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Publikationen – Universität Innsbruck


Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Laura Giacomini

Laura Giacomini© PicturePeople

Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Translationswissenschaft
Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer 15, 4.Stock, Raum 410
A-6020 Innsbruck

  +43 512 507 - 42455

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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


“Terminologiearbeit und Wissensmanagement”, in: V. Atayan, T. Metten, V. A. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sprache in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik, de Gruyter, 167-190


“A proposed microstructure for a new kind of active learner’s dictionary” (mit P. DiMuccio-Failla), in: Lexicographica 38 (2022), de Gruyter, 475-499

“The representation of culture-specific lexical items in monolingual learner’s lexicography: The case of the electronical Phrase-Based Active Dictionaries” (mit P. DiMuccio-Failla, P. De Martin Pinter), in: Proceedings of the XX EuraLex International Congress, Juli 2022, Mannheim (DE)

“The contextual behaviour of specialised collocations: typology and lexicographic treatment”, in: C. M. Blanco, F. Mollica (Hrsg.), Yearbook of Phraseology, de Gruyter, 55-80

“Repräsentation von Terminologischen Varianten in Relationalen Termbanken. Grundlagen und Didaktische Perspektiven”, in: Korpora. Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2(1), Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 25-41


“Phraseology in technical texts: a frame-based approach to multiword term analysis and extraction”, in: C. Mellado Blanco (Hrsg.): Productive Patterns in Phraseology and Construction Grammar, de Gruyter, 215-234


“The interaction of argument structures and complex collocations: role and challenges for learner’s lexicography” (with P. DiMuccio-Failla, E. Lanzi), in: Proceedings of the XIX EuraLex International Congress, September 2021, Alexandroupolis (GR)

“Computational Aspects of Frame-based Meaning Representation in Terminology” (with J. Schäfer), in: Proceedings of CompuTerm/LREC, Mai 2020, Marseille (FR)


Ontology – Frame – Terminology. A method for extracting and modelling variants of technical terms, Habilitationsschrift, Universität Hildesheim

“Arbeit mit Korpora: Effizient durchsuchen mit Sketch Engine”, in: MDÜ, Fachzeitschrift für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer 4 (2019), 32-35

“Investigating Semi-Automatic Procedures In Pattern-Based Lexicography” (mit Paolo DiMuccio-Failla), in: Proceedings of eLex 2019 Conference. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century, Oktober 2019 - Sintra (PT)

“Planning a domain-specific electronic dictionary for the mathematical field of graph theory: definitional patterns and term variation” (with T. Kruse), in: Proceedings of eLex 2019 conference. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century, Oktober 2019,  Sintra (PT)

“Functional representation of technical artefacts in ontology-terminology models”, in: 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), 20.-22.05.2019, Leipzig (DE)

“I disambiguatori fraseologici nella lessicografia di apprendimento: una proposta per l’italiano e il francese” (mit A. Orlandi, P. DiMuccio-Failla), in: Repères DoRiF n.18 – Phraséodidactique: de la conscience à la competence, DoRiF Università, Roma (IT)


"Frame-based lexicography: presenting multiword terms in a technical e-dictionary", in: Proceedings of the XVIII EuraLex International Congress, Juli 2018, Ljubljana (SLO)


“An ontology-terminology model for designing technical e-dictionaries: formalisation and presentation of variational data”, in: Proceedings of eLex 2017, September 2017, Leiden (NL)

“Designing an Italian learner’s dictionary based on Sinclair’s lexical units and Hanks’s Corpus Pattern Analysis” (mit Paolo DiMuccio-Failla), in: Proceedings of eLex 2017, September 2017, Leiden (NL)

“Dictionaries for Translation”, in: P. Fuertes-Olivera (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Lexicography. Routledge Taylor & Francis

“Designing an Italian learners’ dictionary with phraseological disambiguators” (mit Paolo DiMuccio-Failla) in: R. Mitkov (Hrsg.): Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, EUROPHRAS 2017, Springer, 290-305


Defining collocations for lexicographic purposes. From linguistic theory to lexicographic practice. Peter Lang (Hrsg. mit Adriana Orlandi)

Defining collocations for lexicographic purposes. A matter of boundaries and arrangement”, in: Orlandi A./ Giacomini L. (Hrsg.): Defining collocations for lexicographic purposes. From linguistic theory to lexicographic practice. Peter Lang, 211-235

“Studio sull’applicazione dei frame alla fraseologia specialistica del settore tecnico”, in: Proceedings von der LeKo-Tagung – Lexemkombinationen und typisierte Rede im mehrsprachigen Kontext, Februar 2016, Innsbruck (AT)

“Corpus evidence and lexicography” (mit A. Kilgarriff), in P. Hanks/G. de Schryver (Hrsg.): International Handbook of Lexis and Lexicography, Springer, DOI


“Warum es in Italien Kritiken regnet und Proteste in Flocken fallen. Wie Kollokationen Übersetzer täglich herausfordern“, in: Felder E./ Lieb L. (Hrsg.): Texte. Seit 1386. Gedichte – Kurzprosa – Sprachdaten. Von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der Universität Heidelberg in der Akademischen Mittagspause vorgestellt und erläutert. Winter Universitätsverlag, 163-170

“Macrostructural properties and access structures in LSP e-dictionaries for translation: the technical domain”, in: Lexicographica 31 (2015), 90-117

“Context-dependent variation of LSP collocations. A corpus-based analysis”, in: Procedia. Social and Behavioral Sciences 198(2015), 141-148

“Systematic vs. non-systematic  collocational patterns in LSP: paradigmatic variation in the technical domain“, in: Proceedings of Europhras 2015. Computerised and Corpus-Based Approaches to Phraseology: Monolingual and Multilingual Perspectives, 29.06.-01.07.15, Malaga (ES), 38-47

“Management and exploitation of conceptual data and information in technical termbases: the electrotechnical vocabulary”, in: Proceedings of eLex 2015, August 2015, Herstmonceux Castle (GB)


“Testing user interaction with LSP e-lexicographic tools: A case study on active translation of environmental terms”, in: J. Ruppenhofer/ G. Faaß (Hrsg.): Proceedings von Konvens 2014, Oktober 2014, Hildesheim (DE)

“Variational models in collocation: taxonomic relations and collocates inheritance”, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational, Cognitive, and Linguistic Approaches 
to the Analysis of Complex Words and Collocations (CCLCC 2014) at ESSLLI European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, August 2014, Tübingen (DE)

"Comparing Phraseologisms. Building a Corpus-Based Lexicographic Resource for Translators", in: Proceedings of the XVI EuraLex International Congress, July 2014, Bolzano (IT)


“Languages in Comparison(s): Using Corpora to Translate Culture-Specific Similes”, in: SILTA Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata 2/2013, 247-270

Mitarbeit an Schulwörterbuch Deutsch-Italienisch, Cornelsen Verlag 2013


Un dizionario elettronico delle collocazioni come rete di relazioni lessicali. Studio sul campo semantico della paura, Peter Lang (DISSERTATION)

"Lexical borrowings in German and Italian IT terminology: At the crossroads between language interference and translation procedures", in: Proceedings der BDÜ-Konferenz "Übersetzen in die Zukunft 2012“,28-30.09.12, Berlin (DE)


"An onomasiological dictionary of collocations: mediostructural properties and search procedures", in: Lexicographica 27 (2011), 241-268


"Italienische Lernerwörterbücher aus soziolinguistischer Sicht" (mit G. Rovere), in: Lexicographica 25 (2009), 21-46



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