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Publications Hugo Ortner – Universität Innsbruck

Pub­li­ca­ti­ons Hugo Ort­ner


Fernandez, O., Ortner, H., Sanders, D., Grasemann, B. & Leitner, T. (2024): Salt-rich versus salt-poor structural scenarios in the central Northern Calcareous Alps: implications for the Hallstatt facies and early Alpine tectonic evolution (Eastern Alps, Austria).- Int. J. Earth. Sci. (external link)

van Kooten, W. S. M. T., Ortner, H., Willingshofer, E., Sokoutis, D., Gruber, A. & Sausgruber, T. (2024): Fold localization at pre-existing normal faults: field observations and analogue modelling of the Achental structure, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.- Solid Earth, 15 (1): 91-120. (external link)


Frings, K., von Hagke, C., Wellmann, F., Heim, E., de la Varga, M., Ortner, H. & Lujiendjik, E. (2023): Constraining the 3-D geometry of fold-thrust belts using section balancing vs. 3-D interpolative structural and probabilistic modeling.- Tektonika, 1 (2): 54-75. (external link)

Galler, R., Villeneuve, M., Schreilechner, M. G., Jud, M., Binder, H., Hainisch, A., Lüschen, E., Eichkitz, C. G., Neuhold, C., Hasni, M., Bottig, M., Hoyer, S., Schubert, G., Rupprecht, D., Weginger, S., Apoloner, M.-T., Hausmann, H., Ortner, H. & Hinterwirth, S. (2023): The potential of deep geothermal energy in Tyrol—Based on a pre-feasibility study.- BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 168: 555-565. (external link)

Ortner, H., von Hagke, C., Sommaruga, A., Mock, S., Mosar, J., Hinsch, R. & Beidinger, A. (2023): The northern Deformation Front of the European Alps.- In: Bellahsen, N. & Rosenberg, C., Geodynamics of the Alps, 3, 241-311, ISTE-Wiley, London.

Sieberer, A. K., Willingshofer, E., Klotz, T., Ortner, H. & Pomella, H. (2023): Inversion of extensional basins parallel and oblique to their boundaries: inferences from analogue models and field observations from the Dolomites Indenter, European eastern Southern Alps.- Solid Earth, 14 (7): 647-681. (external link)

chapters in:
Piller, W. E. (Ed.) (2022): The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them).- 359 p., Abh. Geol. Bundesanst., 76, Geologische Bundesansalt, Wien. (external link)

Ortner, H. (2022): Inntal-Gruppe / Inntal Group.- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 53, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien. 

Ortner, H. (2022): Oberaudorf Schichten (Inntal-Gruppe) / Oberaudorf Beds (Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 53-54, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Ortner, H. (2022): Häring-Formation (Inntal-Gruppe) / Häring Formation (Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 55, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H., Nebelsick, J. H. & Krois, P. (2022): Lengerergraben-Subformation (Häring-Formation, Inntal-Gruppe) / Lengerergraben Member (Häring Formation, Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 55-56, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H., Nebelsick, J. H. & Krois, P. (2022): Bergpeterl-Subformation (Häring-Formation, Inntal-Gruppe) / Bergpeterl Member (Häring Formation, Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 56-57, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H., Krois, P. & Nebelsick, J. H. (2022): Paisslberg-Formation (Inntal-Gruppe) / Paisslberg Formation (Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 57, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H., Krois, P. & Nebelsick, J. H. (2022): Werlberg-Subformation (Paisslberg-Formation, Inntal-Gruppe) / Werlberg Member (Paisslberg Formation, Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 58, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H. & Krois, P. (2022): Unterangerberg-Formation (Inntal-Gruppe) / Unterangerberg Formation (Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 58-59, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.

Stingl, V., Ortner, H. & Krois, P. (2022): Oberangerberg-Formation (Inntal-Gruppe) / Oberangerberg Formation (Inntal Group).- In: Piller, W. E., The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them), 59-60, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesansalt Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien.


