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Writing performances (BHS) – Universität Innsbruck

Benchmarked Performances - Writing BHS

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Sie finden auf dieser Webseite die Performanzen von SchülerInnen zu unterschiedlichen Aufgabenformaten der standardisierten Reife- und Diplomprüfung aus diversen Schultypen der Berufsbildenden Höheren Schulen (BHS). Diese Performanzen wurden aus einer Sammlung von Feldtestungsperformanzen für illustrative Zwecke für das Training von Lehrpersonen ausgewählt.

Die Benchmarks und verbalen Beschreibungen entstanden im Rahmen eines Benchmarking Seminars, finanziert durch das BMBF und durchgeführt durch die Universität Innsbruck. Das Expertinnengremium setzte sich aus Interessensträgern des Ministeriums, des BIFIE (Wien), der Universitäten, der Pädagogischen Hochschulen und Schulen zusammen.

Die vorliegenden Schreibperformanzen samt Bewertung sollen der breiten Öffentlichkeit, vor allem den österreichischen Lehrpersonen aber auch anderen Interessierten, zur Information zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die anonymisierten Verfasser der Texte haben der Nutzung der Performanzen für Forschungs- und Trainingszwecke zugestimmt. Eine nicht kommerzielle Nutzung der Performanzen für diese Zwecke, zum Beispiel während eines Seminars der Pädagogischen Hochschulen, ist zulässig. Die kommerzielle Nutzung für zahlungspflichtige Kurse ist nur über schriftliche Erlaubnis zulässig. Dritten ist es nicht gestattet, diese Performanzen zu vervielfältigen, zu speichern, zu übertragen oder zu verkaufen. Bitte entnehmen Sie weitere Informationen zur Nutzung dieser Webseite aus den Nutzungsbedingungen.

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Verfügbare Performanzen:


Report L051RE (HAK)

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Task TypePerformanceTAOLLSRLSA

The subject line and section headings are appropriate and precise. The requirements of the report are almost fully observed, although, the introduction is not suitable for a report. The candidate addresses all content points, but bullet point 1 is not fully developed, since the preference of tablets over laptops is not mentioned. The candidate provides relevant supporting details and examples for all content points (big screen allows convenient web research; this is mainly due to …), and evaluates the graph very well (… there is a big difference between …; … do not want the enclosed Apple ecosystem …). The set word length of 300 words is observed.

The candidate’s performance has a very clear overall structure at the text level. The candidate uses paragraphs highly effectively, and develops points in a very clear and systematic way. Relationships between ideas are marked in a very clear way, and a wide variety of linking devices is used (when; because; but; while; since; even though; it's not surprising; since; on the other hand).

The candidate expresses her/himself very clearly without any signs of restriction. He/she uses a very good variety of structures (tense forms; gerunds; comparatives and superlatives). The candidate demonstrates a range of complex structures (passives; progressive forms; gerunds; modal verbs) and sentence forms (It is not surprising…; … downhill). Furthermore, the candidate uses a very wide range of vocabulary (mainly due to the fact that; growing rapidly ever since; the only real competitor being; convenient web research; dominant force), and a very good range of language (ever since that year; tablets fill the gap between; customers that simply do not want; allows for convenient web research).

The candidate shows very good structural control, and excellent control of spelling. There are hardly any slips or errors (catch up to; is growing rapidly ever since) and lexical accuracy is very high. The use of linking devices is highly accurate. The candidate meets almost all expected standard punctuation conventions (Android tablets on the other hand can be highly …).

The candidate addresses all content points in a clear and systematic way. She/he uses a very good variety of structures and a very wide range of vocabulary, whereas lexical and structural accuracy are very high. To conclude, the performance shows typical features for an overall band 10 of the Austrian CEFR-linked rating scale and corresponds to a well-developed upper B2 level as described in the CEFR.

Blog P119BL (HUM)

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Task typePerformanceTAOLLSRLSA

The requirements of a blog are almost fully observed, however, an adequate salutation and a closing are missing. The candidate addresses all content points, but bullet points 2 and 3 are not fully developed. Advantages and disadvantages are explained well. The set word length of 250 words is clearly not observed (178 words). This is well outside the 10 percent parameters of 225-275 words.

The performance has a clear overall structure at the text level. The performance generally follows paragraphing conventions, but does not demonstrate good use of paragraphing. The candidate develops points largely systematically, and uses a variety of linking devices (but; because; if; furthermore; when; then; also). Only some of the relationships between ideas are marked (but you must…; furthermore…).

The candidate uses some variety of structures (modals; infinitives), and some complex structures (conditional). Some lexical limitations cause repetition (also; disadvantage) and lifting of words from the prompt (equal opportunities; disadvantages on the job market).

The candidate shows good control of frequent patterns and structures, and any structural mistakes do not cause misunderstanding (they are often also seem; because the companies prefer men; earn equal). Any incorrect word choice does not usually hinder communication (It is understandable); any incorrect word choice does not usually hinder communication (except: because then there could not become a lack of females).

The candidate addresses all content points but not all are fully developed. She/he develops points systematically, and uses some variety of structures. The performance shows good control of frequent patterns and elementary vocabulary, and any mistakes do not cause misunderstanding. To conclude, the performance shows typical features of band 6 on the Austrian CEFR-linked rating scale and corresponds to the B2 level as described in the CEFR.

