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Remus Ulrich – Universität Innsbruck


Ulrich Remus

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Remus
Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Digitale Gesellschaft

Zimmer: w 3.08

Tel.: +43 (512) 507 - 73240
Fax: +43 (512) 507 - 73399


Akademischer Werdegang:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Remus übernahm zum Wintersemester 2012 eine Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik der Universität Innsbruck und leitet seit April 2014 den Bereich ‚Digital Society‘. Davor war er Senior Lecturer (=Associate Professor) an der University of Canterbury in Neuseeland, zuletzt stellvertretender Forschungsdirektor des dortigen College of Business and Economics, sowie Direktor des Postgraduate Studies Commitees des ACIS Departments. Nach dem Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität Bamberg arbeitete er für knapp drei Jahre als Unternehmensberater bei Mummert & Partner, vor allem in Prozessmanagement und Datawarehousing-Projekten. Weitere Stationen führten Ihn an die Universität Regensburg (Promotion zum Thema prozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement), Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Habilitation zum Thema IT Management) sowie als Gastwissenschaftler an die School of Information Management der Victoria University of Wellington, NZ.

Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind IS-Projektmanagement und -kontrolle, algorithmisches Management, digitale Arbeit und negative Auswirkungen von IS auf Individuum und Gesellschaft. Er präsentiert regelmäßig auf namhaften internationalen Konferenzen, wie ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, ACIS, AMCIS, und Wirtschaftsinformatik. Seine Arbeiten sind in den führenden IS Zeitschriften publiziert bzw. zur Publikation angenommen, wie z.B. MIS Quarterly und Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology und anderen. Er ist regelmäßig als Track Chair und Associate Editor für führende Konferenzen, wie z.B. ICIS und ECIS, sowie als Mitglied des Editorial Boards von Information & Management tätig. Seine Arbeiten wurden über 2000-mal zitiert und mit Preisen und Nominierungen ausgezeichnet, z. B. bei ICIS und HICSS.

Derzeit leitet er das vom FWF geförderte Forschungsprojekt "Understanding Gig Workers Resistance to Algorithmic Control" (ReACt), (2021-2024, 326.782 Euro).

Außerdem ist er Lead Autor des APCC Assessment Reports zum Klimawandel in Österreich im Hinblick auf das Thema 'Digitalisierung in der Kreislaufwirtschaft' (2022- 2025, ~2 Millionen Euro).



Kontrolle und Koordination von IT-Projekten
Unbeabsichtigte Folgen des Einsatzes von Informationssystemen


