2022): Alpine open spaces in spatial planning - a plea for greater cross-border cooperation.
    In: Chilla, Tobias; Sielker, Franziska: Cross-border spatial development in Bavaria - Dynamics in Cooperation - Potentials of Integration. Hannover: ARL-Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (= Arbeitsberichte der ARL / Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Leibniz-Forum für Raumwissenschaften, 34)., ISBN 978-3-88838-438-7, Vol. 34, pp. 23 - 43. (Web link)

  • Kunczer, Vera; Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas (2022): Host-country Risk Dynamics and Foreign Direct Investments.
    In: Verbeke, Alain; van Tulder, Rob; Piscitello, Lucia; Puck, Jonas: The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing (= Progress in International Business Research, 15)., ISBN 978-1-80043-245-1, pp. 397 - 407. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sacher, Philipp; Mayer, Marius (2022): Die Rolle von naturnaher Waldwirtscahft und Totholzmanagement für die Walderholung.
    In: Berr, Karsten; Jenal, Corinna: Wald in der Vielfalt möglicher Perspektiven. Von der Pluralität lebensweltlicher Bezüge und wissenschaftlicher Thematisierungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (= RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft / SpaceAffairs: City – Region – Landscape)., ISBN 978-3-658-33705-6, Vol. Springer VS, pp. 223 - 253. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Scherer, Susanne; Puck, Jonas; Glowik, Mario; Binder, Gregor; Lindner, Thomas (2022): Innovation performance in collectivist societies: A network perspective.
    In: Dikova, Desislava; Ipsmiller, Edith: Research Handbook on Innovations in International Business. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978 1 80088 293 5, pp. 114 - 134. (DOI) (Web link)

  • von Wallpach, Sylvia; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2022): Brands in Action: Understanding corporate branding dynamics from an Action Net Perspective.
    In: Oriol, Iglesias; Ind, Nicholas; Schultz, Majken: The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9781003035749, pp. 111 - 130. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wolfesberger, Michael; Puck, Jonas; Lindner, Thomas (2022): Foreign exits and relocations on a rugged performance landscape: a theoretical perspective.
    In: Larimo, J; Arte, P. Sousa; Ghauri, P.N; Mata, J: Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978 1 80088 713 8, pp. 211 - 232. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Konrad-Märk, Marina; Füller, Johann (2022): Hybrid Innovation Management: An Affordance Perspective.
    In: Bitran, Iain; Bitetti, Leandro; Conn, Steffen; Fishburn, Jessica; Huizingh, Eelko; Torkkeli, Marko; Yang, Jialei: Proceedings of ISPIM Connects Athens Conference - The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. 28-30 November 2022 - Athens, Greece. Kouvola: ISPIM Oy (= Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications)., ISBN 978-952-65069-1-3, pp. 1 - 29. (Web link)

  • Wahl, Julian; Ströhle, Thomas; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (2022): Exploring Machine-based Idea Landscapes – The Impact of Granularity.
    In: Tung, X. Bui: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022). January 3-7, 2022, virtual. Manoa: University of Hawaii (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-5-7, pp. 347 - 356. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Hebborn, Heike (2022): The c in crisis stands for charisma – The role of advisor charisma in crisis situations for service success.
    In: Godfrey Flynn, Andrea; Prakash Mehta, Ravi; Satornino, Cinthia: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Light in the Darkness: Marketing´s Role in Driving Positive Change. Volume 33. August 9 virtual, August 10-12, Chicago, IL. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-014-1, pp. 727 - 730. (Web link)

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Eichelberger, Sarah; Spögler, Nicole; Chan, Chung-Singh (2022): Lockdown time well spent? COVID-19 as an opportunity for innovation in hospitality family businesses.
    In: Farmaki, Anna; Christou, Prokopis; Saveriades, Alexis; Zopiatis, Anastasios: The INC 2022: Tourism, Hospitality & Events Innovation and Resilience during Uncertainty. Conference Proceedings. 22-24 June 2022, Limassol, Cyprus. Limassol: Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου / Cyprus University of Technology / Technische Universität Zypern., ISBN 978-9963-697-42-7, pp. 91 - 93. (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd F.; Kuhnle, Janina S.; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E. (2022): Less Is Sometimes More - How Effective Customer Journey Designs Impact Willingness to Pay a Price Premium.
    In: Humphreys, Ashlee; Packard, Grant; Gielens, Katrijn: Proceedings of the 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference (Volume 33). Reconnecting and Reconceiving the Marketplace. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-012-7, Vol. 33, pp. 706 - 709. (Web link)

  • Wanisch, Anna (2022): Emotional or Professional Advisor Competence? – The Key to Success in Curated Fashion Retailing.
    In: Godfrey Flynn, Andrea; Prakash Mehta, Ravi; Satornino, Cinthia: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Light in the Darkness: Marketing´s Role in Driving Positive Change. Volume 33. August 9 virtual, August 10-12, Chicago, IL. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-014-1, pp. 766 - 769. (Web link)

  • Wanisch, Anna Teresa; Hebborn, Heike; Hofmann; Verena (2022): The COVID-19 Life Event and Individual Well-Being: Do Coping Behaviors Matter? An Abstract.
    In: Jochims, Bruna; Allen, Juliann: Optimistic Marketing in Challenging Times: Serving Ever-Shifting Customer Needs. Proceedings of the 2022 AMS Annual Conference. May 25-27, MOnterey, CA, USA. Cham: Springer (= Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science)., ISBN 978-3-031-24686-9, pp. 329 - 330. (DOI) (Web link)

