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SFB publications Nicolas Singewald – Universität Innsbruck
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SFB-F44 - cell signaling in chronic CNS disorders

SFB publications Nicolas Singewald

2013 | 2012 | 2011


Nigel Whittle, Claudia Schmuckermair, Ozge Gunduz Cinar, Markus Hausschild, Francesco Ferraguti, Andrew Holmes, Nicolas Singewald
Deep brain stimulation, histone deacetylase inhibitors and glutamatergic drugs rescue resistance to fear extinction in a genetic mouse model.
Neuropharmacology 64 (2013) 414-423

Jan Haaker, Stefano Gaburro, Anupam Sah, Nina Gartmann, Tina B. Lonsdorf, Kolja Meier, Nicolas Singewald, Hans-Christian Pape, Fabio Morellini and Raffael Kalisch.
Single dose of L-dopa makes extinction memories context-independent and prevents the return of fear.
PNAS, 2013;

Daniela Kuzdas, Sylvia Stemberger, Stefano Gaburro, Nadia Stefanova, Nicolas Singewald, Gregor K. Wenning
Oligodendroglial alpha-synucleinopathy and MSA-like cardiovascular autonomic failure: Experimental evidence.
Experimental Neurology, 8 February 2013;

Fitzgerald PJ, Whittle N, Flynn SM, Graybeal C, Pinard C, Gunduz-Cinar O, Kravitz A, Singewald N, Holmes A
Prefrontal single-unit firing associated with deficient extinction in mice.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (in press), 2013;

Macpherson K, Whittle N, Camp M, Gunduz-Cinar O, Singewald N, Holmes A.
Temporal factors in the extinction of fear in inbred mouse strains differing in extinction efficacy.
Biol Mood Anxiety Disord. 2013 ;3(1):13;

Dobi A, Sartori SB, Busti D, Van der Putten H, Singewald N, Shigemoto R, Ferraguti F.
Neural substrates for the distinct effects of presynaptic group III metabotropic glutamate receptors on extinction of contextual fear conditioning in mice.
Neuropharmacology. 2013 ;66:274-89;


A Sah, C Schmuckermair, SB Sartori, S Gaburro, M Kandasamy, R Irschick, L Klimaschewski, R Landgraf, L Aigner and N Singewald
Anxiety- rather than depression-like behavior is associated with adult neurogenesis in a female mouse model of higher trait anxiety- and comorbid depression-like behavior.
Translational Psychiatry (2012) 2; e171; doi:10.1038/tp.2012.94

Marguerite C Camp, Kathryn P MacPherson, Lauren Lederle, Carolyn Graybeal, Stefano Gaburro, Lauren M DeBrouse, Jessica L Ihne, Javier A Bravo, Richard M O'Connor, Stephane Ciocchi, Cara L Wellman, Andreas Lüthi, John F Cryan, Nicolas Singewald, Andrew Holmes
Genetic Strain Differences in Learned Fear Inhibition Associated with Variation in Neuroendocrine, Autonomic, and Amygdala Dendritic Phenotypes.
Neuropsychopharmacology 37: 1534–1547 (2012)


Simone B. Sartori, Rainer Landgraf, Nicolas Singewald
The clinical implications of mouse models of enhanced anxiety.
Future Neurol. 6: 531-571 (2011).

Karl Ebner, Alesja Rjabokon, Hans-Christian Pape, Nicolas Singewald
Increased in vivo release of neuropeptide S in the amygdala of freely moving rats after local depolarisation and emotional stress.
Amino Acids. 41: 991-996 (2011)