(Hinweis: Verwendung der Publikationen (PDFs) nur für den persönlichen, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch. Eine weitere Verteilung der PDFs ist nicht gestattet.)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
  • Figl, Kathrin; Remus, U. (2023): The Smarter Screen? – Thinking, Fast and Slow, on Digital Devices.
    Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 40, No. 2, 580-623, doi:10.1080/07421222.2023.2196769.
  • Waizenegger, L., Remus, U.; Maier, R.; Kolb, D. (2023): Did you get my Email?! – Leveraging boundary work tactics to safeguard connectivity boundaries. Journal of Information Technology, online first, doi:10.1177/02683962231175924.
  • Wiener, M.; Cram, A.; Remus, U.; Mähring, M. (2023): Control-style choices and performance impacts: How should senior IS managers enact control over uncertain IS projects? Decision Support Systems, Volume 167, 113915, doi:10.1016/j.dss.2022.113915.
  • Figl, K.; Kießling, S.; Remus, U. (2023): Do symbol and device matter? The effects of symbol choice of fake news flags and device on human interaction with fake news on social media platforms. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 144, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2023.107704.
  • Benlian, A.; Wiener, M.; Cram, A. ; Krasnova, H.; Maedche, A.; Möhlmann, M.; Recker, J. ; Remus, U. (2022): Algorithmic Management. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 825–839, doi:10.1007/s12599-022-00764-w.
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M.; Saunders, C; Mähring, M. (2020): The Impact of Control Styles and Control Modes on Individual-level Outcomes: A First Test of the Integrated IS Project Control Theory. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, 134-152, doi:10.1080/0960085X.2020.1718008.
  • Wiener, M. S.; Mähring, M.; Remus, U.; Saunders, C.; Cram, W. A. (2019): Moving IS Project Control Research into the Digital Era: The ‘Why’ of Control and the Concept of Control Purpose. Information Systems Research, Vol. 30, No.4, 1387–1401.
  • Mähring, M.; Wiener, M. S.; Remus, U. (2018): Getting the Control Across: Control Transmission in Information Systems Offshoring Projects. Information Systems Journal, Vol. 28, No.4, 708 – 728.
  • Wiener, M. S.; Mähring, M.; Remus, U.; Saunders, C. (2016):Control Configuration and Control Enactment in Information Systems Projects: Review and Expanded Theoretical Framework. MIS Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 3, 741-774.
    European Research Paper of the Year Nominee, CIONET (
  • Wiener, M.; Remus, U.; Heumann, J.; and Mähring, M. (2015): The Effective Promotion of Informal Control in Information Systems Offshoring Projects. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 24, No. 6, 569-587, doi: 10.1057/ejis.2014.16.
  • Heumann, J.; Wiener, M.; Remus, U.; and Mähring, M. (2015): To Coerce or to Enable? Exercising Formal Control in a Large Information Systems Project. Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 30, No. 4, 337-351, doi:10.1057/jit.2014.11.
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M. (2012): The Amount of Control in IS Offshoring Projects. Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1-26.
  • Remus, U. (2012): Exploring the Dynamics Behind KM Challenges – an ERP Case Study. Information Systems Management, Vol. 29, No. 3, 188-200.
  • Stuart, L.; Mills, A.; Remus, U. (2011): Breaking the Ice: Organizational Culture and the Implementation of a Student Management System. Journal of Cases in Information Technology, Vol.13, No. 1, 1-13.
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M. (2010): A Multi-method, Holistic Strategy for Researching Critical Success Factors in IT Projects. Information Systems Journal, Vol.20, No.1, 25-52. Published online Dec. 2008: DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2575.2008.00324.x.
  • Stuart, L.; Mills, A.; Remus, U. (2009): School leaders, ICT Competence and Championing Innovations. Computers & Education, Vol.53, No. 3, 733–741.
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M. (2009): Critical Success Factors for Managing Offshore Software Development Projects. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol.12, No. 1, January 2009, 6-29.
  • Remus, U. (2007): Critical Success Factors for implementing Enterprise Portals - a Comparison with ERP systems. Business Process Management Journal, Vol.13, No. 4, 538 - 552.
  • Remus, U. (2006): Okujava, S.: Economics of Enterprise Portals. IT–information technology, Vol.48, No. 2, 99-111 (in German).
  • Amberg, M.; Remus, U.; Böhn, M. (2004): Development of Enterprise Portals. WISU, das Wirtschaftsstudium, No.5, 658-665 (in Deutsch).
  • Remus, U.; Schub, S. (2003): A Blueprint for the Implementation of Process-oriented Knowledge Management. Journal of Process and Knowledge Management, Vol.10, No.4, 237-253.
  • Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2003): Implementing Process-oriented Knowledge Management Strategies. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol.7, No.4, 62-74.
  • Amberg, M.; Remus, U.; Böhn, M. (2003): Doing Business with Enterprise Portals. WISU, das Wirtschaftsstudium, No.11, 1394-1399 (in Deutsch).
  • Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2002):
    Defining Process-oriented Knowledge Management Strategies. Journal of Process and Knowledge Management, Vol.9, No.2, 103-118.
  • Bredl, K.; Paur, J.; Remus, U.; Lehner, F.; Locher, C. (2002): Knowledge Management in the Semiconductor Industry. WISU, das Wirtschaftsstudium, No.11, 1442-1444 (in Deutsch).
Beitrag auf Konferenzen und Workshops
  • Weber, M.; Remus, U.; Geiger, M.; DeJong, A. (2023): Revealing the Voices of Resistance: A Q-Methodology Study on Platform Workers in the Gig Economy. Proceedings of the 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2023), 18. – 21.9. 2023, Paderborn, Germany.

