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<strong>erasmus</strong>+ Student Mobility – Universität Innsbruck

erasmus+ Student Mobility (Outgoing)

erasmus+: EuRopean Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students


  • a stay of up to 12 months in each cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD) for study or internship purposes
  • no tuition fees at the host and home university
  • a monthly allowance for increased living expenses
  • the recognition of achievements completed abroad
  • improved language skills and job opportunities
  • getting to know a new culture and many new people

Participation requirements

  • At the time of entry, the first year of the basic study programme in the field of study relevant for the erasmus+ study visit must have been completed.
  • course places covering at least 30 ECTS-Credits per semester
  • knowledge of the language of instruction
  • A distance of at least 200km (air-line distance) from the place of origin must be guaranteed for mobility to take place.
  • carrying out an online language test before starting and after finishing the stay abroad
  • A nomination to the country of origin is not desired by the European Commission and is to be implemented with the lowest priority. A distance of at least 200km (air-line distance) from the place of origin must be guaranteed for mobility to take place.
  • Foreign students who plan to stay in their country of origin must provide proof of residence at the place of study (Innsbruck area), as nomination to the home country is excluded for commuters.



If you have any further questions about the erasmus+ programme, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  Mag. Erika Mangeng +43 512 507-32404 (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
  Mag. Verena Mungenast +43 512 507-32406 (Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Tuesday + Wednesday 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)

General Information

Grants for students

If your nomination is successful, you will automatically receive a grant from the erasmus+ Programme, you do not need to apply for it separately. This is based on the duration of the mobility and is calculated on a daily basis. The grant amounts are determined by the National Agency and are divided into three country groups:

Special grants for students with special needs

Equal opportunities are a central concern in the erasmus+ Programme. Since the beginning of the erasmus Programme in Austria, the national agency has promoted the mobility of participants with fewer opportunities on behalf of the European Commission. Students with fewer opportunities have the possibility to receive a monthly lump-sum grant (= top-up) or/and a so-called inclusion subsidy. The top-up is a lump sum and can be spent as desired. In the case of an inclusion subsidy, additional actual costs are covered on the basis of an application. Examples of eligible costs: actual costs for additional childcare incurred due to the absence; travel costs to therapy in the home country; shipping costs for medication, etc.

The defined group of people "students with fewer opportunities" currently includes:

  • students with a disability,
  • students with chronic illness (if additional costs are incurred abroad),
  • students with child/children (top-up if the child comes to the host country as well) Experience report
    and further information on the topic Stay abroad with child/ren

Those who fall under one of these groups can indicate this when applying for an erasmus+ stay. The application must then be submitted to the home university and will be forwarded to the National Agency for approval if necessary.

Students who have a real need for additional financial support for other reasons (e.g. broken leg shortly before the start of the erasmus stay and therefore increased travel costs) can also disclose their additional costs incurred via an erasmus+ Inclusion Support application.

Further information is available here:

Insurance cover and visas

Mobility under erasmus+ does not include automatic insurance cover. Nevertheless, this is obligatory. According to the European programme rules, insurance cover means accident insurance at the admitting institution on the one hand and liability insurance on the other. The insurance cover is therefore not to be confused with an Austrian social insurance, for which the mobile persons are always responsible themselves. Please obtain information about the conditions of the existing insurance for ÖH members. In addition, it is recommended that you take out supplementary insurance for the duration of your stay abroad.

As an EU citizen, you do not need a visa within the erasmus programme countries. If you are nominated to the United Kingdom or Turkey, for example, you are responsible for organising your own visa.

For more information on insurance, entry and residence regulations, see:  Organisation of your stay

Accommodation in Innsbruck

Many of our erasmus+ Incomings are looking for a flat/room here in Innsbruck. If you are interested in subletting your room to an international student during your stay abroad, please send the form to the OeAD or fill in our survey which you have received by e-mail.


  • You can return to your flat/room after your erasmus+ stay.
  • You can leave your furniture in the flat or room.
  • Your flatmates can communicate in a foreign language and get to know a new culture.
  • You are doing a great service for an erasmus student.
  • You do not have to pay double rent.

1. Reporting to the departmental coordinator

If you are interested in an erasmus+ stay, the first step is to contact the relevant departmental coordinator. This person is responsible for allocating places, knows the partner universities of the respective degree programme in detail, can advise you on your choice, and inform you about the exact requirements.
Please Note: some departmental coordinators have their own requirements which cannot be displayed in the online application system. For instance a mandatory participation in an infoevent or a visit in an office hour. Some coordinators are confirming the applications right away, others wait until the end of the deadline. Thus, we highly recommend to get in touch with the respective departmental coordinator soon enough and before the official application window opens.

2. Official application via LFU:

After consultation with the departmental coordinator, you officially apply via LFU:online for an erasmus+ place for one semester or one academic year. You can apply for a maximum of 4 mobilities in parallel.

