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American Corner Innsbruck - past events – Universität Innsbruck

    American Corner Innsbruck

    Past Events


    AAI Austria: Future of Inclusion Lab -

    Virtual Panel Review

    Friday, July 31, 2020, 16.00-17.30 (4pm-5.30pm)


    ZERO1, Ars Electronica, and U.S. Embassy Vienna invites you to the virtual panel review of the American Arts Incubator - Austria.

    The work presented during the Virtual Panel Review is the culmination of a month-long engagement at the Future of Inclusion Lab, led by Iranian-American artist Rashin Fahandej.

    Future of Inclusion Lab is a virtual program centered on Art, Technology and community co-creation to address the challenge of Social Inclusion.The program provides technology and resource access to a mixed group of Austrian and Europe-based creatives, taking on the lens of what Fahandej calls “Art as Ecosystem,” creating a network of collaborations with a multiplicity of narratives that investigate social systems and occupy public sites as a critical discourse. The workshops center on co-creation philosophies, using emerging media tools and platforms to co-create prototypes for immersive and poetic reflections and to envision radical philosophical shifts needed for change.

    During a 90 min Live Stream on July 31st via Ars Electronica Home Delivery, Future of Inclusion Lab participants will present their creative projects and a panel of experts will review their work.

    Link to livestream:

    Participants: Asma Aiad, Parisa Ayati, Esma Bosnjakovic, Patricia Cadavid, Neo Christopher Chung, Max Haarich, Barbora Horská, Robbie Ierubino, Maria Kallionpää, Ines Mahmoud, Rebecca Merlic, Nika Pfeifer, Mateja Rot, Clara Roth, Peter Sauleda, Nicole Schanzmeyer, Kathi Schulz, Monica Vlad

    American Arts Incubator (AAI) is an international creative exchange program developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by ZERO1. The program utilizes community-driven digital and new media art projects to instigate dialogue, build communities, bolster local economies, and further social innovation.

    Read more about the American Arts Incubator – Austria here:


     Saturday, 4 July, 2020

    Independence Day celebration

    The American Corner Innsbruck and the Austro-American Society/Tirol had their annual joint Independence Day celebration on Saturday, 4th of July, 2020.  This was the first physical gathering in the four months since Corona hit Tirol, so we kept it smaller than usual and there were restrictions.  Nonetheless, 60 people registered and no one complained about wearing a mask whenever in the buffet line.  Masks were provided for those who needed and a hand-sanitizing station was provided at the start of the line.  In American pot-luck tradition, family-style side dishes brought from home augmented the catered hamburgers/hot dogs/ribs and grilled vegetables, and there were two full tables of luscious fruit and desserts.  A delicious time was had by all!

    Monday, 29 June, 2020

    Virtual Event

    “Nail that Interview!”


    We invited to join us for another presentation with guest speaker, Elizabeth Bachman. She is a sought-after speaker and trainer in Silicon Valley who helps train leaders and influences to become concise, compelling speakers globally. This month's presentation will focus on 'nailing' an interview whether it be for a job or studies in the U.S. Please join us on 29 June, 2020 as she teaches us to present ourselves as smart, down-to-earth, friendly, funny while still being taken seriously.


    Join us on Facebook for a virtual handshake!





    Wednesday, 27 May, 2020

    Virtual Event

    “Three big presentation mistakes”


    While her high-level clients are largely in the world of business, her training tips work well in basically all walk of life. Do you hope to study, teach, research or work in the U.S.? Then join Elizabeth on the American Corner Innsbruck Facebook site for this 20-minute podcast, free and open to the public:





    Virtual Event

    COVID-19 Global Hackaton


    The COVID-19 Global Hackathon is an opportunity for developers to build software solutions that drive social impact, with the aim of tackling some of the challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    We’re encouraging YOU - innovators around the world - to #BuildforCOVID19 using technologies of your choice across a range of suggested themes and challenge areas - some of which have been sourced through health partners including the World Health Organization and scientists at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.

    The hackathon welcomes locally and globally focused solutions, and is open to all developers - with support from technology companies and platforms including AWS, Facebook, Giphy, Microsoft, Pinterest, Salesforce, Slack, TikTok, Twitter and WeChat, who will be sharing resources to support participants throughout the submission period.


    Check it out:



     Thursday, 6 February, 2020

    Kinder Kino!

    The American Corner hosted the first in a planned series of films in English aimed at families with children.  Our inaugural film was "101 Dalmations", the re-make with award-winning actress Glenn Close,  25 children and "grown-ups" came to socialize a bit and enjoy the movie, with juices and popcorn provided.



    101 DALMATIONS (The remake with Glen Close)

    THURSDAY, 6 February, 17:00—19:15 / 5:00—7:15pm Türing-Saal of the Claudiana (where we have our Christmas Caroling)

    Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, 1st floor up

    Old Town Innsbruck


    Friday, 13 December, 2019

    Christmas Caroling Party

    Invited ACI guests gathered with some Austro-American Society members for food and cheer and singing at our annual ACI-AAS Christmas Caroling event.  The ACI distributed song books and provided background music for any lull-time in the singing, which was robust and heart-felt, if not exactly professional.  It is always a lovely event and a great time was had by all!

    Monday, 9 December, 17.15/5:15pm, Claudiasaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, Old Town,

    “Finding Captain Dickson: Partnering to Put a Tuskegee Airman to Rest”

    The University of Innsbruck and the American Corner Innsbruck said farewell to visiting exchange professor Dr. Ryan Gray, University of New Orleans Department of Anthropology, at a last public lecture and small reception, Monday 9 December 2019.  It was great to have him here for a few months and we hate to see him and his family return to New Orleans, but we look forward to the next time!


    “Highroads and Skyroads: Cinematic Mountains and the U.S. National Park Service”


    Featuring: Jennifer Peterson / Woodbury University, Los Angeles

    Freitag, 22. November, 15.00 Uhr

    Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, Aula

    Toward a Mountain Humanities, or ‘It’s about more than climbing and development’


    Featuring: Katherine Ledford / Appalachian State University in Boone,
    North Carolina


    Montag, 25. November 2019, 10.15 - 11.45 Uhr


    Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52e, Geiwi-Turm (Erdgeschoss), Hörsaal 5¾

    More information:


    Link to pictures

    Thanksgiving Celebration

    November 24, 2019.


    The American Corner Innsbruck wishes all a Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated together with the Austro-American Society on Sunday, 24 November, with lots of pot-luck food and even an early visit from Santa!


    Link to pictures

    “He’s been to the Mountaintop: Luis Trenker’s Western Der Kaiser von Kalifornien and the Tradition of the Bergfilm”


    Featuring: Kamaal Haque / Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania

    Thursday, 14 November 2019, 12.00 Uhr to 13.30 Uhr

    Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52e, Hörsaal 5 3/4


    Often called one of the best and best-known German Westerns, Luis Trenker’s 1936 film Der Kaiser von Kalifornien is a fictionalized account of the life of Johann August Sutter, best known today as the owner of the mill where the California Gold Rush of 1849 started. The film depicts Sutter as the founder and leader of a community in California where all benefit from the paradisiacal conditions of his benevolent rule, until the day that gold is found on his property and chaos ensues. Previous interpretations of this film have situated both within the traditions of the Western and National Socialism film production. Critics do, of course, mention Trenker’s past as a founding member of the uniquely German genre of the Bergfilm, yet only briefly mention the connections between the Der Kaiser von Kalifornien and the classical Bergfilm. This talk will focus on those connections. I will argue that the film is more indebted to the traditions of the Bergfilm than is often presumed. While mountains are not prominent in the film, the urge to command from on high, the desire to reach the mountaintop and see the Promised Land, is one of the film’s defining themes. Both dramaturgy and cinematography in the tradition on the Bergfilm reinforce this view from the summit in Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Furthermore, the film’s mixed messages on modernity are in line with the Bergfilm’s own ambiguity on technological progress, an ambiguity that haunts Sutter in the film.

    Kamaal Haque is associate professor of German at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (USA). He earned his Ph.D. in German and Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis with a dissertation on space in Goethe’s West-östlicher Divan. His research has most recently been on the Bergfilm as well as the literature of the German-speaking Alps. Past and upcoming essays have been on Luis Trenker, Arnold Fanck, the Heimatfilm and Franz Hohler. He is currently writing a monograph on the films of Luis Trenker.




    November 8, 2019


    The morning after his public concert in Innsbruck, Eric Anderson and team conducted an American roots music workshop with demonstrations and discussions for some 35 pupils and teachers  at the Gymnasium in der Au, sponsored by the American Corner Innsbruck.


    Link to photos


    November 7, 2019


    The American Corner co-sponsored a public concert featuring renowned U.S. singer-songwriter Eric Anderson and accompanying musicians at the popular cultural "house" known as the Bierstindl in Innsbruck.  More than 120 enthusiastic visitors crowded the modest-sized performance-barroom and enjoyed a great evening.


    Talk by Prof. Dr. Ryan Gray, visiting professor of Anthrolology/Archeology at the University of Innsbruck from the University of New Orleans:


    Wednesday, 23 of October 2019, 18.00 / 6pm:

    Zentrum für Alte Kulturen, Langer Weg 11, SR 1

    Dr. Ryan Gray

    (Department of Anthropology and Sociology – University of New Orleans)

    A Midwife and a 'Mother': Archaeologies of Healing and Power in the Lives of Two New Orleans Women

    The field of historical archaeology, the archaeology of the modern world, is pursued as a subfield of anthropology in North America, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research on material culture. It provides an opportunity to examine the everyday lives of people whose stories go unrecorded in documents, or who are marginalized because of race, ethnicity, gender, or class. This presentation will draw upon archaeological work at two sites from the very recent past in New Orleans, Louisiana, as examples of the practice of historical archaeology in the United States. It will use archaeological and historical evidence to examine how two women of color in the early modern city were able to make new claims on citizenship and social power, even within the racist social structure of the segregated South.




    Information Open House for Teaching Assistants

    On October 11 2019, the American Corner Innsbruck hosted an information open house featuring Mr. Dune Johnson, from the Education USA/Fulbright headquarters in Vienna. Students and Faculty from the University of Innsbruck and the Management Center Innsbruck stopped by to ask questions and get information. Fulbright U.S. Teaching Assistants (USTAs) newly stationed in Tirol also stopped by for discussions and a small welcome reception. 



