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Tilmann Märk – Universität Innsbruck

Tilmann Märk

Curriculum Vitae:   Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult. Tilmann MÄRK

Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck,

A 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Private and Education:

1944:   Born in Seefeld/Tirol, Austria

1962:   Matura, Bundesrealgymnasium Innsbruck

1968:   PhD in Physics/Physiology, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck
             (Rigorosum mit "Einstimmig Ausgezeichnet")

1977:   Marriage with Hiltraud Zuegg

1981:   Birth of son lukas


1968 - 1969:   Postdoctoral associate, Institut für Atomphysik, Universität Innsbruck

1969 - 1971:   Max Kade Research Fellow, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Minneapolis, USA

1971 - 1976:   Univ.Ass at Institut für Atomphysik, Universität Innsbruck

1973 - 1974:   Chair Assistentenverband Innsbruck

1976:               Habilitation for Experimental Atomic Physics

1976 - 1978:   Chair Assistentenverband Innsbruck and Member (Dozentenvertreter) of the Academic Senate of the University Innsbruck

1979:               Senior guest scientist at FOM (2 months), Amsterdam

1979 - 1980:   Senior Visiting CIRES Fellow and Fulbright Scholar, Dept. Chemistry, University Colorado/NOAA, Boulder, USA

1980 - 1986:   a.o.Univ. Professor at the Institut for Exp. Physics, University Innsbruck

1983:               Guest Professor of Chemistry (6 months), Penn State University, PA, USA

1985:               Guest Professor (1 Semester), Fakultät f. Physik, Universität Konstanz

1986:               Guest Professor at PMF Beograd (1 month)

1987 - 2009:   Univ. Professor at the Institut of Ion Physics, University Innsbruck

1993 - 2005:   Head (Vorstand) of the Institut of Ion Physics, University Innsbruck

1995:               Full professorship offer at the Institut f. Experimentalphysik, Univ. Graz declined

1997:               Full professorship offer ("Rudolf-Seelinger-Professur") at Univ. Greifswald declined

1998 - 2012:   Part time guest professor at Dept. Plasmaphysics, Univ. Bratislava

2001 - 2003:   Chair Fachgruppe Physik, Faculty of Science, University Innsbruck

2001 - 2003:   Chair Science Faculty (Fakultätsvorsitzender), University Innsbruck

2001 - 2004:   Chair of Electronic and Atomic Collisions Section and member of Atomic and Molecular Division of European Physical Society (EPS)

2003 - 2011:   Delegate at Austrian Science Foundation ( FWF)

2003 - 2011:   Vice Rector for Research, Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck

2004 - 2007:   Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at LFUI

2005:               Vicerector für Student Affairs, LFUI (2 months)

2011 - 2012:   Acting Rector, Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck

2012 - 2023:   Rector, Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck

2018 - 2026:   Mitglied des Deutschen Akkreditierungsrats


1979:   Research Award from the city of Innsbruck

1994:   Golden Medal Price, Faculty Mathematics/Physics, University Bratislava

1994:   Erwin-Schrödinger Price of the Austrian Academy of Science, Wien

1996:   SASP-Schrödinger Award 1996, Engelberg, Schweiz

2004:   J.Heyrovsky Honorary Medal for Merit in the Chemical Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha

2004:   Honorary doctoral degree, Dr.h.c. Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon

2004:   Golden Medal Award from the Comenius University of Bratislava

2006:   Honorary doctoral degree, Dr. h.c. Comenius University, Bratislava

2007:   UPV Price by the Austrian University Professor Association

2008:   Elected member of German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Halle (Saale)

2009:   Wolfgang Paul Lecture Award, DGMS, Konstanz

2013:   Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur, France

2014:   Großes Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich

2014:   Senator honoris causa, Freie Universität Bozen

2015:   Ehrensenator, Privatuniversität UMIT, Hall

2015:   President’s International Medaillon of Distinction, University of New Orleans

2016:   Ehrenzeichen des Landes Tirol

2018:   Dissociative Electron Attachment Club Distinguished Servcie Award

2023:   Ehrenmitgliedschaft Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv, UIBK



1977 - 1992:   Board member, Zuegg company, Lana, Italy

1992 - 2013:   President/Vice-president and CEO board of Zuegg companies: Italy, Germany, France, Russia

1986:   Founding member of spin-off company Ionentechnik, Innsbruck

1998:   Founding member of spin-off company Ionicon, Innsbruck

2001 - 2011:   CEO: Ionicon Analytik (PTR-MS), Innsbruck

2003:   Founding member of spin-off company Hansel und Co., Innsbruck

2003:   Founding member of spin-off company Ionimed, Innsbruck

2004 - 2008:   CEO: ABT GmbH, Innsbruck

2008 - 2023:   CEO: Universität Innsbruck Beteiligungs Gesellschaft mbH, Innsbruck

Further professional university related activities:

Member of the editoral board of the following journals:

  International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,

  Contributions to Plasma Physics,

  Acta Physics Universitatis Comenianae,

  Recent patents on food, nutrition and agriculture,

  Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

Member of many international scientific committees,

  Organization of many international conferences,

  Referee for many international journals and national scientific foundations,

  Advisor for the IAEA and ICRU,

  Member of Strukturkommission des BWF 1990/91 reviewing the physics departments in Austria,

  Member Kuratorium Forum Alpbach

  Member Steering Committee ÖAW-Euratom Association

  Member Südtiroler Rat für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovation der Autonomen Provinz Bozen-Südtirol

  Member des Präsidiums der UNIKO

  Gründer des Universitätsverlags iup

Approx. 900 publications (Google Scholar) in international refereed journals (appr. 30 in Nature, Phys.Rev.Lett., Angewandte Chemie Int.Ed., etc.) and books,

  More than 280 invited lectures at international conferences,

  More than 900 contributions (oral and poster) at international conferences,

  Editor of several books and special journal issues.

Lt. Google Scholar more than 27 000 citations and h-index of 80 (seit 2018 von 31)

•  Thesis supervisor of more than 150 PhD and Diploma students

•  From 1976 up to 2003 regular lectures in the amount of at least 12 hours per week (including main lectures, special lectures, seminars, and lab courses in the field of atomic physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics, radiation physics, mass spectrometry, cluster physics, etc.) in Innsbruck.

In addition lectures courses at University of Salzburg, Bratislava, Beograd, Konstanz and at the Penn State University.

Since 2003 reduced load of lecturing. 

Research interests covered by publications:

Physics and chemistry of clusters

Physics and chemistry of plasmas

Mass Spectrometry

Electron and ion physics

Radiation physics

Biophysics and biochemistry

Environmental physics and analytic chemistry

Food science

Tacit knowledge in science


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