Gruber, A., Brandner, R., Ortner, H. & Lotter, M. (2022): 2. Geologischer Überblick.- In: Gruber, A., Lotter, M. & Brandner, R., Erläuterungen zu Blatt 188 Achenkirch, 12-21, Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000 Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien. (external link)

Gruber, A., Ortner, H., Brandner, R. & Sausgruber, T. (2022): 4. Geologischer Bau und tektonische Einheiten.- In: Gruber, A., Lotter, M. & Brandner, R., Erläuterungen zu Blatt 188 Achenkirch, 24-51, Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000 Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien. (external link)

Héja, G., Fodor, L., Csillag, G., Ortner, H. & Kövér, S. (2022): Complex deformation history of the Keszthely Hills, Transdanubian Range, Hungary.- Central European Geology (external link)

Héja, G., Ortner, H., Kövér, S., Német, A. & Fodor, L. (2022): Oblique inversion of a Triassic extensional graben system: a case study from the Cretaceous fold and thrust belt of the western Transdanubian Range (TR), West Hungary.- Tectonics, 41: 2021TC006728. (external link)

Henrich, R. & Ortner, H. (2022): Die Muttekopf-Gosau in Tirol.- fossilien, 39 (5): 33-51. (popular science article)

Hornung, T. & Ortner, H. (2022): Geologische Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8341 Seegatterl.- Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, München. (pdf)

Ortner, H. & Kilian, S. (2022): Thrust tectonics in the Wetterstein and Mieming mountains, and a new tectonic subdivision of the Northern Calcareous Alps of western Austria and southern Germany.- Int. J. Earth Sci., 111: 543-571. (external link)
Supplementary information:
Revised tectonic map of the western Northern Calcareous Alps (Illustrator CS5 eps file)

Ortner, H., Sanders, D. & Pomella, H. (2022): Long-term morpho-structural development of major normal fault zones, Gran Sasso area, Central Apennines (Italy).- Geomorphology, 413: 108350. (external link)
Supplementary information:
15 geologic cross sections
Location of geologic cross sections
17 morphologic sections 
Location of morphologic sections

Sieberer, A.-K. & Ortner, H. (2022): A regional scale Cretaceous transform fault zone at the northern Austroalpine margin: Geology of the western Ammergau Alps, Bavaria.- Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 115: 124-145. (external link)

Sanders, D., Dendorfer, T., Edwards, R. L., Moseley, G. E., Ortner, H. & Steidle, S. (2022): Identification of a Quaternary rock avalanche deposit (Central Apennines, Italy): Significance for recognition of fossil catastrophic mass-wasting.- Sedimentology, 69: 2099-2130. (external link)

Speckbacher, R., Zerlauth, M. & Ortner, H. (2022): Geologische Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8340 Reit im Winkl.- Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, München. (pdf)


Kilian, S., Ortner, H. & Schneider-Muntau, B. (2021): Buckle folding in the Northern Calcareous Alps - field observations and numeric experiments.- J. Struct. Geol., 150: 104416 (pdf)

Gruber, A., Ortner, H., Huet, B., Iglseder, C. & Lotter, M. (2021): Bericht 2019 über geologische und strukturgeologische Aufnahmen in der permotriassischen Schichtfolge des Gaisberg-Gebietes („Gaisberg-Trias“) bei Kirchberg in Tirol auf Blatt 121 Neukirchen am Großvenediger.- Jb. Geol. Bundesanst., 160 (2020): 460-465. (external link)

Oswald, P., Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S. C., De Batist, M., Hajdas, I., Ortner, H., Titzler, S. & Strasser, M. (2021). Combined on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence in the postglacial infill of the inner-alpine lake Achensee (Austria, Eastern Alps). Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 438. (external link)


Ortner, H. (2020): Bericht 2018 über geologische Aufnahmen im Karwendelgebirge auf den Blättern UTM NL 32-03-17 Hinterriß und UTM NL 32-03-23 Innsbruck.- Jb. Geol. Bundesanst., 132 (2019): 392-396. (external link)


