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Research – Universität Innsbruck


ACINN is devoted to basic research in the areas of weather forecasting, mountain meteorology, earth atmosphere interactions and ice-climate relations. Our research activity is largely supported by third-party funding. We investigate the atmosphere and the cryosphere – and their interaction – through theoretical and conceptional approaches, experimental means and numerical modeling. Detailed information on specific research themes can be found for each of the Research Units below.

Innsbruck from above

Atmo­s­phe­ric Dyna­mics

The Dynamics group at ACINN is mainly concerned with aspects of dynamical processes in mountainous areas.


Atmo­s­phe­ric Phy­sics and Che­mi­stry

The Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry group at ACINN studies air pollution and surface-atmosphere exchange processes of air pollutants

Mountains and ice

Ice and Cli­mate

The Ice and Climate group combines the expertise of accurately monitoring glaciological an meteorological processes, as well the competence

Birds flying over mountains

Atmo­s­phe­ric Tur­bu­lence

Turbulence is the main mechanism of exchange of mass, energy and momentum between the Earth surface and the overlying atmosphere and thus of vital importance across many disciplines.

Birds flying over mountains

Rese­arch Pro­gramme

TEAMx is an international research programme and experiment, which aims at better understanding, describing and modeling exchange processes between mountainous terrain and the atmosphere. ACINN hosts its programme coordination office.

Birds flying over mountains


TEAMx-UIBK is the contribution of the University of Innsbruck, and especially of ACINN, to the TEAMx programme and experiment.


Atmospheric Dynamics:Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias ROTACH

Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry:Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Thomas KARL

Ice and Climate: Dr. Lindsey NICHOLSON

Atmospheric Turbulence: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ivana STIPERSKI

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