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Our Projects – Universität Innsbruck

Our Projects

Current Projects

EnCycLEd - Enhancing Cyber Literacy in Education

The project aims to promote knowledge and awareness of cyber security and to train students and teachers to develop key digital skills and competencies.

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Astrid Bötticher
Funding authority: erasmus+
Duration: 2023-2026

Data protection, autonomy, mobility

The project examines the data protection challenges posed by the use of autonomous vehicles. The aim is to develop solutions that make it possible to use the data required for the mobility sector in a way that is both practical and compliant with data protection requirements.

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Henry Ogunrinde

Presse: Top Tirol and Uni-Presse

Duration: 2023 - 2025

Digital Diversity Law Lab

The DDLL pilots the mainstreaming of diversity in research, teaching, organizational practice, and civil society/third mission with a special focus on the digital constellation: a legal and social science experimental laboratory that consults with strong partners teaching, designs AI development in a diversity-sensitive manner, conducts diversity checks, and reflects insights from diversity research into society in a target group-sensitive manner. Oriented towards the diversity strategy of the University of Innsbruck, the Lab is based on an innovative trilateral approach to highlight diversity as a guiding star of organizational, knowledge and impact practice.

More information about the project

Project results

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Caroline Voithofer, Felicitas Rachinger, Clara Rauchegger
Funding authority: Förderkreis 1669
Duration: 2022-2023

IQEL: Innsbruck Quantum Ethics Lab

Innsbruck ist ein führendes Zentrum der Quantenforschung. Mit der Quantentechnologie zusammenhängende Innovationspotenziale können gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse anstoßen. Technische Entwicklungen müssen daher stets auf ihre Wirkungen auf Menschen wie Gesellschaft befragt und ethisch flankiert werden. Gleichzeitig muss die Freiheit, Neues zu schaffen, durch und gegen Regulierung gewahrt bleiben. In diesem Spannungsraum will das Innsbruck Quantum Ethics Lab (IQEL) gesellschaftliche Mehrwerte schaffen und sicherstellen, dass Governanceansätze die Vorteile der Quantentechnologie weder zu Innovationseinbußen noch zu sozialen Kosten führen. 

Mehr Informationen zu diesem Projekt

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Caroline Böck, Martin Müller
Laufzeit: 2022-


REGROUP (Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic) aims to provide the European Union with a body of actionable advice on how to rebuild post-pandemic governance and public policies in an effective and democratic way; anchored to  a map of the socio-political dynamics and consequences of Covid-19; and an empirically-informed normative evaluation of the pandemic.  The project aims to impact major EU debates and events, such as the Health Union, the Green Deal, the Digital Decade, the Economic Governance Review, the Conference on the Future of Europe, and the 2024 European Parliament elections.

More information about this project
Official Website of the project

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Caroline Böck
Partners: 15 european universities
Funding authority: EU Horizon 2020
Duration: 2022-2024

Global Digital Human Rights Network

The GDHRNet COST Action will systematically explore the theoretical and practical challenges posed by the digital world to the protection of human rights. The network will address whether international human rights law is sufficiently detailed to enable governments and private online companies to understand their respective obligations vis-à-vis human rights protection online. It will evaluate how national governments have responded to the task of providing a regulatory framework for online companies and how these companies have transposed the obligation to protect human rights and combat hate speech online into their community standards. 

More information about this project

Team: Clara Rauchegger, Matthias C. Kettemann, Felicitas Rachinger
Partners: 50 european and iternational universities (Lead: Universität Tallinn)
Funding authority: EU COST Action
Duration: 2022-2024


The project is creating a web-based dashboard on cyber operations and conducting a legal and technical assessment. In particular, we will address the specification of cyber attack assessment processes through attribution and factual characteristic indicators so that Europeanization effects in the assessment of cyber operations are made measurable and deficiencies systematically identifiable.

More information about this project
Official project website

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Martin Müller
Partner: SWP Berlin, Universität Heidelberg
Funding authority: German Federal Foreign Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Duration: 2022-2024  


Together with partners from industry and science, we investigate the legal and ethical issues that arise when exoskeletons are used in everyday work.

More information about this project

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Caroline Voithofer
Partners: 20 academic and business partners
Funding authority: FFG
Duration: 2022-2024

ArtiPro – Artificial intelligence for personalized medicine in depression

The aim of the ArtiPro consortium is to establish a data and analysis platform that combines data from already existing clinical research projects on individual therapy response in depression in order to determine robust multimodal biomarkers and to establish prediction profiles for response to drug therapies in depression by using artificial intelligence. For this purpose, data on therapy course and therapy responses from existing clinical research projects are combined and integrated into a complex data platform for evaluations. Clara Rauchegger is in charge of the legal part of this project and is particularly focusing on data protection aspects of ArtiPro.

More information about this project

Team: Clara Rauchegger, Lena Lagger
Funding authority: ERA PerMed (ERA-Net Personalized Medicin), European Commission and FWF
Duration: 2022-2025

Former Projects

Self-image on social media among young people

In the project with the University of Graz, funded by the ÖAW, we investigate together with young people the issues that arise in digital self-representation and how young people deal with authenticity, data-driven disempowerment and technological empowerment.

More information about this project

Mission-Vision Statement mit Forderungen
How To Manual
Der Standard: "Gefilterte Schönheitsideale auf Social Media: Jugendliche fordern Änderungen"

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann
Partner: Universität Graz
Funding authority: ÖAW
Duration: 2022

The Civil Procedural Enforcement of Union Law

Procedural Autonomy of the Member States? This project is dedicated to disclose whether EU law (enabled by case law of the ECJ) influences national civil procedural laws of EU member states. Does the oftentimes cited procedural autonomy of the states really exist? And what leads to conflicts between the national procedural laws and the civil procedural law as declared by the ECJ?

More information about this project

Team: Malte Kramme, Maria Paulmichl
Funding authority: DFG
Duration: 2022-2023 


The project investigates how rules and algorithmic attention management can be linked back to platforms and assesses globally how private orders are oriented towards public values.

More information about this project
How To Manual

Team: Matthias C. Kettemann, Meryem Vural, Alex Fischer
Partners: Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut, Humboldt-Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft
Funding authority: Mercator-Stiftung
Laufzeit: 2022-2023

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