Main areas of research
- Tectonics
- Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Structural Geology
- Geology of the Alps
- Magnetic fabric analyses
- Deep Geothermal systems
- GIS Applications in Geology
02/2007 - 04/2010: PhD-studies at the Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck (Doc-fForte fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences). Thesis: “The Cenozoic evolution of the Giudicarie fault system (Eastern/Southern Alps, northern Italy). A geochronological, structural and paleomagnetic study” advisor: Dr. B. Fügenschuh
09/1999 - 04/2006: Magister studies of Earth Sciences at the University of Innsbruck. Thesis: “Geologie und Geodynamik im Raum Meran” advisor Dr. R. Brandner
Major positions held
since 04/2019: Assistant Professor (Laufbahnstelle), Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck
02/2012 - 03/2019: Assistant Professor (Rotationsstelle), Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck
07/2010 - 12/2011: Senior Researcher; research centre alpS-GmbH, Innsbruck (Project: The potential of deep geothermal energy in Vorarlberg, western Austria)
02/2007 - 04/2010: Doc-fForte fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, PhD-student at the Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck
01/2005 - 11/2006: Freelancer in the research project „Brenner base tunnel” at the University of Innsbruck
Teaching experience
Lectures and exercises
Since 2022: "Alpine Geology" VO2 + EU1 (Master level)
Since 2022: "Spatial data in Earth Sciences" VO1 + UE2 (Master level)
Since 2022: "System Earth 2" (STEOP Bachelor level)
Since 2021: "Selected topics of isotope geochemistry and geochronology”; VU 1 (Master level; topics covered: Fission Track analysis)
Since 2018/19: “PhD seminar- presentation and discussion of individual research work with the focus on natural hazards in mountain regions” SE 2
Since 2019: “Geoinformatik” VO 1 + UE2 (Bachelor level)
Since SS 16: “Geologische Karten und Profile” (Bachelor level)
Since SS 16: “Geländekurs 1” (Bachelor level)
Since WS 07/08: “Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme” (Master level)
SS 12 - SS 19: “Erdwissenschaftliche Freilanddidaktik” (Master of education)
SS 12 - SS 15: “Ingenieurgeologie” (Civil engineers, bachelor level)
SS 11 - SS 15: “Sedimentgeologische Kartierungsübungen; Geländekurs 2” (Bachelor level)
Prices and Recognition
- Doc-fForte fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Nachwuchsförderung der Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse
Reviewer for
- Tectonics
- Terra Nova
- International Journal of Earth Sciences
- Italian Journal of Geosciences
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Journal of Structural Geology
- International Geology Review
- Swiss Journal of Geosciences
Invited talks
- Pangeo / DEUQUA 2024, Salzburg (2024): The complex thermotectonic history of the Eastern Southern Alps
- TSK 2022 - 19th Symposium of Tectonics, Structural Geology and Crystalline Geology, Halle (Saale) (2022): Deformation in front of and within the Dolomites Indenter
- GeSTEIN Kolloquium (Geowissenschaftliches Studentisches Erfahrungs- und Interessensnetzwerk) (2021): Große Infrastrukturprojekte als Herausforderung und Chance für die Geologie
- University of Utrecht (2020): The Brenner Basetunnel: Challenges and chances for Geology
- Geokolloquium Universität Jena (2018): Der Brenner Basistunnel, ein Großprojekt als Herausforderung und Chance für die Geologie. Fallbeispiel: die Aktivität des Periadriatischen Störungssystems basierend auf neuen thermochronologischen Daten
- ALERT Summer School, Innsbruck (2013): The tectonic evolution of the Alps
- University of Freiburg, Geocolloquium (2014): Geology and deep geo(hydro)thermal potential of Vorarlberg
- Conference “Geothermie – Thermische Nutzung des Untergrundes” ÖWAV (2011): Potentiale der Geothermie im Kontext erneuerbarer Energien
- ETH Zürich, Structural Geology Seminar (2009): Was the Periadriatic Line originally curved or straight? A multidisciplinary study on boudinaged elements along the Giudicarie fault system
Activities (selected)
Since 2023: General Secretary of the Austrian Geological Society (Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft)
Since 2018: Member of the National Committee “Geo/Hydro Sciences”; Austrian Academy of Science
2016-2022: Member of the AlpArray working group (Management Working package "Research and Interpretation")
2015-2016: Head of the Organisation Committee and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference “GeoTirol2016” Annual Meeting of DGGV, hosting Pangeo and Bodenseetagung
2013: Organisation Committee and teaching: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2013: From field to lab. An Alpine glance at Apulian Geodynamics