Contribution to Textbook, Scientific
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea; Kreuzer, Maira; Mühlbacher, Hans (2022): Co-creation or Co-destruction? Value-based Brand Formation.
    In: Markovic, Stefan; Gyrd-Jones, Richard; von Wallpach, Sylvia; Lindgreen, Adam: Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation. Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-83910-541-8, 10.4337/9781839105425, pp. 90 - 104. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Koll, Oliver (2022): Finding new product ideas at Eisenbeiss: integrating non-frontline employees into co-creation processes.
    In: Markovic, Stefan; Gyrd-Jones, Richard; von Wallpach, Sylvia; Lindgreen, Adam: Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation. Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-83910-541-8, 10.4337/9781839105425, pp. 381 - 386. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wieser, Verena; Brugger, Teresa (2022): The Iconization of Greta Thunberg: The Role of Myths in Co-Creating a Person Brand.
    In: Markovic, Stefan; Gyrd-Jones, Richard; von Wallpach, Sylvia; Lindgreen, Adam: Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation. Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar., ISBN 978-1-83910-541-8, 10.4337/9781839105425, pp. 374 - 380. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Mayer, M. (2022): Bleibt alles anders? Veränderungsprozesse im Alpenraum aus geographischer Perspektive.
    In: Praxis Geographie 52/10, pp. 4 - 12. (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius (2022): Schutzgebiete in den Alpen: Zwischen Bewahrung und Dynamik.
    In: Geographische Rundschau 74/3, pp. 28 - 33. (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius (2022): Welche Zukunft hat der Skitourismus in den Alpen?
    In: Technik in Bayern 2022/03, pp. 8 - 10. (Web link)

  • Pauwels, Koen; Koll, Oliver (2022): Why brands grow: the powers of differentiation and penetration.
    In: Management and Business Review 02/3, pp. 28 - 36. (Web link)

(Book) Reviews

Journal Article (Book Review)
  • Mayer, Marius (2022): Werner Bätzing: Alm- und Alpwirtschaft im Alpenraum. Eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Bibliographie.
    In: Erdkunde 76/3, pp. 235 - 237. (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Plaikner, Alexander; Haid, Marco; Sparber, Johanna; Iaschina, Taisiia; Kayser, Joelle; Mintah, Patrick; Nussbaumer, Laslo; Prantl, Julia; Schillfahrt, Susanna; Schüssling, Andreas; Tschenett, Nina; Tangl, Pascal; Villgrater, Judith; Viehhauser, Lukas; Wachter, Angelika (2022): Tourismus trifft Landwirtschaft. Endbericht an den Fördergeber: Tourismusforschungszentrum Tirol. (Web link)

Research Report (Commissioned Research)
  • Pikkemaat, Birgit: Entwicklung eines Regionalitätsindex (R-Index) am Beispiel Pitzal.
    Tourismusverband Pitztal, 2022-12-01 - 2023-12-31.

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Schönherr, Sarah: Personalsituation der Hotellerie im Raum Innsbruck.
    Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer, Innsbruck, 2022-12-01 - 2023-01-31.

Other Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Faletič, Sergej; Aneva, Boyka; Hömöstrei, Mihály; Jenei, Péter; Éva, Izsa; Kundracik, František; Kyuldjiev, Assen; Lindner, Thomas; Němec, Hynek; Plesch, Martin; Puhr, Harald (2022): Developement of Scientific Skills via IYPT. How does YPT participation lead to hard-skill development? Budapest: ELTE. ISBN 978-963-489-460-5. (Web link)

