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Team & Network

Project Team


Claudia Jünke (Principal Investigator) is professor of Spanish and French literatures and cultures at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research is centred on modern and contemporary literatures and cultures in Europe and Latin America, with a focus on literary and cultural memory of violent pasts, narrative literature, intermediality and film. Among her last publications is the book, co-edited with Désirée Schyns, Translating Memories of Violent Pasts. Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue, London: Routledge 2024.
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Andrea Linder (Doctoral researcher) holds a BA in Spanish and an MA in Romance Studies from the University of Innsbruck. In her master thesis entiteld "Testimonio y  traducción. Se questo è un uomo de Primo Levi y su versión castellana Si esto es un hombre" she investgated the Spanish translation of Primo Levi's memoir against the backdrop of Holocaust memory in Spain.


N.N. (Doctoral researcher) (more information soon...)


Affiliated Researchers


Cornelia Ruhe is a professor of French and Spanish literature and media studies at the University of Mannheim, Germany. In her research, she mainly focuses on contemporary literatures, cultures and film in the Francophone and Hispanophone world, with a focus on the history of violence. Among her latest publications are the monograph La mémoire des conflits dans la littérature française contemporaine (Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi 2020) and Le Labyrinthe littéraire de Mohamed Mbougar Sarr (co-edited with Sarah Burnautzki and Aboudlaye Imorou, Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodop 2025). More information


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