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Benjamin Kremmel – Universität Innsbruck

Kremmel, Benjamin, Mag. PhD MA

Portrait Benjamin Kremmel

Innrain 52, ZiNr. 40510, 5. Stock, Geiwi-Turm

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Zur Person

  • Universitätsassistent (PostDoc), Institut für Fachdidaktik, Bereich Didaktik der Sprachen, Fakultät für LehrerInnenbildung, Universität Innsbruck; Leiter der Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck | April 2018 - heute

  • Lehrer (Englisch und Psychologie/Philosophie) am Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Innsbruck | September 2018 - September 2019

  • Externer Lehrender, Lancaster University | Oktober 2018 - Februar 2019

  • Universitätsassistent (PraeDoc) Institut für Fachdidaktik, Bereich Didaktik der Sprachen, Fakultät für LehrerInnenbildung, Universität Innsbruck | April 2014 - März 2018

  • Externer Lehrender, Institut für Fachdidaktik, Bereich Didaktik der Sprachen, School of Education, Universität Innsbruck | Oktober 2011 - September 2013

  • wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter „Standardisierte Reifeprüfung“, Universität Innsbruck | April 2011 - September 2013

  • Studentischer Mitarbeiter, Arbeitsbereich Didaktik der Sprachen (IMoF) | März 2008 - September 2010


  • Einführung in das Testen und Bewerten im Fremdsprachenunterricht | 2012 - heute

  • Methoden und Instrumente der unterrichtsspezifischen Fachdidaktikforschung Englisch | 2021 - heute

  • Evidence-based English Language Teaching | 2019 - heute

  • Vocabulary: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment | 2014 - 2017

  • Begleittutorium zu Testen und Bewerten | 2015

  • Einführung in die Didaktik des Fremdsprachenunterrichts | 2011 - 2013

  • Sprachspezifischer Workshop: Introduction to English Language Teaching | 2011 - 2012

  • Betreute Abschlussarbeiten UIBK:

    • Guggenbichler (PhD). Tbd

    • Ebner (MEd). Writing assessment in natural sciences.

    • Schütz (MEd). The effects of peer feedback on the writing performance of 6th grade upper secondary school students in Austria

    • Ljubojevic (BEd). The role of lexicogrammar in language assessment.

    • Guggenbichler (Mag.phil.): Investigating writing across foreign languages: same Matura task, different processes?

    • Geisler (BEd): Culture in the EFL Classroom - Teaching Culture through Graphic Novels

    • Rauth (BEd): Vocabulary Levels Tests – A comparison of the NVLT and the UVLT



  • Wortschatzerwerb
  • Bewertungskompetenzen (Language Assessment Literacy)


  • Testen und Bewerten fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen


  • Durrant, P., Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Sonbul, S., & Kremmel, B. (forthcoming, contracted). Research methods for vocabulary studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Eberharter, K., Guggenbichler, E., Zehentner, M., Holzknecht, F., Schwarz, V., & Kremmel, B. (in prep). Exploring the cognitive validity of a computerized writing test using eye-tracking, keystroke logging and stimulated recalls.

  • Guggenbichler, E., Eberharter, K., & Kremmel, B. (under review). Investigating cognitive processes during writing tests: Methodological considerations when triangulating data from eye-tracking, keystroke logging, and stimulated recalls. In Manchon, R. & Roca de Larios, J. (Eds.): Research methods in the study of writing processes. John Benjamins. 

  • Isbell, D.R., Kim, J., & Kremmel, B. (in prep). Remote proctoring in language assessment: implications for validity, fairness and justice. 

  • Kremmel, B. (in prep). Language Assessment Literacy. In Vogt, K., & Rossa, H. (Eds.): Handbuch Leistungsmessung, Evaluation und Feedback im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Klett/Kallmeyer.

  • Kremmel, B. (in prep). Wortschatz. In Vogt, K., & Rossa, H. (Eds.): Handbuch Leistungsmessung, Evaluation und Feedback im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Klett/Kallmeyer.

  • Kremmel, B., Indrarathne, B., Kormos, J., & Suzuki, S. (IPA). Unknown vocabulary density and reading comprehension: Replicating Hu & Nation 2000. Language Learning.

  • Schmitt, N., Dunn, K., O'Sullivan, B., Anthony, L., & Kremmel, B. (in press). Knowledge-based Vocabulary Lists. Equinox.  