Publications 2021


Monograph, Scientific
  • Matzler, Kurt; Müller-Segger, Julia; Hautz, Julia; Mooradian, Todd A. (2021): Strategisches Management. Konzepte und Methoden. Wien: Linde Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7143-0365-0. 3., bearb. Auflage. (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan (2021): Open Strategy. Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (= Management on the Cutting Edge). ISBN 978-0-26-204611-4. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Bichler, B.; Pikkemaat, B. (2021): Winter sports tourism to urban destinations: Identifying potential and comparing motivational differences across skier groups.
    In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 36, No. 100420. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, Bernhard F. (2021): Designing tourism governance: The role of local residents.
    In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 19, No. 100389. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, Bernhard Fabian; Peters, Mike (2021): Soft adventure motivation: an exploratory study of hiking tourism.
    In: Tourism Review 76/2, pp. 473 - 488. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, Bernhard Fabian; Pikkemaat, Birgit; Peters, Mike (2021): Exploring the role of service quality, atmosphere and food for revisits in restaurants by using a mystery guest approach.
    In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 4/3, pp. 351 - 369. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ceipek, René; Hautz, Julia; De Massis, Alfredo; Matzler, Kurt; Ardito, Lorenzo (2021): Digital Transformation Through Exploratory and Exploitative Internet of Things Innovations: The Impact of Family Management and Technological Diversification.
    In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 38/1, pp. 142 - 165. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ceipek, René; Hautz, Julia; Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio; De Massis, Alfredo; Matzler, Kurt (2021): A motivation and ability perspective on engagement in emerging digital technologies: The case of Internet of Things solutions.
    In: Long Range Planning 54/5 (SI), No. 101991. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eichelberger, Sarah; Heigl, Manuela; Peters, Mike; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2021): Exploring the Role of Tourists: Responsible Behavior Triggered by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    In: Sustainability 13/11, Nr. 5774. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eisenreich, A; Füller, J; Stuchtey, M (2021): Circular Project Selection: How Companies Can Evaluate Circular Innovation Projects.
    In: Sustainability 13/22, No. 12407. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eisenreich, A; Füller, J; Stuchtey, M (2021): Open Circular Innovation: How Companies Can Develop Circular Innovations in Collaboration with Stakeholders.
    In: Sustainability 13/23, No. 13456. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fueller, Johann; Hutter, Katja; Kroeger, Niclas (2021): Crowdsourcing as a service – from pilot projects to sustainable innovation routines.
    In: International Journal of Project Management 39/2, pp. 183 - 195. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gfrerer, Anne; Hutter, Katja; Füller, Johann; Ströhle, Thomas (2021): Ready or Not: Managers’ and Employees’ Different Perceptions of Digital Readiness.
    In: California Management Review 63/2, pp. 23 - 48. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Glowka, G; Kallmünzer, A; Zehrer, A (2021): Enterprise risk management in small and medium family enterprises: the role of family involvement and CEO tenure.
    In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 17, pp. 1213 - 1231. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Gusenbauer, Michael; Haddaway, Neal R. (2021): What every Researcher should know about Searching - Clarified Concepts, Search Advice, and an Agenda to improve Finding in Academia.
    In: Research Synthesis Methods 12/2, pp. 136 - 147. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Haid, Marco; Nöhammer, Elisabeth; Albrecht, Julia; Plaikner, Alexander; Stummer, Harald; Heimerl, Peter (2021): Health Promotion as Motivational Factor in Alpine Cycling.
    In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18/5, No. 2321. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Happ, E; Hofmann, V; Schnitzer, M (2021): A look at the present and future: The power of emotions in the interplay between motivation, expectation and attitude in long-distance hikers.
    In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 19, No. 100527. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Happ, E; Schnitzer, M; Peters, Mike (2021): sport-specific factors affecting location decisions in business to business sport manufacturing companies: a qualitative study in the Alps.
    In: International Journal of sport Management and Marketing 21/1/2, pp. 21 - 48. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Happ, E; Scholl-Grissemann, U; Peters, M; Schnitzer, M (2021): Insights into customer experience in sports retail stores.
    In: International Journal of sports Marketing & Sponsorship 22/2, pp. 312 - 329. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hofmann, Verena; Schwayer, Lisa; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Wanisch, Anna (2021): Consumers’ Self-Construal: Measurement and Relevance for Social Media Communication Success.
    In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20/4, pp. 959 - 979. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hofmann, Verena; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola E.; Wanisch, Anna; Hebborn, Heike (2021): Masked Smiles Matter – Employee Verbal Expertise and Emotion Display During COVID-19.
    In: Service Industries Journal 41/1-2, pp. 107 - 137. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hutter, Katja; Gfrerer, Anne; Lindner, Bettina (2021): From popular to profitable: Incumbents' experiences and challenges with external corporate accelerators.
    In: International Journal of Innovation Management 25/3, Nr. 2150035. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Jian, Qiumin; Chan, Chung-Shing; Eichelberger, Sarah; Ma, Hang; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2021): Sentiment analysis of online destination image of Hong Kong held by mainland Chinese tourists.
    In: Current Issues in Tourism 24/17, pp. 2501 - 2522. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Job, H.; Bittlingmaier, S.; Mayer, Marius; von Ruschkowski, E.; Woltering, M. (2021): Park–People Relationships: The Socioeconomic Monitoring of National Parks in Bavaria, Germany.
    In: Sustainability 13/16, No. 8984. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kortmann, M.; Müller, J.C.; Baier, R.; Bässler, C; Buse, J.; Cholewinska, O.; Förschler, M.I.; Georgiev, K.B.; Hilszczánski, J.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Jaworski, T.; Kaufmann, S.; Kuijper, D.; Lorz, J.; Lotz, A.; Lubek, A.; Mayer, Marius; Mayerhofer, S.; Meyer, S; Morinière, J.; Popa, F.; Reith, H.; Roth, N.; Seibold, S.; Seidl, R.; Stengel, E.; Wolski, G.J.; Thorn, S. (2021): Ecology versus society. Impacts of bark beetle infestations on biodiversity and restorativeness in protected areas of Central Europe.
    In: Biological Conservation 254, No. 108931. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, T.; Furtner, M.; Liegl, S.; Ravet-Brown, T.; Haraped, L.; Sachse, Pierre (2021): Visual attention in real-world conversation: Gaze patterns are modulated by communication and group size.
    In: Applied Psychology. An international review / Psychologie Appliquee. Revue Inte 70/4, pp. 1602 - 1627. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, Thomas; Bachmann, Anna; Mohr, Christine; Ravet-Brown, Theo; Vogelauer, Lukas; Furtner, Marco (2021): Motivational foundations of identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities.
    In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 27/4, pp. 1054 - 1081. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Maran, Thomas; Liegl, Simon; Moder, Sebastian; Kraus, Sascha; Furtner, Marco (2021): Clothes make the leader! How leaders can use attire to impact followers’ perceptions of charisma and approval.
    In: Journal of Business Research 124, pp. 86 - 99. (DOI)

