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About us – Universität Innsbruck

Organisation and Management

The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences



Franz Eder, ©AndreasFriedle

Franz Eder studied Political Science, International Relations and Contemporary History at the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna, Austria. 2008 Doctorate in Political Science/International Relations, University of Innsbruck, and since 201 Associate Professor for International Relations at the Department of Political Science. 2004 Visiting Research Fellow at the German Orient Institute in Hamburg, 2005 Germany Visiting Research Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – SWP) in Berlin, Germany.

Research Interests: International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, EU and US Foreign and Security Policy, Terrorism Research.

contact informationen Franz EDER:
E-mail: dean-sopo[at]
phone: +43 512 507-30060
fax: +43 512 507-30069
room at Department: w-2.51(SoWi, Universitätsstraße 15)
room at Dean's Office: o-1.01 (SoWi, Universitätsstraße 15)

Dean of Studies

Wilfred Uunk (c)EmmaSchaber

Wilfred Uunk, ©EmmaSchaber

Wilfred Uunk is a professor of sociology. He comes from the Netherlands, studied sociology in Utrecht and received his doctorate in 1996 in Nijmegen on the topic of homogamy (similarity in partner characteristics). Between 1996-1998, Uunk was a post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin (topic: job mobility in East and West Germany) and from 1998-2002 a post-doc in Utrecht (topic: remarriage). He then worked at Tilburg University until 2017; first as a post-doc, then as a junior professor of sociology (topics: divorce, gender and work, migration, welfare solidarity). From 2017-2020, Uunk was a research associate at the chair of sociology at the University of Bamberg (topic: gender and education), and from 2020-2021 a senior researcher at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. In May 2021, he accepted a professorship in macro-sociology and social inequality at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Innsbruck.

Wilfred Uunk conducts research on various forms of social inequality (e.g., by gender and migration status). His research is often cross-nationally comparative and he uses quantitative methods of social science research.
personal homepage

contact information Wilfred UUNK:
as Dean of Studies:
email: deanofstudies-sopo[at]
phone: +43 (0) 676/872530065

as professor at the Department of Sociology:
email: Wilfred.Uunk[at]
phone: +43 512 507 73445

room: w. 2.06, SoWi, 2nd floor, Department of Sociology

  • Virtual office hours as a professor at the Department of Sociology: Thursday from 1 to 2pm
  • Office hours as Dean of Studies by appointment only: deanofstudies-sopo[at]

Assistant of the Dean's Office and the Faculty


Sven Jeschke,

Sven Jeschke is Assistant to the Dean at the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. He studied Political Science and International Economics at the Universities of Innsbruck and Limerick (Ireland) and received his doctorate in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck in 2017. His research was on the subject of English in Vocational Education and Training. An Educational Policy Inventory of the Hybrid System in Tyrolean Vocational Schools and among Company Trainers: Foreign-Language Competency, Permeability and Structure-Formational Options Creating Structures to Enhance the Attractiveness of VET in Tyrol. Sven Jeschke uses his knowledge in this specific field as a certified Tyrolean Apprentice Trainer.

And he is the contact person at the faculty for congress organizations. He himself has already acquired and organized several major congresses: including the 3-Nations-Conference of Political Science 2013, the ECPR Graduate Conference 2014 and the Austrian Sociology Congress 2015. He is currently working on the organization of the ECPR General Conference 2022, the first physical conference after COVID-19 with more than 2,000 participants.

Sven Jeschke is also a trained COVID-19 officer.

contact informationen Sven JESCHKE:
E-mail: sven.jeschke[at]
Tel.: +43 512 507-30060
Mobile phone: +43 676 8725 79611
Fax: +43 512 507-30069
room: o-1.02 (SoWi, Universitaetsstrasse 15)

Research Coordination

Lisa Lechner, ©IwakiriTakashi

Dr. Lisa Lechner-Wierer is research coordinator for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

She is Assistant professor for methods and methodology in political science at the University of Innsbruck. In her research, Lisa studies international treaties, such as trade agreements, bilateral tax treaties, and environmental agreements, as well as national and international jurisdictions by dint of network- and text-analysis. Her research appeared in a number of peer-reviewed outlets, such as Review of International Political Economy, Review of International Organizations, International Interactions, and Global Environmental Policy. Beyond academic talks, Lisa Lechner held public speeches on trade. Among others she spoke at the OECD in Paris, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Berlin, and the Austrian Parliament.

research assistant: Patrizia Kaufmann

contact informationen Lisa LECHNER-WIERER:
E-mail: forschung-sopo[at]
Tel.: +43 512 507-70141
Raum: w-2.43 (Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universitätsstraße 15)

Coordinator Digital Media and Core Facility
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The Coordinator for Digital Media and Core Faculty Participation is Dr. Sven Jeschke from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

More information about Sven JESCHKE:
Phone: +43 512 507-30060
Room: No. o-1.02 (Dean's Office of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, SoWi, Universitätsstraße 15)


Contact details Dean's Office:

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Dean's Office
Universitaetsstrasse 15, rooms o-1.01 & o-1.02
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 507-30060
Fax: +43 512 507-30069

E-mail: dean-sopo[at]


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