  • Spöttl, C., Konrad, E., Schwarz, V., Guggenbichler, E., & Kremmel, B. (in press). Authenticity in Language Assessment: Reconceptualizing the Implementation of a Key Principle. In: Will, L., Stadler, W., & Eloff, I. (Eds.), Authenticity across Languages and Cultures. Themes of Identity in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. 

  • Harding, L., Kremmel, B., & Eberharter, K. (2022). Language Assessment Literacy in second language assessment contexts. In Knoch, U. & Haug, T. (Eds.): Handbook of Language Assessment across Modalities (pp.373-382). OUP.

  • Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., & Holzknecht, F. (2022). Pre-operational testing. In Fulcher, G., & Harding, L. (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Language Testing (2nd edition) (pp. 415-429). New York: Routledge. 

  • Kremmel, B. (2021). Selling the (word) family silver? A response to Webb’s 'lemma dilemma'. Studies in Second Language Acquisition,43(5), 962-964. doi:10.1017/S0272263121000693

  • Harding, L., & Kremmel, B. (2021). SLA researcher assessment literacy. In: Winke, P., & Brunfaut, T. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing (pp. 54-65). New York: Routledge.

  • Kremmel, B. (2021). Does one size fit all? Comparing two computer-adaptive algorithms for a diagnostic vocabulary test. In Barclay, S., & Szudarski, P. (Eds.): Vocabulary theory, patterning and teaching (pp. 48-64). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 

  • Kremmel, B., & Pellicer-Sanchez, A. (2021). Measuring vocabulary development. In: Winke, P., & Brunfaut, T. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing (pp. 211-222). New York: Routledge.

  • Leitner, K., & Kremmel, B. (2021). Avoiding scoring malpractice: supporting reliable scoring of constructed-response items in high-stakes exams. In: Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & Brown, J.D. (Eds.), Challenges in Language Testing Around the World (pp. 127-145). Springer.

  • Schmitt, N., Dunn, K., O'Sullivan, B., Anthony, L., & Kremmel, B. (2021). Introducing Knowledge-based Vocabulary Lists. TESOL Journal. Online First.

  • Holzknecht, F., McCray, G., Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., Zehentner, M., Spiby, R., & Dunlea, J. (2020). The effect of response order on candidate viewing behaviour and item difficulty in a multiple-choice listening test. Language  Testing

  • Isbell, D. R., & Kremmel, B. (2020). Test review: Current Options in At-Home Language Proficiency Tests for Making High-Stakes Decisions. Language Testing

  • Chapelle, C., Kremmel, B., & Brindley, G. (2019). Assessment. In: Schmitt, N., & Rodgers, M. (Eds.), An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. New York: Routledge.

  • Ehling, R., Amprosi, M., Kremmel, B., Bsteh, G., Eberharter, K., Zehentner, M., Steiger, R., Tuovinen, N., Gizewski, E.R., Benke, T., Berger, T., Spoettl, C., Brenneis, C., & Scherfler, C. (2019). Second language learning induces grey matter volume increase in people with multiple sclerosis. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0226525. 

  • Kremmel, B. (2019). Measuring vocabulary learning progress. In Webb, S. (Ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies (pp. 406-418). New York: Routledge.

  • Kremmel, B., & Harding, L. (2019). Towards a Comprehensive, Empirical Model of Language Assessment Literacy across Stakeholder Groups: Developing the Language Assessment Literacy Survey. Language Assessment Quarterly, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/15434303.2019.1674855

  • Schmitt, N., Nation, P., & Kremmel, B. (2019). Moving the field of vocabulary assessment forward: The need for more rigorous test development and validation. Language Teaching, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0261444819000326

  • Harding, L., & Kremmel, B. (2016). Teacher assessment literacy and professional development. In Tsagari, D., & Banerjee, J. (eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment (pp. 413-428), Berlin: De Gruyter.

  • Kremmel, B. (2016). Word families and frequency bands in vocabulary tests: Challenging conventions. TESOL Quarterly 50(4), 976-987.

  • Kremmel, B., & Schmitt, N. (2016). Interpreting vocabulary test scores: What do various item formats tell us about learners’ ability to employ words? Language Assessment Quarterly 13(4), 377-392.

  • Kremmel, B., Brunfaut, T., & Alderson, J.C. (2015). Exploring the Role of Phraseological Knowledge in Foreign Language ReadingApplied Linguistics, 1-24. 

  • Alderson, J.C., & Kremmel, B. (2013). Re-examining the content validation of a grammar test: The (im)possibility of distinguishing vocabulary and structural knowledge. Language Testing, 30(4), 535-556.

