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News and Events – Universität Innsbruck

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News & Events 

Upcoming Events/Rigorosum

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last activities:



DK CIM Summer School 2024 in the University Center Obergurgl 
2-days workshop for students
2-days exchange with supervisor and scientific advisory board

preliminary Programm


DP DOCC + DK CIM Seminar (8:30 - 19:00)


Rigorosum   Name

Thesis title



13.05.2024, 15:30, room 8/18, Victor Franz Hess building

  Margot Boughelilba

Multimessenger, multi-wavelength emission from low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei

Astro- and Particle Physics

Anita Reimer

05.04.2024, 10:00
HS B9, Technik

  Thi Tam Dang

Modified splitting methods for convection-diffusion-reaction problems


Alexander Ostermann
22.03.2024, 11:00
HS B6, Technik
  Miriam Chillemi


Applied Mechanics Section

Christoph Adam
08.03.2024, 14:30 HS 11, Technik
  Simon Göppel

Translation Invariant Frames, Regularisation and Deep Learning for Inverse Problems


Markus Haltmeier
16.11.2023, 10:00,
SR Mathematics, 7th floor
  Alexander Moriggl

Efficient parallel algorithms for modern GPU-equipped high-performance computing systems


lukas Einkemmer
03.11.2023, 12:00, L.01.220 at the CCB   Nancy Pomarici

Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Evolutionary Analysis to drive Rational Design of Monoclonal Antibodies

General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry

Klaus Liedl

09.03.2023, 10:00, SR 3/36

  Shokirbek Shermukhamedov

Molecular Dynamics of Plasma - Surface Interactions with Machine Learned Potential Energy Functions

Ion Physics and Applied Physics Michael Probst


22. - 26.05.2023

DP DOCC + DK CIM Spring School 2023 in the University Center Obergurgl 



Event Chronicle


Event Chronicle 2022

17. - 21.07.2022

DP DOCC + DK CIM Summer School 2022 in the University Center Obergurgl



"Virtual DOCC/CIM Winter Seminar 2022" 

Second virtual meeting of DOCC and CIM-researchers.

Event Chronicle 2021

26. - 30.07.2021

DP DOCC + DK CIM Summer School 2021 in the University Center Obergurgl



A warm welcome to our last international PhD researcher to complete the team of 15 DOCC Fellows

We warmly welcome Mr. Jeremy (Zhenghao) Yan (China), who is working in the Department of Infrastructure, Environmental Engineering Section.   


Welcome to our new PhD researcher

We warmly welcome Mr. Alkmin Nasser (Brazil), who is working in the Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis.


A warm welcome to our new  international PhD researcher

 We warmly welcome Ms. Harpreet Kaur (India), who is working in the Bio-Nano-Physics group.


"Virtual DOCC/CIM Winter Seminar 2021" 

First virtual meeting of DOCC and CIM-researchers. Thank you for your contributions!


We welcome our new  international PhD researcher

We warmly welcome Ms. Miriam Chillemi (Italy),  who is working in the group of applied mechanics.

Event Chronicle 2020


A warm welcome to our new  international PhD researchers

We warmly welcome Mr. Simon Göppel (Germany),  who is working in the group of applied mathematics and Mr. Samadrita Karmakar (India), who is working in the group of material technologies.


We welcome our new international PhD researcher

We warmly welcome Ms. Nancy Pomaricy (Italy),  who is working at the institute of general, inorganic and theoretical chemistry.


A warm welcome to our new PhD researcher

We warmly welcome Ms. Elham Ghavidel from our first call, who finally managed to arrive from Iran. She is working in the nano-bio-physics group.


We welcome our new  international PhD researchers

We warmly welcome Ms. Dang-Thi Tham (Vietnam) and Mr. Alexander Moriggl (Italy) who are both working in the numerical analysis group as well as Mr. Victor Daropolous (Greece), who is working in the interactive graphics and simulation group, and Mr Shokirbek A. Shermukhamedov (Uzbekistan) from the group of numerical chemistry.

03. - 07.02.2020

Winter School 2020: A warm welcome to the new international PhD researchers

Campus Technik, UZE Obergurgl: The first winterschool attended by the new PhD researchers provided insight to the HPC/visualisation infrastructure at the Universität Innsbruck, a broad range of invited talks on computational modelling and training on communication skills as well as the possibility to socialise (see the programme folder).


Welcome our 2nd & 3rd of 15 international PhD researchers

We warmly welcome Ms Margot Boughelilba (France) & Mr Stefan-Tiberiu Kis (Romania) to Innsbruck as our 2nd & 3rd DOCC early stage researchers, who are starting work in the theoretical high energy astrophysics and the computational astroparticle physics groups!


Welcome our first of 15 international PhD researchers

We warmly welcome Mr Giorgos Bagiatis (Greece / UK) to Innsbruck as our first DOCC early stage researcher, who is starting work in the atmospheric science group!

Event Chronicle 2019 


Interviews with short-listed candidates (1st call)

We are now conducting interviews with short-listed candidates who have received outstanding results from our expert evaluations of their applications.


Joint Kick-off Event DP ARDRE & DP DOCC

The two EU MSCA Doctoral Programmes DOCC and ARDRE at University of Innsbruck celebrate their official joint kick-off event with all members and the rectorate of the university.


Processing of applications by management team and committees (1st call)

The valid applications are being processed by the management team, collecting the reference letters and organizing the external reviews and committees. We thank all members of the Advisory Board, the Recruitment Committee and the Appeal Committee, and all honorary external reviewers for their work and great commitments!


189 applications from 38 nationalities (1st call)

The first call for applications has been closed after expiration of the application deadline. We have received 189 applications from 38 nationalities. All valid applications are being sent out to external review. If necessary, a second call may be launched in the beginning of 2020.


Launch of first call for applications

The first call for applications for our 15 PhD positions is launched at Euraxess, in several media and on various job and networking web sites. The deadline for applications is set to September 10.


"Pre Kick-Off" and 1st call Launch Event

We celebrate the upcoming launch of the first call for applications with an information event for all DP DOCC members, university stakeholders, extra-sectoral mentors, and with members of the partner programme ARDRE.


COFUND Beneficiary Day

Project coordinator Alexander Kendl is participating at the EU COFUND Beneficiary's day in Brussels and meeting with our COFUND project officers.


Start of project: DP DOCC welcomes the management team

The DP DOCC project officially starts in June 2019, and the management team takes up its work. We welcome Heide, Irene and Eduard to the team. Our new programme website (short link: is launched.


DOCC / EU Grant Agreement

The Grant Agreement No. 847476 for the DP DOCC MSCA Doctoral Programme has been signed by the EU and the University of Innsbruck.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847476.

Co-funded by the European Union

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