  • Maran, Thomas; Woznica, Martin; Moder, Sebastian; Furtner, Marco; Jehle, Elias; Hörner, Stanislaw; Hugger, Gregor (2021): Overcoming Automaticity Through Meditation.
    In: Mindfulness 12, pp. 2896 - 2907. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Matzler, Kurt; Mazanec, Josef; Strobl, Andreas; Teichmann, Karin (2021): Customer satisfaction management: Exploring temporal changes in nonlinearities in satisfaction formation of skiers. Kurt Matzler, Josef Mazanec, Andreas Strobl and Karin Teichmann (2021). Customer satisfaction management: Exploring temporal changes in nonlinearities in satisfaction formation of skiers. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 398-417. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(2).2021.32.
    In: Problems and Perspectives in Management 19/2, pp. 398 - 417. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius; Bichler, B.; Pikkemaat, B.; Peters, M. (2021): Media discourses about a superspreader destination:How mismanagement of Covid-19 triggers debatesabout sustainability and geopolitics.
    In: Annals of Tourism Research 91, Nr. 103278. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mühr, Christina; Filatotchev, Igor; Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas (2021): A Temporal Agency Model of Investor Group Dynamics.
    In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2021/1, No. 10594. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nigg, Joachim Josef; Eichelberger, Sarah (2021): Sustainable Product Development for Accessible Tourism: Case Studies Demonstrating the Need for Stakeholder Collaboration.
    In: Sustainability 13/20 (SI), No. 11142. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd F.; Brunner-Sperdin, Alexandra (2021): It's all about the brand: place brand credibility, place attachment, and consumer loyalty.
    In: Journal of Brand Management 28/3, pp. 291 - 301. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sachse, Pierre; Beermann, U.; Goller, P.; Huber, S.; Furtner, M.; Maran, T.; Marhenke, Robert; Tabuchi, Hisaaki; Hoffmann, Alexandra; Büsel, Christian; Martini, Markus (2021): We see the modern psychologist rather in the laboratory than in the study room - The alley experiments by Franz Hillebrand (1863-1926).
    In: Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity 14/1, pp. 45 - 55. (Web link)

  • Schnitzer, M; Kössler, C; Schlemmer, P; Peters, M (2021): Influence of Event and Place Image on Residents' Attitudes toward and support for Events.
    In: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 45/7, pp. 1260 - 1281. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schoner-Schatz, Lisa; Hofmann, Verena; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2021): Destination’s social media communication and emotions: An investigation of visit intentions, word-of-mouth and travelers’ facially expressed emotions.
    In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 22, No. 100661. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Staab, J.; Udas, E.; Mayer, Marius; Taubenböck, H.; Job, H. (2021): Comparing established visitor monitoring approaches with triggered trail cameras images and machine learning based computer vision.
    In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35, No. 100387. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Steiger, R; Peters, M; Redl, M; Schnitzer, M (2021): Die COVID-19 Pandemie als Treiber von Innovationen in der Tourismusbranche? Ein Fallbeispiel der niederösterreichischen Bergbahnen.
    In: Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 13/3, pp. 405 - 422. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Streicher, Mathias C.; Zachary, Estes; Büttner, Oliver (2021): Exploratory shopping: Attention affects in-store exploration and unplanned purchasing.
    In: Journal of Consumer Research 48/1, pp. 51 - 76. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Teichmann, Karin (2021): Loyal customers’ tipping points of spending for services: a reciprocity perspective.
    In: European Journal of Marketing 55/13, pp. 202 - 229. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wieser, Verena E.; Luedicke, Marius K.; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2021): Charismatic Entrainment: How Brand Leaders and Consumers Co-Create Charismatic Authority in the Marketplace.
    In: Journal of Consumer Research 48/4, pp. 731 - 751. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas; Doh, Jonathan (2021): Hierarchical modelling in international business research: Patterns, problems, and practical guidelines.
    In: Journal of World Business 56/4, No. 101224. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Aufschnaiter, Christiane; Schwarz, Sarah; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2021): Anchors on the Move: Digital Nomads’ Solid Footholds in Liquidity.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 49, pp. 27 - 31. (Web link)

  • Riehle, Ramona (2021): Controlling the Uncontrollable: Consumer Voluntary Risk-Taking Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 49, pp. 55 - 59. (Web link)

  • Rojkowski, Veronika; Schöps, Jonathan D. (2021): Assembling Fitness on Instagram – A Critical Visual Content Analysis of Consumer-Generated Content.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 49, pp. 292 - 295. (Web link)

