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Andreas Eckhardt – Universität Innsbruck


Andreas Eckhardt

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Eckhardt
Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Digitale Transformation

Zimmer: w 3.09

Tel.: +43 (512) 507 - 73243
Fax: +43 (512) 507 - 73399



Akademischer Werdegang:

Andreas Eckhardt ist seit 1. Oktober 2020 Universitätsprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre ins. Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. Zuvor war er fünfeinhalb Jahre als Professor an der GGS Heilbronn tätig. Er war unter anderem als Gastprofessor an der Universität Hong Kong und der Universität Innsbruck tätig. Im Jahre 2010 promovierte er mit summa cum laude an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Vor seiner akademischen Laufbahn arbeitete er als Projektmanager für DaimlerChrysler Taiwan in Taipeh. Seine Forschung zu Technology Adoption, Cybersecurity, Digital Innovation, Electronic Commerce, Ethical Design und der Virtualisierung von Organisationen wurde in zwei Büchern, mehreren Buchkapiteln, Tagungsbänden sowie zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht (z. B. MIS Quarterly, Journal of Information Technology, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Business & Information Systems Engineering, and MIS Quarterly Executive). Innerhalb seiner Laufbahn hat er bereits zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Preise für seine Forschung, Lehre und Community-Arbeit erhalten. Unter anderem wurde er mit dem Magid Igbaria Outstanding Paper Award, dem ECIS Best Research in Progress Paper Award sowie dem SIGADIT Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet. Er organisierte und leitete Tracks auf allen großen Wirtschaftsinformatik-Konferenzen (z. B. ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS und WI). Zurzeit fungiert er als Senior Editor für Information Systems Journal und ist Mitglied des Editorial Boards von AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. Er ist ehemaliger Vorsitzender der AIS Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT) und des BAFIT-Netzwerks der Universität Innsbruck. Er ist Mitglied der ImPACT IT Data Group und des AIS Diversity & Inclusion Committee sowie Mentor in der MISQ Scholarly Development Academy 2023.



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Refereed Journal Articles (Complete):

Kollmer, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas (2023): “Dark Patterns: Conceptualization and Future Research Directions”, forthcoming in: Business & Information Systems Engineering

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas; Venkatesh, Viswanath (2022): “Deviant Affordances: When Tensions, Deadlocks, and Nonconformance Generate Performance", in: MIS Quarterly 46(4), pp. 2111-2162

Kollmer, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas; Reibenspiess, Victoria (2022): “Explaining consumer suspicion: insights of a vignette study on online product reviews”, in: Electronic Markets 32, pp. 1221-1238

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Drechsler, Katharina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2022): “Tapping into the Wealth of Employees’ Ideas: Design Principles for a Digital Intrapreneurship Platform”, in: Information & Management 59(3), No. 103287  

Drechsler, Katharina; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2021): “Innovation Champions’ Activities and Effects in Organizations – A Literature Review”, in: International Journal of Innovation Management 25(6), pp. 1-31

Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2021): “Eyes Wide Open: The Role of Situational Information Security Awareness for Cognitive Appraisals”, in: Information Systems Journal 31(3), pp. 429-472

Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia (2021): “The role of deterrability for the effect of multi-level sanctions on information security policy compliance: results of a multigroup analysis”, in: Information & Management 58(3), pp. 1-14

Hoeflinger, Vivien; Mai, Christian; Buettgen, Marion; Eckhardt, Andreas (2020): “Der Generalfaktor der Persoenlichkeit und die Dunkle Triade - Eine empirische Studie unter deutschen Managerinnen und Managern”, in: Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O 64(4), pp. 234-248 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Giordano, Anthony; Endter, Florian; Somers, Paul (2019): “Three Stages to a Virtual Workforce”, in: MIS Quarterly Executive 18(1), pp. 19-35 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas; Schwarz, Andrew (2019): “The Acceptance of Justifications among Shadow IT Users and Non-Users – An Empirical Analysis“, in: Information & Management 56(5), pp. 731- 741

Buettner, Ricardo; Sauer, Sebastian; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2018): “ Real-time Prediction of User Performance based on Pupillary Assessment via Eye Tracking“, in: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 10(1), pp. 26-56

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas (2017): “Shadow IT“, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering 59(6), pp. 469–473

