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Simon Penner

Priv.Doz. Dr. Simon Penner

Priv.Doz- Dr. Simon Penner

Priv.Doz- Dr. Simon Penner 
Simon Penner


Orcid ID 0000-0002-2561-5816

> 192 publications

Personal Data

Date of Birth

Place of Birth


April 4th, 1975

Innsbruck, Austria


Career History

2016 to date 

Coordinator doctoral program ‘Catalysis and Reactivity’, University of Innsbruck (UIBK)

2015 to date

2014-to date

Vice-Chair of the GÖCH group ‘Catalysis and Surface Chemistry’

Speaker of the group ‘Reactivity’ within the research platform “Advanced Materials” at the UIBK

04/2011 to date


Senior Scientist at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, UIBK

Habilitation in Physical Chemistry, Venia Docendi

2011 to date

Co-Investigator of FWF-SFB F45 “Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces”, Project Part F4503-N16 “Catalytic synergisms at (bi)metallic and oxidic phase boundaries and interfaces”

2011 to date

Co-Group Leader of the "Nanostructured Model Catalysts" Group at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, UIBK



University Assistant, Institute of Physical Chemistry, UIBK

Postdoc in Charles T. Campbell’s group at the University of Washington, US

Main Research Areas and Recognition

  • Catalysis: Structure-activity correlations in simple & complex oxide and oxide-supported metal and intermetallic compound-related catalysts with special focus on reforming reactions involving methanol and methane.

  • Thin Film Model Systems: Preparation and characterization of simple and oxide/carbide-supported bi-and multi-metallic (thin film) catalyst systems.

  • High-End Catalyst characterization: (High-resolution) analytical electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis; In situ and Operando Spectroscopic and Structural studies (e.g., X-ray diffraction, FT-Infrared Spectroscopy, Electric Impedance Spectroscopy or Thermogravimetry).

Additional Research Achievements

Invited Speaker

(within the last five years)





Minisymposium “Intermetallic compounds in Catalysis”

ECMatAC Days

IX. Conference on Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions

International Symposium on Intermetallic Compounds in Catalysis (Keynote)



13th Pannonian Symposium on Catalysis (Keynote)

UniCat Colloquium, Technische Universität Berlin

Prizes and Awards


CAST Technology Award 2014 (3rd place): Development of an operando/in situ reactor cell for FT-IR spectroscopy

Funded Research Projects

2023 - 2026

2022 - 2025

2017 - 2020

FWF Project P 36926-N “Optimization of Carbon Chemistry in Methane Dry Reforming” (320.775 €)

FWF project P 35770-N “Double Perovskite – based Mixed Ion-Electronic Conductors” (342.750 €)

DACH – FWF/DFG project I 2877-N34 “The Quest to Reliable Structure-Property Relationships in Methanol Steam Reforming (146.034 €)

2016 - 2019

Long-Term Proposal in situ XRD diffraction at ALS light source, Berkeley ALS-08048 (5 % of available beam time “High-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction in controllable gas atmospheres: Stability of complex metal-oxide systems and in-situ studies under realistic operando conditions”.)

2015 - 2016

FFG project 848825, with Reinhard Kaindl/Joanneum Graz, “PVD-Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel cells” (131.200 Euro)

Editorial and Reviewer Activities

Since 2014:

Catalysts (Guest Editor “Reforming Catalysis” in 2016)

Reviewer for 20+ peer-reviewed journals in catalysis, physical chemistry and materials science as well as for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and for European Research Council (ERC).

Additional Skills

Russian Language Course (60 h, B2-C1 level) at Russian in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian Language Course (80 h, B2 level) at Odessa Language School Centre, Odessa, Ukraine

Career-related distance study at Goethe-Institute, Munich and Karlsruhe: “Methodik und Didaktik des fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterrichtes (Methods and didactics of teaching German as foreign language)”

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