  • Schwarz, Sarah (2021): Going’ Green? Nomadic Consumers’ Paradoxical Journey Toward Sustainability.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 49, pp. 60 - 64. (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Gusenbauer, Michael (2021): The age of abundant scholarly information and its synthesis– A time when ‘just google it’ is no longer enough.
    In: Research Synthesis Methods 12/6, pp. 684 - 691. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Correction: Self-Correction)
  • Maran, Thomas; Woznica, Martin; Moder, Sebastian; Furtner, Marco; Jehle, Elias; Hörner, Stanislaw; Hugger, Gregor (2021): Correction to: Overcoming Automaticity Through Meditation.
    In: Mindfulness 12/12, p. 3109. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Bernhart, Josef; Loderbauer, Brigitte; Promberger, Kurt (2021): Translating and implementing the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in public prosecution offices.
    In: Prorok, Thomas; Parzer, Philip: Transforming Public Administration with CAF. 20 years of the Common Assessment Framework. Wien, Graz: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV) (= Öffentliches Management und Finanzwirtschaft, 23)., ISBN 978-3-7083-1348-1, pp. 179 - 200. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eichelberger, Sarah; Peters, Mike (2021): Family Firm Management in Turbulent Times: Opportunities for Responsible Tourism.
    In: Zehrer, Anita; Glowka, Gundula; Schwaiger, Katrin Magdalena; Ranacher-Lackner, Victoria: Resiliency Models and Addressing Future Risks for Family Firms in the Tourism Industry. Hershey, PA: IGI Global., ISBN 9781799873525, pp. 103 - 124. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eller, Robert; Peters, Mike; Pantovic, Tatijana (2021): Owner-Managers´ Interpretations of Digitalization in SME Management Processes. A Qualitative Study of the Hospitality Industry.
    In: Gardini, Marco A.; Ottenbacher, Michael; Schuckert, Markus: The Routledge Companion to International Hospitality Management. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge (= Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing)., ISBN 978-1-138-38637-2, pp. 366 - 378. (Web link)

  • Gössling, Stefan; Lund-Durlacher, Dagmar; Antonschmidt, Hannes; Peters, Mike; Smeral, Egon; Pröbstl-Haider, Ulrike; Gratzer, Markus (2021): Beherbergung.
    In: Pröbstl-Haider, Ulrike; Lund-Durlacher, Dagmar; Olefs, Marc; Prettenthaler, Franz: Tourismus und Klimawandel. Berlin ua: Springer Spektrum., ISBN 978-3-662-61521-8, pp. 75 - 93. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lonardi, Serena; Martini, Umberto; Hull, John (2021): Positive Impacts of Sustainable Tourism Preservation of Historical Languages and Practices.
    In: Della Lucia, Maria; Giudici, Ernestina: Humanistic Management and Sustainable Tourism: Human, Social and Environmental Challenges. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9780367623333, p. Chapter 10. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Peters, Mike; Eichelberger, Sarah; Pikkemaat, Birgit (2021): Adaptation Strategies of Destinations in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case studies Demonstrating the Need to Change.
    In: Callot, Philippe: Tourism Post Covid-19: Coping, Negotiating, Leading Change. Original texts in a specific context. Wien: Tourist Research Center Association., ISBN 2-9512868-6-4, pp. 133 - 146. (Full-text)

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit (2021): Innovation in tourism destinations.
    In: Correia, Antonia; Dolnicar, Sara: Women’s voices in tourism research. Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations. Brisbane: University of Queensland (UQ)., ISBN 978-1-74272-357-0, pp. 348 - 351. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Other)
  • Pikkemaat, Birgit (2021): Letter from Birgit Pikkemaat.
    In: Correia, Antonia; Dolnicar, Sara: Women’s voices in tourism research. Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations. Brisbane: University of Queensland (UQ)., ISBN 978-1-74272-357-0, pp. 615 - 617. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Reprint)
  • Schöps, Jonathan; Kogler, Stephanie; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2021): (De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram-dynamics of visual performative assemblages.
    In: Hagberg, Johan; Kjellberg, Hans: Digitalized Markets. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge., ISBN 9780367655709, p. Chapter 5. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
  • Fuger, Simon; Köhl, Anna; Ströhle, Thomas; Lang, Moritz N.; Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja (2021): Fighting the wicked problem of plastic pollution and its consequences for developing regions with expert and crowd solutions.
    In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021). January 5-8, 2021. Association for Information Systems (AIS) / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) (= Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS))., ISBN 978-0-9981331-4-0, pp. 597 - 606. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Elschenbroich, Simon; Schnurr, Benedikt; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2021): Does Environmental Responsibility Beat Convenience in Online Shopping? An Investigation of Excessive Packaging, Customer Anger and Loyalty.
    In: Dorotic, Matilda; Gosline, Renee R.; Shah, Denish: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Reimagining Marketing. August 4 - 6, 2021, virtual. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-011-0, pp. 42 - 45. (Web link)

  • Hebborn, Heike; Kuhnle, Janina; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena (2021): Bored or Joyful? Design-Driven Consumer Emotions and Product Success.
    In: Dorotic, Matilda; Gosline, Renee R.; Shah, Denish: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Reimagining Marketing. August 4 - 6, 2021, virtual. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-011-0, pp. 201 - 204. (Web link)

  • Hebborn, Heike; Kuhnle, Janina; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena (2021): Love It or Leave It – The Role of Positive and Negative Emotions for Product Design Success.
    In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC): Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Madrid, May 25-28, 2021. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 94641. (Web link)

  • Liegl, S.; Maran, T.; Furtner, M.; Sachse, Pierre (2021): Persuasive eyes – How negotiation success shapes eye-directed gaze behavior.
    In: Huckauf, Anke; Baumann, Martin; Ernst, Marc; Herbert, Cornelia; Kiefer, Markus; Sauter, Ernst (Eds.): TeaP 2021: Abstracts of the 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Ulm, Germany, March 14-16. Lengerich [u.a.]: Pabst Science Publishers., p. 149. (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd F.; Becker, Larissa (2021): Your Memory Is Failing You – How Remembered Experiences Come Alive Through Temporal Adjustment Mechanisms.
    In: Calvi, Licia: 7 Experiences Summit. Virtual conference on September 2-3, 2021. Breda: Experience Research Society., pp. 1 - 2. (Web link)