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2017): “What determines user attitudes in IS research? – A Meta- Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Approach “, in: Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 18(3), pp. 34-65 

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kuhlenkasper, Torben (2017): “Conflicting behavioral paradigms and predicting IS adoption and non-adoption–The importance of group-based analysis“, in: Computers in Human Behavior 67, pp. 10-22

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Weitzel, Tim (2016): “The effect of personality on IT personnel’s job-related attitudes: Establishing a dispositional model of turnover intention across IT job types“, in: Journal of Information Technology 31, pp. 48-66 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2016): “Work routines as an object of resistance during information systems implementations: Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence“, in: European Journal of Information Systems 25(4), pp. 317–343 

Wirtky, Thomas; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2016): “On the Untapped Value of IT in HRM – a Literature Review“, in: Communications of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 38 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2016): “User Personality and Resistance to Mandatory Information Systems in Organizations: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test of Dispositional Resistance to Change“, in: Journal of Information Technology 31, pp. 67-82

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “The Attitude Cube – A three-dimensional model of situational factors in IS adoption and their impact on the attitude-behavior relationship“, in: Information & Management 52(6), pp. 611-627 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2015): “Who really quits? A longitudinal analysis of voluntary turnover among IT personnel“, in: The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems 46 (4), pp. 26-47 

Franke, Roland; Kroenung, Julia; Born, Friedrich; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Influential Factors for E-Government Success in the Middle East: Case Study Evidence from Saudi Arabia“, in: International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 11 (1), pp. 39–62

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “The Impact of Business Process Management and Applicant Tracking Systems on Recruiting Process Performance: An Empirical Study“, in: Journal of Business Economics (former ZfB) 85 (4), pp. 421–453 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Information technology as daily stressor: pinning down the causes of burnout“, in: Journal of Business Economics (former ZfB) 85 (4), pp. 349–387 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2015): “Giving too much Social Support: Social Overload on Social Networking Sites“, in: European Journal of Information Systems 24(5), pp. 447-464 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Weitzel, Tim (2014): “The Transformation of HRIS, People, Processes, and IT in E-Recruiting - Insights of an Eight-year Case with a German Media Corporation”, in: Employee Relations, 36(4), pp. 415 – 431 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “Organizational Cloud Service Adoption - A Scientometric and Content-based Literature Analysis“, in: Journal of Business Economics (former ZfB), 84, pp. 407-440

Rosenkranz, Nadine; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kuehne, Mirko; Rosenkranz, Christoph (2013): “Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet - Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse“, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5(4), pp. 259-274 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2013): “Analyzing the impact of HRIS implementations on HR personnel's job satisfaction and turnover intention”, in: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 22, pp. 193–207 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Weitzel, Tim (2012): Bewerbermanagementsysteme in deutschen Großunternehmen: Wertbeitrag von IKT fuer dienstleistungsproduzierende Leistungs- und Lenkungssysteme“, in: Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB),82, pp. 47-75 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): “Examining Job Seekers intention to use self- assessment“, in: Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung, 26(3), pp. 218-240 

Muenstermann, Bjoern; von Stetten, Alexander; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): “The Performance Impact of Business Process Standardization – HR Case Study Insights”, in: Management Research Review, 33(9), pp. 924 – 939 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2010): Electronic Human Resources Management in an E-Business Environment”, in: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), pp. 240-250

Muenstermann, Bjoern; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2010): “The performance impact of business process standardization – an empirical evaluation of the recruitment process”, in: Business Process Management Journal, 16(1), pp. 29-56 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Trunk, Natascha (2010): “Do as your parents say? – Analyzing IT adoption influencing factors for full and under age applicants”, in: Information Systems Frontiers, 12(2), pp.169-183 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2009): “An IT-Architecture to Align E-Recruiting and Retention Processes”, in: International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 1(2), pp. 38-61

Laumer, Sven; von Stetten, Alexander; Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): E-Assessment, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1(3), pp. 263-265 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Weitzel, Tim (2009): “Who influences whom? - Analyzing workplace referents’ social influence on IT adoption and non-adoption”, in: Journal of Information Technology, 24(1), pp. 11-24 

Weitzel, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2009): “A Framework for Recruiting IT talent: Lessons from Siemens”, in: MIS Quarterly Executive, 8(4), pp. 123-137 

Conference Proceedings (complete):