  • Weber, M.; Remus, M.; DeJong, A. (2023): From Apathy to Algoactivism: The Escalation of Worker Resistance to Algorithmic Control in Food Delivery. Proceedings of the 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2023), 18. – 21.9. 2023, Paderborn, Germany.

  •  Weber, M.; DeJong, A.; Remus, U. (2023): Opaque Overwatch: How Food-Delivery Workers Make Sense of Algorithmic Management in the Gig Economy. Abstract in Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM 2023), August 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

  • Geiger, M.; Dinh, H.; Remus, U. (2023) "Constantly Distracted . Understanding how Users Cope with Smartphone Distractions. Proceedings of the 31. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Kristiansand, Norway.

  • Weber, M.; Remus, U.; Pregenzer, M (2022):
    A New Era of Control: Understanding Algorithmic Control in the Gig Economy.
    Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2022, Copenhagen, DK (accepted).
  • Virag, Peter; Bernroider, Edward; Remus, Ulrich (2022):
    Neither Agents nor Stewards: Proposing Signaling Theory to Explain Agile Information Systems Development Control.
    Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2022.
  • Santiago-Walser, R.; De Jong, A.; Remus, U. (2022):
    The Good, the Bad, and the Missing: topic modeling analysis of user feedback on digital wellbeing features.
    Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Science HICSS 2022, IEEE Computer Society, Hawaii.
  • Pregenzer, M.; Wieser, F.; Santiago-Walser, R.; Remus, U. (2021):
    Obscure oversight: opacity drives sensemaking and resistance behavior in algorithmic management.
    Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2021, Austin, USA.
    nominated for the best theory paper
  • Kießling, S.; Figl, K.; Remus, U. (2021):
    Human experts or artificial intelligence? algorithm aversion in fake news detection.
    Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2021.
  • Pregenzer, M.; Remus, U.; Wiener, M. (2021):
    Algorithms in the driver’s seat: explaining workers’ reaction to algorithmic control.
    Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2021.
  • Santiago Walser, R.; Remus, U. (2021):
    Nudging vs. boosting: designing self-monitoring features for digital wellbeing apps.
    Proceedings of the 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2021.
  • Virag, P; Bernroider, E.; Remus, U. (2021):
    Agile IS development control: an analysis of four different scenarios and their control implications.
    Proceedings of the 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2021.
  • Virag, P.; Bernroider, E.; Remus, U. (2021):
    A preliminary analysis of communication methods in agile IS development for controlling information asymmetry.
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Resources Management Conf-IRM 2021.
  • Pregenzer, M.; Remus, U.; Wiener, M. (2020):
    When Market Meets Bureaucracy: Toward an Integrative Framework of Technology-Mediated Control in the Gig Economy.
    Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2020.
  • Remus, U.; Waizenegger, L.; Dippold, P. (2020):
    Stay connected wherever you go - An instrument to measure connectivity.
    Proceedings der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik WI 2020, Potsdam.
  • Remus, U.; Pregenzer, M.; Wiener, M. (2019):
    Control Style Matters: Improving Control Agreement and Transmission in Internal Information Systems Development Projects.
    Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2019, Stockholm, Sweden. .
  • Gruber, M.; Sarigianni, C.; Geiger, M.; Remus, Ulrich (2018):
    Do you plead connected? - Understanding How Lawyers Deal With Constant Connectivity.
    Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 HICSS 2018, Hawaii.
  • Wiener, M. S.; Cram, W. A.; Remus, U. (2017):
    The View From the Top – How Senior Executives Exercise Control Over Information Systems Projects to Enhance Performance.
    Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2017, Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Geiger, M.; Waizenegger, L.; Treasure-Jones, T.; Sarigianni, C.; Maier, R.; Thalmann, S.; Remus, U. (2017):
    Not just another type of resistance –towards a deeper understanding of supportive non-use.
    Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2017, Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Sarigianni, C; Waizenegger, L.; Geiger, M.; Remus, U. (2017):
    “WE NEED TO TALK!” -Project Teams Dealing With Low Connectivity.
    Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2017, Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Geiger, M., Waizenegger, L., Remus, U., Wingreen, S. (2016):
    From pragmatist to passenger – a Q methodological study of connectivity types.
    Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M.; Saunders, C; Mähring, M.; Kofler, M. (2016):
    Control Modes Versus Control Styles: Investigating ISD Project Control Effects at the Individual Level.
    Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2016, Dublin. Ireland.
    Best theory paper runner up
  • Waizenegger, L., Thalmann, S., Sarigianni, C., Eckhardt, A., Kolb, D., Maier, R., Remus, U. (2016):
    From isolation to collaboration - how the increasing diffusion of mobile devices has changed practices of knowledge sharing in non-office settings.
    Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Waizenegger, L., Remus, U., Maier, R. (2016):
    The Social Media Trap - How Knowledge Workers Learn to Deal with Constant Social Connectivity.