    Thursday, 27.06.2019 to Saturday, 29.06.2019

    International Conference

    Interdisciplinary International Symposium "Disability Studies & Participation in Higher Education"

    Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3

    Admission / Costs: Free


    Keynote speakers: Jos Boys (University College London, UK); Sheila Riddell (University of Edinburgh, UK); Petra Anders (Institute for Empirical Sociology, Nuremberg, DE); Robert Stodden (University of Hawaii, US); James Martin (University of Oklahoma, US); Justin Powell (University of Luxembourg, LU)

    Additional Information

    The symposium starts on Thursday, 27.06.2019 at 16:00 and ends on Saturday, 29.06.2019 at 14:30. 


    Independence Day celebration on July 4th


    The American Corner Innsbruck and the Austro-American Society/Tirol Chapter held their annual Independence Day celebration on July 4th.  The obligatory hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings were center stage, along with ribs and grilled vegetables.  Society members brought side dishes and desserts and guests were greeted with a welcome prosecco drink.  After two years of rainy Independence Day gatherings, this year the weather cooperated beautifully.  About 80 attendees of all ages enjoyed outdoor play and good conversation well into the evening.



    "Happy Hour" with the Chargé d'Affaires Robin Dunnigan


    While on other Embassy business in Innsbruck, the Chargé d'Affaires Robin Dunnigan graciously offered to host an informal information "Happy Hour" for selected students interested in learning about life in diplomatic service.  Students from the U.S., Austria and Romania joined her for a delightful and insightful discussion about a career as a foreign service officer and the importance of public diplomacy.  Public Affairs officer Jitesh Ved accompanied the Chargé, and added some of his own observations.  The American Corner thanks them both!



    Info/Welcome Session with UT/Arlington


    The American Corner Innsbruck held an information and welcome session in the historic Turingensaal for a study group of architecture students and faculty from the University of Texas at Arlington.  Background information on the ACI and the University of Innsbruck was given first, followed by discussions of joint study abroad and forming transatlantic partnerships.  The group then engaged in more discussions while enjoying a casual pizza lunch, courtesy of the UIBK Office of International Relations.  All and all, an enjoyable and productive two hours!


    Film Screening and Discussion:
    "Water makes us Wet" 


    With a mix of humor, curiosity and sensuality, this film takes us for a journey with the U.S. American filmmakers Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stevens and their dog Butch in their traveling camper "E.A.R.T.H.", as they explore water in California, contemplate "Earth as Mother" and "Earth as Lover" to portray a multi-faceted and sensitively-portrayed relationship with the natural world.

    "The Eyes and Ears of the World" 


    From the series "Third Person Plural" from von Aikaterini Gegisian, "The Eyes and Ears of the World" uses visual material from the extensive archives of U.S. post-War newscasts during the years 1945-1957, which the artist culled together from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. The Film considers this form of visual popular culture of the period, examining the aesthetics and the information control. Following the screening is a discussion moderated by Assoc.-Prof. Christian Quendler, Department of American Studies, University of Innsbruck.


     Englishes in the USA


    Alexander Onysko / Klagenfurt

    Wednesday, 08. May 2019, 13.45 - 15.15 Uhr

    Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52d, Geiwi-Tower (Ground Floor), Hörsaal 3

    Language: English

    This presentation is free and open to the public!



    Junge UNI

    26 April 2019

    The University of Innsbruck opened its door to some 1700 (!) school pupils and teachers for it's Young University Day on Friday, 26 April 2019. The American Corner Innsbruck joined forces with the international area-studies centers for a fun and informative display on the theme "National Symbols that Tell a Story". Each country selected two national symbols. We worked up posters with information and created two quizzes based on the information posted. Young people (and teachers!) who got all the answers correct could choose a small prize (sweets, national friendship pins, etc.). We in the American Corner chose the bald eagle and the Great Seal as our symbols, and in addition to the quizzes, we had copies for the symbols printed for the younger children to color in or take with them.



    Earth Day

    22 April 2019

    On Easter Monday (a holiday in Austria), the American Corner Innsbruck celebrated Earth Day with an info table at the annual Easter Monday Festival conducted by the Botanical Garden Innsbruck.  It was fortuitous that Earth Day, April 22, coincided with this lovely and informative event.  The weather cooperated beautifully and some 700 visitors came to learn, stroll the grounds, tour the green houses and generally just enjoy the day.  The event is popular among all age-groups, but is especially geared towards families with children. We at the American Corner Innsbruck distributed information on the history of Earth Day, along with a special mix of bee- and butterfly-friendly flower seeds, which we packed in little bags and stapled to info flyers.  Many of the visitors to our table were clearly surprised and delighted that the little packet was a gift--for the good of our earth, our insects, and all of us!





    Film Festival for experimental and weird

    Innsbruck. 29. March | 11. April | 13. April
    Festival Program:

    This year we present 32 films (6 LONG -, 2 Medium-Length -, 24 short films) from all over the world, three concerts, a 16 mm short performance and a DJ movie brunch.

    Places of play in Innsbruck: leokino-cinematograph, p.m.k, Brennpunkt coffee competence

    UNO - Innsbruck International Summer School


    Tuesday, March 12 @ 14:30

    Innrain 52, 4U102b


    Wednesday, March 13 @ 11:00

    Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, Claudiana


    Mardi Gras - Faschingsdienstag

    Tuesday, 5 March 2019

    We celebrated New Orleans, Louisiana Mardi Gras in Innsbruck, Austria. Sharing our cultures and traditions with live Mardi Gras music, Second Line parades through Old Town, beads to throw, Hurricane cocktails, snacks, King Cakes, and lots of fun!  




    Valentine's Day Meet-and-Greet

    14 February 2019




    A presentation by and discussion with Prof. Dr. Michaela Hoenicke- Moore, University of Iowa, USA:

    Varieties of Patriotism: Americans Debate Their Country's Role in the World

    Wednesday, 9 January 2019 5:00pm /17.00 Uhr / Claudiasaal, Claudiana, 2nd floor up Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, Innsbruck







    The American Corner Innsbruck joined with the Austro-American Society/Tirol for a splendid early Thanksgiving celebration, Sunday 18 November, at the Sieglanger Pfarrkirche Maria am Gstade.  90 hungry men, women and children came bearing pot-luck dishes and donations for the raffle.  For this now traditional AAS/ACI celebration, the Austro-American Society provides the turkeys, gravy and beverages, everyone brings a side dish or dessert in American pot-luck style, and the ACI arranges for the venue, helpers, table supplies and a visit from Santa to the little ones after dinner.  After Santa has come and gone, we hold a raffle.  Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time!



    Invitation to a free event coming up this week:

    Canadian Exceptionalism: Frontiers, Staples, Metropoles and Geographies of Uneven Development 

    Free Admission! 

    Speaker: Gordon Winder / LMU München 

    Date: Tuesday, 27. November 2018, 7:15 PM

    Place: Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, Lecture Hall 3, Geiwi-Turm, Ground Floor

    Language: English

     We Hope to see you there!




    Sob a Pata do Boi

    Brasil, 2018, 49 min

    Tuesday, October 30th 2018, 7:15PM
    Univeristy of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, lecture room 3, Geiwi-Turm, ground floor
    Portuguese/Brazilian with English subtitles

    Presentation by Martin Coy

    Info: There are 85 million cows in the Brazilian Amazon, which means three cows for each human dweller grazing today and area that was once forest. Less than fifty years ago, in the 1970s, the rainforest was intact. Since then, a portion the size of France has disappeared, 66% of which transformed into pastures. Much of this change is a consequence of government incentives that attracted thousands of farmers from southern lands. Cattle ranching became an economic and cultural banner of the Amazon, forging powerful politicians to defend it. In 2009, there was a game changer: the Public Prosecutor's Office sued large slaughterhouses, forcing them to supervise cattle supplying farms.





    Fulbright Information Open House


    Friday, 12 October, 16:00-17:00


    at the American Corner Innsbruck


    The American Corner Innsbruck hosted Mr. Dune Johnson, Fulbright representative from Vienna, who made himself available for questions and distributed materials.  Following the information session, the ACI hosted a small welcome reception for the new U.S. Teaching Assistants (USTAs) in Tirol.  Besides lively conversation, the USTAs also enjoyed being able to select government publications from the ACI office for use in their classrooms.




    Within the cool, Gothic vaulted walls of Innsbruck's historic Claudiana building, visitors sat comfortably on a sweltering hot afternoon to hear university professor Dr. Marc Landry present a fascinating study on environmental history:  "Europe's Battery: The Alps in the Age of Fossil Fuels".  In his presentation, Dr. Landry concentrated on energy policies in the 19th and 20th Centuries, but brought the discussion up to the present day.  He discussed the importance of hydro-power sources in the Alps and gave comparisons with fossil fuel statistics.  30 people attended and asked many questions during and after the presentation, providing a lively basis for discussion.





    4th of July Party 2018

    American Corner Innsbruck and the Austro-American Society members and friends enjoyed some festivities at the CCB in Innsbruck. The 4th of July, Independence day in the USA. The Party was a great success and very enjoyable. Hope to see you there next year!





    Cultural Attaché Nathanael Lynn Podium address at the opening of the UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School and Panel Discussion: Professors Anton Pelinka & Heinz Gärtner “U.S. Politics from a European Perspective”




    The American Corner Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck cordially invites you to

    a presentation by and discussion with Prof. Dr. Marc Landry, Associate Director, Center Austria, University of New Orleans

    “Europe’s Battery: The Alps in the Fossil Fuel Age”

    Tuesday / 24 July 2018 / 5:00pm / 17.00Uhr / Türingsaal / Claudiana / 1st floor up / Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3 / Innsbruck


    Marc Landry II is Assistant Professor for Central European History and Associate Director of the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies (Center Austria).  Dr. Landry specializes in environmental history and is currently in Innsbruck as a faculty member with the UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School.




    The American Corner Innsbruck at the University of
    Innsbruck cordially invites you to the international conference:

    Europe‘s Staging – Staging Europe

    International Conference 28–29 June 2018, Start: 9.00 a.m.