Augustin, Nils; Durani, Khalid; Kollmer, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas (2023): “Examining the Use of Blockchain Technology in Virtual Worlds: A Socio-Technical Systems Perspective”, in: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui (HI), USA

Obermueller, Moritz; Eckhardt, Andreas; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Kollmer, Tim; Blossey, Gregor (2023): “How the Perception of Agile Software Development Affects Beta Users’ Stress and Satisfaction”, in: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui (HI), USA

Kollmer, Tim; Durani, Khalid; Peterhaensel, Florian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Augustin, Nils (2023): “Exploring Consumers Risk Mitigation Strategies in E-Commerce: A Qualitative Study of High-Risk Transactions”, in: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui (HI), USA

Stoeckl, Franziska; Eckhardt, Andreas (2023): “Sociability and Technostress in Online Classes: The Effects on Students’ Emotional Exhaustion During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, in: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui (HI), USA

Wiriyachaokit, Wanit; Augustin, Nils; Eckhardt, Andreas (2022): “Exploring Drivers of Sustained Participation in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations”, in: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark

Stoeckl, Franziska; Eckhardt, Andreas (2022): “Online Learning Fatigue in Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic – An Empirical Study with High School Students”, in: Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Minneapolis (MN), USA

Mayer, Florian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Carter, Michelle (2022): “Examining the Role of IT Identity and Identity Salience on IS Use“, in: 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle (WA), USA

Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Jaeger, Lennart (2022): “Does Your Smile Mean That You’re Happy? – a Multi-Channel Analysis of Emotional Reactions”, in: Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-55), Hawaii, USA

Durani, Khalid; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kollmer, Tim (2021): “Towards Ethical Design Science Research”, in: Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin (TX), USA

Pfahlsberger, Lukas; Mendling, Jan; Eckhardt, Andreas (2021): “Design of a Process Mining Alignment Method for Building Big Data Analytics Capabilities”, in: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Big Island, USA 

Ratz, Nadine; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas (2021): “The Secret to Remote Work — Results of a Case Study with Dyadic Interviews”, in: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Kauai, USA 

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner, Heinz-Theo (2020): “Innovation awareness – A case study about psychological distance to digital innovation platforms“, in: Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver (BC), Canada.

Mallmann, Gabriela; Eckhardt, Andreas; Macada, Antonio (2020): From One of Us to Us: Developing a Theoretical Model of Collective Deviance in IS“, in: Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver (BC), Canada.

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Drechsler, Katharina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2019): “Blessings and pitfalls of harnessing employee-driven innovation within a work model”, in: Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancún, Mexico .

Drechsler, Katharina; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2019): “Blessings and pitfalls of harnessing employee-driven innovation within a work model”, in: Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston (MA), USA.

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Drechsler, Katharina; Eckhardt, Andreas (2019): “A work model for employee-driven innovation in public organizations”, in: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden 

Kraus, Daniel; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas (2019): “How Voice Can Change Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis between E-Commerce and Voice Commerce”, in: Tagungsband zur 14. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Deutschland

Drechsler, Katharina; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2019): “The Changing Roles of Innovation Actors and Organizational Antecedents in the Digital Age”, in: Tagungsband zur 14. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Deutschland

Hartmann, Michael; Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2018): “Do Me a Favor – The Role of Social Relations for Information Security In- and Extra-Role Behavior”, in: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco (CA), USA 

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2018): “Unmasking Emotions via Facial Expressions – First Insights on the Role of Emotional Valence for IS Discontinuance”, in: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK  – BEST RESEARCH IN PROGRESS PAPER AWARD

Mallmann, Gabriela L.; Maçada, Antônio C. G.; Eckhardt, Andreas (2018): “We are Social: A Social Influence Perspective to Investigate Shadow IT Usage”, in: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK 

Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2018): “When colleagues fail: Examining the role of information security awareness on extra-role security behaviors”, in: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK 

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Drechsler, Katharina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner Heinz-Theo (2018): “Enabling innovation champions in organizations – Results of a systematic literature analysis”, in: Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Big Island, USA 

Jaeger, Lennart; Ament, Clara; Eckhardt, Andreas (2017): “The closer you get the more aware you become – A case study about psychological distance to information security incidents”, in: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea 

