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Networks – Universität Innsbruck

Networks and Platforms

International Learning Platform for Accountancy

The Erasmus+ strategic partnership ILPA was classified as a Good Practice Example. The strategic partnership was also nominated for the  Erasmus+ Award 2018.

As part of the EU Erasmus+ programme for education, youth and sport, Strategic Partnerships represent a new funding opportunity launched in 2014 to support sectoral and cross-sectoral cooperation between organizations active in the field of education. Four applications were approved across Austria in the higher education sector in 2014, including the strategic partnership “International Learning Platform for Accountancy”.

Erasmus plus logo

As part of the “International Learning Platform for Accountancy”, a teaching and learning concept in the field of accountancy was developed. A total of 10 universities were involved in the project. Intensive Study Programs were held annually over the course of the project, in which the developed teaching content and concepts were implemented with students from up to 13 different countries. The project proposal was prepared and submitted by the team from the Institute of Accounting, Taxation and Auditing at the University of Innsbruck under the leadership of Prof. Steckel and Dr. Graschitz. The international project team (nine partner universities) is delighted with the success of the application. The project was successfully completed on August 31, 2017. The project team will continue to use the developed concept in the courses and expects the project results to be widely disseminated.

Project results

You can download the results of the project from our Online Learning and Training Platform (OLAT). Use the “Guest access” button on the next page. 

Solutions and teaching materials: You can request access to the solutions and other teaching materials for the case studies using this form .

Intensive Study Programmes

  • 2017 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology, Kavala (Greece)

  • 2016 Universite de Bretagne-Sud, Vannes (France)

  • 2015 Corvinus University Budapest (Hungary)

Project meetings

  • 23.02. - 24.02.2017 in Timisoara (Romania)
  • 02.06. - 03.06.2016 in Vigo (Spain)
  • 11.02. - 12.02.2016 in Bournemouth (Great Britain)
  • 21.05. - 22.05.2015 in Vilnius (Lithuania)
  • 04.02. - 07.02.2015 in Nürnberg (Germany)
  • 02.10. - 05.10.2014 in Innsbruck

Innsbruck Project-Team

A.F.E.C.A - Accounting and Auditing Network

The A.F.E.C.A. is a network of European universities with a focus on “Accounting & Auditing”. Its aim is to enable students with a special focus on accounting and auditing to engage intensively with international developments in accounting and auditing and to exchange ideas and thoughts in these areas.

In line with this objective, an intensive annual event is held in which the participating universities, representatives of international associations (e.g. the Federation des Experts-Comptables Europeens (F.E.E.), representatives of regional and national professional associations and companies take part or provide support. Each conference will focus on a specific topic from the fields of accounting and/or auditing.

The A.F.E.C.A. Intensive Seminars (the predecessor of the current ILPA Intensive Study Program) took place in the following cities:

  • 2013 Brussels (Belgium)
  • 2012 Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • 2011 Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck (Austria)
  • 2010 Friedrich-Alexander-University, Nürnberg-Erlangen (Germany)
  • 2009 Universite de Bretagne-Sud, Vannes (France)
  • 2006 Valahia University, Targoviste (Romania)
  • 2005 Kavala (Greece)
  • 2004 Göttingen (Germany)
  • 2003 Paris (France)
  • 2002 Porto (Portugal)

Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics

As part of the EU Erasmus+ programme for education, youth and sport, strategic partnerships are a new funding opportunity launched in 2014 to support sectoral and cross-sectoral cooperation between organizations working in the field of education.

As a follow-up project to ILPA, the idea for the strategic partnership “Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics” was born in 2018. Following the submission by Bournemouth University in March, we received approval for the project at the beginning of July. Under the leadership of Bournemouth University, further innovative teaching concepts for the field of accountancy are to be developed over the next three years. The project is particularly innovative due to the integration of the areas of tax, accounting and valuation of financial instruments, auditing with and without IT support, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility reporting and ethical aspects of all these subject areas.

Due to the corona crisis, the project was extended until December 2021. The cases have now been finalized and are freely available for courses (Download Cases). Interested instructors can access the entire teaching and learning materials via the following link: Request Instructors.

