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Course Analysis – Universität Innsbruck

Course Analysis

Smiley with text: Your feedback matters.

The course analysis (LVA) gives students the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on the courses they have attended. At the University of Innsbruck, the LVA is carried out centrally by the Office for Quality Management in Teaching using a standardised university-wide questionnaire.

In what form does course analysis take place?

The lecturer receives the QR code or direct link to the survey by email. During the course, the lecturer publishes the code or link and invites students to take part in the survey.

Students scan the QR code with their smartphone or tablet or enter the direct link to the questionnaire on their laptop. The evaluation of the relevant course starts automatically on the end device.

Students answer the questions during the course in the lecture theatre or online at home. The evaluation takes approx. 3-5 minutes. The lecturers finish the evaluation after approx. 10-15 minutes.

Thank you
for your feedback!

The student will receive the direct link to the survey by e-mail.

The student clicks on the direct link to the questionnaire. The evaluation of the relevant course starts automatically on the end device.

The student gives feedback independent of time and place.
The evaluation takes approx. 3-5 minutes.

Thank you
for your feedback!

The teacher receives the paper questionnaires. During the course, the teacher distributes the paper questionnaires to the students and invites them to take part in the survey.

The students fill out the questionnaire during the course in the lecture theatre.

The teacher collects the questionnaires after approx. 10-15 minutes and sends them to the Office for Quality Assurance in Teaching.

Thank you
for your feedback!

Why is the course analysis important?

The course analysis is a standardised feedback tool with which you can give anonymous feedback on the courses you have attended.

In the free text fields, you can express your criticism, make specific requests and contribute ideas for future courses. You can let your lecturers know what you liked and where you see room for improvement. Feedback in your own words in the free text fields can provide additional encouragement for particularly competent and motivated lecturers and provide important information for further course planning.

Give feedback

Try to describe your perception clearly and concretely.

Explain the effect.

If you wish, formulate suggestions for improvement.

Your feedback should be constructive, precise and respectful.

Anonymity and data protection

The evaluations and analyses of the Office for Quality Management in Teaching are carried out in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.

All online surveys of the Office for Quality Management in Teaching, to which you are invited by e-mail, are carried out anonymously using an automatically generated code that authorises you to cast only one vote. The code that you receive by e-mail with the invitation enables you to access the survey securely and individually. There is no connection between the access code and your survey data. Of course, we also guarantee the anonymous processing of the collected data in surveys using the "online in presence" mode or in "paper surveys". All responses are anonymised, and the EvaSys software used ( guarantees the possibility of anonymous surveys.

It would only be theoretically possible to identify a specific person or their feedback by selecting certain combinations of characteristics (e.g. age, gender, semester, degree programme, etc.) in the raw data of the database, which is not accessible to either the lecturers or the administrators. The University of Innsbruck assures you that this option will not be used. As access to this data is not possible, no changes can be made to the evaluation at a later date if incorrect information is inadvertently provided. The automated report generation for the survey will only be started if the survey has been completed by at least three people.

Further information on data protection can be found here:

FAQs on analysing courses

The aim of the course analysis (LVA) is the continuous improvement of teaching at the University of Innsbruck. This evaluation serves both students and lecturers for quality assurance and further improvement of the teaching programme and the study situation. In this way, we contribute to the establishment of a feedback culture and to the continuous increase of quality awareness in teaching.

The evaluation of courses is legally regulated in the University Act and in the statutes of the University of Innsbruck.

By participating in the course, you take the opportunity to actively contribute to improving the teaching quality of a course. You yourself will not benefit from your suggestions and wishes for improving the course, as you will not usually attend the same course again. However, every piece of feedback contributes to the general improvement of teaching at your institute or faculty, from which you can benefit when attending future courses. In this way, you become part of the continuous development of teaching and study programmes.

All regularly attended courses should definitely be evaluated. This is particularly important to ensure that the systemic survey is balanced. Neither only particularly good nor conspicuously negative learning experiences should be reported back. Every course, even if it is not exceptional and neither positive nor negative, needs feedback and all teachers deserve feedback for the work they have done.

Eight faculties are subject to a mandatory full evaluation each academic year, meaning that all courses are evaluated. Lecturers from the remaining eight faculties can, however, take part in the course voluntarily at any time and this offer is frequently utilised.

The questionnaire used collects fundamental aspects of teaching quality: quantitative and qualitative feedback on the professional competence of the lecturers, the teaching of the subject matter, the content, structure and scope of the course, the framework conditions as well as student behaviour and student interest. Furthermore, general information from the participating students is also recorded. A separate questionnaire is used for courses with several lecturers; the questionnaire is available to students in German and English.

No, a questionnaire that has already been completed cannot be reopened and changed. Each of the links sent out to the online surveys can only be fully edited once. As all feedback is anonymised and stored in accordance with data protection regulations, no changes can be made to the feedback at a later date. If incorrect information is inadvertently provided, it cannot be changed at a later date.

Student feedback is analysed quantitatively and qualitatively after the evaluation and regularly forwarded to the relevant dean of studies. Feedback in your own words in the free text fields can provide additional encouragement for particularly competent and motivated lecturers and provide important information for further course planning.

All lecturers can decide for themselves whether to publish the course results for each course in LFU:online. The majority of lecturers decide in favour of publication, thus enabling students to view the results. In addition, the course results are regularly analysed quantitatively and qualitatively and reported to the dean of studies in order to ensure and improve the quality of teaching.

Most lecturers decide to publish the course results. Students can find these online with the lecturers under teaching evaluation: click on the relevant course in the course catalogue, click on the lecturer and then select teaching evaluation. You will then need a user name and password for the LFU:online login.

The online questionnaire is open for 14 days from receipt of the email and can only be completed once. If too few responses are generated within these two weeks, a reminder email is automatically sent to all students who have not yet taken part by this time. The survey will then be extended for a further seven days.

All surveys as well as the evaluations and analyses of the Office for Quality Assurance in Teaching are carried out in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. All feedback is anonymised; the EvaSys software used ( guarantees the possibility of anonymous surveys.

All online surveys of the Office for Quality Assurance in Teaching, to which students are invited by email, are carried out anonymously using an automatically generated code that authorises the submission of only one response. The code that students receive by email with the invitation enables secure and personalised access to the survey. There is no connection between the access code and the student's survey data.

Of course, we also guarantee the anonymous processing of the collected data for surveys using the "online in presence" mode or for "paper surveys".

It would only be theoretically possible to identify a specific person or their response by selecting certain combinations of characteristics (e.g. age, gender, semester, degree programme, etc.) in the raw data of the database, which is not accessible to either the lecturers or the administrators. The University of Innsbruck assures you that this option will not be used.

You have not received an answer to your questions?

Please contact the Office for Quality Management in Teaching:

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