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0Nominated Studentsx – University of Innsbruck

Nominated Students

 The following information is only for business students whose university has an agreement with the IWW-Office.

Other students like non-exchange students, and freemovers please contact the admission office of the University of Innsbruck   directly!



Orientation days

Attendance during the Introduction and Orientation days is compulsory! The introductions will be in English.

We strongly request students who spend their exchange semester(s) in Innsbruck to be on time for admission. Any delay caused by the student cannot be rectified. Problems due to missing admission, introduction, etc. are the student's own responsibility!

As the students might have a busy time at the beginning of each semester, we offer special introduction and orientation days a few days (approx. 7 days) before the academic semester starts officially in order to help the students to fulfill their tasks during the first few days:

  • Administration
  • Registration
  • City registration
  • Insurance
  • Information about Innsbruck
  • Information about the University
  • Course system and enrollment
  • etc. ...

The introduction sessions will last between 0.5 - 3 hours. As soon as the lectures and the semester start, you should have chosen your courses and have enrolled for the courses as well as fulfilled all administrative duties.

You will receive detailed information about our orientation days as soon as you have successfully registered online.

 Semester  Start of Orientation Days
 (subject to change)
 Final Exam Week - for undergraduates
(subject to change)
 WS 2024/25 24.09.2024
 mid February
 SS 2025 25.02.2025
 mid July

subject to change

  The introduction and orientation week is compulsory. These days are very important for every exchange student. If you do not take part in the introductions, this could lead to a lack of information and difficulties for you.

   Please take note of the timetable  while planning your journey (booking your flight, etc.) to Austria!
  Please be aware of booking rooms in a student house or private accommodation early enough (first come, first serve)!

Admission Requirements

General Requirements

Incoming Exchange students wishing to register at the University of Innsbruck must:

  • satisfy formal admission requirements and procedures (please see "application process" below)
  • be nominated by the institution where they are currently studying
  • acknowledge that they are subject to the Charter, Statues, Rules, and Regulations of the University currently in force
  • present themselves for registration at the beginning of the semester

Academic Requirements

  • Incoming Exchange students must, on request, provide evidence of appropriate background knowledge in order to take course modules for which there are specific pre-requisites.
  • The University of Innsbruck School - Faculty of Business and Management accepts only exchange students who are at least in their 3rd year of studies.
  • In order to be awarded credits, students must complete all required course work and assignments (including - where appropriate - formal tests or exams) by the prescribed deadlines.

Language Requirements

Incoming Exchange students must provide evidence of sufficient knowledge of the German and/or English language by means of test scores or other appropriate evidence, to ensure that they are enabled to follow the courses in German / English they intend to take. (Required level at least: B2 - you do not have to bring an evidence).

Please, find the language scale (prerequisites for C2-A1 here

Application process and online application form

Incoming exchange students (and their coordinators) are requested to carefully read the information given (here) concerning application procedures to the University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management.

The coordinator at your own university will nominate students for the exchange with the University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management. This nomination is based on bilateral exchange agreements.

Once you have been nominated, you must follow the 10 application steps. .

Application Deadlines

 Semester  Online application  Deadlines: IWW registration / upload application documents
 WS 2024/25 closed - open april 2025
 SS 2024 open

Academic Calendar

The University's academic year is based on two semesters - the first is approx. from October 1 to January 31, and the second is approx. from March 1 to the first week of July (although final exam week for the winter semester is held mid February and final exam week for the summer semester is held mid July!). There are Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost holidays. Please note that in February no courses are held, although the final exam week for the winter semester is in February!

The university's official academic calendar can be found here   

Check List

Before leaving home:

  1. As a student from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland I need a valid passport for the entire stay in Austria. I check that my passport is valid for the whole period
  2. As a student from all other countries I need, in addition to my valid passport, a visa or a residence permit in Austria.
  3. I contact my home Coordinator for a nomination.
  4. I read the section "Nominated Students".
  5. Your home coordinator will receive the current appliction information and has to foward it to the nominated students.
  6. The IWW-Office (your coordinator) will only contact you as soon as you have started your application by registering at the IWW-Office (see item 6)
  7. I check the timetable  and important dates for the Introduction and Orientation Week which is a must for all international students.
  8. I book an accommodation (as soon as possible as it is extremely difficult to find private accommodation and student rooms are booked out quite fast) and transfer the reservation deposit (as soon as possible - first come first served!). See the information about Accommodation unter Check Lists/Downloads   
  9. I choose my modules at Innsbruck School of Management. Please ask your home coordinator which modules you are allowed/supposed to take (will be recognized at your home institution).
    See courses in the course catalogue   
  10. I learn German or freshen up my existing knowledge.
  11. If I arrive by car in Innsbruck, I need winter tires (in case of ice or/and snow)! Winter tires are compulsury from November 1st - April 15th. Otherwise, in case of an accident, the insurance might not pay!
  12. I check the validity of my  health insurance card (must be valid for the whole period of my stay!).
    Please ask your insurance if mountain sports, skiing or snowboarding accidents, helicopter transportation are covered.
    If you like to ski or snowboard, we strongly recommend to have/buy an insurance which covers helicopter transportation. You can buy such an insurance in Austria/Innsbruck from €25 (last updated in 2018)
  13. All necessary information has been forwarded to the coordinator in your home institution.
    Please be aware of your home coordinators absence as she/he has to sign the nomination form!