Piersig, Karina; Egloffstein, Marc; Pumpat, Martina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Wagner, David (2017): “Designing SPOCs for student engagement – experiences from Management Education”, in: Proceedings of the Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit (EMOOCS 2017), Madrid, Spain

Klose, Patrick; Eckhardt, Andreas; Rohrdrommel, Michael (2017): “The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Effectiveness of Visual Cluster Analysis as a Method for Analyzing Big Data”, in: Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawi, Malaysia 

Jochmann, Ken; Jaeger, Lennart; Reibenspiess, Victoria; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia (2017): “The Impact of Purpose Transfer for Mobile IS Use: Insights of an Empirical Study”, in: Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawi, Malaysia 

Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2017): “Making Cues Salient: The Role of Security Awareness in Shaping Threat and Coping Appraisals”, in: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal 

Ilgili, Aybala; Eckhardt, Andreas (2017): “Examining the role of changing organizational culture on IT employees’ commitment in M&A – Insights of a case study with a German software company”, in: Tagungsband zur 13. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, St. Gallen, Schweiz – BEST STUDENT PAPER NOMINEE

Reibenspiess, Victoria; Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas; (2016): “How Hedonic Systems Can Also Trigger Negative Emotions – First Insights of a Lab Experiment on Emotional Valence”, in: Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT), (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Dublin, Irland

Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas (2016): “A Neurosecurity Perspective on the Formation of Information Security Awareness - Proposing a Multi-Method Approach”, in: Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan 

Kettenbohrer, Janina; Beimborn, Daniel; Eckhardt, Andreas (2016): “Examining the Influence of Job Characteristics on Employees' Process Orientation”, in: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey 

Waizenegger, Lena; Thalmann, Stefan; Sarigianni, Christina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kolb, Darl; Maier, Ronald; Remus, Ulrich (2016): “From Isolation to Collaboration – How the Increasing Diffusion of Mobile Devices has Changed Practices of Knowledge Sharing in Non-Office Settings”, in: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey  

Kettenbohrer, Janina; Beimborn, Daniel; Eckhardt, Andreas (2016): “Embedded and Meaningful? How Co-Worker Relations and Work-Role Fit Affect Process Change Acceptance”, in: The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim (CA), USA

Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia; Jaeger, Lennart (2015): “What Faces Can(not) Tell – A Multi- Channel Analysis of Emotional Responses to Computer-Transferred Stimuli”, in: Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT), (Pre-ICIS Workshop), Fort Worth (TX), USA

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas; Bozoyan, Christine (2015): “Are Shadow System Users the Better IS Users? - Insights of a Lab Experiment”, in: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth (TX), USA 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Justifying Shadow IT Usage”, in: Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore 

Kettenbohrer, Janina; Beimborn, Daniel; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Analyzing the impact of job characteristics on employees' acceptance of process standardization”, in: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Muenster, Germany 

Kettenbohrer, Janina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Beimborn, Daniel (2015): “A Theoretical Perspective on Meaningfulness of Work and the Success of Business Process Standardization Initiatives”, in: Tagungsband zur 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrueck, Germany

Kisyovska, Yana; Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Peer Influence, Family Dysfunction or Conditioning? – An Empirical Analysis of Facebook Addiction Predispositions”, in: Tagungsband zur 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrueck, Germany

Vornewald, Kilian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia (2015): “Emotions in Information Systems Research – A Five Component View”, in: Tagungsband zur 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrueck, Germany

Buettner, Ricardo; Sauer, Sebastian; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2015): “Towards ex ante Prediction of User Performance: A novel NeuroIS Methodology based on Real-Time Measurement of Mental Effort”, in: Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015) Kauai, Hawaii, USA 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “Normalizing the Shadows – The Role of Symbolic Models for Individuals' Shadow IT Usage”, in: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Auckland, New Zealand 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “Sensitizing Employees' Corporate IS Security Risk Perception”, in: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Auckland, New Zealand 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2014): “Why are they grumbling about my new system? Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence of employee grumbling as a user resistance behavior”, in: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Auckland, New Zealand 

Franke, Roland; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “Crucial Factors for E Government Implementation Success and Failure: Case Study Evidence from Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah (GA) 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “The impact of human resources information systems and business process management implementations on recruiting process performance: A case study”, Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah (GA) 

Parlak, Seda; Eckhardt, Andreas (2014): “Developing a Facebook Withdrawal Scale: Results of a Controlled Field Experiment”, Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Tel Aviv, Israel 