Kilian, S. & Ortner, H. (2019): Structural evidence of in-sequence and out-of-sequence thrusting in the Karwendel mountains and the tectonic subdivision of the western Northern Calcareous Alps.- Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 112 (1): 62-83. (pdf)

Oswald, P., Ortner, H., Gruber, A. (2019): Deformation around a detached half-graben shoulder during nappe stacking (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria).- Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 112: 23-37. (pdf)

Reiter, F., Freudenthaler, C., Hausmann, H., Ortner, H., Lenhardt, W. & Brandner, R. (2019): Active seismotectonic deformation in front of the Dolomites indenter, Eastern Alps.- Tectonics, 37: 4625-4654 (pdf)


Ortner, H., Sanders, D., Ustaszewski, M., Rittner, M., Mosna, D. & Wolfgruber, S. (2018): Field Trip Pre‐EX‐2 (CBGA 2018) - Sedimentary and tectonic processes on a Late Jurassic passive margin and its inversion during Alpine orogeny in the Lofer area.- Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 126: 47-80. (pdf)

Sanders, D., Ortner, H. & Pomella, H. (2018): Stratigraphy and deformation of Pleistocene talus in relation to a normal fault zone (central Apennines, Italy).- Sediment. Geol., 373: 77-97. (pdf)


Ortner, H. & Kilian, S. (2016): Sediment creep on slopes in pelagic limestones: Upper Jurassic of Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.- Sediment. Geol., 344: 350-363.  (external link)

Ortner, H., Kositz, A., Willingshofer, E. & Sokoutis, D. (2016): Geometry of growth strata in a transpressive fold belt in field and analogue model: Gosau Group at Muttekopf, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.- Basin Research, 28: 731-751. (external link)
Supplementary information:
3D model of sliced analogue model (Move format)

Ortner, H. (2016): Field Trip 4: Deep water sedimentation on top of a growing orogenic wedge - interaction of thrusting, erosion and deposition in the Cretaceous Northern Calcareous Alps.- Geo.Alp, 13: 141-182. (pdf)

Zerlauth, M., Bertrand, A., Rantitsch, G., Groß, D., Ortner, H., Pomella, H. & Fügenschuh, B. (2016): Thermal history of the westernmost Eastern Alps (Penninic Rhenodanubian Flysch nappes, Helvetic nappes, and Subalpine Molasse thrust sheets).- Int. J. Earth. Sci., 105: 1525-1547, (external link)


Ortner, H. (2015): Fernerkundung mit Hilfe von Orthofotos und Geländemodellen in der Geologie – Beispiele aus den nördlichen Kalkalpen.- Geo.Alp, 11 (2014): 5-28. (pdf)

Ortner, H., Aichholzer, S., Zerlauth, M., Pilser, R. & Fügenschuh, B. (2015): Geometry, amount and sequence of thrusting in the Subalpine Molasse of Western Austria and Southern Germany, European Alps. Tectonics, 34: 1-30. (pdf)
Supplementary information:
Tectonic Map of the Subalpine Molasse 1:115.000 between Bregenz and Salzburg

Pomella, H., Ortner, H., Zerlauth, M. & Fügenschuh, B. (2015): The Alpine nappe stack in western Austria: A crustal-scale cross-section, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104: 733-745. (external link)


Costantini, D. & Ortner, H., (2014): Klüfte und Deformationsstrukturen in jungpleistozänen Beckensedimenten des Rißtales, Bayern. Geo.Alp, 10 (2013): 5-26. (pdf)

von Hagke, C., Oncken, O., Ortner, H., Cederbom, C.E. & Aichholzer, S. (2014): Late Miocene to present deformation and erosion of the Central Alps — Evidence for steady state mountain building from thermokinematic data. Tectonophysics, 632: 250-260. (external link)

Zerlauth, M., Ortner, H., Pomella, H., Pfiffner, A.O. & Fügenschuh, B., (2014): Inherited tectonic structures controlling the deformation style - an example from the Helvetic nappes of the Eastern Alps, Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 107: 157-175. (external link)