Blog M088BL (HLFS)

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Task TypePerformanceTAOLLSRLSA

The candidate addresses all content points and provides relevant supporting details (employer should be fair and award according to ability; employers should be neutral; applications without names). He/she gives some reasons in support (I completely agree with …) and against (But I also understand …) different points of view in the task. The performance is above band 8.

The candidate has produced a performance whose overall structure is more than satisfactory. Most relationships between ideas are marked(in my opinion; so; because), and a variety of linking devices is used (like he said; also; because; in my opinion; that; why). The candidate seldom follows paragraphing conventions, but nevertheless follows standard layout for a blog.

The candidate expresses her/himself clearly, though there may be some signs of restriction (give them … only because of a lack). S/he uses some variety of structures (relative clauses; infinitive structures; modals; short and long sentences; present and past tense), and uses a range of complex structures and sentence forms (completely agree; who helps; should be fair; no matter if; way to ensure). He/she also uses a good range of vocabulary to cope with the task (employer; disadvantage; in my opinion; applications), and varies formulation to avoid repetition (a way to ensure fairness).

The candidate has good control of frequent patterns and structures (the position from workingman's point of view; they are a lower number; I completely agree), but any structural mistakes (people who helps) and spelling mistakes (there/their) do not cause misunderstanding. Lexical accuracy is reasonably high on the whole (who helps and supports women; properties which fit the best), and the candidate shows a relatively accurate use of linking devices.

The candidate addresses all content points in a clear and systematic way and provides supporting details. He/she uses some variety of structures and shows a good control of frequent patterns. Lexis and spelling are reasonably accurate in the performance. To conclude, the performance shows typical features of band 7 on the Austrian CEFR-linked rating scale and corresponds to the B2 level as described in the CEFR.

Article S221AR (BAKIP)

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Task TypePerformanceTAOLLSRLSA

The requirements of the article are fully observed and its title is appropriate and precise. All content points are addressed, but bullet points 2 and 3 are notfully developed. However, the candidate provides relevant supporting details for all content points (BP1: safety; playground … equipment; outdoors; in nature / BP2: play catch; play hide and seek; plant flowers / BP3: learn with their senses; contact with other children; children want to move and explore). The candidate gives good reasons in support of her/his points of view (want to make their own experience … ; …, because there’s a lot to expore …).

The candidate’s performance has a clear overall structure at the text level (e.g. topic sentences) and develops points systematically. The candidate marks most relationships between ideas (in my view; on the other hand) and uses a variety of linking devices (and; but; on the one hand; because). This text follows the standard layout for an article throughout and shows good use of paragraphing.

The candidate uses a good variety of structures (present simple and progressive; modals; rhetorical questions; imperative), and a range of complex structures and sentence forms (infinitive constructions: want to make; like to play; relative clauses; gerunds: sounds like playing). The candidate uses a wide range of vocabulary for the set task (sturdy equipment; bound to; emotional development; explore; essential). The candidate also expresses him/herself confidently, clearly and politely in a register appropriate to the set task.

Structural mistakes in the performance (child’s; want’s; that’s; may it all just sounds) do not cause misunderstanding. Spelling mistakes occur (arround; belive; sill; articel) but do not hinder communication. Lexical accuracy is high and linking devices are used accurately.

The candidate addresses all content points in a clear and systematic way, however, not all content points are fully developed. The performance includes a good variety of structures and wide range of vocabulary. The candidate’s performance overall shows good lexical and structural control. Mistakes occur, but do not hinder communication. To conclude, the performance displays typical features of band 8 on the Austrian CEFR-linked rating scale and corresponds to the upper B2 level as described in the CEFR.

Letter Q186LE (HTL)

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Task TypePerformanceTAOLLSRLSA

The requirements of a letter are fully observed, and the salutation and closing are appropriate, however, the recipient’s address is missing. The candidate addresses all content points and provides relevant supporting details (I’m active in a student council; I learned Spanish and English). Nevertheless, bullet point 3 is not fully developed. The candidate successfully highlights the personal significance of events (I believe that this volunteering work is a perfect opportunity to broaden my horizons). The performance is slightly below the tolerance limit of ten percent (225 words).

The performance shows a clear overall structure on the text level and develops points systematically. However, the text seldom follows paragraphing conventions and contains paragraphs of only one sentence (In school …; Also I …; I easily adjust …). The candidate uses a limited number of linking devices (also; so; and; because; since; as; therefore).

The candidate expresses him/herself confidently, clearly and in an appropriate register without much sign of having to restrict what he/she wants to say. The candidate further uses a good range of vocabulary for this writing task (overcome obstacles; broaden my horizon). However, a weakness of this performance is that he/she uses only some variety of structures (tenses; prepositional phrases) and some complex structures (modals; gerunds). The writer is able to vary formulation to avoid repetition (people in need; poor people).

The candidate shows excellent control of spelling, and good control of frequent patterns and structures (I think that lending a hand… ; I learned Spanish for three years). Lexical accuracy is high, and occasional incorrect word choice does not hinder communication (on how to treat them; they can trust on). The candidate uses linking devices relatively accurately.

The candidate addresses all content points in a clear and systematic way and provides supporting details. She/he uses some variety of structures and a good range of vocabulary. The use of lexis and spelling are highly accurate. To conclude, the performance displays typical features of band 8 on the Austrian CEFR-linked rating scale and corresponds to the upper level of B2 as described in the CEFR.

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