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Francesca Talamini – Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Francesca Talamini, Ph.D.

Universitätsassistentin - PostDoc

Fachbereich Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Differentielle Psychologie und Diagnostik

Universitätsstraße 5-7 (Grauer Bär)
Postadresse: Universitätssstraße 15
Raum: 4W11 (4. Stock)

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung

em@il: Francesca.Talamini [at] uibk [dot] ac [dot] at
Telefon: +43 (0)512 507-56053


master thesis supervisions / internships

Please check out the website linked above for details about availability and application guidelines

Research Interests

Music psychology:

  • Music expertise and cognitive skills
  • Music aptitude
  • Music emotions
  • Contour perception


  • Working memory
  • Relationship between working memory and perception 


  • Replication studies
  • Meta-analysis


  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Feller, A., Gerstgrasser, S., Henning, H. (in press). Accuracy and Stability of Musical Tempo Memory and the Role of Music Expertise. Music Perception, 41(1)
  • Tillmann, B., Graves, J. E., Talamini, F., Leveque, J., Fornoni, L., Hoarau, C., … & Caclin, A., (2023). Auditory cortex and beyond: Deficits in congenital amusia. Hearing Research, 108855.
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauss, H., Zentner, M. (2022). A Prospective Study of Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Dispositional Vulnerabilities and External Stressors. Journal of Personality.
  • Martini, M., Wasmeier, J. R., Talamini, F., Huber, S. E., & Sachse, P. (2022). Wakeful resting and listening to music contrast their effects on verbal long-term memory in dependence on word concreteness. Cognitive research: principles and implications7(1), 1-14.
  • Talamini, F., Eller, G., Vigl, J., Zentner, M. (2022). Musical emotions affect memory for emotional pictures. Scientific Reports.12(1), 1-8. 
  • Vigl, J., Strauss, H., Talamini, F., Zentner, M. (2022). Relationship Satisfaction in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-National Examination of Situational, Dispositional, and Relationship Factors. PLOS ONE 17(3): e0264511.
  • Talamini, F., Vigl, J., Doerr, E., Grassi, M., Carretti, B. (2022). Auditory and Visual Mental Imagery in Musicians and Nonmusicians. Musicae Scientiae.
  • Blain, S., Talamini, F., Fornoni, L., Bidet-Caulet, A., Caclin, A. (2022). Shared cognitive resources between memory and attention during sound sequence encoding. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 
  • Ginzburg, J., Moulin, A., Fornoni, L., Talamini, F., Tillmann, B., Caclin, A. (2021). Development of auditory cognition in 5- to 10-year-old children: focus on musical and verbal short-term-memory. Developmental Science.
  • Talamini, F., Blain, S., Ginzburg, J., Houix, O., Bouchet, P., Grassi, M., Tillmann, B., Caclin (2021). Auditory and visual short-term memory: Influence of material type, contour, and musical expertise. Psychological Research, 1-22.
  • Talamini, F., Grassi, M., Toffalini, E., Santoni, R., & Carretti, B. (2018). Learning a second language: Can music aptitude or music training have a role?. Learning and Individual Differences64, 1-7.
  • Bruzzi, E., Talamini, F., Priftis, K., & Grassi, M. (2017). A SMARC Effect for Loudness. i-Perception8(6), 2041669517742175.
  • Talamini, F., Altoè, G., Carretti, B., & Grassi, M. (2017). Musicians have better memory than nonmusicians: A meta-analysis. PloS one12(10), e0186773.
  • Talamini, F., Carretti, B., & Grassi, M. (2016). The working memory of musicians and nonmusicians. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal34(2), 183-191.

Conference Contributions / presentations

  • Poster, August 2022: "Musical emotions affect memory for emotional pictures". Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Lille (France).
  • Talk, May 2022: "Musical emotions influence what we remember". Pint of Science Festival, Innsbruck (Austria).
  • Poster, July 2021: "Auditory and visual short-term memory in musicians and nonmusicians: influence sensory modality, material type and contour".  International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition ICMPC-ESCOM. Online.
  • Poster, June 2019: “Shared and distinct mechanisms in auditory and visual short-term memory: Influence of material type, contour, and musical expertise”. The dynamic and flexible nature of memory, Lyon (France). 
  • Talk, June 2017: “The Working Memory of Musicians and Nonmusicians”. Music, Language, & Cognition Summer School, Como (Italy).
  • Talk, February 2017: “Musicians have a better memory than nonmusicians: a meta-analysis”. Cognitive Science Arena, Brixen (Italy). 
  • Talk, November 2016: "Musicians have a better memory than nonmusicians: a meta-analysis". The Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste (Italy).
  • Poster, September 2016: "Do musicians have better memory than nonmusicians? A meta-analysis". AIP Experimental Psychology National Meeting, Rome (Italy).
  • Talk, September 2016: “Musicians have Better Memory than Nonmusicians. A Meta-analysis”. EWOMS, Liège (Belgium).
  • Talk, February 2016: "The Working Memory of Musicians and Nonmusicians". Cognitive Science Arena, Brixen (Italy).
  • Talk, September 2015: "Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Working Memory in Musicians and Nonmusicians". AIP Experimental Psychology National Meeting, Rovereto (italy).

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