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KOINIG Karin A. Mag. Dr.


University of Innsbruck
Department of Ecology

Research Group: Lake and Glacier Ecology (former member)

Technikerstraße 25  
A-6020 Innsbruck

T +43 (0)512 507-51701

Experience as lecturer

Karin is an external lecturer in the Department of Ecology. She gave her first lecture in 1995 on paleolimology and diatoms. She teaches a variety of lectures focusing on aquatic science and statistics for biology students.

Research Focus

Karin is an aquatic scientist by training and focuses on recent and past environmental changes as reflected in biological and geochemical records in lake water and lake sediment records. She is particularly interested in the effects of climate-induced changes and atmospheric deposition on alpine lakes. She has extensive experience in the application of multivariate statistics in environmental research. She has been principal investigator, team leader, and work package leader in several research projects. Since 2015, she has also been involved in clinical research. Her research topics include the impact of quality of life, molecular aberrations, and laboratory parameters on survival of patients with leukemia. Since 2021, she works as Senior Statistician at MED-EL Medical Electronics where she is responsible for planning and performing statistical analyses within clinical studies.


Research Gate


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PULLING THE PLUG: Restoration of Lake Sulzkarsee (Styria, Austria), an alpine lake degraded by fish introduction. Work-package Palaeolimnology. Funding: Austrian Academy of Sciences. Principal Investigator: Robert Schabetsberger. (2019-2022).

CHANGE LAKE: Recent and past changes in the bio-geo-chemical parameters in the alpine lakes located on the slopes surrounding the Matschertal, as part of the LTER (long term ecological research) programme of the Institute of Alpine Environment, EURAC, Bozen (2016-2019).  Abstract / Kurzfassung

NICKEL CONTROL: Natural or anthropogenic CONTROL of NICKEL increase in alpine headwaters, Autonomous Province Bozen, Support for high schools, universities and resarch. Abstract / Kurzfassung

MELTING: Impact of MELTING permafrost and rock glaciers on water quality and aquatic organisms in alpine lakes, (Austrian Academy of Sciences - Alpine environment programme, Cryoalps, duration: 2010-2012). Abstract / Kurzfassung

NSINK: Sources, sinks and impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Arctic, WP5: Palaeolimnology, (FP7-People ITN-2007.1.1, ENV.215503, duration: 2008-2012). Abstract / Kurzfassung 

Holocene Climate Change Reflected in a Remote High Alpine Lake, A Multiproxy Investigation of the Sediment Record, (FWF R 29N10; 2003, continued 2005 – 2010). Abstract / Kurzfassung

14500 yr History of Changes in Sediment Geochemistry, The Impact of Climate and Human Activities on Trace Elements and Sr Isotopes in Lake Sediments (FWF J 1963‑Geo; 2000-2001)

12 000-year histories of atmospheric metal deposition: A Comparison of Stratigraphies of Pb, Cu, Zn, As and Ni in Peat Bogs and Lake Sediments from Switzerland, (FWF J 1788‑Geo; 1999-2000)

EC project CHILL – 10 000: Climate history as recorded in ecotonally sensitive arctic and alpine lakes in Europe during the last 10 000 years (ENV4-CT97-0642, 1997-1999) 

EC project MOLAR: Mountain Lake Research (ENV4-CT95-0007), 1997-1998.

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