    49th Hawaii International Conference on System Science HICSS 2016. IEEE Computer Society, Hawaii.
    Nominiert für den Best Paper Award
  • Remus, U.; Wiener, M. S.; Mähring, M.; Saunders, C.; Cram, W. A. (2015):
    Why Do You Control? The Concept of Control Purpose and Its Implications for IS Project Control Research.
    Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2015, Fort Worth, USA.
  • Waizenegger, L.; Remus, U.; Maier, R. (2014):
    Connectivity Changes: Why Do Project Team Members Shift between Different States of Connectivity?
    Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2014, August 7-10, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
  • Stuart, L; Mills, A.; Remus, U. (2013):
    The Dynamics of Cultural Change in an Enterprise Systems Implementation.
    Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • Kohlegger, M.; Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2013):
    Freedom of Choice: Perspectives on Personal Workspaces.
    Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • Heumann, J.; Wiener, M.; Remus, U. (2012):
    Power Distance in Information Systems Offshoring Projects - A Control Theory Perspective.
    Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA.
  • Todorova, N.; Remus, U.; Cragg, P. (2012):
    KM Value Creation: Evidence from a Case.
    Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2012, 3-5 Dec 2012, Geelong, Australia.
  • Wiener, M; Remus, U.; Maehring, M. (2012):
    Do Formal Controls Enhance the Effects of Informal Controls on IS Offshoring Project Performance?
    Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2011):
    Guiding Situational Applications from a Structuration Perspective.
    Proceedings of the 21th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2011, Sydney, Australia.
  • Wiener, M; Remus, U.; Maehring, M.; Gregory, R. (2011):
    Control Perception Differences in IS Offshoring Projects: Conceptualization and Empirical Test of Performance Impact.
    Proceedings of the 6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management IRWITPM 2011, Shanghai, China.
  • Heumann, J.; Wiener, M.; Remus, U. (2011):
    The Role of Cultural Differences and Cultural Intelligence in Controlling IS Offshoring Projects: A Theoretical Model.
    Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2011, Detroit, USA.
  • Wen, C.; Remus, U.; Mills, A. (2011):
    Understanding and Addressing User Resistance to IS Implementation in a Lean Context.
    Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2011, June 9-11, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Hartmann, R.; Wiener, M.; Remus, U. (2011):
    Dynamics of the Amount of Control in Offshore Software Development Projects.
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI 2011, Zurich.
  • Heumann, J.; Wiener, M.; Remus, U. (2011):
    The Impact of National Culture on Control in IS Offshoring Projects.
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI 2011, Zurich (outstanding paper nomination).
  • Hartmann, R., Wiener, M., Remus, U. (2011):
    The Amount of Control in Offshore Software Development Projects – The Investigation of Ten Projects.
    Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-44, January 4-7, Hawaii.
  • Vanderklei, M.; Remus, U., Nesbit, T.; Wiener, M. (2010):
    The Use of Controls for Managing Risk across different Stages of an ERP Project.
    Proceedings of the 21th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2010, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Stuart, L.; Mills, A.; Remus, U. (2010):
    The Influence of Culture during the Stages of ERP Implementations.
    Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2010, July 9-12 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Remus, U.; Maier, R. (2009):
    Knowledge Service Governance - Guiding lightweight composition of knowledge services.
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies I-KNOW 2009, September 2-4 2009, Graz, Austria.
  • Remus, U.; Suraweera, T. (2007):
    Dynamics of Knowledge Leverage in ERP Implementation.
    Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2007, December 5-7, Toowoomba, Qld, Australia.
  • Okujava S.; Remus, U. (2006):
    Towards a framework for a continuous IT investment valuation.
    Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2006, June 12-14, Göteburg, Sweden.
  • Remus, U. (2006):
    Critical Success Factors of Implementing Enterprise Portals.
    Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-39, January 4-7, Kauai, Hawaii.
  • Amberg, M.; Möller, S.; Remus, U. (2005):
    Employee's Acceptance of Process Innovations: An Action Research Approach.
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Business ICEB 2005, December 5-9, Hong Kong, China.
  • Lehmann, H.P.; Berger, S.; Remus, U.; Lehner, F. (2005):
    Towards a Functional Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management – The Example of a University Portal’.
    Proceedings of the Eleventh Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2005, August 11-14, Omaha, USA, 1724-1732.
  • Remus, U. (2005):
    State-of-the-Art of Implementing Enterprise Portals - a Portal Integrator’s Perspective.
    Proceedings of IBIMA 2005, July 5-7, Lissabon, Portugal, 455-460.
  • Berger, S.; Lehmann, H.; Remus, U. (2005):
    U- KNOW – An Example of a Mobile Portal for Knowledge Management.
    Proceedings of the 5. Konferenz Mobile Commerce Technologien und Anwendungen MCTA 2005, Jan 31-Feb 2,Augsburg, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-59, 101-116.
