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hemetsberger.html – Universität Innsbruck

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Hemetsberger 


Professor of Branding


Academic Director of the Brand Research Laboratory (Brand Lab)

Speaker of the Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics & Society 


University of Innsbruck Faculty of Business and Management
Department of Strategic Management & Marketing                               

Universitätsstr. 15
Room o.3.24
6020 Innsbruck
Austria / Europe
phone: +43 (0) 512/507 72550

Andrea Hemetsberger


I graduated in home economics at the Institute for Pedagogical Studies in Innsbruck and in Business Management at the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck. After a two-year project for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce I was working and lecturing at the former Department of Marketing and Retailing before I finished my doctorate in 1997. In 2000 I was granted a Marie-Curie fellowship from the European Commission and spent a year at the department of Marketing at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. After finishing my Habilitation thesis in 2006 I was visiting researcher at the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, Kanada and visiting professor at the Ecole Supérieur des Economiques et Commerciales, Paris, France. I am guest professor at the Université Paris-Dauphine in Paris, and guest lecturer at the International Luxury MBA at the ESSEC business school, since 2008.

From May 2010 to December 2020 I was speaker of the interdisciplinary research platform Organizations & Society at the University of Innsbruck; since April 2011 Professor of Branding at the Department of Strategic Management & Marketing, and academic director of the Brand Research Laboratory Brand Lab at the University of Innsbruck. I served as Head of the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism from January 2016 to December 2020. In January 2021, I was elected speaker and member of the managing team of the new interdisciplinary Research Area EPoS - Ecomomy, Politics & Society.

Area of Research:

My research revolves around Branding; Brands as social Representations and social Mediations; Sustainable Branding; Visual Brand Representation on social Media; Digital Brand Assemblages; Luxury Experiences; Consumer Deceleration and Mindfulness; Consumers' Pursuit of Being Different (Anders-sein); Charismatic Brand Leadership;Tensions and Change in the Free Software and the Open Source field; Brand Legitimization; Traditional Alpfoodways as Intangible Cultural Heritage, among other fields of research.

Interpretive Studies, Phenomenology, Netnography, Visual Analysis

Consumer Culture Theoretics, social Representations & social Mediation Theory, Performativity Theory, Assemblage Theory; Action Nets, Convention Theory, among others.

