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LSU Lecture Series _ Carol Monticelli: Assessing the sustainability of lightweight materials for membrane architecture – Universität Innsbruck

Assessing the sustainability of lightweight materials for membrane architecture _ LSU Lecture Series

Welcome to the lectures series 2023/24 at LSU, the Lightweight Structures Unit, Faculty of Architecture, Universität Innsbruck hosted by Professor Günther H. Filz.


Carol Monticelli is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture Built Environment and Construction Engineering at POLIMI for the discipline of the Architectural Technology, architect and PhD in Technology and design for environmental quality on a building and urban scale. She carries out research activities with the POLIMI Textile Architecture Network, within the interdepartmental Textiles Hub laboratory. Her research activity is devoted to investigating the issues of eco-sustainable design of buildings and the environmental impact in construction, with particular attention to the assessment of the environmental impacts of materials and technologies in the various phases of building process.

This lecture will cover the key topics of environmental impacts of ultra-lightweight structures used in architecture, from raw materials, production, transport, use and disposal and sustainable strategies.

⦁    Advantages and limits of Membranes as construction system and their Lightness
⦁    Less matter, material and energy saving?
⦁    The life cycle of membranes: from cradle to cradle/reuse/recycling
⦁    Some updates on PFAS restriction of fluoropolymers
⦁    Tendencies, challenges, the sustainability and life cycle of Contemporary Tensile Structures in Europe will also exposed.

For online participation, please Click Here to join the lecture.

Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Design
Lightweight Structures Unit
Technikerstrasse 21c, 1st Floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria  

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