Haag, Steffi; Eckhardt, Andreas; Kroenung, Julia (2014): “From the Ground to the Cloud - A Structured Literature Analysis of the Cloud Service Landscape around the Public and Private Sector”, in: Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014); Big Island, Hawaii, USA 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Maier, Christian; Hsieh, J.J. Po-Anh; Chuk, Tim; Chan, Antoni; Hsiao; Janet; Buettner, Ricardo (2013): “Objective measures of IS usage behavior under conditions of experience and pressure using eye fixation data”, in: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013); Milan, Italy 

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas; Bernius, Steffen (2013): "Planned Behavior versus Goal-Directed Automaticity – The Impact of Attitude and General Habit on Adoption and Non-Adoption", in: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013); Milan, Italy 

Wirtky, Thomas; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2013): ”Using Social Software for Enhancing IS Talents' E-Learning Motivation”, In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, Cincinnati (OH)

Cabinakova, Johana; Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas; Bernius, Steffen (2013): “The Importance of Culture, Trust, and Habitual Patterns - Determinants of Cross-Cultural E-Government Adoption”, In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Utrecht, Netherlands 

Wirtky, Thomas; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2013): “Towards understanding social software and its impact on corporate e-learning motivation”, In: Tagungsband zur 11. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik; Leipzig, Germany 

Kreuzer, Stanislav; Eckhardt, Andreas; Bernius, Steffen; Kroenung, Julia (2013): “A Unified View of Electronic Invoicing Adoption: Developing a Meta-Model on the Governmental Level”, in: Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46); Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Maier, Christian; Buettner, Ricardo (2012): “The Influence of Pressure to Perform and Experience on Changing Perceptions and User Performance: A Multi-Method Experimental Analysis”, in: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012); Orlando, USA 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): “Using User Personality to explain the Intention-Behavior Gap and Changes in Belief’s: A Longitudinal Analysis, in: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012); Orlando, USA 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): Online Social Networks as a Source and Symbol of Stress: An empirical analysis, in: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012); Orlando, USA 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): “Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Empirical Evidence for an Individual's Dispositional Resistance to IT-Induced Changes”, in: Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS); Seattle (WA), USA 

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2012): “Reflecting attitude in IT adoption research”, in: Proceedings of the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2012); Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; 

Brecht, Franziska; Eckhardt, Andreas (2012): “Employer Branding via Social Network Sites - a Silver Bullet to Attract IT Professionals?”, in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Barcelona, Spain 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): ”When Social Networking turns to Social Overload: Explaining the Stress, Emotional Exhaustion, and Quitting Behavior from Social Network Sites' Users”, in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) – NOMINATED FOR BEST PAPER AWARD; Barcelona, Spain 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): ”Are we in the Right Profession? - Comparing Information Systems, Computer Science and other Disciplines' Professional's Perceptions of the Job Market”, in: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, Milwaukee (WI)

Brecht, Franziska; Eckhardt, Andreas; Berger, Christian; Guenther, Oliver (2012): “Corporate career presences on social network sites: an analysis of hedonic and utilitarian value”, in: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI); Austin (TX), USA

Laumer, Sven; Blinn, Nadine; Eckhardt, Andreas (2012): “Opening the Black Box of Outsourcing Knowledge Intensive Business Processes - A Longitudinal Case Study of Outsourcing Recruiting Activities”, in: Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS- 45); Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2012): “The Implementation of Large-scale Information Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - A Case Study of Work-and Health-related Consequences”, in: Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-45); Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Three classes of attitude and their implications for IS research”, in: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011); Shanghai, China 

Kroenung, Julia; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “The Attitude Construct in IT Adoption Research – A Scientometric Analysis”, in: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011); Shanghai, China 

Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Social Media – Nachhaltiger Trend oder kurzfristiger Hype? Ergebnisse einer Befragung deutscher Großunternehmen“, in: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) – Informatik 2011; Berlin, Germany 

Wirtky, Thomas; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Wild, Udo; Weitzel, Tim (2011): “Going beyond operational efficiency in HR using IT - A Literature Review of Human Resources Information Systems”, in: Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS); Detroit (MI), USA

Lang, Sebastian; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Drivers, Challenges and Consequences of E-Recruiting - A Literature Review”, in: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference; San Antonio (TX), USA

