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Quantum Humanities Network EN – University of Innsbruck

IQEL’s network starts to grow, as Quantum Humanities Network moves to Innsbruck

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Astrid Bötticher, head of the network, joins IQEL as first IQEL Fellow.

The Quantum Humanities Network is a network of researchers in Europe and around the world.  Its spokespersons are Astrid Bötticher, Zeki Can Seskir and Amnon Reichmann. It aims to promote quantum-related research in the humanities and social sciences. Astrid Bötticher, together with Zeki Can Seskir and Amnon Reichmann, manages and represents the network in close consultation with its members. For the purpose of networking and promoting quantum-related science, the Quantum Humanities Network organises summer schools, conferences, meetings and boot camps in ever-changing constellations together with members and interested parties.

The network has led to a joint research consortium that aims to analyse the development and diffusion of quantum technology in Europe. The consortium is interdisciplinary and international. The aim of the network is to use interdisciplinarity and expertise in the humanities and social sciences to inform the use of QT in these fields and to contribute to a better understanding of the consequences of QT itself. From 1 December, the Quantum Humanities Network will be hosted by IQEL and will serve as a hub for researchers from around the world.

A Call for all

Are you interested in conducting quantum-related research in your field?  Submit your ideas for networking or participate in the projects the Network


Astrid Bötticher is a political scientist and researcher (PhD) writing her Habilitation at the University of Jena. Here, she conducts research on technopolitical processes in the context of the development of disruptive technologies and radical innovations and their implications for power politics and has developed a research program for quantum humanities and social sciences. Here she is particularly interested in the significance of second-generation quantum technology and its importance. 

She is a security expert and her research interests include cyber-criminology and cybersecurity in addition to terrorism research and is also interested in the topic of cryptography and its importance for the stability of institutions. She has written one of the most important textbooks on the topic of methods and theories of extremism research and has published various articles in anthologies and journal articles on the topic of cybersecurity and cybercriminology. She has delivered speeches in Germany and Europe.



Chris Jay Hoofnagle is Professor of Law in Residence at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, where he teaches cybersecurity, programming for lawyers, and torts. He is affiliated faculty with the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing and the Center for Security in Politics, a Professor of Practice in the School of Information, and the faculty director of the Center for Long Term Cybersecurity (CLTC).

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Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard), is Professor of Innovation, Theory and Philosophy of Law and head of the Department for Theory and Future of Law at the University of Innsbruck, A director of the Innsbruck Quantum Ethics Lab and the Digital Diversity Law Lab he heads research programs and groups on digital law and platform governance at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (Hamburg) and the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (Berlin). He works on the power of rules and the rules of power in online spaces. Recently, he has written and edited books on the law of digitality (Routledge 2022), parliaments, crisis and Covid-19 (Hart 2022), and the normative order of the Internet (OUP 2020). He has written and edited papers and studies on cybersecurity and extraterritorial obligations of statesbots governanceAI and ethics (for UNESCO), governing information flaws in warsexplaining AI decisionsresearchers’ access to dataAI and freedom of expression (for the OSCE),  national countermeasures to disinformationviral disinformation,  internet development in Germany (for UNESCO), platform power over politiciansonline order and changing publicsplatform-proofing democracynormfarefairness in digital advertisingreinstating deleted content on platforms. He is the founder of the Innsbruck Quantum Ethics Lab. 



Zeki Seskir is a doctoral researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) and coordinator of the project "QuTec: Quantum Technology Innovations for Society." He conducts landscaping studies on quantum technologies (QT) to be utilized in technology assessment capabilities. Furthermore, he is working in the education and outreach activities in QT. He is a co-coordinator of the project "Quantum Technologies Education for Everyone [QuTE4E]" organized within the QTEdu CSA under the Quantum Flagship.

His background is in Science and Technology Policy Studies (STPS) and quantum information science. His research interests cover wide range of topics from quantum games to innovation ecosystems.