Project meetings

  • Kavala (Greece), September 2018
  • Vigo (Spain), June 2019 
  • Timisoara (Romania),  May 2020 (online)
  • Bournemouth (England), May/June 2021 (online)

Intensive Study Programmes and Multiplier Events

1. ISP Bournemouth (England), September 2019

1. virtual ISP Innsbruck (Austria), September 2021

2. virtual ISP Budapest (Hungary), Oktober 2021

Final assessment of the experts

After the end of the project period and the completion of the three planned Intensive Study Programs, the Erasmus+ partnership received top marks. Overall, the project had been implemented very well and had achieved good results. By describing the project objectives of developing cognitive, interpersonal and practical skills for accounting graduates, the relevance was clearly demonstrated:

“Overall, this project was well delivered and achieved good results. The final report describes in a good way the relevance of the project by identifying the aims: develop cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, and practical skills for accountancy graduates.”

The good project management, clear use of the budget and the good presentation of teaching activities and student participant profiles were also highlighted.

“There is good information about the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the project monitoring and evaluation. Budget control and time management are well described. The information provided about the learning/teaching/training activities and the participants’ profiles is well defined, and there’s clear information about the selection and evaluation of the activities.”

The participating students also gave very positive feedback on the DIPCAT partnership and the Intensive Study Programs. They found the case studies to be very demanding and challenging and were able to take a lot away with them for their future professional life. In particular, the technical focus on digitalization and the use of various digital tools was viewed extremely positively.

During the project period of the DIPCAT partnership, the majority of the partner universities have already started the next Erasmus+-funded strategic partnership with STAMP-online. This means that students at the University of Innsbruck will also have the opportunity to take part in international Intensive Study Programs in the coming years. The next ISP as part of STAMP-online will take place in Innsbruck in July 2023.

Project consortium

  • BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY United Kingdom (Koordinator)
  • Universita' degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo Italy

Innsbruck Project team

Smart Teaching in Accounting – Meeting Place Online

The STAMP-online project is a project carried out by the AFECA consortium. STAMP-online is the catchy acronym for Smart Teaching in Accounting - Meeting Place Online. The STAMP-online project is a strategic partnership funded by ERASMUS+ (2020-1-RO01-KA203-080299) with a total budget of EUR 257,111.99. 

The buzzwords “volatility” and “digitalization” are often used to aptly describe today's world. The effects of digital change are far-reaching and affect data and interfaces as well as people and their experiences and working methods.

Studies report a potential threat to jobs in accounting due to advancing digitalization and highlight the need to integrate technological skills into curricula.

To address this highly topical issue at a European level and to address the concerns of students as future graduates and potential future employees in the field of accounting, the STAMP-online program was launched. The STAMP-online project is a project carried out by the AFECA consortium. STAMP-online is the catchy acronym for Smart Teaching in Accounting - Meeting Place Online.

The STAMP-online project is a strategic partnership funded by ERASMUS+ (2020-1-RO01-KA203-080299) with a total budget of EUR 257,111.99. The project is led by the partners of the West University of Timisoara (UVT) under the leadership of Prof. Ovidiu-Constantin Bunget and his team around Dr. Rodica Blidisel, Dr. Alina Almasan, Dr. Alin-Constantin Dumitrescu and Dr. Cristina Circa.

A total of 12 European universities are involved in the STAMP project. Sabine Graschitz, Rudolf Steckel, Irina Hosp and Simona Holzknecht are supervising the project on behalf of the University of Innsbruck. Online Transnational Project Meetings are held twice a year and a total of three Intensive Study Programs (ISPs) are planned.

Main Objective

The overarching goal of the STAMP-online program is to create an online platform to equip students and teachers with the skills and abilities that are in demand in the international accounting job market.

Further Objectives

Through comprehensive and innovative research, the relationship between research and practice will also be reshaped and strengthened.

Through the use of information technologies, an online platform will be implemented and tested to support students and teachers and to enable excellence in teaching and skills development.

Target group

The target group of the program are students from the partner universities, but teachers also benefit directly from the project.