Alle Publikationen


  • 10/2021                              Reviewer for LTRC 2022, Tokyo

  • 08/2021                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2022 Pittsburg (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 06/2021                              Member of the Robert Lado Memorial Award Committee

  • 05/2021- current                Book Review Editor, Language Testing

  • 03/2021                              Scientific Committee, 2nd Applied Linguistics Research Symposium, KSA

  • 03/2021                              External PhD advisor, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

  • 10/2020-10/2021              Advisory Member of “Beirat Unterrichtsfach Englisch“, University of Innsbruck

  • 10/2020-11/2020               Interim Deputy Head of Department, Institut für Fachdidaktik, Universität Innsbruck

  • 10/2020-11/2020               Interim Head of Research area „Sprachendidaktik“, Institut für Fachdidaktik, Universität Innsbruck

  • 10/2020                              Reviewer for LTRC 2021, Tunis

  • 08/2020                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2021 Houston (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 02/2020                              Scientific Committee, Applied Linguistics Research Symposium, Prince Sultan University, KSA

  • 11/2019                              External PhD Examiner, University of Melbourne, Australien

  • 10/2019                              Reviewer for EALTA 2020, Budapest

  • 10/2019                              Reviewer for LTRC 2020, Tunis

  • 08/2019                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2020 Denver (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 07/2019                              Reviewer/Scientific Committee for IRG 2020 Fribourg

  • 07/2019-04/2021               Chair of Department assembly, Institut für Fachdidaktik, Universität Innsbruck

  • 02/2019                              Reviewer/Scientific Committee for EuroSLA 2019 Lund

  • 10/2018-02/2022              Module Coordinator (Module 3 Testing and Assessment), Institut für Fachdidaktik

  • 10/2018- current                Ethics Review Board of the Faculty of Teacher Education, Universität Innsbruck

  • 09/2018                              Reviewer for LTRC 2019, Atlanta

  • 08/2018                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2019 Atlanta (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 07/2018-current                 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Language Assessment Quarterly

  • 07/2018                              Chair of ILTA Robert Lado Memorial Award Committee

  • 04/2018-current                 Head of the  Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck, Institut für Fachdidaktik, Universität Innsbruck

  • 01/2018                              Member of ILTA Student Travel Award Commitee

  • 01/2018-12/2019               Member of Executive Board of the International Language Testing Association ILTA (Member-at-Large)

  • 01/2018-current                 Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Language Testing

  • 12/2017-current                 Founding member and executive committee member of  LaPlace – Language Placement for Displaced People (NGO)

  • 12/2017                             Reviewer for EALTA Conference 2018 Bochum

  • 10/2017                              Reviewer for Language Assessment Research Conference 2018, Iowa State University

  • 09/2017                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2018 Chicago (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 09/2017                              Reviewer for Language Testing Forum 2017 Huddersfield

  • 07/2017- current                Member of Editorial Board of ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics

  • 09/2016                              Reviewer for AAAL Conference 2017 Portland (Vocabulary and Lexical Studies Strand)

  • 06/2016                              Member of ILTA Robert Lado Memorial Award Committee

  • 04/2016                              Reviewer for BAAL Vocabulary SIG Conference 2016 Nottingham

  • 11/2015-12/2018               Communications officer, UK Association for Language Testing and Assessment (UKALTA)

  • 01/2015                              Reviewer for EALTA Conference 2015 Copenhagen

  • 05/2012-05/2013               Member of EALTA Nomination Committee, with Dina Tsagari and Carol Spöttl

  • Conference organization:

    • 09/2021                     International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching, Universität Innsbruck (OC)

    • 11/2020                     RELANG Virtual Event in collaboration with ECML Graz (main organizer)

    • 06/2018                     Symposium “10 Jahre Standardisierte Reifeprüfung: Symposium in honour of Carol Spöttl” (main                                       organizer)

    • 01/2018                     1st EALTA Winter School, “Assessing Vocabulary”, (main organizer)

    • 07/2016                     4th EALTA Summer School “Assessing the productive skills”, Universität Innsbruck, Austria (OC)

    • 05/2012                     9th annual conference of EALTA, Universität Innsbruck (Support of the OC)

    • 09/2011                     IATEFL TEASIG (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language – Testing,                                       Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group) Conference, Universität Innsbruck (Support of                                     the OC)

    • 09/2010                    5. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sprachendidaktik „Sprachen lernen:           Kompetenzen entwickeln – Performanzen (über)prüfen“, Universität Innsbruck (Support of the OC)

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