For further information click here.


Christopher Coenen is a political scientist and senior researcher in the field of technology assessment, leading the research group “Life, Innovation, Health, and Technology” at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) within Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s (KIT). As member or leader of KIT-ITAS project teams, he has conducted 25+ projects on behalf of such institutions as the Bundestag and the Ministry of Research of Germany, the European Parliament and the European Commission since the early 2000s. Coenen coordinated the large-scale stakeholder and public dialogue project SYNENERGENE on synthetic biology (European Union, FP7, 2013-2017) and is the editor-in-chief of the journal NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies (Springer). Among his current project tasks are the coordination of the transnational NEURON-ERANET research project FUTUREBODY and the lead of the technology assessment project QuTec: Quantum Technology Innovations for Society.

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Visvaldis Valtenbergs is an associate professor in the University of Latvia. He investigates the impact of the information and communication technologies on democracy, political communication and sustainable development. As a member of quantum network he is interested in anticipating the effects of artificial intelligence and quantum computing on democracy and political participation, and charting the scenarios to achieve more human-centric, sustainable, secure and inclusive environment. In 2001 he received full Fulbright Scholarship and graduated with master’s degree from the New School of Social Research in New York. In 2010 Valtenbergs earned Doctorate in political science from the University of Latvia. Valtenbergs  has strong professional background in managing research project teams, such as the preparation of the annual Human Development Report of Latvia. As an author and co-author of over 20 applied research and policy reports Mr. Valtenbergs has been dedicated in working on the intersection of applied science, politics and civic society. From 2017-21 he delivered scientific expertise to the members of Latvian Parliament while working with the Analytical Service of the Parliament.  

For further information click here.



Anastasija Nikiforova is an assistant professor and researcher (PhD) at University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing. Her current researches are related to open government data and data management focusing on IoT and Smart City related aspects. Currently she is involved in projects co-funded by ERDF and Horizon2020. She is an expert of the Latvian Council of Sciences and COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology and an associate member of the Latvian Open Technology Association. She serves as a program committee for several international conferences (>10) and invited reviewer for more than 5 high-quality (Q1) journals. For her researches and public activity, the Latvian Open Technologies Association (LATA) has recognized her as a person of the year (2020) and has awarded her for promotion of open data and open technologies.

For further information click here.


Antonio Jesús Alonso Timón PhD is Director of CID/ICADE. From 2000 until currently he is Professor of Administrative Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE) and Coordinator of the Administrative Law Area and Director of the Law Innovation Center. He has investigated for several years in the following areas: Urban Planning, Railway Sector, Public Health Finance and E-Health, Administrative Law and Regulated Sectors.  He has published more than 50 papers in specialized magazines on Administrative Law. He has published several books and has coordinated books and has also published book chapters related to the subjects of his research. He has given more than 500 conferences on matters related to Administrative Law and has organized Courses and Seminars on this discipline.

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Johanna Barzen is leading the research area "Quantum Computing & Digital Humanities" at the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS),  University of Stuttgart. Her research interests include computer science, media science, digital humanities and quantum computing, as well as data analytics and machine learning. Her interdisciplinary approach of combining digital humanities research with the potentials of quantum computers coined the term „Quantum Humanities" and was rewarded by the University of Stuttgart with a terra incognita research project 2019-2020. Next to this, she is actively contributing to several third-party funded research projects like the project PlanQK developing a platform for quantum-supported artificial intelligence or SEQUOIA that focuses on quantum software engineering for hybrid quantum applications and algorithm.

She published several papers in journals and conference proceedings, as well es books chapters. She was invited to deliver talks and tutorials at universities across Europe and international conferences. Also, she serves on program committees and organization committees of international conferences and workshops, and she is associated guest editor of several journals. Since 2021 she is also visiting scientist at TU Vienna gaining international research and teaching experience.

For further information click here.