Expected project results

  • A freely accessible international learning platform to facilitate training and teaching in the fields of accounting, tax and auditing and to create a virtual meeting place
  • A teaching concept for the optimal application and ideal use of case studies (problem-based learning (PBL)) based on a cooperative pedagogical approach
  • Case studies that cover current topics of digitalization and the use of digital technologies and deal in particular with the following areas Big Data and Audit, Digitalization and IFRS, Taxation in the Digital Economy, Non-Financial Information Statement, CSR and Ethics in the Digital Era
  • Research collaboration between companies, professional associations, universities and students
    A best practice guide for the application of innovative teaching methods in accounting with the aim of imparting key competencies and skills

Intensive Study Program

The first STAMP-online Intensive Study Program (ISP) took place virtually from 22 to 26 November 2021, the students' experience report can be accessed here. More detailed information on the first ISP

The second STAMP-online ISP took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, from July 10 to 15, 2022, as the first face-to-face event since 2019. This ISP was attended by 55 students and 22 professors from 11 different countries. Together, the students developed solutions for various case studies in the field of accounting and taxation related to the ongoing digitalization and presented their results. The stay at the ISM University of Management and Economics was rounded off by a varied leisure program, which included a trip to Trakai Castle and a farewell party. The program of the second ISP can be downloaded here.

Infos for students

By participating in the STAMP-online project, students gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of accounting, auditing and taxation and can also improve their skills and competencies with regard to digitalization and the use of information technologies. They are thus optimally prepared for the current requirements of the working world and their career entry.

Participation in the STAMP-online project is possible for students on the master's degree program in Accounting, Auditing & Taxation in their third semester in the auditing specialization. The number of students participating in the project on the part of the University of Innsbruck is limited each year. Usually between 10 and 15 Innsbruck students take part in the event. During the ISP (Intensive Study Program), students work in groups with students from other international partner universities to develop solutions to various case studies from the above-mentioned areas. Participation in the ISP is therefore intended to serve both the application of acquired knowledge and as a short-term experience abroad.

The next Intensive Study Program (ISP) will take place in Innsbruck in July 2023, and we look forward to welcoming many international students and lecturers from the various partner universities. This is of course subject to a stable situation regarding COVID 19.

Project partner

Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, Great Britain

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest, Hungary

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany

Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Porto, Portugal

International Hellenic University, Kavala Campus, Kavala, Greece

ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania

Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, Austria

Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy

Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, Spain

Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania

Université de Bretagne-Sud, Vannes, France

Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Technolgiko Ekpedeftiko Idrima Anatolikis Makedonias & Thrakis, Kavala, Greece

Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunaus, Lithuania

Project team in Innsbruck

Further information about the project and some initial impressions can be found on their homepage, Facebook, Instagram and the Erasmus+ website.

Intensive Study Programme 2023 in Innsbruck

As part of the STAMP-online project Smart Teaching in Accounting - Meeting Place Online (STAMP-online), the third Intensive Study Program (ISP) was held from July 2-8, 2023 in Innsbruck at the Leopold-Franzens University, where we welcomed many international students and lecturers from various partner universities.

Around 140 participants from 13 different countries were welcomed for this event.Intensive Study Programs

The three ISPs can be seen as the annual highlight of the project, in which several students from the partner universities take part. Students work in international groups on case studies on the topics of digitalization in IFRS financial reporting, international taxation, non-financial reporting and auditing. In addition to the professional added value, participants have the opportunity to get to know new cultures and exchange ideas with other students.

The ISPs thus enable students to:

  • Improve key accounting competencies and skills by applying dynamic and interactive methods of constructive learning in their learning process.
  • Improve their understanding of spoken and written English through listening and interacting in solving various problems in international groups.
  • Direct contact with real-world case studies.
  • Solving a practical case proposed by companies/professional organizations.
  • Expanding their network.
  • Utilizing a variety of digital tools and software through the strategic use of open educational resources and virtual learning platforms.
  • An orientation/career guidance and guidance on methods/tools through the research conducted, which is useful to make the right decisions.
  • Working in an international environment of higher education institutions and other stakeholders to promote regional development and cross-sectoral cooperation to share experiences and create new links between different educational sectors and international practice using digital tools and software.

In 2021, the Western University in Timisoara (Romania) organized the first Intensive Study Program from 22-26 November, which was held virtually due to Covid-19 regulations. The second STAMP-online ISP took place as the first face-to-face event since 2019 from July 10-15, 2022 in Vilnius (Lithuania) at ISM University.

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