Ortner, H. & Gruber, A. (2013): Geologie. In: H. Konrad (Ed.), Festschrift 50 Jahre Naturschutzgebiet Kaisergebirge 1963-2013. Athesia-Tyrolia, Innsbruck, pp. 173-183. (pdf)


Gruber, A., Sausgruber, T., Spieler, A., Brandner, R., Gruber, J., Lotter, M. & Ortner, H. (2011): Geologische Karte des nördlichen Achenseeraumes 1:25.000. Supplement in: Gruber, A. (Ed.): Arbeitstagung 2011 "Geologie des Achenseegebietes". Geologisches Kartenblatt 88 Achenkirch, Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt).

Brandner, R., Lotter, M., Gruber, A. & Ortner, H. (2011): Exkursion A3 - Achental - Bächental.- In: Gruber, A. (Ed.): Arbeitstagung 2011 "Geologie des Achenseegebietes". Geologisches Kartenblatt 88 Achenkirch, 199-224, Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt).

Lammerer, B., Ortner, H. & Heyng, A. (2011): Field trip to the Northern Alps between Munich and the Inn valley.- In: Carena, S., Friedrich, A. M. & Lammerer, B. (Eds.): Geological Field Trips in Central Western Europe, Fragile Earth International Conference, Munich, September 2011, GSA Field Guides 22, 75-100, Boulder (Geological Society of America).

Ortner, H. & Gruber, A. (2011): 3D-Geometrie der Strukturen zwischen Karwendel-Synklinale und Thiersee-Synklinale.- In: Gruber, A. (Ed.): Arbeitstagung 2011 "Geologie des Achenseegebietes". Geologisches Kartenblatt 88 Achenkirch, 51-67, Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt). (pdf)


Gruber, A., Ortner, H. & Brandner, R. (2010): Geologischer Bau, tektonische und übergeordnete lithostratigraphische Einheiten. Nördliche Kalkalpen.- In: Gruber, A., Pestal, G., Nowotny, A. & Schuster, R. (Eds.): Erläuterungen zu Blatt 144 Landeck, Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000, 35-61, Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt).

Krainer, K., Ortner, H., Gruber, A. & Brandner, R. (2010): 7. Erläuterungen zur Legende. Nördliche Kalkalpen.- In: Gruber, A., Pestal, G., Nowotny, A. & Schuster, R. (Eds.): Erläuterungen zu Blatt 144 Landeck, Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000, 93-118, Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt).


Ortner, H., Ustaszewski, M. & Rittner, M., 2008. Late Jurassic tectonics and sedimentation: breccias in the Unken syncline, central Northern Calcareous Alps.- Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 101, Supplement 1, S55-S71. (pdf)


Ortner, H., 2007. Styles of soft-sediment deformation on top of a growing fold system in the Gosau Group at Muttekopf, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria: Slumping versus tectonic deformation.- Sedimentary Geology, 196: 99-118. (pdf)

Ortner, H. & Gaupp, R., 2007. Synorogenic sediments of the western Northern Calcareous Alps.- Geo.Alp, 4: 133-148. (pdf, go to "Exkursionsführer", page 133)

Paton, D., Carr, M., Trudgill, B., Ortner, H. & Medwedeff, D. A. 2007. Alpine-scale 3D geospatial modeling: Applying new techniques to old problems.- Geosphere, 3: 527-549.

Contributions to Friebe, J.G. 2007. Vorarlberg, Geologie der österreichischen Bundesländer, 174 p., Wien (Geologische Bundesanstalt):
Ortner, H.: Deformationsgeschichte.- 13-17. (pdf)
Furrer, H. & Ortner, H.: Nördliche Kalkalpen.- 41-48. (pdf)
Ortner, H.: Exkursionen: Brandnertal, Douglashütte - Saulajoch - Lünerkrinne.- 137-139. (pdf)
Ortner, H.: Exkursionen: Bartolomäberg, Kalkalpenbasis.- 140-141. (pdf)
Ortner, H.: Exkursionen: Flexenpass - Stuttgarter Hütte - Monzabonjoch.-145-147. (pdf)