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2011): “The Trend is our Friend - German IT Personnel's Perception of Job-related Factors before, during and after the Economic Downturn”, in: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, MAGID IGBARIA OUTSTANDING CONFERENCE PAPER OF THE YEAR AWARD; San Antonio (TX), USA

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Dispositional Resistance to Change and Social Network Site Adopters' and Non-Adopters' Attitudinal Beliefs - An Empirical Analysis”, in: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information System (ECIS); Helsinki, Finland

Bosch, Kai-G.; Bernius, Steffen; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Integrating a Differentiated Norm Classification into the Model of Adoption of Technology in Households (MATH)”, in: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Helsinki, Finland 

Maier, Christian; Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2011): “Technology Adoption by Elderly People – An Empirical Analysis of Adopters and Non-Adopters of Social Networking Sites”, in: Tagungsband zur 10. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik; Zuerich, Schweiz 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Nguyen, Nha-Tien (2010): “Social Influence in Technology Adoption Research – A Scientometric Study over two Decades”, in: Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT), (Pre-ICIS Workshop); St. Louis, USA

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): Why do People Reject Technologies? – Towards a Unified Model of Resistance to IT-Induced Organizational Change”, in: Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT), (Pre-ICIS Workshop); St. Louis, USA

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2010): “Why do People Reject Technologies? – Towards an Understanding of Resistance to IT-induced Organizational Change”, in: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2010); St. Louis, USA 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): “Online Gaming Platforms to Apply for Jobs – Proposing a Research Model to Investigate Job Seekers’ Behavior”, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Academic Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management; Bamberg, Germany

Schreiber, Bettina; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2010): “Between Cost Efficiency and Limited Innovation – A Scientometric Study of Business Process Standardization”, in: Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010); Lima, Peru 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): “The Internet as Additional Secondary Source - First Empirical Results for Differentiating the Impact of Secondary Sources on the Intention to Use IT”, in: Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010); Lima, Peru

Eckhardt, Andreas; Rosenkranz, Christoph (2010): “Lost in Translation?! – The Need for a Boundary Spanner between Business and IT”, in: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference; Vancouver, Canada

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): “Analyzing IT Personnel‘s Perception of Job-related Factors in Good and Bad Times”, in: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference; Vancouver, Canada

Laumer, Sven; Maier; Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2010): “Why do they resist? – An empirical analysis of an individual’s personality trait resistance regarding the adoption of new information systems”, in: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010); Pretoria, South Africa 

Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian; Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): “Towards an Understanding of an Individual's Resistance to Use an IS – Empirical Examinations and Directions for Future Research”, in: Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) 2009 Pre-ICIS Workshop; Phoenix, USA

Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): “Differentiating the impact of social influence - An empirical analysis of household adopters”, in: Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009); San Francisco, USA 

Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): The Significant Others of Subjective Norm - A Scientometric Study of Subjective Norm in IS Top-Journals over Two Decades, in: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009); Verona, Italy 

Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): “There is something about process standards: An empirical analysis”, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM 2009); Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Muenstermann, Bjoern; Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): “What drives business process standardization? A case study approach”, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM 2009); Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2009): “Status Quo and Trends in E-Recruiting – Results from an Empirical Analysis”, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM 2009); Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Eckhardt, Andreas; von Stetten, Alexander; Laumer, Sven (2009): “Value Contribution of IT in Recruiting – A Multi-National Causal Analysis”, in: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference; Limerick, Ireland

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): ”Help to find the Needle in a Haystack - Integrating Recommender Systems in an IT supported Staff Recruitment System”, in: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference; Limerick, Ireland

Muenstermann, Bjoern; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2009): “Join the standard forces – Examining the combined impact of process and data standards on business process performance”, in: Proceedings of the 42th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42, 2009); Big Island, USA 

Laumer, Sven; von Stetten, Alexander; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2009): “Online Gaming to Apply for Jobs –the Impact of Self- and E-Assessment on Staff Recruitment”, in: Proceedings of the 42th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42, 2009); Big Island, USA

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2008): “Recruiting IT Professionals in a Virtual World”, in: Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2008); Suzhou, China 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Weitzel, Tim (2008): “Reconsidering Subjective Norm – A Multilayer-Framework for Modeling Normative Beliefs in IT Adoption”, in: Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008); Toronto, Canada 

von Stetten, Alexander; Muenstermann, Bjoern; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2008): “Towards an Understanding of the Business Value of Business Process Standardization - A Case Study Approach”, in: Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008); Toronto, Canada 