    Conference venue:
    Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, Innsbruck


    Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures (Innsbruck)
    Department for Music and Dance Studies (Salzburg)







    The Department of American Studies, the American Corner Innsbruck at the University of
    Innsbruck and the Center for Interamerican Studies (ZIAS) cordially invite you to a talk by


    Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexandra Ganser (University of Vienna)


    The Many Faces of American Piracy, 1678-1861


    Monday / June 25 / 2018 / 7.00 p.m. / HS 6 / Humanities Building


    From the colonial era to the twenty-first century, pirates have remained fascinating figures in transatlantic American literature and popular culture. In my talk, I ask about the causes of this popularity and explore in what ways the cultural imaginary teased out the pirate’s ambivalent potential as a figure of identification and Othering. I will touch on Puritan execution sermons, early American broadsides, antebellum historical romances and popular plays, and caricatures of alleged secessionist ‘pirates’ at the beginning of the Civil War. I argue that in all of these cases, piracy functions as a discursive category moving in a continuum between the propagation of (post-)colonial adventure and accumulation on the one hand and critical commentary on exploitation and colonial oppression on the other.

    Alexandra Ganser is professor for American Studies and Executive Director of the Centre for Canadian Studies at the University of Vienna. She received her PhD from the University of Erlangen (Roads of Her Own: Gendered Space and Mobility in American Women’s Road Narratives, 1970-2000, Rodopi 2009). She was Christoph-Daniel-Ebeling Fellow at the American Antiquarian Society and is a Fulbright Alumna. Her research interests center on mobility studies (Key Researcher, interdisciplinary platform Mobile Cultures and Societies, U of Vienna), popular culture, gender studies, transatlantic American studies, and ecocriticism. Her current  FWF-sponsored project Crisis and Discourses of Legitimacy in Transatlantic Narratives of Piracy, 1678-1865 is forthcoming as a monograph with Palgrave Macmillan.






    The Department of American Studies, the American Corner Innsbruck at the University of
    Innsbruck and the Center for Interamerican Studies (ZIAS) cordially invite you to a talk by


    Dr. James C. Chatters (Applied Paleoscience)


    The First Americans’ Faces


    Monday / June 11 / 2018 / 7.00 p.m. / HS 6 / Humanities Building


    Remains of ancient people are commonly treated as specimens and their humanity fails to be conveyed properly.  Although this is thought by many academics to be the proper way to do science, it is more rewarding, and easier to communicate to the lay public when we humanize our ancient predecessors.  We give them names, like Lucy or Ötzi and recreate their faces.  In this presentation Dr. Chatters describes the processes he followed to recreate the images of two widely publicized early Americans: Kennewick Man and Naia of Hoyo Negro.  It begins with the scientific research into their diets, development, and activity patterns and is completed through forensic sculptural reconstruction.  The latter requires decisions informed by science and must avoid the pressures of politics, ethnocentrism, and nationalism to achieve the most objective and accurate representation possible.

    Dr. James Chatters is an archaeologist and paleontologist with over fifty years of research experience. He has been involved in the recovery and first studies of ten of North America’s fifty oldest skeletons.  He has presented his research around the world and has appeared articles in numerous leading journals such as Science, Quaternary Science Reviews, Quaternary International, World Archaeology, Journal of World Prehistory, and Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology as well as the book Ancient Encounters. His work has appeared in many documentaries, and is central to PBS NOVA’s “Mystery of the First Americans” and “The First Face of America.”  He lives in Bothell, Washington, USA.






    The Department of American Studies and the American Corner Innsbruck at the University of
    Innsbruck cordially invite you to a talk by

    PD Dr. Sascha Pöhlmann
    Associate Professor at the Amerika-Institut of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

    Play Around to Lose Yourself: David OReilly's Everything

    Thursday / June 7 / 2018 / 10.15 a.m. / HS 2 / Humanities Building




    Link to pictures


    The Department of American Studies, the American Corner Innsbruck, and the Research Platform Gender Studies at the University of Innsbruck cordially invite you to a film screening of

    Su Friedrich ́s


    Monday / April 23 / 2018 / 5.15 p.m. / HS 5 / Humanities Building



     Link to pictures


    The American Corner Innsbruck invites you all and friends to stop by the Prandtauer Ufer park (across the Inn from the GeiWi towers) for an early

    Celebration of Earth Day


    Friday / April 20 / 2018 / 11.00 – 16.00

    Public Park at Prandtauer Ufer on the Inn (opposite the GEIWI Towers)

    In case of bad weather, we will picnic at our officegalerie and kitchen area.




    Link to pictures


    The Department of American Studies and the American Corner Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck cordially invite you to a talk by

    Dr. Joshua Parker

    Ass.-Professor at the Department of English and American Studies at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

    The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

    Friday / April 20 / 2018 / 10.15 a.m. / HS 2 / Humanities Building




    Link to pictures



    The Department of American Studies, the American Corner Innsbruck, and the Research Platform Gender Studies at the University of Innsbruck cordially invite you to a film screening of Su Friedrich´s


    Monday / April 9 / 2018 / 5.15 p.m. / HS 5 / Humanities Building





    Dr. Margaret Davidson and some American students that are studying in the spring semester of 2018 at the University of Innsbruck took a trip to the "70 Years Marshall Plan Exhibit" at the WKO Tirol. This exhibit is on display until the end of the month March 2018 and celebrates the anniversary of the Marshall Plan, a key American initiative to help rebuild and strengthen Austria, post-WWII.


    Link to pictures


    February 23, 2018 the American Corner Innsbruck conducted a presentation about the Civil Rights Movement in America at Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck! 


    Link to Pictures


    KEVIN MEISEL TRIO (Michigan)

    Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 20.00 pm

    BrennPunkt coffee competence Viaduktbogen 46


    Folk/Roots-Rock raconteur Kevin Meisel is a gifted and honest singer-songwriter.

    "Songs wie ganz großes Kino"



    Just a couple days left to apply for#Austria2Austin 3.0!
    http:// austriastartups.3daystartup .org/

    Spend 2 weeks in Austin, Texas this summer - all travel and accommodation costs are covered - and learn the skills you need to take your idea or#startup to the next level.

    Apply now - application deadline is January 5, 2018!
    3 Day Startup

    Link to Flyer



    In recognition of International Mountain day, we would like to invite you to a series of events! The first is on Monday , December 4, 2017 and a second on Monday, December 11, 2017. Check out the flyer for more information!

    Link to Flyer

    Link to Flyer



    The Crowdsourced Archive:
    Mobile Media, Appalachian Photography, and the Local(ized) Frame 

    Tuesday, November 21, 2017, 6.00pm (18.00 Uhr) HS 7, Lecture Hall 7, Humanities Building

    Be sure to stop by and check out this guest lecture from Professor Mark Nunes of Appalachian State University concerning the relationship between social media photography & the attempt to document a sense of place. Please refer to the flyer below for more info!  

    Link to Flyer



    Christmas Caroling  

    20 brave souls came to sing with us at the now annual ACI| AAS Christmas party. Food and drink--especially drink-- helped lower inhibitions about singing without back up music for a full hour, until our professional musician and music teacher arrived with her flute. Competition with other Christmas parties was stiff this year, but those who came for the 6 pm party stayed until well after 10 pm and a wonderful time was had by all!

    Link to Pictures



    American Folk/Bluegrass Concert

    October 13th, 2017, Café Brennpunkt

    Danny Santos, a singer/songwriter who is a “travelin Texas troubadour & tunesmith” and his partner Tom Custer played a concert at Cafe Brennpunkt. The concert was co-sponsored by the ACI



    School workshop BORG Innsbruck

    Earlier that day Santos & his partner Tom Custer held a music workshop at the BORG in Fallmeraryerstrasse Innsbruck for about 25 English & Music students from Magister Jutz’s course and the workshop was enthusiastically received.



    USTA Welcome Reception 

    Wednesday October 11th ACI 5-8pm

    About 15 US Teaching assistants were invited to view the American Corner and see what is available for them and to meet with their USTA coordinator, Mag. Belona Berchtaler



    American Corner Innsbruck & Fulbright Austria Information Open House Session

    October 11th 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 

    American Corner Innsbruck, Claudiana, 1st floor up Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, Innsbruck



    Panel Discussion: Wolfgang Dvorák, Jenny hausberger, et al. July 31st 6:00 PM, HS5 Geiwi 

    The European Migrant Crisis from a Refugee Perspective


    UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School Lecture Series

     Professor Verena Wieser    July 24th 2:00 PM, HS5 Geiwi       

                  Sport Event Sponsoring as Cultural Branding Tool: Austrian and Int’l Contexts 



    EducationUSA Interactive: U.S. Campus Culture

    Date and Time: Thursday, July 6, 2017, 10:00am EDT / 14:00 UTC

    Event page:

    Curious about studying in the U.S.? Already accepted and starting to pack?  Either way, this EducationUSA Interactive is for you! Join U.S. higher education experts, currently enrolled international students, and a U.S. Department of State official for an introduction to U.S. academic culture and campus life.Find out what daily student life is like for international students studying in the U.S. today. Ask questions and learn how U.S. campuses welcome international students. 

    This free, online discussion was open to the public and included a moderated conversation with questions submitted live from the online audience.

    July 4th Barbeque 

    Link to Photos



      Foreign Policy under the Trump Administration speech by visiting scholar Brett Netto 

    Mr. Brett Netto, Ph.D. candidate at Virginia Tech, spoke on U.S. Foreign Policy under Trump. After introductory remarks on how U.S. foreign policy is conducted and who is involved, he considered a few examples to analyze how U.S. foreign policy is perceived under the Trump administration, followed by a very active discussion period."

    Wednesday June 21st, 6 PM Geiwi Building HS 7
    Link to Flyer
    Link to Photos



    We hope all who went had fun checking out the American music group "The Howlin' Brothers" at Cafe Brennpunkt on May 30th

    Link to Flyer

    Link to Photos



    Thanks to all who attended on Tuesday May 23rd for a speech by visiting Professor Kevin Schilbrack!

    "Religious Affordances" 

    Link to Flyer



    Professor Cheah, UC/Berkeley “Worlding Literature”

    May 12th-13th, 2017, Claudiana

    Link to Photos



    Thanks for joining us in listening to an interesting talk by visiting Professor Damien B. Schlarb on May 9th!

