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June 4, 2015: Presentation: "Menschliche Vermögen, Fähigkeiten, Privationen" by Christian Kanzian at the 10. "Kongress der ÖGP: Mensch sein – Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel?" at the University of Innsbruck.

April 1, 2015: Presentation: "Strong autonomy as a necessary condition for agency and its ontological implications" by Josef Quitterer and lukas Kraus at the "Kick-Off Workshop on Agency and (Quantum) Physics (AQP 2015)" in Innsbruck.

November 20, 2014: Presentation: "Persons as biological processes. Towards a bio-processual way-out of the dilemma of personal identity“ by Anne Sophie Spann at the workshop "Process Philosophy of Biology", EGENIS - The Centre for the Study of Life Sciences at the University of Exeter, UK.

October 2, 2014: Presentation: "Persönlichkeit und Personale Identität - Ein metaphysisches Entweder-Oder?“ by Anne Sophie Spann at the "XXIII. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie 2014" in Münster, Germany.

September 19, 2014: Presentation: "Powerful Agency & Biology" by Anne Sophie Spann at the "Internal Physics and Philosophy Workshop" of the research project "Agency and (Quantum) Mechanics" in Maria Waldrast, Austria.

September 17, 2014: Presentation: "Causation and Powers" by Josef Quitterer at the "Internal Physics and Philosophy Workshop" of the research project "Agency and (Quantum) Mechanics" in Maria Waldrast, Austria.

August 5, 2014: Presentation: "The Power of God and Miracles" by Josef Quitterer and Georg Gasser at the summer school "Gottes Handeln in der Welt: Philosophische und Theologische Erkundungen / Divine Action in the World: Philosophical and Theological Inquiries" in Innsbruck.

June 6, 2014: Presentation: "A Causal Theory of Perception" by Christian Kanzian at the conference "Experience and Reality" in Ruzomberok, Slovakia.

March 13, 2014: Workshop: "Determinism / Indeterminism in Nature. Agency - Genetics - Quantum Mechanics" with John Dupré (Exeter), organized by Anne Sophie Spann, with contributions by Josef Quitterer, Anne Sophie Spann, Johannes Zschocke, Gabriele Werner-Felmayer and Michael Brownnutt at the University of Innsbruck.

March 12, 2014: Presentation: "Indeterminist Compatibilism" by John Dupré (Exeter) at the University of Innsbruck.

December 7, 2013: Presentation: "Causa Formalis and Top-Down-Causality" by Edmund Runggaldier at the conference "New Scholastic Meets Analytic Philosophy" in Cologne.

August 28, 2013: Presentation: "Agent Causation" by Edmund Runggaldier at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile.

July 31-August 2, 2013: Conference: "The Ontological Commitments of Dispositionalism" with introduction by Edmund Runggaldier and presentations by Josef Quitterer ("The Ontology of Mental Dispositions") and Anne Sophie Spann ("Dynamism and the Power to Persist") at the University of Innsbruck.

July 7, 2013: Presentation: "Is Hylemorphism a Feasible Alternative to Substance Dualism?" by Josef Quitterer at the conference "Persons and Embodiment. A Contribution to the Metaphysics of Human Persons from a Dualistic Perspective / Personen und Verkörperung. Ein Beitrag zur Metaphysik menschlicher Personen aus dualistischer Perspektive" in Frankfurt.

April 16-18, 2013: Presentation: “Bio-powers and Free Will” by Anne Sophie Spann at the workshop "The Metaphysics of Free Will. Empowerment, Agency and Freedom" at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Oslo, Norway, see also here.

January 29, 2013: Presentation: „Bio-agency: Können Organismen handeln?“ by Anne Sophie Spann at the Interdisciplinary Colloquium of the University of Flensburg, Germany.

Fall Term 2012/13: Research Seminar: "Stephen Mumford / Rani Lill Anjum: Getting Causes from Powers“, held by Edmund Runggaldier at the University of Innsbruck.

November 14, 2012: Presentation: "Vermögen als Ursachen" by Thomas Buchheim (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) at the University of Innsbruck.

October 19, 2012: Presentation: “Hurricanes and Lives. Some Remarks on Animalism’s Trust in Strict Identity through Time” by Anne Sophie Spann at the University of Sheffield.

September 26-28, 2012: Conference: “Vermögen und Handlung – Der dispositionale Realismus und unser Selbstverständnis als Handelnde” (Powers and Actions – Dispositional Realism and Our Self-Conception as Agents), with presentations by Edmund Runggaldier (Introduction + „Ontologische Voraussetzungen der causa agens / efficiens“), Christian Kanzian („Modi – Kräfte – Kausalität: Ein Gegenentwurf zu einer reinen Ereignis-Kausaltheorie“) and Anne Sophie Spann („Bio-agency: Können Organismen handeln?“) at the University of Innsbruck.

September 20, 2012: Presentation: “Can there be Strict Biological Identity Through Time without Aristotelian Substances? A Short Examination of Eric T. Olson’s Animalism“ by Anne Sophie Spann at the "8th International Conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (GAP): What may we believe? What ought we to do?“ in Konstance, Germany.

June 8, 2012: Presentation: „Ontologische Voraussetzungen der Handlungskausalität“ by Edmund Runggaldier at the University of Bremen, Germany.

May 2, 2012: Presentation: „Böse Ärzte, gute Freunde, kompetente Sprecher -- Varianten personaler Dispositionen (im Anschluss an Aristoteles, Metaph. IX 5)“ by Ludger Jansen (Technical University Aachen) at the University of Innsbruck.

April 16, 2012: Presentation: „Agency and Causation“ by Edmund Runggaldier at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, see also here.

March 29, 2012: Presentation: “Personen und Organismen” by Christian Kanzian at the conference "Person - Anthropologische, Phänomenologische und Analytische Perspektiven" at the University of Wuppertal, Germany.

March 8, 2012: Comment: Daniel Wehinger on the presentation "Against Dispositional Essentialism" by Helen Beebee at the workshop "Dispositions, Causes, Modality" at the University of Cologne.

February 25, 2012: Presentation: „‚Hervorbringende Organe‘, ‚bildende Kraft‘? Heideggers Gegenentwurf zu Kants Theorie des Organismus“ by Anne Sophie Spann at the "10th Annual Meeting of the Research Network ‘Transcendental Philosophy – German Idealism’" at the Technical University Berlin.

Fall Term 2011/12: Research Seminar: "Vermögen und Handeln" (Powers and Actions), held by Edmund Runggaldier. Discussion of texts by E.J. Lowe, Stephen Mumford and others at the University of Innsbruck.

October 12, 2011: Presentation: "Möglichkeit ohne mögliche Welten" by Barbara Vetter (Humboldt University, Berlin) at the University of Innsbruck.

June 3, 2011: Presentation: "Mental Causation in Scholasticism (Suárez)" by Edmund Runggaldier, 9th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy in Vienna.