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim (2008): “Do as your Competitors Do? - Analyzing Competitors’ Influence on the Non-Adoption of Information Systems in Organizations”, in: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Galway, Ireland 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Weitzel, Tim (2008): “Extending the Architecture for a Next- Generation Holistic E-Recruiting System”, in: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM); Niagara Falls, Canada

Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim; Koenig, Wolfgang; Buschbacher, Josef (2007): “How to Convince People who don’t Like IT to Use IT - A Case Study On eRecruiting”, in: Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007); Keystone, USA 

Eckhardt, Andreas; Keim, Tobias (2007): “Conflicts and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Remote Collaboration via Videoconferencing”, in: Proceedings of the 40th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40 2007); Big Island, USA 

Books (complete):
Weitzel, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas; von Westarp, Falk; von Stetten, Alexander; Laumer, Sven; Kraft, Bernd: “Recruiting 2011“, in: Weka Verlag, ISBN 978-3-297-19971-8; Zurich, Switzerland

Eckhardt, Andreas; Weitzel, Tim; von Westarp, Falk (2010): “Recruiting 2010“, Weka Verlag, ISBN 978-3-297-01983-2; Zurich, Switzerland

Book chapters (complete):

Piersig, Karina; Pumpat, Martina; Wagner, David; Eckhardt, Andreas (2020): “Erfolgsfaktoren für die didaktische Gestaltung von Corporate MOOCs - Erkenntnisse aus dem MOOC Human Resource Management in the Digital Age der German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS)” in: Deimann, M. und Friedl, C. (eds.): “Machen MOOCs Karriere? Eine praxisnahe Reflexion über Erfahrungen von Unternehmen”, Springer, pp.77-105.

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Vornewald, Kilian (2013): “Bewertung von Self- und E- Assessments durch Kandidaten und Unternehmen”, in: Diercks, J. und Kupka, K. (eds.): “Die Bedeutung spielerischer Ansaetze in Personalmarketing und -auswahl”, Springer, S.19-32.

Weitzel, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; von Stetten, Alexander (2012): “Personalbeschaffung im deutschen Mittelstand - Eine empirische Analyse des Status quo“, in: Meyer, J.- A. (ed.): Personalmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, JOSEF EUL VERLAG, Lohmar, S. 131-157.

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2012): “Why Do People Reject Technologies: A Review of User Resistance Theories”, in: Dwivedi, Y. K., Wade, M. R., Schneberger, S. L. (eds.): “Information Systems Theory - Explaining and Predicting Our Digital Society, Vol. 1”, Springer, S. 63-86.

Weitzel, Tim; Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2011): “Zielgruppen, Prozesse und Personen“, in: Personalmagazin 10/11 - Praxisratgeber, S. 4-7

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven; Maier, Christian (2011): “Introducing a First Step towards a Holistic Talent Management System Architecture”, in: Scupola, A. (ed.): “Developing Technologies in E-Services, Self-Services, and Mobile Communication: New Concepts”, IGI Global; Hershey (PA), USA

Eckhardt, Andreas; Brickwedde, Wolfgang; Laumer, Sven; Weitzel, Tim (2011): “The Need for a Recruiter 2.0 for Hiring IT Talent – The Case of a German Software Manufacturer”, in: Luftman, J. (ed.): “Managing IT Human Resources: Considerations for Organizations and Personnel”, IGI Global, S. 325- 339.

Eckhardt, Andreas; Laumer, Sven (2010): “An IT-Architecture to Align E-Recruiting and Retention Processes”, in: Kamel, S., Lee, I., Kisielnicki, J., Siau, K., Gupta, A., Slyke, C., Wang, J., Weerakkody, V. (eds.): "Electronic Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications", S. 1574-1592; IGI Global

Laumer, Sven; Eckhardt, Andreas (2009): “What makes the difference? – Introducing an integrated information system architecture for employer branding and recruiting”, in: Bondarouk, T., Ruel, H., Oiry, E. und Guiderdoni, K. (eds.): "Handbook of Research on E-Transformation and Human Resources Management Technologies", S. 275-288



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