                                             "Irregular, not Irreverent: Religion and Theology in Moby-Dick and The Scarlet Letter"

    Link to Flyer



    The following flyer was for a great opportunity known as the "Austria to Austin Student Startup Exchange"

    A program of U.S Embassy Vienna´s Young Transatlantic Leaders Initiative




    Charge d' Affaires Eugene Young Speech on New U.S Adminsitration

    Thanks to all who came to hear an interesting take on the new U.S. Administration by Charge d' Affairs Eugene Young from the U.S. Embassy in Vienna on Tuesday March 28th, 18:30 in the Aula of the Main University!




    Professor Walter Mead Speech on Current Administration 

    Thanks to all who joined us for a successful lecture about the current administration and its influence on foreign policy by Professor Walter Mead on March 9th at 18:00 HS 1 in the Sowi. 




     The American Corner invited you to join in at Tyrolia Buch on January 26th 7:30 PM as Barbara Hahn introduced her book "Die US-amerikanische Stadt im Wandel." Entry was free. This event was co-sponsored with the Center for Interamerican Studies (ZIAS) and TYROLIA, and was conducted in German.



    Christmas Caroling Party

    Members of the Austro-American Society/Tirol and invited ACI guests gathered on Thursday, 15 December, for our annual Christmas Caroling party.  Before singing, people enjoyed a buffet of food and drink.  Then the songbooks were distributed and the caroling began.  Great fun was had by all!




                                    “What’s next? America under President Trump & what we can learn from the 2016 election cycle.”

                                                                                           Featuring Mr. Yussi Pick

    Monday, November 28th, 2016 7PM in Claudiasaal (2nd floor) of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck (ACI) and the Center for Interamerican Studies (ZIAS) hosted a post-election event featuring Mr. Yussi Pick, U.S. elections and campaigns expert and managing partner at Pick and Barth Digital Strategies.  Mr. Pick spent the final weeks before the election working at the Clinton campaign headquarters.  He first explained how a campaign staff is normally grouped into special ares of responsibilities, showed photos inside the Clinton headquarters, and then talked some about the innovative approaches taken for digital and media campaigning.  Some digital and media approaches used by the Trump campaign were also addressed.  After commenting on we we can learn from this campaign and where we move forward, Mr. Pick took questions from the audience on the role of social media, fake news/propoganda, the role of tradtional media, the creation of "narratives" which hurt or help a candidate, and more.  The full house of 75 included a local Gymnasium class and teacher.

    [Link to InvitePhotos]


    Thanksgiving Dinner together with the Austro-American Society

    Sunday, 20 November, 2016, Sieglanger Pfarrkirche Maria Gstade, Weingartnerstr. 44, 6020 Innsbruck

    We celebrate traditionally  on the Sunday before Thanksgiving Thursday, which isn't a holiday here in Austria.  AAS members, ACi invited guests, families with children, students and retirees all came together for an evening of great food and conviviality.  The Austro-American Society provides the turkeys/gravy and beverages, attendees all bring some sort of dish to share--in true American pot-luck tradition.  After dinner Santa Claus even comes to visit the young ones, and a raffle rounds up the evening of togetherness.  We are already looking forward to next year's event!

    [Link to Photos]



    The First Clinton and Trump Debate: Out of a Frying-pan into the Fire

    Monday, November 14, 2016, 10:15am in the HS 7, Humanities Building,GEIWI (Innrain 52), 6020 Innsbruck

    The American Corner Innsbruck and the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck  organized a talk  on the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Manfred Kienpointner, Professor of General Linguistics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria spoke on the topic.

    [Link to Photos]



    43rd International Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies:

    "America Through the Small Screen: Television and Its Transformations"

    November 11-13, 2016, School of Catholic Theology (Karl-Rahner-Platz 1) and the GEIWI (Innrain 52), 6020 Innsbruck.

    The Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) held their 43rd Conference here at the University of Innsbruck from November 11-13. Keynote speakers included Christopher Bigsby from the University of East Anglia, Amanda D. Lotz from the University of Michigan and Diane Negra from the University College Dublin.

     [For more information, please click here.]

    [Download the program here.]



    International Day of the International Services of the University of Innsbruck

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 11:00 am – 04:00 pm in the Claudiana (1st floor), Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck joined with the Landeszentren for the annual University of Innsbruck International Day, held this year on 8 November 2016.  Some 200 students, pupils, and interested members of the public came through our offices to learn about what we have to offer.  The American Corner was please to welcome two representatives from Fulbright in Vienna, who stayed the day and talked to many about education and teaching opportunities supported by Fulbright in the United States. A photo contest announced several months ago was judged by the visitors, who voted by ballot--fitting for the November 8th Election Day in the U.S.--and the ACI was pleased to present a GoPro camera to the young photographer of the public's favorite photo:  a splendid, almost spiritual photo of campers around a fire and the brilliant Milky Way stretching out above them in the night sky. 

    [Link to Program, Invite, Press Release,Photos]



    An American View on US Presidential Elections

    Thursday, November 3, 2016, 6pm (18:00) in the Claudiasaal (2nd floor) of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    Robert Greenan, Public Affairs Counselor of the US Embassy in Vienna spoke on the US Presidential elections and also took questions from the audience.

    Following this talk/discussion, there was a light reception. 

    [Link to InvitePhotos]



    School Music Workshop

    Monday, October 24 2016, Innsbruck Waldorfschule, Jahnstraße 5, 6020 Innsbruck

    The American Corner Innsbruck was pleased to sponsor a school music workshop on the morning of 24 October featuring Emily Jane White, a singer/songwriter influenced by the American blues and folk tradition with a mix of pop-rock added.  Ms. White spoke and performed for a school audience of 25 (9th class, Innsbruck Waldorfschule), talking about and demonstrating song-writing.  There was a active exchange, with pupils asking lots of questions before Ms. White had to leave with her band for an engagement in Vienna that same night.




    Emily Jane White & Band

    Sunday, October 23 2016, 8:00pm/20:00 at the Bierstindl, Klostergasse 6, 6020 Innsbruck

    Her music is best described as "Americana folk with a dark flavor to it". Emily Jane White has recently released her new album "They Moved in Shadow All Together" and has performed at the Bierstindl on Sunday. 



    eLibrary USA Workshop

    October 11, 10:30am - 11.30 am, in the coffeeroom (1st floor) of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, (Altstadt), 6020 Innsbruck.
    The aim of the workshop was to broaden academic research skills and to give people an insight into online research possibilities with a focus on eLibrary USA. 



    A Guest Lecture by Prof. Noam Shoval on 

    The Urban Development of Jerusalem and its Geopolitical Future

    Friday, October 7, 6:00 pm (18:00) in Hörsaal 7 of the GEIWI Gebäude, Innrain 52, Innsbruck

    Our friends from the Austro-Israel Academic Network Innsbruck (AIANI) have invited Prof. Shoval from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to speak on Jerusalem's current urban and social geography. 

    [Link to more Info]



    Freakwater Concert

    Saturday, October 1 2016, 7:30pm/19:30 at the Bierstindl, Klostergasse 6, 6020 Innsbruck

    After more than ten years Freakwater came back to Europe again. They were presenting their new album 'Scheherezade'.  

    [Link to more Info/Website/Photos]



    UNO Summer School Lecture Series

    July 11, 25 at 6pm/18:00 in Hörsaal 4 of the GeiWi Turm - Main University Building

    To all interested, feel free to join us at the UNO Summer School Lecture Series. These events are free and open to the public!

    [Link to Invite/more Info]



    Reflections on the U.S. Presidential Elections

    Wednesday, July 27 2016, 5 pm/17:00 in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, (Altstadt), 6020 Innsbruck.

    This lecture, held by Robert Dupont, an Associate Professor of History at the University of New  Orleans, is part of the UNO Summer School Lecture Series and presented in cooperation with the American Corner Innsbruck. This event is free and open to the public. A small reception will follow Prof. Dupont's remarks. 

    [Link to Invite/more Info]



    Independence Day Celebration at Lanser See

    Saturday, July 2, 2016, 3:30 p.m.

    On Saturday the American Corner in cooperation with the Austro-American Society held their popular family picnic day. Our guests were provided with American foods, music and free to enjoy the amenities of Lanser See. The entire staff of the Institut für Amerikastudien from the University of Innsbruck was invited and we were especially glad to receive Management Counselor Scharpf from the U.S. Embassy together with his wife, who have attended our celebration.

    [Link to Photos]



    Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean 1530 - 1810

    "Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives"

    Thursday, June 16 - Saturday, June 18, 2016 in the Claudiasaal and Türingsaal of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3,(Altstadt, Claudiana), 6020 Innsbruck.

    Piracy and captivity were important issues for almost all Muslim and Christian regions that were to some degree involved in Mediterranean trade in the early modern era. Most of them, including the young United States of America, had to cope with corsairs capturing trading goods and enslaving members of their communities. Some survivors of Mediterranean piracy and enslavement later wrote or published accounts of their experiences.

    The aim of this conference was to look at these narratives in a variety of languages from a literary perspective, while putting them into a proper historical and cultural context.

    [Link to Invite/more Info/Lecture Abstracts/Photos]



    Consular Services

    Monday, 25 April, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the American Corner Innsbruck, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1. Stock (Altstadt, Claudiana), 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Citizens Services Section of the US-Konsulat Wien was in Innsbruck to provide Consular services such as passport services, birth registration, notary services etc.



    Concert with Roberta Piket and Roland Heinz

    Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 7:00pm (19:00) in the Mozarteum, Innrain 15, 6020 Innsbruck

    New York musicians and composers Roberta Piket (piano) and Billy Mintz (percussion) joined with Austrian guitarist Roland Heinz for a performance conducted in the music room of the Mozarteum Innsbruck.  Three very different pieces gave the audience an idea of the range of modern jazz:  a solo guitar piece with synthesizer by Roland Heinz, a beautiful jazz "ballad" on piano by Roberta Piket, and a long joint improvisational piece by all three.  

    [Link to Invite]

    [Link to Photos]



    Mardi Gras

    Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 2:00pm (14:00)  in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck, the Austro-American Society/Tirol chapter and the Center New Orleans invited friends and guests to celebrate Fasching New Orleans-style: Mardi Gras in the Altstadt of Innsbruck!  With live Mardis Gras jazz from the BORG Second-Liners, purple/green/gold beads galore and lots of enthusiasm, we paraded twice through town.  In between our Second Line parades, featuring our very own self-made mini-floats, guests feasted on famous New Orleanian cooking, including Crawfish, Jambalaya and King Cake!

