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observations – Universität Innsbruck


1. Permanent UIBK infrastructure

FAIR (Forest-Atmosphere-Interaction-Research) site: Located about 30 km west of Innsbruck in a forest dominated by 12-m tall Scots pine (Pinus sylvstris), the site includes among others vertical profiles of 3D sonic anemometers, gas analyzers, and temperature and humidity sensors on a 30-m high tower; a 2-m high tower providing the surface-energy balance components and CO2 fluxes in the understory; and a walk-up tower to access the tree crowns. In total, over 100 sensors are operated continuously, measuring over 150 variables. [Contact: Albin Hammerle (]

Hintereisferner Open Air Laboratory is a glacier research site that consists of two automatic weather stations with four-component radiation measurements and one of them including a 3D sonic anemometer and a terrestrial laser scanner located just above the Hintereisferner glacier. [Contact: Rainer Prinz (]

Innsbruck Atmospheric Observatory (IAO): A tower on the rooftop of an approximately 35-m high building near the center of Innsbruck is instrumented with multiple 3d anemometers for turbulence and trace gas profiles. The top inlet is equipped for sampling a number of atmospheric gases and aerosols (e.g., NMVOC, NOx, O3, CH4, CO2, CO, UFP and PM1). Some of the measurements can be extended into the urban street canyon along a profile of sonic anemometers. Surface observations are complemented by a Doppler wind lidar and a temperature and humidity profiler operated on the rooftop to provide continuous vertical profiles of wind, temperature, and humidity. [Contact: Thomas Karl (]

i-Box: Seven eddy-covariance stations, each instrumented with a 3D sonic anemometer and infrared gas analyzer at least at one height, are deployed about 20 km east of Innsbruck. The locations cover different topographic (valley floor, mountain top, north- and south-facing sidewalls, steep and moderate slopes) and different land-use (grassland, agricultural, dwarf pine) characteristics. Six of the stations are full surface-energy balance stations with four-component radiation and ground heat flux measurements. [Contact: Lena Pfister (]

TEAMx Overview Map
TEAMx-UIBK permanent infrastructure

2. TEAMx Observational Campaign

Additional instrumentation that will be deployed during the TOC

  • Instrumentation owned by the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences will be deployed during the TOC by members of the department as part of one or more TEAMx projects, including a scanning wind lidar, a profiling wind lidar, 2 mobile surface-energy balance stations (each equipped with one Irgason and 2 sonic anemometers), 3 additional sonic anemometers, 10 mobile weather stations, 8 nano-barometers, a small aperture scintillometer, a distributed temperature sensing system (loan from KIT), and a thermal camera. [Contact: Manuela Lehner (]
  • Flight hours and approximately 20 radiosoundings during the summer EOP will be financed through project Unicorn. [Contact: Ivana Stiperski (]
  • Air-quality measurements in Innsbruck throughout the whole TOC are funded  by a current FWF and an ESA project. [Contact: Thomas Karl (].
  • Additional ozone measurements throughout the whole TOC at the FAIR site are anticipated. [Contacts: Thomas Karl (], Georg Wohlfahrt (]

Personnel dedicated to the TOC

  • A postdoc, a PhD student and a technician funded through project Unicorn will help with field work during the TOC. [PI I. Stiperski]
  • A  postdoc (50%, 1 year) is funded through project INTERFACE [UIBK-PI M. Rotach]
  • Two university-funded postdocs will provide field assistance during the TOC. [Contact: M. Rotach]

3. Pre-campaigns

Preliminary field campaigns that are being conducted in the TEAMx target areas before the TOC.

PC22 took place in summer 2022, with measurement sites at Kolsass and surroundings, in the Weer Valley (Nafingalm), in Innsbruck, and at the exit of the Inn Valley near Kufstein and Brannenburg. The goals of PC22 were mainly to test (new) instruments and measurement sites for the TOC. Activities by the TEAMx-UIBK group included a lidar intercomparison study together with GeoSphere Austria, distributed temperatures sensing measurements, observations of the valley atmosphere in a small tributary valley together with DLR using AWS and temperature/humidity sensors, testing of a new Raman lidar by KIT and deployment of a co-located Doppler lidar. [UIBK PIs: A. Gohm, L. Pfister]

A measurement campaign will take place in summer 2023 at Hintereisferner to study the heterogeneity over the glacier surface and flow interactions between glaciated and non-glaciated areas. Measurements are planned with a turbulence tower equipped with sonic anemometers at multiple levels, thermal camera measurements, and UAVs. [UIBK PIs L. Nicholson, I. Stiperski]

As part of the ISM project, the Kolsass valley bottom site will be intensively investigated using Distributed Temperature Sensing and mini-sonic anemometers in winter 2023/24. These intense observations will be objectively analyzed using a new framework tailored to complex distributed data in order to understand the interactions between submeso structures and turbulence and the role complex terrain plays in modulating these interactions. [PI K. Lapo]

As part of the INTERFACE project to study the surface-energy balance in the Inn Valley and Adige Valley, UAV flights are planned at some of the i-Box sites by the project collaborators from EURAC to test UAV measurements and study the role of advection in the non-closure of the surface-energy budget. [UIBK PI M. Rotach]

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