Application window:
01 Feb. – 31. Mar.  for stays in the winter semester or for the entire academic year
01 Jul. – 31. Aug.for stays in the summer semester
In case of so called splitable year spots, an application for the summer semester is also possible during the winter semester application period. Please contact the responsible departmental coordinator for questions.
The deadlines for move-up candidates end on 10 April or 10 September resp.

Attention: a few exceptions have earlier deadlines!

To do this, log into LFU:online

with your C-user[iw1] . Under "My mobilities" all available partner universities of your study programme(s) are displayed. Click on "New mobility" to start the application process. Fill in the online application form completely. The following documents must be uploaded: letter of motivation, CV and travel document (passport or ID card). For some partner universities, additional documents are required (e.g. proof of academic achievement or proof of language proficiency). Once you have officially submitted your application, your departmental coordinator will decide whether or not you will be allocated a place. Coordinators can confirm the applications right away starting from 01.02./01.07. or they can wait until the end of the application deadline. You will receive an acceptance or rejection via the system. If you are accepted, you have one week or until the end of the grace period at the latest to accept your nomination. After that, your application will automatically expire. Once you have accepted a nomination, other applications are automatically withdrawn. You yourself can also withdraw from an application at any time.


This graph is for illustrative purposes, the data given there does not necessarily correspond to reality.

Note: A stay in the country of origin is possible in principle but has the lowest priority. The location of the partner university must be at least 200 kilometres (air line) away from the home address. In this case, proof of residence in Innsbruck or the surrounding area must be provided at the time of application. This may be requested in the online application process.

3. Further steps

After the application deadlines have passed and you have accepted the place, you will receive further information from us and access to an OLAT course through which we offer webinars on the next steps and where you will find further documents and checklists.

One of the most important next steps is the course recognition via an Online Learning Agreement (OLA). Please inform yourself about the courses offered at the host university as early as possible since this part of the preparation is very time-consuming. Think about which courses you are still missing, which courses could be considered for recognition, what particularly interests you in the host university's programme?

Courses amounting to 30 ECTS-Credits per semester must be specified. This corresponds to the academic performance of one semester ("no loss of progress principle").

The OLA must be signed by you and your study representative or your Associate Dean of Studies or your Dean of Studies and is subsequently also confirmed by the host university.

The departmental coordinator supervises the erasmus partnerships, decides on the nomination and can advise students on the application for the erasmus place. We highly recommend to get in touch with the respective departmental coordinator before the official application starts (see point 1 at section application).

erasmus+ coordinators acc. to  study programme, you can find the websites of the coordinators next to their names under „Weitere Infos“.

Here you will find the current listing of partnerships (subject to change):

erasmus+ - partner universities

A list of the responsible  erasmus+ coordinators  (acc. to study programme).

Depending on the partner university, it is possible that proof of your language skills will be required. You can find out what kind of proof is required directly on the website of the respective partner university.

Please check independently which language level is required by the host university - if you do not meet these requirements, the partner university may refuse admission.

Our page listing the partner universities for the erasmus+ Programme offers a first orientation.

If, in preparation for your erasmus+ semester, you attend a course in another European language, which is not offered within the framework of OLS, at the Language Centre of the University of Innsbruck, part of the costs will be reimbursed from EU funds. You have to submit the registration for the course at the Language Centre and the certificate at the International Relations Office.

Language proficiency test for a semester abroad

If the partner university requires proof of your foreign language skills, you can take your own language competence test at the Language Centre  at the University of Innsbruck.

The language proficiency tests are the ideal opportunity for students to acquire a language certificate at low cost and without much organisational effort. The exams are offered for English (B2), French (B1) and Spanish (B1).

Four dates per year are available for this combination of a written and oral examination. Here you can find the exact  dates.

Registrations are possible online or in the course office.

If the semester abroad is actually started half of the costs of the language test will be refunded by the International Relations Office (after presentation of the language proficiency certificate).

Please note that at a few partner universities other language certificates are required (IELTS, TOEFL, ...), which are compulsory.

Online Linguistic Support (OLS)

The Online Language Support (OLS) offers erasmus+ students the opportunity to assess their language skills and take a language course.

The OLS system is available for 22 languages.

OLS assessment

The OLS assessment is scheduled in the language of instruction or working language before the start of the erasmus+ period. At the end of the erasmus+ period, a second assessment can be taken on a voluntary basis to measure the student's progress.

erasmus+ nominees will receive a request for the first assessment by e-mail. Before the test starts, you can choose whether you want to take a language course in the language of instruction or in the national language.

OLS courses

OLS courses
After passing the OLS language test, you can take an OLS language course. This course can be taken in the language of instruction and/or in the national language.

  • all levels (A1-C1): German, English, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish
  • up to and including level B2: Portuguese
  • up to and including level A2: Czech
  • level A1:  Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Finnish, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian and Swedish

Please note that the local language only refers to the language courses, not the language test. Therefore, the final language test will be in the same language as your first one.

Curious for more? Check out the options and university-wide partnerships of the AuroraEuropean University Alliance.

EU Fahne

Learn more about:

Mobility Programmes Organisation of your Stay Abroad

erasmus+ International Mobility & Networks Aurora Networks

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