    [Link to Photos]

    [Link to Invite]



    "The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election - An Outlook on the Eve of the Primaries"

    Monday, January 25, 2016, 7:00pm (19:00) in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.


    A discussion on the 2016 Presidential Election, led by senior editor for the National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru.

    [Link to Invite]

    [Link to Photos]



    Wo sich Amerika erfand - Große Erinnerungsorte in Neuengland

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 7:30pm (19:30) in the Tyrolia, Maria-Theresien-Straße 15, 6020 Innsbruck


    Using eight important US memorial sites, Arno Heller tells the story of American self-discovery, exploring its nature, culture, history, tradition and the American Dream. 

    This book presention is the first of many others to come, organized in collabortion with the ZiAS (Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien and the bookstore Tyrolia.

    [Link to Invite]

    [Link to Photos]



    Movie Monday 

    Monday, November 30, 2015, 4pm in the coffee room of the GeiWi Turm - Main University Building


    November is Native American Heritage Month. Therefore, the American Corner Innsbruck was showing "The Last of the Mohicans" by Michael Mann. A discussion of the American classic of the same name, written by James Fennimore Cooper, followed the movie.

    [Link to Photos]



    "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    Epilogue of "When the Levees Broke" by Director Spike Lee 

    Tuesday, November 24, 7:00PM (19:00), in HS 2 of the GeiWi of the University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck.

    "Since September 1st, the American Corner Innsbruck has been conducting a series of events commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.  The 6th and last of these events for this year took place Tuesday, November 24th.  A 20-minute segment from the epilogue to Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Fours Acts" was screened, leading into a discussion of major themes and issues.  ACI director Margaret Davidson lead the discussions, providing additional input in power point-form on animal rescue with brief clips from the filmed version of "Dark Water Rising", along with pre-and post Katrina statistics, and examples of the controversial issue of gentrification.  The ACI may re-visit the topic from a different perspective in the New Year, so please stay tuned."

    [Link To Invite]



     "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series. 

    ACT IV of "When The Levees Broke" by Directer Spike Lee 

    Tuesday, November 10, 7:00PM (19:00), in HS 2 of the GeiWi of the University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The fourth event in our Hurricane Katrina series featured a screening of Act IV of Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts", followed by some eye-witness testimony and some discussion with a small reception:

    [Link To Invite]



    International Day

    Tuesday, November 10 from 10am (10:00) to 4pm (16:00) in the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    On this day, the Claudiana — which houses 11 international institutions and centers for area studies — opened its doors and showed the public what it has to offer. We in the American Corner can help you find out about studying and doing research abroad, offer you lots of free materials with information about the United States, and let you know about the wide variety of events we conduct throughout the year. Our special theme for the day was American football and we had clips of NFL games playing.  Better still, one of the coaches for the Swarco raiders was on hand to give some basic football information and demonstrations.  Also present was Dr. Jürgen Hörmann from the Austrian-American Educational Commission in Vienna to talk about Fulbright scholarships and the Teaching Assistantship program, with current and former teaching assistants also on hand to share their experiences.  

    [Link To Invite]

    [Link to Photos]



    Aktionstag der Jungen Uni 

    Friday, November 6 from 8am (08:00) until 2pm (14:00), in the GeiWi of the University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck participated in the Junge Uni Event. 

    [Link to Photos]



    Saints Game - Saints VS. Colts 

    Sunday October 25 in the coffee room of the GeiWi Turm - Main University Building 

    19:00/7:00PM Game Start time - 18:30/6:30 Meet-up in the courtyard in front of the GeiWi Turm

    [Link to game schedule]



    Gold Heart


    Thursday, 22 October 2015, Blumenpark Seidemann, 8 pm 

    The GOLD HEART sisters Analise (mandolin), Jocelyn (guitar, and Shelby (fiddle) continue to garner much appreciation and respect from the Bluegrass community for their award winning instrumental ability and astonishingly accomplished harmony vocals culminating into a rootsy, fresh and exciting sound !

    [link to website]

    [Link to Pictures]



    Winning the Freedom to Marry in the United States:

    Lessons for the Work Ahead

    Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - Claudianasaal, Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck 

    Talk and discussion with renowned academic as well as founder and activist of the campaign to win equal marriage rights "Freedom to Marry", special guest Evan Wolfson.




    "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    PART III of "When The Levees Broke" by Directer Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 13th of October - 19:00/7:00PM HS 2 - UIBK GiWi Turm-UIBK

    The third event in our Hurricane Katrina series featured a screening of Act III of Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts", followed by some eye-witness testimony and some discussion with a small reception:

    Link To Invite



    American Citizens Services

    October 6th, 2015 - American Corner Innsbruck

    Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 1. Stock (Altstadt, Claudiana

    A-6020 Innsbruck





    Freakwater Concert

    Saturday, October 1 2016, 7:30pm/19:30 at the Bierstindl, Klostergasse 6, 6020 Innsbruck

    The American Corner Innsbruck kicked off for fall with its first major event as co-sponsor of an evening of great music and song.  American Folk/Roots/Country artist Drunken Prayer performed several songs solo, before being joined by the rest of the members of the Blue Grass/Alternative Country group Freakwater.  An enthusiastic, capacity crowd of about 80 were privileged to an up-close-and-personal kind of evening.

    Dr. Dupont   

    Reflections on the U.S. Presidential Elections

    Wednesday, July 27 2016, 5 pm/17:00 in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, (Altstadt), 6020 Innsbruck.

    The ACI was pleased to host Dr. Robert Dupont, Associate Professor of History at the University of New Orleans gave a presentation and held a discussion on this year’s Presidential Election. The presentation was extremely informative and thought-provoking and appreciated by all. During the small reception afterwards the discussions continued for well over an hour and a half.

    [Link to Invite/more Info]

    Titelbild Lanser See 

    Independence Day Celebration at Lanser See

    Saturday, July 2, 2016, 3:30 p.m.

    The American Corner, in cooperation with the Austro-American Society, held their popular family picnic day. Our guests were provided with American foods, music and free to enjoy the amenities of Lanser See. The entire staff of the Institut für Amerikastudien from the University of Innsbruck was invited and we were especially glad to receive Management Counselor Scharpf from the U.S. Embassy together with his wife, who have attended our celebration.

    [Link to Photos]


    Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean 1530 - 1810

    "Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives"

    Thursday, June 16 - Saturday, June 18, 2016 in the Claudiasaal and Türingsaal of the Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3,(Altstadt, Claudiana), 6020 Innsbruck.

    The aim of this conference was to look at these narratives in a variety of languages from a literary perspective, while putting them into a proper historical and cultural context.

    [Link to Invite/more Info/Lecture Abstracts]


    All I wanted to say

    Friday, 10 June 2016, 8:00 p.m. (20:00) in Vier und Einzig, Studio 3, Hallerstraße 41, 1. Stock, 6020 Innsbruck

    Silvia Girardi performed a multidisciplinary journey through theatre, dance, poetry, film, digital art, and music that explores both how we choose to communicate in the Digital Era and how these modes have transformed through time. A close look at the poetry, letters, text messages, and emails we all send can reveal how much remains untold.

    [Link to Invite/more Info]


    Bookpresentation by Lawrence Gunn

    "Ethnology and Empire"

    Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 7:30pm (19:30) in the Tyrolia, Maria-Theresien-Straße 15, 6020 Innsbruck

     Analyzing autobiographies, travel narratives and even sign language, Prof. Gunn described the development of new linguistic practices, telling the story of the beginnings of the United States of America, describing the white conquerers of this new continent not only as adventurers, but as curious and culturally interested scientists.

    [Link to Invite/more Info]


    U.S./Mexico Night

     Monday, 30 May 2016, 5:00 pm (17:00) in the coffee room of the GeiWi Turm - Main University Building

    ‚U.S./Mexico Night’ was a lecture dedicated to the US-Mexico border region and the politics and culture that surround it. The lecture was held by 2 guest professors from the University of Texas, Marion Rohrleitner and Robert Gunn. 

    [Link to Invite/more Info]


    Movie Night

    Thursday, April 28, 2015, 4pm in the coffee room of the GeiWi Turm - Main University Building

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Therefore the American Corner Innsbruck showed "The Color Purple", a Steven Spielberg movie, based on the the American novel of the same name, written by Alice Walker.

    [Link to Event/more Info]


    Rod MacDonald in Concert

    Tuesday, 19 April 2016, 8:00 pm (20:00) at Waldhüttl, Natterer-See-Weg 6, 6020 Innsbruck. 

    The American Corner Innsbruck co-sponsored with inn puls a concert by Rod MacDonald and  Mark Dann on bass, in cooperation with the Waldhüttl. 

    [Link to Invite/more Info]


    Picking Judges: The U.S. President and Appointment Politics in Light of the 2016 Elections

    Thursday, 21 April, 2016, 4:30 pm (16:30) in Hörsaal G in the main building of the University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck. 

    The American Corner Innsbruck and the Center New Orleans hosted a guest lecture and discussion by Nancy Maveety, a professor of political science at Tulane University. 

    [Link to Invite/more Info]


    Lectures by LFUI-Wittgenstein-Guest Professor Marjorie Gabrielle Perloff

    As a part of University courses and seminars, Professor Perloff from Stanford University was invited to hold a series of lectures on American and Austrian literature this April.

    [Link to Invite/more Info]

    [Link to Photos]


    Earth Day Picnic 2016

    Tuesday, April 21, 2016, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm at the Public Park at Prandtauer Ufer

    April 22 is Earth Day. This is an opportunity to demonstrate support for environmental protection, reduction of global emission, and awareness about sustainability. The American Corner Innsbruck celebrated this day with a BYO Food and Drink Picnic at the Inn. 

    [Link to Invite/more Info]

    [Link to Photos]


    Consular Services

    Monday, 25 April, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the American Corner Innsbruck, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1. Stock (Altstadt, Claudiana), 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Citizens Services Section of the US-Konsulat Wien was in Innsbruck to provide Consular services such as passport services, birth registration, notary services etc.


    Jazz Concert with Roberta Piket and Roland Heinz

    Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 7:00pm (19:00) in the Mozarteum, Innrain 15, 6020 Innsbruck

    The American Corner Innsbruck  organized a Jazz concert with Roberta Piket and Roland Heinz. 

