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Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck – Universität Innsbruck


The Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI) and the affiliated research platform researches, theorizes and deconstructs gender and gender relations in a trans- and interdisciplinary perspective.


About us

The Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI) is an interfaculty organizational unit of the University of Innsbruck.

Wörterbuch Definition von Heterogenität

Research Plat­form

More than 100 members cooperate in the field of women*, gender, feminist and queer research.

Figuren die Pfeilen folgen

MA Gen­der, Kul­tur und Sozialer Wan­del

Studying Gender Studies? In the interfaculty MA Gender, Culture and Social Change, gender-critical knowledge can be acquired systematically and across disciplines ...


Abstrakte Kunst mit lineart Gesichtern und farbigen Flecken im Hintergrund


Innsbrucker Gender Lectures, Workshops, Kolloquia, Tagungen u.v.m.

Think outside the box


Research activities at the CGI are inter- and transdisciplinary and committed to a diversity of theories and methods.

Medical Humanities

Research Cen­ter Med­i­cal Human­i­ties

Humanities, social, linguistic, educational and cultural science perspectives on topics and concepts in the medical sciences

Abstrakte Kunst


Projects at the Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck

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The last decades have seen the emergence of a new field of gender research and gender studies in academic research and teaching. Gender discourses, -relations as well as -identities are scrutinised in disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary contexts and thereby become the subject of historical and empirical analyses, deconstructivist reading and/or normative-emancipative reflection.

The CENTER INTERDISCIPLINARY GENDER STUDIES INNSBRUCK (CGI) rejects any form of individual and structural discrimination. This applies in particular to discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ideological, religious, race or national identity and social class. The research platform is actively committed to an inclusive society free of discrimination, which enables all members to develop and participate freely.


Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)
University of Innsbruck
Ágnes-Heller-haus, 5th floor,
Room: 05M010
Innrain 52a
6020 Innsbruck | Austria
+43 512 507 39862

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Head: Gundula Ludwig

Coordination: Mag.a Julia Tschuggnall

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