Jose Hernandez Perez is a Digital Humanities Technology Specialist at Florida State University’s Research Computing Center. His work focuses on integrating Digital Humanities (DH) tools into High Performance Computing infrastructure and consulting  DH projects produced by faculty and student at FSU. In addition, he teaches the application of emerging digital tools in many areas of humanities, social science, and arts research including machine learning models and web development practices. As part of the Quantum Humanities Network he is interested, in a professional capacity, on the development of education materials for the advancement of quantum humanities. In a research capacity, he studies the impact of quantum technologies on future international law and the application of quantum-classical tools for historiographical research.

For further information click here.


Heikki Karjaluoto is Professor in Marketing and department head at the Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics at University of Jyväskylä. His expertise is in digital business and marketing, services and relationship management, and value creation. His research domains are financial services sector, retailing and industrial business.

Karjaluoto is the leader of the Digital Marketing and Communication (DMC) research group. His research interests include marketing communications, digital marketing, industrial marketing and customer value. Previous publications have appeared in the Business Strategy and the Environment, Computers in Human Behavior, European Journal of Marketing, Electronic Markets, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Information Management, Internet Research, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Service Management; Telecommunications Policy, Telematics & Informatics, among others.

For further information click here.


Dragoş Petrescu (PhD 2003, Central European University Budapest), is Professor dr. hab. of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest. He graduated from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Power Engineering, 1987) and University of Bucharest (History, 1997). He also served as Chairman of the Board of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives–CNSAS in Bucharest (2010–2018). His research interests are related to social, political and economic change in East-Central Europe, with a special emphasis on the great transformation of 1989 and the post-1989 transitions to democracy in the region. Among many others, he is the author of Entangled Revolutions: The Breakdown of the Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe (2014) and Explaining the Romanian Revolution of 1989: Culture, Structure, and Contingency (2010), and co-editor of Nation-Building and Contested Identities: Romanian & Hungarian Case Studies (2001).

For further information click here.



Dr Carolyn Ten Holter is a research associate in the Responsible Technology Institute at the University of Oxford ( The Institute focuses on the application of responsible innovation techniques in novel technologies, and their impacts on society and the environment. This includes AI, robotics, social media, and quantum technologies. Carolyn specialises in working with interdisciplinary networks across academia, industry, and policy, to anticipate and prepare for the impacts of technologies including autonomous vehicles and quantum computing.

For further information click here.


Clarissa Ai Ling Lee is presently an independent scholar working at the intersection of artscience; science, technology, and innovation studies; and media studies. Previously, she was a fellow with the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Aachen: Cultures of Research at RWTH-Aachen University and a Senior Lecturer at the Universiti Malaya. She is interested in the intersection of media, artscience, futures, and quantum technologies. She is researching into what it means to develop a quantum-ready society in terms of infrastructural, ethical, and social-readiness; while considering issues of informational and knowledge justice when it comes to issues of legitimacy, access, expertise, localization, and resource, particularly when it comes to low-resource technoscientific communities. She came to quantum humanities through her doctoral research into novelty, science fiction, and high energy particle physics that straddled historical, philosophical, and cultural studies of science; and later postdoctoral work in nuclear science and technologies in the developing economies; artscience and speculative design; participatory design; and digital media technologies. She writes about her research at Medium and maintains her evolving portfolio of work, publications, and activities on her website. She is also presently writing a book on the intersection between media, informatics, Southeast Asia, and the physical sciences.


Professor Deirdre Ahern is Director of the Technologies, Law and Society Research Group at the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin and a Fellow of the Information Society Law Centre at the University of Milan. She also serves as a member of the League of European Research Universities' Legal Team on Artificial Intelligence. Her research is focused on the ethical and regulatory challenges presented by globalisation and new technologies including evolving law and society implications of artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. An expert on global regulatory approaches to new technologies, Professor Ahern has a specialism in experimental approaches such as regulatory sandboxes. Her current research projects is Constructing Regulatory Approaches for New Technologies.

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