    [Link to Invite]

    [Link to Photos]


    Mardi Gras

    Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 2:00pm (14:00)  in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck, the Austro-American Society/Tirol chapter and the Center New Orleans invited friends and guests to celebrate Fasching New Orleans-style: Mardi Gras in the Altstadt of Innsbruck!  With live Mardis Gras jazz from the BORG Second-Liners, purple/green/gold beads galore and lots of enthusiasm, we paraded twice through town.  In between our Second Line parades, featuring our very own self-made mini-floats, guests feasted on famous New Orleanian cooking, including Crawfish, Jambalaya and King Cake!

    [Link to Photos]

    [Link to Invite]


    "The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election - An Outlook on the Eve of the Primaries"

    Monday, January 25, 2016, 7:00pm (19:00) in the Claudiasaal of the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.


    A discussion on the 2016 Presidential Election, led by senior editor for the National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru.

    [Link to Invite]

    [Link to Photos]


    Wo sich Amerika Erfand. Große Erinnerungsorte in Neuengland

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 7:30pm (19:30) in the Tyrolia, Maria-Theresien-Straße 15, 6020 Innsbruck

    Using eight important US memorial sites, Arno Heller tells the story of American self-discovery, exploring its nature, culture, history, tradition and the American Dream. 

    This book presention was organized in collabortion with the ZiAS (Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien and the bookstore Tyrolia.

    Link to Invite and Photos


    Movie Monday

    Monday, November 30 2015, 4:00PM at the Cofferoom - 3rd Floor, GeiWi Turm-UIBK

    In recognition of the last day of Native American Heritage month, the American Corner Innsbruck showed Michael Mann's "Last of the Mohicans", initiating a Classics of American Literature in Fim series.  USTA and history teacher Rob Dornfield gave a brief introduction to the historical background. Following the fims, ACI staff members lead a discussion of the themes and aspects of the James Fenimore Cooper novel vís à vís the Hollywood film.

    Link to Invite and Photos

    Gerlich+Witt 5 

    "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    Epilogue of "When The Levees Broke" by Directer Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 24 November - 19:00/7:00PM HS 2 - UIBK GeiWi Turm

    Since September the American Corner Innsbruck has been conducting a series of events commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.  The 6th and last of these events for this year took place Tuesday, November 24th.  A 20-minute segment from the epilogue to Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Fours Acts" was screened, leading into a discussion of major themes and issues.  ACI director Margaret Davidson lead the discussions, providing additional input in power point-form on animal rescue with brief clips from the filmed version of "Dark Water Rising", along with pre-and post Katrina statistics, and examples of the controversial issue of gentrification.

    Link To Invite


    Staff Visit to the U.S. Embassy in Vienna

    November 20, 2015, Boltzmanngasse 16, 1090 Vienna

    Staff members of the American Corner Innsbruck were invited to visit the U.S. Embassy in Vienna for a meeting with Deputy Chief of Mission Eugene Young.

    Gerlich+Witt 5 

    "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    PART IV of "When The Levees Broke" by Directer Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 10 November - 19:00/7:00PM HS 2 - UIBK GeiWi Turm

    The American Corner conducted the 5th "New Orleans after Katrina" event, screening Act 4 of Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levees Broke:  A Requiem in Four Acts,"  with eye-witness commentary then provided by ACI director Margaret Davidson, who showed the effect of the storm to the east of New Orleans and to her home in Slidell.  Slidell is across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans and close to the border with Mississippi where the hurricane made landfall.

    Link To Invite

    International Day

    Tuesday, November 10 from 10am (10:00) to 4pm (16:00) in the Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The Claudiana opened its doors and showed the public what it has to offer. The American Corner can help you find out about studying and doing research abroad, offer you lots of free materials with information about the United States, and let you know about the wide variety of events we conduct throughout the year. Also present was Dr. Jürgen Hörmann from the Austrian-American Educational Commission in Vienna to talk about Fulbright scholarships and the Teaching Assistantship program.



    Aktionstag Junge Uni

    Friday, November 6 from 8am (08:00) until 2pm (14:00), in the GeiWi of the University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck.

    The American Corner Innsbruck was present at the Junge Uni event. Young students from all over Innsbruck gathered at the university of Innsbruck and experienced what it has to offer.



     Gold Heart

    The American roots music performing family Gold Heart made a stop in Innsbruck on their European tour.  Following a public performance on Thursday, 22 October, Gold Heart visited the Waldorfschule in Innsbruck for a music workshop in the ongoing ACI cultural series featuring American roots music.  




    Winning the Freedom to Marry in the United States:

    Lessons for the Work Ahead

    Talk and discussion with renowned academic as well as founder and activist of the campaign to win equal marriage rights "Freedom to Marry"; we are honored to host our special guest Evan Wolfson on:

    Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - Cluadiasaal, Claudiana - Herzog-Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck


    Gerlich+Witt 5 

     "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    PART III of "When The Levees Broke" by Directer Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 13th of October - 19:00/7:00PM HS 2 - UIBK GeiWi Turm

    On Tuesday, 13 October, the ACI conducted the fourth in a series of events commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.  This session screened Act III of Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts", followed by eye-witness testimony from Marion Wieser, Coordinator of the UIBK Center New Orleans office, living in a FEMA trailer while studying at the University of New Orleans in the aftermath of the storm.

    Link To Invite


    American Citizens Services

    October 6th, 2015 - American Corner Innsbruck

    Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 1. Stock (Altstadt, Claudiana

    A-6020 Innsbruck


    Gerlich+Witt 5

     "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event and film series.

    PART II of "When The Levees Broke" by Director Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 29th of September - 19:00/7:00PM HS 2 - UIBK GeiWi Turm

    [link to pictures and report]

    Gerlich+Witt 5 

     "New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - Then & Now" event series.

    Part I of "When The levees Broke" by director Spike Lee

    Tuesday, 15 September 2015, 6pm, HS2 Geiwi UIBK

    [link to pictures and report]


    "Creole Kaleidoscope" meets Jazz Piano
    Ute von Mauernböck-Mosser and Tom McDermot

    Tuesday, 1 September 2015, 6pm at Mozarteum Innsbruck, Innrain 15, 1st floor, 6020 Innsbruck

    Ms Mauernböck-Mosser read from her Enhanced Ebook "Creole Kaleidoscope" in which she has put together stories and interviews from New Orleans, Louisianna. She was gracefully accompanied by Tom Mc Dermott on the piano.

    [link to posterinvite, report and photos]


    Authentic American Pie-Baking Workshops
    Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 10:00am - 1:00pm, American Corner Innsbruck
    Are you a pie lover, hobby baker, food lover, and interested in learning the technique in a relaxed atmosphere? This is the right workshop for you. This reoccuring event was open and free to the public.

    [link to invitation for 20 July & link to invitation for 21 July]

     Rohrleitner 8.7.15 1

    Boat People: Narratives from the Dominican and Haitian Diaspora in the United States
    Wednesday, 8 July 2015, 6pm, Hörsaal A, Main building of the University
    Prof. Marion Rohrleitner, of the University of Texas in El Paso, argued for the utopina possibilities of fiction through examples of narratives in the US-American diaspora, namely Edwidge Danticat, Junot Diaz, and others.

    [link to invitation]

    Perloff 6. 7. 15 1 

    The Vienna Paradox: A view from America
    Monday, 6 July 2015, 7pm
    Israelische Kultusgemeinde für Tirol und Vorarlberg, Sillgasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck 
    Prof. Marjorie Perloff of Standford Universtiy, Ca., will not only talk about her own live in Vienna and her transplantation to the U.S. but also about her new book Edge of Irony: Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire, which deals with authors of the interwar period in Vienna.

    [link to invitation]

     School visit APP 24.6.15 1  

    “Studying English at the University of Innsbruck” School visit with the APP, held at the LFU Innsbruck
    Wednesday, June 24, 8-10am
    Workshop on studying English with students of the Gymnasium Adolf Pichler Platz held in the lecture hall A in the main building of the Leopold Franzens University.

    [link to pictures and report]

      The American Citizens Services Section

    Innsbruck, June 18, 2015, 12 noon - 5 pm
    The American Citizen Services provided Consular services such as passport services, birth registration, notary services etc. at the American Corner Innsbruck office.

    [link to report]

    Q&A Consulate 18.6.15 1 

    A Question and Answer Session with Representatives from the U.S. Consulate in Vienna
    Thursday, June 18, 9-10.30 am
    Representatives of the U.S.Consolnate conducted an informal info session with students and anyone planning already or interested in studying/teaching/researching in the U.S. and addressed also specifically visa questions.

    [link to pictures and report]

     Greenan 29.5.15 3

    Meet and Greet with Robert Greenan, Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Vienna
    American Corner Innsbruck, Friday, May 29, 1-2pm
    Mr. Robert Greenan made his first official visit to Innsbruck and invited to an informal meet-and-greet with beverages and home baked American cookies.

    [link to pictures and report]

     Danny Santos 27.5.15 2

    Danny Santos y Los Bluegrass Vatos
    Innsbruck, May 27, 2015, 8pm, Kulturgasthaus Bierstindl
    Traveling troubadour and tunesmith Danny Santos is back for a tour in Europe and stopped over in Innsbruck with some oldies and newbies - all of them goodies.

    [link to pictures and report]

     School visit AGI 22.5.15 1

    “Studying English at the University of Innsbruck”
    School visit at the AGI, May 22, 2015
    On May 22, 2015, three American Corner Innsbruck representatives visited Mag. Rosmarie Knoflach’s English class at the Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck (AGI). 

    [link to pictures and report]

     Spurr 18.5.15 4

    The Architectural Turn in Contemporary Literature 
    Monday, May 18, 10.15 am, HS 3, Humanities Building
    The ACI and the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck cordially invite you to a talk by Prof. David Spurr of the English Department of the University of Geneva. Prof. Spurr talked about the newly globalized built envitonment of the 21st century, our times writers preoccupation with it and the oppressive continuity embodied in the seamless connection between architecture, media, capital, and consumer products.

    [link to pictures and report]


    Mind-Games and Cannibalism: Transgressive Elements in NBC's Hannibal
    Monday, May 4, 2015, 10.15 am, HS3 Humanities Building
    Mag Julia Möseneder talked about "Transgressive Behavior in Contemporary U.S. Television" including anti-heros and anti-heroines, and other concepts.