Research projects and interests:
Selected Publications:
  • Riehle Ramona, Verena Wieser and Andrea Hemetsberger (2023), “”We truly love what we do”: The tribal consumer inside genuinely passionate service employees,” Journal of Service Research,
  • Klingler, Michael, Markus Schermer, Andrea Hemetsberger, Rike Stotten, Clemens Maaß (2023), “Disentangling the sociomaterial assemblage of culinary heritagization: the Wildschönauer Krautinger schnapps.” Journal of Rural Studies, 103, 103125. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103125
  • Schwarz, Sarah, Christiane Aufschnaiter and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “social Linking Practices in Physical Distance: The Material Constitution of sociality,” Marketing Theory, DOI: 10.1177/14705931221137732
  • Ugne Greivyte and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “In Limbo: Liminality Narratives of Young Adults Returning to the Family Home,” NA Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, eds., Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Denver, 2022.   
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Hans Mühlbacher (2022), “Co-creation or Co-destruction? Value-based Brand Formation,” in Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach and Adam Lindgreen (eds.) Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, practice, and ethical implications, Edward Elgar, pp. 92-106.
  • Von Wallpach, Sylvia and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Brands in Action: Understanding corporate branding dynamics from an Action Net Perspective,” in Iglesias Oriol, Nicholas Ind and Majken Schultz (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding
  • Schöps, Jonathan, Christian Reinhardt and Andrea Hemetsberger (2022), “Sticky market webs of connection – human and non-human market co-codification dynamics across social media,” European Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
  • Aufschnaiter, Christiane, Schwarz, Sarah and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), “Anchors on the Move: Digital Nomads’ Solid Footholds in Liquidity,” NA Advances of Consumer Research.
  • Wieser, Verena E., Marius K. Lüdicke and Andrea Hemetsberger (2021), “Charismatic Entrainment: How Brand Leaders and Consumers Co-Create Charismatic Authority in the Marketplace,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (4), 731-751. (see also our JCR blog entry at:
  • Schwarz, Sarah and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020), “A Luxury Moment to Go, Please – Toward a Paradoxical View of Luxuriousness Among Cosmopolites,” NA Advances of Consumer Research, Paris online conference, 2020.
  • Von Wallpach, Sylvia, Andrea Hemetsberger, Thyra U. Thomsen and Russel W. Belk (2020), “Moments of Luxury – A Phenomenological View of the Essence of Luxury Experience,” Journal of Business Research, 116, 491-502.
  • Schöps, Jonathan, Stephanie Kogler and Andrea Hemetsberger (2020). “(De-)stabilizing the digitized fashion market on Instagram–dynamics of visual performative assemblages,” Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23 (2), 195-213.
  • Verena E. Wieser, Andrea Hemetsberger and Marius K. Lüdicke (2019), “Protest Rhetoric’s Appeal: How Moral Entrepreneurs Recruit the Media into Moral Struggles,” in Simone Schiller-Merkens and Philip Balsinger (eds.) The Contested Morality of Markets, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Chapter 8, 151–166.
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea, Maria Kreuzer and Melanie Klien (2019), “From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Experiencing Spirituality via Body Transformation,” special issue on ‘Consuming the Spiritual’, Journal of Marketing Management, 35(5-6), 540-564.
  • Ladstätter, Florian, Andreas Plank and Andrea Hemetsberger (2018), “The Merits and Limits of Making Do: Bricolage and Breakdowns in a social Enterprise,” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30 (3-4), 283–309.
  • Jonathan Schöps, Philipp K. Wegerer and Andrea Hemetsberger (2017), “Brand-mediated Ideological Edgework: Negotiating the Aestheticized Human Body on Instagram - The Case of American Apparel,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research 45.
  • Von Wallpach, Sylvia, Andrea Hemetsberger and Peter Espersen (2017), “Performing identities: Processes of brand and stakeholder identity co-construction,” Journal of Business Research, 70, 443–452.
  • Sabrina Gabl, Verena Wieser and Andrea Hemetsberger (2016), “Public Brand Auditing: A Pathway to Brand Accountability,” in Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse , Diego Rinallo , Russell W. Belk (ed.) Consumer Culture Theory  (Research in Consumer Behavior, Volume 18) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 147 – 167. (Literati Award 2017)
  • Andrea Hemetsberger, Sylvia von Wallpach and Martina Bauer (2015), “Women in Transition - consumption narratives of first-time motherhood,” NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.43, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
  • Gabl, Sabrina, Stöckl, Verena and Andrea Hemetsberger. (2013) “The Two Sides of the Gold Medal: Paradoxes of The Olympic Experience,” NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.41, eds. Simona Botti and Aparna Labroo, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea (2013), “Crowdsourcing,” In: Russell W. Belk and Rosa Llamas (eds.), The Digital Consumer, New York: Routledge Companion Series, 159-170.
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea, Bauer, Martina, von Wallpach, Sylvia and Katrin Broger (2012), “’On transit’ – Changes in Consumer-Brand Relationships During Transition from Student to Professional Life, Marketing Journal of Research and Management, Vol.35 (1), 40-49.
  • Andrea Hemetsberger, Sylvia von Wallpach and Martina Bauer (2012), “Because I’m Worth It – Luxury and the Construction of Consumers’ Selves,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
  • Gabl, Sabrina and Andrea Hemetsberger (2012), “Collective Authentication,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea and Ralf Weinberger (2012), “In Pursuit of Being Different,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40.
  • Bauer, Martina, Sylvia von Wallpach and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), “ ‘My little luxury’ – a consumer-centered, experiential view, ” Marketing Journal of Research and Management, 38/1, 57-66.
  • Roland Schroll, Andrea Hemetsberger, and Johann Füller. (2011), “Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds - Community Brands and Branded Communities,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
  • Ralf Weinberger and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), “Men, Bags, and the City – Male’s Adoption of Non-Traditional Gender Aesthetics,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
  • Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2009), "Collective Development in Open-Source Communities: An Activity Theoretical Perspective on Successful Online Collaboration," Organization Studies, Vol. 30, 9, 987-1008.
  • Kozinets, Robert V., Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope J. Schau (2008), "The Wisdom of Consumer Crowds: Collective Innovation in the Age of Networked Marketing," Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 28, 4, 339-354. 


  • Dr. Otto Seibert Prize

  • Shelby Hunt Award 2012 for the most frequently cited paper in the Journal of Macromarketing, 2007-2012.

  • Emerald Literati Award for the Outstanding Author Contribution 2017 , together with Sabrina Gabl and Verena Wieser 
Link to Master and Diploma theses:

Master and Diploma theses

  • Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
  • European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
  • Marie-Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA)
  • Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB)

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