Buddy System

A group of students with international experience offers a helping hand to incomings especially at the start of their stay. They will help solve problems regarding university or social life, language problems and bureaucracy. This system of student support (buddy system) is organized by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN).

If you are interested in getting an Austrian buddy, please fill in the form (click here). Do contact them as soon as possible then they can send you relevant information prior to your arrival in Innsbruck and, if necessary, even arrange a pick up service.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is responsible for incoming students. This network promotes social and personal integration of exchange students from all over the world. The ESN Team is a group of Austrian students which coordinates social and cultural activities and organizes trips, excursions and much more. They also offer help and provide information.

ESN Innsbruck   

Master Students

The IWW office supports undergraduate exchange students only. However, we proceed the registration for Master exchange students from our partners if requested.

Master students have to complete all bachelor courses in an - economic, business or similar  (for example, bachelor in arts .... etc. will not be accpeted by law) - before registration as a student at the University of Innsbruck:

  • Bachelor (180 ECTS credits / 3 years)
  • Bachelor (240 ECTS credits / 4 years)

For admission you have to bring the acceptance letter ("Mitteilung") and the documents mentioned on it. FURTHER: your study record (copy) with signature and stamp from your university as a proof, that you are enrolled as a MASTER student at your home institution (your home master student program need to be similar to business or economic studies). You do not have to bring your bachelor certificate.

 (see links "Master page overview" below)!

Master Programs that can be applied for

  1. Strategic Management
  2. Organization Studies
  3. Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
  4. Banking and Finance
  5. Information Systems
  6. Applied Economics

  Here you can find Information on the different Master Programs   


We have special prerequisites for the following master programs on which you have to bring the following proof:

Accounting, Auditing & Taxation   

  • 100 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Economic Subjects, therefrom
  • 50 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Business

Strategic Management   

  • 100 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Economic Subjects, therefrom
  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Mathematics and/or Statistics 
  • at least 50 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Business Subjects

Banking and Finance   

  • 30 ECTS-AP Economics, Mathematics and/or Statistics
  • 22,5 ECTS-AP Investment and Financing, Bank Management, Finance Management or Risk Management

Applied Economics   

  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits: Theory of Economic Decisions
  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits: Macroeconomics
  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits: Economics and the Public Sector
  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits: Economic Theory
  • 7.5 ECTS-Credits: Econometrics

Organization Studies   

  • 100 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Economic- and/or Social Sciences

Information Systems   

  • 100 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Economics, Information Systems, Computer Science

Limited number of study places in our master programs

There is a limited number of study places in our master programs. Therefore, we have the following allocation principles: 

  • "first come, first serve" and depending of your transcript of records and if your univesity has an agreement with the master programme departement.
  • You should apply and upload all documents completed in one go very early.
  • Your CV is your first impression and should be created by yourself and should be very professional.
  • After uploading your documents, the documents will be checked. If the documents are correct, completed and you will receive an email from the university-application-system that your can download your "letter of acceptance". This does not mean that the master coordinator acceptes you or that you have a place - this means that you have fulfilled the formal requirements and that you are allowed to study in your requested master programme. 
    The IWW-Office will send you transcript of records to the corresponding master program coordinator, who will ultimately decide about your acceptance in his course. Therefore you should contact the master coordintor as soon as possible to discuss the modules.

Master programs

There are specific requirements for the master programs listed below. Places in other master programs at our School of Management are allocated on the principle of "first come, first serve", but it is usually not a problem to get a place. In the case that you did not get a place in one of our master programs, you may also apply for our diploma program "IWW - International Economic and Business Studies", which offers you intersting modules and offers you master level modules. This is in fact what a lot of master students did.

  • Strategic Management : there is a high demand - difficult to get a place - you should apply and send the completed application documents as soon as possible. Your course selection has to be sent to IWW-Office (  ) 
    Your choice will only be considered if you have sent all application documents in original to the IWW-office. There are two places available in each of the following courses, which will give 10 ECTS.
    •  Management Accounting (elective) 
    • Human Resource Management (elective)  
    • Entrepreneurship (elective)
    • Creativity & Change Management (elective) 
    • SAP powered Strategic Enterprise Management (elective) 
    • Brand Monitoring (elective)
    • Retail Brands & Store Branding (elective)
    • Current Topics in Strategy & Marketing (elective)
  • Banking and Finance: 5 places offered - only in the winter semester - no places in the summer semester for exchange students 
  • Organization studies: 3 places offered in the winter semester - 5 places available in the summer semester

  The admission office checks the documents for correctness and completeness and issue the acceptance letter and admission documents.
The acceptance letter means that you are allowed to study at the University of Innsbruck but the master coordinator examines your academic transcript and CV and is the one who decides if you will be admitted in the program.

  After you received an email saying that your transcript was forwarded to the master coordinator you should get in contact with our corresponding master coordinator immediately. To receive the acceptance letter, the so called "Mitteilung" does not mean that you are admitted in the Master Program.

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