  • Schoner-Schatz, Lisa (2021): The Power of Emotions in Social Media Advertisements for Services: Investigating Service Employee’s Emotion Display and Ad Copy.
    In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC): Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Madrid, May 25-28, 2021. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 93884. (Web link)

  • Schwayer, Lisa M.; Schoner-Schatz, Lisa; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena (2021): Social Media Communication Success: Do Visual or Verbal Appeals Matter More?
    In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC): Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Madrid, May 25-28, 2021. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 94566. (Web link)

  • Schwayer, Lisa; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena (2021): Smile?! - The Role of Consumers’ Self-Construal, Endorsers’ Emotions and Ad Appeal For Social Media Communication Success.
    In: Dorotic, Matilda; Gosline, Renee R.; Shah, Denish: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Reimagining Marketing. August 4 - 6, 2021, virtual. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-011-0, pp. 439 - 443. (Web link)

  • Wanisch, Anna; Hebborn, Heike; Hofmann, Verena; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2021): Emotional Competence 2.0 – Emotionally Competent Advisors and the Success of Curated Fashion Retailing.
    In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC): Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Madrid, May 25-28, 2021. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 94640. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Scientific
  • Niederl, A; Friedl, B; Gstinig, K; Janisch, D; Kaltenegger, C; Katz, N; Kirschner, Eric; Sarcletti, Simon; Maurer, Michaela; Peters, Mike; Plaikner, Alexander; Schermer, Markus; Stotten, Rike (2021): Evaluierungsprojekt Cluster Urlaub am Bauernhof. (Web link)

  • Plaikner, Alexander; Hutter, Victoria; Klingler, Hannes; Sparber, Johanna; Weiskopf, Barbara; Weiskopf, Katharina (2021): Gasthaussterben in Tirol - Eine Evaluierung der Hintergründe, Herausforderungen, neuen Konzepte und Lösungsansätze. (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Matzler, Kurt; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan (2021): A User’s Guide to Open Strategy. In: Harvard Business Review Topics, 02. November. (Web link)

Research Report (Commissioned Research)
  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Eichelberger, Sarah: Projekt Bustourismus in Innsbruck - Ergebnisse.
    Innsbruck Tourismus, Innsbruck, 2021-11-02.

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Eichelberger, Sarah: Umfrage Lebensqualität Tirol 2021.
    Lebensraum Tirol Holding, Innsbruck, 2021-02-19 - 2021-06-02. (Web link)

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Eichelberger, Sarah: Vermieter- und Leistungsträger Kommunikation.
    Innsbruck Tourismus, Innsbruck, 2021-02-18.