  • Berger, S.; Lehmann, H.; Remus, U. (2003):
    Location-orientation in process-oriented Knowledge Management: Workshop “Location-Oriented Knowledge Management: Current State and Future Directions”.
    Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2003, November 26-28, Perth, WA, Australia.
  • Amberg, M.; Remus, U.; Wehrmann, J. (2003):
    Nutzung von Kontextinformationen zur evolutionären Weiterentwicklung mobiler Dienste.
    Proceedings of the annual conference “Informatik 2003“, Workshop „Mobility and Knowledge“, Sep 29– Oct 2, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Amberg, M.; Holzner, J.; Remus, U. (2003):
    Portal-Engineering - Anforderungen an die Entwicklung komplexer Unternehmensportale.
    Proceedings of the 6. International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik WI 2003, September 17-19, Dresden, Germany, 795-817.
  • Remus, U.; Schub, S. (2003):
    Referenzmodellierung im prozessorientierten Wissensmanagement.
    Proceedings für die 2. Konferenz für Professionelles Wissensmanagement- Erfahrungen und Visionen PWM 2003, April 2-4, Luzern, Switzerland.
  • Remus, U. (2001):
    Integrierte Prozess- und Kommunikationsmodellierung als Ausgangspunkt für die Verbesserung von wissensintensiven Geschäftsprozessen.
    Proceedings für die 1. Konferenz für Professionelles Wissensmanagement- Erfahrungen und Visionen PWM 2001, March 14-16, Baden-Baden, Germany.
  • Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2001):
    Towards a Framework for Knowledge Management Strategies: Process-Orientation as Strategic Starting Point.
    Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-34, January 3-6, Maui, Hawaii (CD-ROM).
  • Lehner, F.; Remus, U. (2000):
    Prozessmanagement im Mittelstand als Ausgangspunkt für die Einführung des Wissensmanagements – Erfahrungen und Schlussfolgerungen aus einem Praxisprojekt.
    Proceedings zur Fachtagung "Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme" MOBIS 2000, October 10-12, Siegen, Germany.
  • Remus, U.; Lehner, F. (2000):
    The Role of Process-oriented Enterprise Modeling in Designing Process-oriented Knowledge Management Systems.
    Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Bringing Knowledge to Business Processes, March 20-22, Stanford, CA, USA, AAAI Technical Report, Menlo Park, 2000.
  • Stuart, L.; Remus, U.; Mills, A. (2013):
    Breaking the Ice: Organizational Culture and the Implementation of a Student Management System.
    Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi: Cases on Emerging Information Technology Research and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, ISBN 978-1-4666-3619-4, pp. 1 - 17.
  • Maier, R.; Remus, U. (2008):
    Integrating Knowledge Management Services - Strategy and Infrastructure.
    Abou-Zeid, E.-S.: Knowledge Management and Business Strategies: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research,Information Science Reference, Hershey, 209-228.
  • Remus, U., Okujava, S. (2007):
    Economical Aspects when implementing Enterprise Portals.
    Encyclopaedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Volume I.
  • Lehmann, H., Remus, U., Berger, S. (2007):
    Mobile Portals for Knowledge Management.
    Tatnall, A. (Ed.): Encyclopaedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Volume II.
  • Lehmann, H., Berger, S., Remus, U. (2007):
    A Mobile Portal for Academe - the Case of a German University.
    Tatnall, A. (Ed.): Encyclopaedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Volume II.
  • Remus, U. (2007):
    Success Factors for implementing Enterprise Portals.
    Tatnall, A. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Volume II.
  • Möller, S.; Remus, U. (2007):
    User acceptance affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Portals.
    Tatnall, A. (Ed.): Encyclopaedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Volume II.
  • Böhn, M.; Remus, U. (2004):
    Strategische Bedeutung von Unternehmensportalen für die inner- und zwischenbetriebliche Geschäftsabwicklung in KMU.
    Bartmann et al. (eds.): Kopplung von Anwendungssystemen, Shaker, 113-129.
  • Masovic, E.; Mehlau, J.-I.; Priebe, T.; Remus, U. (2004):
    Sicherheitsmuster für Zugriffskontrolle in überbetrieblichen Portalen.
    Bartmann et al. (eds.): Kopplung von Anwendungssystemen, Shaker, 289-303.
  • Berger, S.; Remus, U. (2005):
    A mobile Portal Solution for Knowledge Management.
    Barnes, S.; Scornavacca, E.: Cases for mobile Business, IRM Press, Hershey, 173-185.
Reprints in refereed books
  • Remus, U. (2010):
    Success Factors for the Implementation of Enterprise Portals.
    Information Resources Management Association (Eds.): Business Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, 1361-1370.
  • Lehmann, H., Remus, U., Berger, S. (2009):
    Mobile Portals for Knowledge Management.
    Taniar, D. (Ed.): Mobile Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, 188-196.
  • Berger, S., Remus, U. (2009):
    A mobile Portal Solution for Knowledge Management.
    Taniar, D. (Ed.): Mobile Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, 2496-2508.
  • Lehmann, H., Berger, S., Remus, U. (2009):
    A Mobile Portal for Academe - the Case of a German University.
    Taniar, D. (Ed.): Mobile Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey, 1359-1366.
  • Berger, S., Remus, U. (2008):
    A mobile Portal Solution for Knowledge Management.
    Jennex, M. (Ed.): Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Information Science Reference, Hershey.