Ortner, H., Reiter, F. & Brandner, R., 2006. Kinematics of the Inntal shear zone–sub-Tauern ramp fault system and the interpretation of the TRANSALP seismic section, Eastern Alps, Austria.- Tectonophysics, 414: 241-258. (pdf)

Thöny, W., Ortner, H. & Scholger, R., 2006. Paleomagnetic evidence for large en-bloc rotations in the Eastern Alps during Neogene orogeny.- Tectonophysics, 414: 169-189. (pdf)


Ortner, H., 2005. Book Review: Stereographic Projection Techniques for Geologists and Engineers (Second Edition) by Richard J. Lisle and Peter R. Leyshon.- Math. Geol., 37: 447-448.


Ortner, H., 2003. Cretaceous thrusting in the western part of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) - evidences from synorogenic sedimentation and structural data. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft,  94: 63-77. (pdf)

Ortner, H., 2003. Cementation and Tectonics in the Inneralpine Molasse of the Lower Inn Valley. GPM Innsbruck,  26: 71-89. (pdf)

Ortner, H., 2003. Local and far field stress– analysis of brittle deformation in the western part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. GPM Innsbruck,  26: 109-131. (pdf)

Ortner, H. & Stingl, V. (2003): Field Trip E1: Lower Inn Valley (Southern margin of Northern Calcareous Alps, TRANSALP Traverse). GPM Innsbruck, 26, 2-19, Innsbruck (pdf)

Ortner, H. & Tropper, P. (eds.), 2003. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Alpine geological studies: Modern Alpine geology - from surface to depth. Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges., 94, Wien.


Ortner, H., Reiter, F. & Acs, P., 2002. Easy handling of tectonic data: the programs TectonicVB for Mac and TectonicsFP for Windows(TM). Computers & Geosciences,  28: 1193-1200. (pdf)


Ortner, H., 2001. Growing folds and sedimentation of the Gosau Group, Muttekopf, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.
Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundsch.),  90: 727-739. (pdf)

Ortner, H. & Stingl, V., 2001. Facies and Basin Development of the Oligocene in the Lower Inn Valley, Tyrol/Bavaria.
In: Piller, W. & Rasser, M. (Editors), Paleogene in Austria. Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen, 14: 153-196. (pdf)

Ortner, H. (ed.), 2001: 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies, Obergurgl.
Field Trip Guide Book.- 99 p., Innsbruck (Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie).


Ortner, H. & Reiter, F. 1999. Kinematic history of the Triassic South of the Inn Valley (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) - Evidence for Jurassic and Late Cretaceous large scale normal faulting. Mem. Sci. Geol. Padova, 51: 129-140. (pdf)

Gröger, M., Ortner, H. & Haas, C. 1997. Flysch-Spurenfossilassoziationen in der Höheren Muttekopfgosau (Oberkreide) nordwestlich von Imst. GPM Innsbruck, 22: 153-158. (pdf)

Ortner, H. 1997. Part II: The Upper Cretaceous of the Muttekopf area (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria).- In: Gaupp, R., Eynatten, v. H., Ortner, H., Sanders, D.: From passive to active margin: Cretaceous synorogenic deposition in the Northern Calcareous Alps. 18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, Field Trip Guide Book, Excursion A6, Gaea Heidelbergensis 4: 63-70.

Ortner, H. & Sachsenhofer, R. (1996): Evolution of the Lower Inntal Tertiary and Constraints on the Development of the Source Area. In: Liebl, W. & Wessely, G. (Eds.): Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrust Belts and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe, EAEG Spec. Publ. No. 5, 237-247, 8 Abb., 4 Tab., London. (pdf)

Ortner, H. (1994): Die Muttekopfgosau (Lechtaler Alpen, Tirol/ Österreich): Sedimentologie und Beckenentwicklung.
Geol. Rundsch. 83, 197-211, 8 figs., Stuttgart. (pdf)

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