Publications 2020


Monograph, Scientific
  • Bernhart, Josef; Decarli, Peter; Maffei, Davide; Promberger, Kurt (2020): Spending Reviews. Fallstudie Italien. Bozen: EURAC research/Europäische Akademie. ISBN 978-88-98857-60-9. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Alexy, Oliver; Frederiksen, Lars; Hutter, Katja (2020): Quo Vadis, open and user innovation theory?
    In: Innovation. Organization & Management 22/2, pp. 97 - 104. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bettinazzi, Emanuele; Massa, Lorenzo; Neumann, Kerstin (2020): Sustainability as a Competitive Tool for the Brave? Or for the Best? A Behavioral Theory Perspective.
    In: Organization & Environment 33/3, pp. 408 - 436. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bichler, B.F.; Kallmuenzer, A.; Peters, Mike (2020): Entrepreneurial ecosystems in hospitality: The relevance of entrepreneurs’ quality of life.
    In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44, pp. 152 - 161. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Deuffic, P.; Garms, M.; He, J.; Brahic, E.; Yang, H.; Mayer, Marius (2020): Forest dieback, a tangible proof of climate change? A cross-comparison of forest stakeholders' perceptions and strategies in the mountain forests of Europe and China.
    In: Environmental Management 66/5, pp. 858 - 872. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dorobantu, Sinziana; Lindner, Thomas; Müllner, Jakob (2020): Political Risk and Alliance Diversity: A Two-Stage Model of Partner Selection in Multipartner Alliances.
    In: Academy of Management Journal 63/6, pp. 1775 - 1806. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eichelberger, Sarah; Peters, Mike; Pikkemaat, Birgit; Chan, Chung-Shing (2020): Entrepreneurial ecosystems in smart cities for tourism development: From stakeholder perceptions to regional tourism policy implications.
    In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, pp. 319 - 329. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eller, R; Alford, P; Kallmünzer, A; Peters, M (2020): Antecedents, consequences, and challenges of small and medium-sized enterprise digitalization.
    In: Journal of Business Research 112, pp. 119 - 127. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fecher, Florian; Winding, Johanna; Hutter, Katja; Füller, Johann (2020): Innovation labs from a participants' perspective.
    In: Journal of Business Research 110, pp. 567 - 576. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Füller, Johann; Hutter, Katja; Kröger, Niclas (2020): How to Prevent Crowdsourcing Disasters and Leverage Positive Side Effects of Open Innovation.
    In: NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 12/1, pp. 30 - 35. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Grohs, Reinhard; Wieser, Verena E.; Pristach, Matthias (2020): Value Cocreation at sport Events.
    In: European sport Management Quarterly 20/1, pp. 69 - 87. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Job, H.; Willi, G.; Mayer, Marius; Pütz, M. (2020): Open Spaces in Alpine Countries. Analytical Concepts and Preservation Strategies in Spatial Planning.
    In: Mountain Research And Development 40/3, pp. D1 - D11. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kakatkar, C; Bilgram, V; Füller, J (2020): Innovation analytics: Leveraging artificial intelligence in the innovation process.
    In: Business Horizons 63/2, pp. 171 - 181. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kallmuenzer, Andreas; Peters, Mike; Buhalis, Dimitros (2020): The role of family firm image perception in host-guest value co-creation of hospitality firms.
    In: Current Issues in Tourism 23/19, pp. 2410 - 2427. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lam, K.L.; Chan, C.-S.; Peters, M. (2020): Understanding technological contributions to accessible tourism from the perspective of destination design for visually impaired visitors in Hong Kong.
    In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 17, No. 100434. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lindner, Thomas; Puck, Jonas; Verbeke, Alain (2020): Misconceptions about multicollinearity in international business research: Identification, consequences, and remedies.
    In: Journal of International Business Studies 51/3, pp. 283 - 298. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lissner, I.; Mayer, Marius (2020): Tourists’ willingness to pay for Blue Flag’s new ecolabel for sustainable boating: the case of whale-watching in Iceland.
    In: Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 20/4, pp. 352 - 375. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Matzler, K; Strobl, A; Krill, E (2020): Managing change in transnational companies: does cultural distance matter?
    In: European Journal of International Management 14, No. 3. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Matzler, Kurt (2020): Crowd Innovation: The Philosopher’s Stone, a Silver Bullet, or Pandora’s Box?
    In: NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 12/1, pp. 11 - 17. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Petry, T; Treisch, C; Bullinger, B (2020): The logic of attraction: exploring the institutional complexity of job preferences.
    In: Employee Relations - the international journal 42/6, pp. 1465 - 1485. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pikkemaat, Birgit; Bichler, Bernhard Fabian; Peters, Mike (2020): Exploring the crowding-satisfaction relationship of skiers: the role of social behavior and experiences.
    In: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 37/8-9, pp. 902 - 916. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Putzhammer, Moritz; Puck, Jonas; Slangen, Arjen; Lindner, Thomas (2020): Multinational firms' pace of expansion within host countries: How high rates of pro-market reform hamper the local exploitation of foreign expansion knowledge.
    In: Journal of International Management 26/1, No. 100703. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Rathmann, J.; Sacher, P.; Volkmann, N.; Mayer, Marius (2020): Using the visitor employed photography method to analyse deadwood perceptions of forest visitors: a case study from Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany.
    In: European Journal of Forest Research 139, pp. 431 - 442. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Reitsamer, Bernd; Streicher, Mathias; Teichmann, Karin (2020): Sensorimotor Experiences in Servicescapes Predict Attitude Formation Through Memory Dynamics: A Longitudinal Study.
    In: Psychology & Marketing 37/3, pp. 479 - 487. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schnitzer, M; Kronberger, K; Bazzanella, F; Wenger, S (2020): Analyzing Project Management Methods in Organizing sports Events.
    In: Sage Open 10/4, pp. 1 - 11. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Scholl-Grissemann, Ursula; Peters, Mike; Teichmann, Karin (2020): When Climate-Induced Change Reaches Social Media: How Realistic Travel Expectations Shape Consumers' Attitudes toward the Destination.
    In: Journal of Travel Research 59/8, pp. 1413 - 1429. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schöps, Jonathan D; Kogler, Stephanie; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2020): (De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram-dynamics of visual performative assemblages.
    In: Consumption, Markets and Cultures 23/2, pp. 195 - 213. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schwarz, Sarah; Hemetsberger, Andrea (2020): A Luxury Moment to Go, Please: Paradoxes of Luxuriousness Among Cosmopolite Consumers.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 48, pp. 121 - 125. (Web link)

  • Sinclair, M.; Mayer, Marius; Woltering, M.; Ghermandi, A. (2020): Using social media to estimate visitor provenance and patterns of recreation in Germany´s national parks.
    In: Journal of Environmental Management 263, No. 110418. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Sinclair, M.; Mayer, Marius; Woltering, M.; Ghermandi, A. (2020): Valuing nature-based recreation using a crowdsourced travel cost method: a comparison to onsite survey data and value transfer.
    In: Ecosystem Services 45, No. 101165. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stadler, Christian; Hautz, Julia; Friedrich von den Eichen, Stephan (2020): Open Strategy: The Inclusion of Crowds in Making Strategies.
    In: NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 12/1, pp. 36 - 41. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Strobl, Andreas; Bauer, Florian; Matzler, Kurt (2020): The impact of industry-wide and target market environmental hostility on entrepreneurial leadership in mergers and acquisitions.
    In: Journal of World Business 55/2, No. 100931. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Strobl, Andreas; Matzler, Kurt; Nketia, Bright Adu; Veider, Viktoria (2020): Individual innovation behavior and firm-level exploration and exploitation: how family firms make the most of their managers.
    In: Review of Managerial Science 14, pp. 809 - 844. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Thomson, Thyra U.; Holmqvist, Jonas; von Wallpach, Sylvia; Hemetsberger, Andrea; Belk, Russel W. (2020): Conceptualizing unconventional luxury.
    In: Journal of Business Research 116, pp. 441 - 445. (DOI) (Web link)