  • Remus, U. (2002):
    Integrierte Prozess- und Kommunikationsmodellierung als Ausgangspunkt für die Verbesserung von wissensintensiven Geschäftsprozessen.
    Abecker, A; Hinkelmann, K.; Maus, H; Müller, H.J (Eds.): Geschäftsprozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement. Effektive Wissensnutzung bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Geschäftsprozessen, Springer, Berlin, 91-122.
Papers in non-refereed journals, professional publications; published reports
  • Remus, U. (2004):
    State-of-the-Art von Portal-Projekten, eine explorative Studie, Universität Erlangen Nürnberg.
  • Zeißler, G.; Remus, U.; Thome, R. (2003):
    Internetbasierte E-Business-Strategieberatung, FORWIN-Bericht, Bayerischer Forschungsverband Wirtschaftsinformatik.
  • Remus, U.; Schub, S. (2002):
    Prozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement in der Praxis, ein referenzmodellgestützter Ansatz, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik III, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg.
  • Lehner, F.; Remus, U. (2000):
    Prozessmanagement im Mittelstand als Ausgangspunkt für die Einführung des Wissensmanagements - Erfahrungen und Schlussfolgerungen aus einem Praxisprojekt. Nr. 43, ISBN 3-932345-59-2, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik III, Universität Regensburg.

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