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Evening Lectures - "F.A. Mann (1907-1991): Two Double Lifes in the Law" – Universität Innsbruck

Eve­ning Lec­tu­res - "F.A. Mann (1907-1991): Two Dou­ble Lifes in the Law"

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2025, 18:30 Uhr 

Evening Lectures
"F.A. Mann (1907-1991): Two Double Lifes in the Law"

Vortragende/r: Dipl.-Jur. Christoph König, BSP Business & Law School Berlin

Termin: Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2025

Zeit: 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr 

Ort: Saal University of New Orleans und online 

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