  • von Wallpach, Sylvia; Hemetsberger, Andrea; Thomson, Thyra; Belk, Russel W. (2020): Moments of luxury – A qualitative account of the experiential essence of luxury.
    In: Journal of Business Research 116, pp. 491 - 502. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Putzhammer, Moritz; Puck, Jonas; Lindner, Thomas (2020): Changes in Foreign Operation Modes: A Review and Research Agenda.
    In: International Business Review 29/1, No. 101619. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Schöps, Jonathan David (2020): Consuming Commodified Bodies - Performative (Re-)embodiment of Digital Corporeal Consumption.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 48, pp. 115 - 120. (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Lonardi, Serena; Martini, Umberto; Hull, John S (2020): Minority languages as sustainable tourism resources: From Indigenous groups in British Columbia (Canada) to Cimbrian people in Giazza (Italy).
    In: Annals of Tourism Research 83, No. 102859. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Reitsamer, Bernd F.; Kallmünzer, Andreas; Katitas, Ayca (2020): Dynamics of Consumption Experience – the Case of Eastern Express in Turkey.
    In: Advances in Consumer Research 48, pp. 617 - 619. (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Boscolo, Sara; Decarli, Peter; Promberger, Kurt (2020): L'autonomia speciale della Provincia di Bolzano come condizione quadro per le riforme di management pubblico.
    In: Berhart, Josef; Promberger, Kurt; Meneguzzo, Marco: Governance e Management Strategico della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Lugano Milano: CFS-Casagrande Fidia Sapiens., ISBN 978-8-87-795254-7, pp. 9 - 34.

  • Eichelberger, Sarah; Peters, Mike (2020): Responsible Tourism Entrepreneurship nach COVID-19: Neue Wege im Tourismus.
    In: Pechlaner, Harald; Speer, Sebastian: Responsible Entrepreneurship. Verantworltich handeln in einer globalisierten Welt. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH., ISBN 978-3-658-31615-0, pp. 237 - 260. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eller, Robert; Glowka, Gundula; Zehrer, Anita; Peters, Mike (2020): Sustainability Attitudes of Tourism Family Firms in Alpine Tourism Regions.
    In: Palma-Ruiz, Jesús Manuel; Barros-Contreras, Ismael; Gnan, Luca: Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses. Hershey, PA: IGI Global., ISBN 978-1-7998-2269-1, pp. 280 - 303. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius (2020): Profitiert die Region vom Nationalpark? Ökonomische Perspektiven.
    In: Heurich, Marco; Mauch, Christof: Urwald der Bayern. Geschichte, Politik und Natur im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht., ISBN 978-3-525-36095-8, Vol. 1, pp. 150 - 164. (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius; Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2020): Tourismus und Regionalentwicklung innerhalb und außerhalb ostdeutscher Großschutzgebiete.
    In: Becker, S.; Naumann, M.: Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Dynamiken, Perspektiven und der Beitrag der Humangeographie. Cham: Springer Nature., ISBN 978-3-662-60901-9, pp. 481 - 495. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Mayer, Marius; Woltering, M.; Job, H. (2020): Tourismus in ländlichen Räumen.
    In: Krajewski, Christian; Wiegandt, Claus-Christian (Hrsg.): Land in Sicht: ländliche Räume in Deutschland zwischen Prosperität und Peripherisierung. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (= Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 10362)., ISBN 978-3-7425-0362-6, pp. 200 - 213. (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Elschenbroich, Simon; Schnurr, Benedikt; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2020): Anger in a box: Online shoppers’ reactions to excessive delivery packaging.
    In: Proceedings of the 49th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2020). Budapest, May 26-29, 2020. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 64121. (Web link)

  • Hofmann, Verena; Schoner-Schatz, Lisa; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2020): Charity Advertisements: Do Sad-Looking Endorsers Work? The Role of Endorsers’ Emotions, Brand Awareness and Consumer’s Empathy.
    In: Proceedings of the 49th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2020). Budapest, May 26-29, 2020. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy (= Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC))., No. 63659. (Web link)

  • Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Hofmann, Verena; Schoner-Schatz, Lisa; Neef, Patrick (2020): Display Advertising Success in Charity Marketing: The Power of Human-Generated Creative Campaign Elemens.
    In: Blanchard, S.; Epp, A.; Mallapragada, G.: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Bridging Gaps: Marketing in an Age of Disruption. August 18-20, 2020, Virtual. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-008-0, pp. 47 - 51. (Web link)

  • Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola; Kuhnle, Janina S.; Hofmann, Verena (2020): Product Design and Product Performance in the Course of Product-User Interaction: Does Product Usage Make a Difference?
    In: Blanchard, S.; Epp, A.; Mallapragada, G.: AMA Summer Academic Conference. Bridging Gaps: Marketing in an Age of Disruption. August 18-20, 2020, Virtual. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association., ISBN 978-0-87757-008-0, pp. 411 - 415. (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Boscolo, Sara; Vigl, Sonja; Promberger, Kurt; Bernhart, Josef (2020): Dagli instrumenti al sistema: pianificazione, programmazione e controllo nella Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.
    In: Azienda Pubblica - Teoria ed Esperienze di Management 2020/1, pp. 57 - 72. (Web link)

Other Publications

Research Report (Commissioned Research)
    Innsbruck Tourismus, Innsbruck, 2020-07-07.

    Tourismusforschungszentrum Tirol (TFZ), Innsbruck, 2020-11-11.

    Tourismusforschungszentrum Tirol (TFZ), Innsbruck, 2020-02-07.

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