    [link to report]

    Rundquist 27.4.15 1  Governing without a Majority: the Last Two Years of the Obama Administration and the 2016 Presidential Election, Early Thoughts and First Steps

    Monday, April 27, 6pm, Claudiasaal at the ClaudianaIn a short talk followed by a Q&A round, Paul Rundquist talked about the Obama Administation and what it will be able to do in the last 1 1/2 years as well as the upcoming campaigns and the candidates from the perspective of today. 

    [link to pictures and report]

    Rodriguez 23.4.15 3  US-Cuba Reations: Before and Beyond the Cold War

    Thursday, April 23, 6pm, HS7, Humanities BuildingRaúl Rodriguez of the Universidad de La Habana talked about US-Cuba relations before the Cold War, trough the Kennedy era and of the newest changes in the bilateral relations.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Earth Day Picnic 22.4.15 3   2nd Annual Earth Day Picnic 

    Wednesday, April 22, 12am-5pm, Prandtauer Ufer Park across from the Humanities Building
    The American Corner Innsbruck invited to a BYO (bring your own) food and drink picnic in one of Innsbruck's many public parks. Everyone met to enjoy the sun, eat some good food, and discuss our environment. 

    [link to pictures and report]

     Growing up in America 15.4.15 5

    “Growing Up In America” Classroom Visit at Bundesoberrealgymnasium
    Wednesday, March 15th 14:00, BORG Innsbruck
    Workshop with a 4th grade BORG class on their longterm topic growing up. Two American interns of the ACI did a presentation on how it was to grow up in the U.S.

    [link to pictures and report]


    Music and Cultural Visit to the Waldorfschule in Innsbruck with Spencer Bohren
    Spencer's delightful, fun and educational visit to the Waldorschule brought smiles to the faces of students and teachers alike by sharing his unique musical passion with the group. 

    [link to pictures and report]

     Bohren 4.3.15 1

    Blues Night with Spencer Bohren
    Wednesday, March 4, 8pm, Bierstindl Innsbruck
    From traditional Blues to Gospel and Rock, Spencer Bohren knows and loves them all. Travelling with his Gibson Guitar all the way from New Orleans to Austria, he interpreted the traditions and emotions of American Rootsmusic.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Selma 20.2.15 1 

    Movie Screening: "Selma"
    February is Black History Month!  In recognition of Black History Month,  the American Corner Innsbruck with the U.S. Embassy Vienna and invite you to a screening of the movie "Selma", preceded by remarks on the American Civil Rights movement by Mr. John D'Amicantonio from the U.S. Embassy on the American Civil Rights Movement.

    [link to pictures and report]

     Kellee Farmer 27.2.15 1

    Meet and Greet with Ms Kellee Farmer
    Tuesday, 27 January 2015, 5.30pm, Claudiana
    Ms Farmer is the Cultural Attaché to Austria and is coming for her first visit to Tyrol and Innsbruck. Ms Farmer will speak briefly about the branch of diplomatic service and answer questions.

    [link to pictures and report


    Kevin Meisel & the Ragged Glories Live in Concert
    Thursday, November 13, 8 pm, Bogentheater (Viaduktbogen 32)
    Folk, Rock, Roots Rock. Kevin Meisel and his band are an insider tip in Europe! In his homestate Michigan has been a well known singer songwriter for years who has multiple records of which some are melancholy and simple and remind of Bruce Springsteen songs. However, the songs do not lack engery and emotion.

    Escape Conference 1

    Mediterranean Piracy and Narratives about Captivity
    On November 13-14, six international scholars met at the Claudiana in Innsbruck and addressed issues of Mediterranean piracy, diplomacy and slavery in the course of the conference “Perspectives on Northern Africa in the Early Modern Period.” Narratives written by former captives were at the center of attention.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Fireside Chat with Lee Brudvig 12.11.14 1

    "Fireside Chat"
    Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 6 pm, American Corner Innsbruck
    Mr. Lee Brudvig, Deputy Chief of Mission from the U.S. Embassy, met with a delegation from the Model UN Club, Innsrbruck and close friends of the ACI, to discuss and debate the results and possible effects of the recent Mid-Term Election in the U.S.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Junge Uni 4.11.14 3

    12. Aktionstag Junge Uni
    Friday, November 7, 8 am - 2 pm, University of Innsbruck
    The University of Innsbruck opened its doors to young people in order to spark their enthusiasm for different fields of study and interest. More than 30 university departments as well as other institutions affiliated with the university took part and prepared a variety of hands-on activities and tasks to provide the children with insight into their area of expertise, making it possible to explore science and academics in a playful way. 

    [link to pictures and report]

    International Day 4.11. Poster

    International Day at the Claudiana
    The Claudiana — which houses 11 international institutions and centers for area studies — opened its doors and showed the public what it has to offer on International Day. Everyone was invited to find out about studying and doing research abroad, as well as the variety of events that are offered throughout the year.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Bekkaoui Talk 3.11.14 1 

    Muslim Discovery of America
    Monday, November 3, 2014, 10.15 am, HS3 Humanities Building
    The Department of American Studies and the American Corner Innsbruck invite you to a lecture on North African discovery of the New World with a special focus on Oriental women's transatlantic journeys. The talk will be held by Prof. Khalid Bekkaoui of the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah University in Fez, Marroco.

    [link to pictures and report]

    USTA Reception 28.10.14 1

    USTA Reception at the American Corner Innsbruck
    At this small reception, participants of the USTA group had a change to socialize and exchange experiences.

    [link to pictures and report]


    American Citizen Services
    October 23, 2 - 5.30 pm, at the American Corner Innsbruck
    The American Citizen Servives Section will be in Innsbruck to provide consular services (e.g. passport services, birth registration, notarial services etc.). 


    "Do A Roux" Gumbo Workshop
    with Chef Joshua Galliano from the Libertine in St. Louis, Tuesday, October 21 2014, 5-9pm
    This award-winning chef introduced his audience to slow food, how to make a proper southern roux, told them about his ideas of cooking and how he got to be a chef.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Rohleitner 20.10.14 1 

    Queering Aztlán: Key Terms and Current Trends in Chicana/o Literature and Art
    Monday, October 20, 2014, 10.15 am
    Professor Marion Christina Rohrleitner from the University of Texas at El Paso, USA introduced the audience to key terms of Chicana/o Studies and discussed the reappropriation of three central female icons in Mexican and Mexican American culture. She then went on to talk about the increasing popularity of other genres that allow critical comments on U.S. immigration and other current affairs.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Eric Taylor 23.09.14 1 

    Eric Taylor and Band
    Tuesday, September 23rd, 8.45 pm
    Eric Taylor is a master storyteller and has been one of the fines southern songwriters fot the last four decades. He playied a live ACI sponsored gig at Die Bäckerei (Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck)

    [link to pictures and report]


    Women's Leadership: Visions, Connections, Intentions and Presence
    Wednesday, September 10, at 6 pm
    A roundtable discussion with Sally Helgesen in the Today's Voices series at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna ACI participation via video conference (Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1st floor)

     Jazz Wagenleitners 23.7.14 1

    Infomance: Jazz - The Classical Music of Globalization

    Wednesday, July 23, 6pm at the Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Karl-Rahner Platz 3, Room 203
    Lecture by Reinhold & Günter Wagnleitner, who analyze the musical and cultural background of jazz as a global phenomenon and 20th century "soundtrack". This lecture is part of the lecture series of the UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 and presented in cooperation with the American Corner Innsbruck.

    [ link to pictures and report]

    Wesner at ACI 21.7.14 1 

    Meet and Greet with the United States Ambassador to Austria, Alexa Wesner, at the American Corner Innsbruck

    Monday, July 21, 5pm at the Galrie Claudiana, Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 1st floor
    Mrs. Wesner came to speak in front of students and faculty of the University of Innsbruck and the UNO - International Summer School, as well as members of the AAS and other invited guest about entrepreneurship.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Bischof Talk 9.7.14 1   

    Relationships/Beziehungsgeschichten: Austria and the United States in the Twentieth Century

    Thursday, July 9, 6pm at the Galarie Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1st floor
    Bookpresentation by Günter Bischof, in which he gave insights into his new book. Bischof is the Marshall Plan Professor of History and Director of the Center Austria at the University of New Orleans, and serves as Academic Director of the UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School 2014.

    [link to pictures and report]

    BFI/ACI 2.5 

    BFI meets ACI

    Meet and greet at the American Corner Office
    June 27, 11 am - 1 pm
    Ms Maria Hitzginger, trainer at the BFI in Innsbruck, came for another visit with one of her groups, to the American Corner 

    [link to pictures and report]

    eLib 16.6. 2 

    eLibrary USA workshop

    Monday, June 16, 5pm-7pm
    Claudiana, Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck
    John D'Amicantionio of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, gave insights into the use and application of the free of charge, password protected online research database. In these workshops one can learn how to use the databases for meaningful research and how one gets an own password. This tool is very helpful for students, pupils, teachers, and learners of English.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Cinema 1 

    "History of US Cinema"

    Monday, June 16, 8 am – 9.40 am
    BG/BRG Sillgasse, Sillgasse 10, Innsbruck
    Workshop with students of English held by John D'Amicantonio of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna.

    [link to pictures and report]

    White Bread 2 

    White Bread

    Wednesday the 11th of June
    Westbahntheater, Feldstraße 1a, 6020 Innsbruck
    Mia van Leeuwen performed her original theatrical piece “White Bread” at the Innsbruck Westbahntheater in collaboration with theater director Piet Defaeye.

    [link to pictures and report]


    Symposium in Honor of Hans Köchler with a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Fred Dallmayr on “Taming Leviathan: Towards a Global Ethical Alliance“

    Wednesday, June 11, 5 pm – 7.30 pm
    New Orleans Hall, University of Innsbruck, main building (Innrain 52)

    [link to pictures and report]

    scavenger hunt 8

    ACI meets BFi Scavenger Hunt

    June 6, 8 am - 12.45 pm
    English language learners were taken on the quest of finding out, where they can get, use, and need the language in Innsbruck. The scavenger hunt included visiting the American Corner Innsbruck office.

