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News – Universität Innsbruck


Con­grat­u­la­tion Dr. Daxer

On September 30 2024 Christoph Daxer successfully defended his PhD dissertation


Best Poster Award for Mar­cel Ortler

The Poster "Signals of two earthquakes at Lake Altaussee" was award with the "Earth Surface Dynamics" Best Poster Award during the Pengeo /DEUQUA 2024 Conference in Salzburg


New Paper in Terra Nova

We have re-evaluated the famous Annot Sandstone (where the Bouma sequence was defined) in terms of flow criticality. The results revealing advanced process-understanding of deep-marine depositional environments are now published in Terra Nova


New Paper in Qua­ter­nary Science Reviews

Charlotte Pizer´s latest research integrating onshore-offshore paleoseismic record reveal multiple slip styles on the plate interface, central Hikurangi subduction margin.


Con­grat­u­la­tion Lukas

Lukas Loaker completed his MSc study with a thesis entitled: Central Japan Trench Event Stratigraphy


New Paper in Marine Geol­ogy

The first comprehensive event-stratigraphy results from IODP coring in the hadal Japan Trench are now published online in a paper led by Michi Strasser


Con­grat­u­la­tion Stephanie

Stephanie Benischke completed her MSc study with a thesis entitled: Reconstructing Holocene Lake Level Changes at Lake Llanquihue (South-Central Chile) based on field mapping, seismic-stratigraphic analysis and lacustrine sediment core analysis


New Paper in G-cubed

Pauline Cornard´s sediment provenance analyses reveal new insights into tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Nankai Accrestionary Primes, now published as new paper in G-cubed


New Paper in Nature Geo­science

Climatic pacing of extreme Nile floods during the North African Humid Period


New Paper in Marine & Petroleum Geol­ogy

New insights on detrital component and carbon burial in the eastern-central Mid-Adriatic deep


Con­grat­u­la­tions Dr. Mole­naar

On June 26 2024 Ariana Molenaar successfully defended her PhD. 


New Paper in G-cubed

Jana Molenaar´s latest paper on Earthquake-Trig­gered Soft-Sed­i­ment Defor­ma­tion Struc­tures in Lake Sed­i­ments is now published


New Papers in PAGES Magazine

Katleen Wils co-edited a special issue on (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science now published in PAGES Magazin, also featuring an article by Charlotte Pizer et al.,  on Combining onshore-offshore paleoseismic records to test for synchronicity of coastal deformation


New Paper in Sed­i­men­tologika

We document contrasting sedimentary and long-lasting geochemical imprints of seismic shaking in a small, groundwater-fed lake basin (Klopeiner See, Eastern European Alps)


New Paper in Sci­en­tific Drilling

We present the Late Glacial to Holocene Late Pleistocene to Holocene event stratigraphy of Lake Hallstatt revealed by the Hipercorig drilling system and borehole logging



We discussed great Science during our Group Retreat 2024


Wel­come Laura

We welcome Laura Schley as new PhD student in our research group


Con­grat­u­la­tion Markus

Markus Niederstätter completed his MSc study with a thesis entitled: Limnogeological investigations of the Montiggler Seen reveal paleoseismic evidence for surface rupturing earthquake in South Tyrol 


New Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Paper

This first scientific results from IODP Expeditoin 386, co-lead by Michi Strasser, document earthquake-enhanced dissolved carbon
cycles in ultra-deep ocean sediments


Arne Ramisch intro­duces him­self

A new short video about Arne, the Austrian Core Facility and Core Logging Science Applications


Wel­come Mishelle as new PhD Stu­dent

We welcome Mishelle Muthre as new PhD student in our research group


Wel­come Katleen as new Post Doc

We welcome Katleen Wils as new Post Doc in our research group


A doc­u­men­tary movie about the Wal­ter Munk Lake Altausee Pro­ject

See our contribution to the interdisciplinary Altauseer See Expedition by the Walter Funk Foundation in the newly released documentary movie


Best The­sis Awards for Anja and Patrick

Congratulaion to Anja Grießer and Patrick Oswald for winning the 2023 Best Master and PhD Thesis Award from the Facutly Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences at University of Innsbruck


HypoTirol-Dis­ser­ta­tion­spreis 2023

Congratulaion to Patrick Oswald for winning a 2023 Hypo-Tirol Best Dissertation Prize


Wel­come Valentina as new PhD Stu­dent

We welcome Valentina Moreno Allende as new PhD student in our research group


New FWF projects fund­ed!

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) granted a new project led by our research group to study subduction zone earthquake cycles in the Japan Trench 


New Paper on Quan­ti­ta­tive Lacus­trine Pale­o­seis­mol­ogy

This study by PhD student Christoph Daxer presents a new cal­i­brated 14.000-year lacus­trine pale­o­seis­mol­ogy record in lake Wörthersee that allows validation of the seismic hazard cuve using robust observational data.


Obergurgl Group Retreat 2022

On 7 to 9 October, we held the second Sedimentary Geology Group Retreat at the Universitätszentrum Obergurgl. Stefano Fabbri from the Université Savoie Mont Blanc joined as our external guest and showed his research on tsuname vs storm deposits in the Lesser Antilles. We enjoyed great and diverse scientific discussion, alternated with hiking and fireplace discussion.


Review Paper on Event Deposits in Lake Sediments

We participated in writing a community paper presenting a state-of-the-art review of Event Deposits in Lake Sediments


Tiefe(r) Se(h)en: Public Talks

Last week, we had a great closure of the Tiefe(r) Se(h)en science communication project. Each evening we visited different towns (Oetz, Biberwier, Reutte, Maurach and Kufstein) to report on our project and what the children investigated as well as a scientific lecture from Michael Strasser or Jasper Moernaut.


New paper published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

The latest paper by postdoc Yin Lu, just published in EPSL, unravels a 220kyr-spanning event-stratigraphic record of the hypersaline Dead Sea to reconstruct different behavior of sediment density flows (overflows and underflows) during interglacials and glacials, respectively. Climate change is inferred to have affected the flows via changing salinity-density profile of lake brine.


New paper published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

In this study by Schwestermann et al. just published in EPSL, we unravel a 2000-year record of event-dominated transport, provenance, and burial of organic carbon along the entire Japan Trench


In the news: Spuren massiver Bergstürze in Tiroler Alpenseen gefunden

Der Standard reports about our research investigating Tyrolian lakes to learn more about past earthquakes and rockslides.


Two new FWF projects funded!

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) granted two new projects led by our research group


New training and collaboration project with Taiwan

The Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research (OeAD) is funding our new project EAGER-TAIWAN-TRAINING


New micro XRF core-scanning application to assess heavy metal pollution

A new Scientific Reports article led by Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang presents a novel, simple, fast, and inexpensive method to monitor heavy metal pollution that uses cation-exchange resin sachets and the micro-XRF core-scanning technique, as valuable new tool in environmental monitoring and forensics.

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