    [link to pictures and report]

    eLib 5.6. 1

    eLibrary USA workshop with English students

    June 5, 12-1.30 pm, Hörsaal 3, Humanities Building, University of Innsbruck
    The aim of the workshop was, to give students an insight into online research possibilities with a focus on eLibrary USA in their academic research skills course.

    [link to pictures and report]

     Staff Visit to Embassy 1

    Staff Visit to the U.S. Embassy in Vienna

    May 19th, 2014, Boltzmanngasse 16, 1090 Vienna
    Four staff members of the American Corner Innsbruck were invited to visit the U.S. Embassy in Vienna for a meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Austria Alexa Wesner and some training in programing, resources, and background on American Corners.

    [link to pictures and report]

    Rhett Power


    Crowdfunding: Will it change the world?

    Tuesday, May 13 at 6 pm
    talk by Rhett Power in the Today's Voices series at the Embassy in Vienna
    ACI participation through video conference (Claudiana, Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 1st floor)

    [link to pictures and report]

     Pie Baking Trial Run 1

    Pie Baking Workshop Trial Run

    Friday, May 9, 3-6pm
    Länderzentren Kitchen, Herzog Friedrich Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]

    Earth Day Picnic 4

    Earth Day Picnic 2014

    Tuesday, April 22, 2-5pm
    Public Park at Prandtauer Ufer

    [link to pictures and report]


    4th eLibrary USA Workshop with a Special Focus on Earth Day

    Thursday, April 3, 6pm
    American Corner Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]


    Public Speaking, Diplomacy & Cross-Cultural Business Etiquette
    Workshop with Ms. Marlene Nice, Cultural Attaché at the U.S. Embassy Vienna 
    and Mr. Mike Mueller, Business Development Manager at PeroxyChem

    Friday, March 28, 9.00am-1.45pm
    SR19/SoWi Building (Universitätsstr. 15, 6020 Innsbruck)

    [link to pictures and report


    The Image of the Barbary Corsairs in Scholarly Literature
    Talk by Dr. Magnus Ressel

    March 24, 10.15am
    GeiWi Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]


    U.S. International Trade and Investment Policy
    Talk by Professor Earl H. Fry, Brigham Young Universtiy

    Thursday, March 20
    Hörsaal 2, SoWi

    [link to pictures and report]


    Concert and Workshop with Hugh Moffat

    March 18, 8.30pm
    Die Bäckerei, Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]

    mardi gras

    Mardi Gras Party

    4 March, 1.00pm
    Claudiana, Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]


    USA eLibrary Workshop

    February 12, 2pm
    Coffee Room, GeiWi

    [link to pictures and report]


    First ACI Public Training USA eLibrary Workshop

    Thursday, 23 January, 4pm
    American Corner Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]

    Saints Play-Off

    NFL Second Round Playoffs: New Orleans Saints vs Seattle Seahawks

    11 January, 10.30 pm
    Galway Bay Irish Pub

    [link to pictures and report]

    Christmas Carolling4 

    Christmas Carolling

    11 December, 7pm

    [link to pictures and report]

    Stillman Workshop

    "No Music without Listening!"
    Workshop and Concert with Loren Stillman, Jeff Hirschfield and Scott Lee.

    2/3 December, 2pm
    Borg Musikgymnasium/Mozarteum Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]


    Concert: David Olney & Kamil Szlachta

    2 December, 8.45pm
    Die Bäckerei, Innsbruck

    [link to pictures and report]


    Cinema Corner: Chinatown
    with a special introduction by Dr. John E. Davidson

    November 27, 17:00
    University of Innsbruck, Coffe Room

    [link to report and pictures]

    usa elibrary2

    eLibraryUSA Workshop
    with John D'Amicantonio

    November 26, 14:00
    Besprechungsraum Claudiana

    [link to report and pictures]


    Thanksgiving Dinner

    November 24, 18:00 
    Sieglanger Kirche

    [link to report and pictures]

     Ben Sherman8

    America’s Original People
    by Ben Sherman

    November 18, 19.30/7:30pm in the Aula of the Main University Building, Innrain 52, Innsbruck

    [Link to pictures and more information]


    Fullbright Education USA Event 

    12. November 2013

    [Link to pictures and more information]

    United Nations Day - Model United Nations and American Corner Innsbruck 

    United Nations Day -Model United Nations & American Corner IBK

    Thursday October 24th

    [Link to pictures and more information]

    Valerie Smith Völs 3 

    Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike Girls Concert
    Acoustic Country Night

    16 October 2013, 20:00
    Blumenpark Seidemann, Michelfeld 7, 6176 Völs

    [link to report and pictures]

    Valerie Smith 2

    Music Workshop with Valerie Smith and the Liberty Pike Girls

    15 October 2013, 11:00
    BORG Innsbruck, Fallmerayerstraße 7

    [link to report and pictures]

    Football Night People

    Football Night: New Orleans Saints vs. Chicago Bears

    6 October 2013, 18:00
    Coffee Room, GeiWi, Innrain 52

    [link to report and pictures]

    David Burstein Skype

    "Fast Future. How the Millennial Generation is Shaping our World"
    Lecture via Video Conference by David D. Burstein

    2 October 2013, 18:00
    American Corner Office, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3

    [link to report and pictures]

    Marlene Nice_Monday Special Talk Series_01 

    Monday Special Lecture Series: 175 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Austria and the U.S.
    22 July 2013, 13:30-15:00, GeiWi, HS 4
    We welcome Marlene Nice, Cultural Attaché at the US Embassy Vienna, to Innsbruck, who will give a lecture on 175 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Austria and the U.S. for the UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School.

    [link to report and pictures]

     Ostendorf Lecture_26

    "New Orleans. Creolization and All That Jazz"
    Lecture by em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Berndt Ostendorf
    17 July 2013, 16:00
    Claudiasaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures and report]

     Independence Day BBQ 2013_49

    Independence Day BBQ
    6 July 2013, 15:30, Lanser See
    [link to pictures]

    UNO-Innsbruck Summer 2013 3 

    Opening Ceremony of the University of New Orleans-University of Innsbruck International Summer School
    30 June 2013, 18:00
    The American Corner Innsbruck is honored to welcome U.S. Ambassador to Austria William C. Eacho again to Innsbruck, along with other officials from the U.S. Embassy Vienna.  Ambassador Eacho will speak at the Opening Ceremony of the University of New Orleans-University of Innsbruck International Summer School.  Welcome Mr. Ambassador!
    [link to pictures]


    American Citizen Services
    6 June 2013, 12:30-15:30
    American Corner Innsbruck, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3
    U.S. consular officers from Vienna will be on-site in Innsbruck at the ACI to provice American Citizen Services such as passport applications/renewals, notary services, absentee voting registration, visa issues, special needs, etc. Please be aware that there are charges for some of these services. Credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Diners Club. If cash is paid, exact amounts (in Euro or US$) are needed. For more details on services and charges on certain services, see the Embassy website.

     The New Television Series 03

    "The New Television Series: Replacing the Novel in the 21st Century?"
    Lecture by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Klarer
    29 May 2013, 17:00
    Türingsaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures]

    BigBandBorg Workshop_37

    Deadly Gentlemen: Modern Bluegrass
    26 May 2013, 20:00
    Die Bäckerei Innsbruck, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a

    This exciting "Experimental Bluegrass" Band from Boston plays Sunday, May 26, at 20.00/8:pm in the Bäckerei and visits music students from the BORG Musikgymnasium and the Mozarteum Innsbruck on Monday morning in an American Corner Innsbruck co-sponsored visit to Innsbruck during their European tour.

    [link to pictures]

    Introducing the Deadly Gentlemen
    The Deadly Gentlemen Cover Woody Guthrie's "All You Fascists Are Bound to Lose"
    The Deadly Gentlemen feat. David Grisman - "Dead Flowers"
    The Deadly Gentlemen cover The Grateful Dead
    The Deadly Gentlemen - "The Kids Don't Stand a Chance"
    Christmas with the Deadly Gentlemen
    Deadly Gentlemen performing Hobo Rockstar
    The Deadly Gentlemen encore feat. Joy Kills Sorrow
    The Deadly Gentlemen - "Touch of Grey"
    Roberta Piket Concert_12 

    Jazz Concert: Roberta Piket/Billy Mintz Duo and Solo
    6 May 2013, 20:00
    Mozarteum Innsbruck, Innrain 15
    Billy Mintz
    Roberta Piket
    link to invite]
    [link to pictures]
    [link to workshop pictures]

    President Obama 2.0: The 2012 Elections and their Aftermath 7

    "President Obama 2.0: The 2012 Elections and their Aftermath."
    Lecture by Professor Alan Draper (St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York)
    29 April 2013, 17:00
    Fakultätssitzungssaal, Sowi 3. Stock Ost
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures and report]

    4x4 Faces Art Opening 2013- 13 

    Art Opening "Four Faces"
    18 April 2013, 18:00
    exhibit of student photographic studies
    Galerie Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1st floor up
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures and report]


    Bob Brozman
    25 March 2013, 20:30
    Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube Dreiheiligen
    click here for more information!
    [link to report]

     Lehmann-Haupt lecture 01

    "How to Read 5,000 Books a Year: Reflections of a Daily Book Reviewer."
    Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
    18 March 2013, 18:00
    Saal University of New Orleans, University of Innsbruck Main Building
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures and report]


    "Talking Taxes!"
    Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 11:30
    Türingsaal, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 1st floor up
    [link to report]

    175 Years of US-Austrian Diplomatic Relations 18

    175 Years of U.S.-Austrian Diplomatic Relations
    12 March 2013, 18:00
    Aula, Main University Building, Christoph-Probst-Platz, Innrain 52
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures]

    The BigBandBORG Combo performed at this event:
    Freddie Freeloader - Miles Davis

    Turnaround - Ornette Coleman

    So What - Miles Davis

    Mardi Gras 2013_22

    New Orleans style Mardi Gras 2013
    12 Feb 2013, 13:00
    Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3
    [link to pictures]

    Inauguration Party 2013-5 

    Inauguration Party
    21 Jan, 17:00
    Thüring Saal, Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3
    [link to invite]
    [link to pictures]

    Jazz Concert: Roberta Piket/Billy Mintz Duo and Solo
    6 May, 20:00
    Mozarteum Innsbruck, Innrain 15
    Billy Mintz
    Roberta Piket
    link to invite]
    [link to pictures]
    [link to workshop pictures]