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Phone Usage – University of Innsbruck

Phone Usage



In general, your number should already be logged in when you get a new phone. You can verify this by having a look at the first line of your phone: Here you should see your phone number and your name. If this is not the case, please see the fourth section of this document.  

Using Voice Menus

Voice menus are used in various parts of the VoIP phone system. The possible choices are read to you. You then make your choice or enter the appropriate data using the keys of your phone. In almost all cases you confirm your choice by pressing the hash key - "#".  

Volume Control

In the upper left part of your phone there are the keys for changing the volume. These keys have multiple purposes:

  • If you change the volume whithout making a call, the volume of the the ring tone is set.
  • During a phone call, the keys change the volume of this and ll following calls.

Below the volume control there is the  "Mute" key. It mutes the current connection, i.e. the callee cannot hear you until you press the key again. You can use this for example if you want to ask another person in your room something (without the callee being able to hear it).

The key "Speaker" changes the call from being led using the phone handset to the speaker (and vice versa).

If you press the key "Headset", you tell the phone that a headset was plugged in and should be used.  

Login and Logout

By default, the upper right function keys of your phone are used (and labeld) for logging in or out.

If your press "Login", a voice menu is played for actively of passively logging in. If you log in actively, any already existing login is changed to passive.

By using "Logout" you can log off a number that is actively or passively logged in. On some phones - especially those that are publically accessible - login and logout is locked and cannot be used.

The actively logged in phone number is shown on the second line of the display. Passively logged in phone numbers are shown below. Next to the phone number, then name of the person is shown whom the number belongs to.

The calls on the phone are made using the actively logged in phone number. If you want to use any other number, please use the key "call as" and enter your phone number and your PIN code and then the number to dial (see below).

Example: The number 12345 is actively logged in on a phone. You want to call somebody using your number 67890. Press the key "call as" and wait for the voice menu. Enter the number 67890 and the # key. Then enter the five-digit PIN code, again followed by the "#"-key. Enter the number you want to call (e.g. 0512 1234567) and again enter "#". Now the number "67890" is displayed to the callee as being the caller - not the number actively logged in (12345).

Further Information Regarding Logins

Besides being used for outgoing calls, the active login is also used for the following actions:

  • The function keys are set according to the number's configuration.
  • The phone book for the active login is synchronised.
  • The settings for this number can be changed on the phone directly (using the menu key).
  • You can change the profile for the active login quickly using the "snom" key.
  • Call locks have to be removed using the PIN code of the actively logged in number.
  • Redirections on the phone are set for the active number.

The ring tones are set for active and passive logins independently. The ring tones are used as set in the configuration of each number.

The voicemail boxes are shown for both active and passive logins.


Making Calls

Internal Calls: Please dial the number of the person you want to call

Externe Anrufe: Please do not enter the PIN code. For business-related calls, simply enter the number to call (area code + number). For private calls, dial "*"  and then then number (area code + number).

Please note: For calls to numbers  in Innsbruck you also have to dial the area code (0512).

There are multiple ways to dial a number:

  • Enter the phone number and pick up the phone handset. You can now make the call using the handset.
  • Pick up the handset, enter the phone number and press the "OK" key (check) to setart a call.
  • Hands-free talking: Enter the phone number and press the "OK" key (check). The call is now started in hands-free mode: You can hear the callee using the speaker of the phone and can talk to him using the integrated microphone. You can change to the handset mode by taking up the handset. You can always change between the two modes by pressing the "speaker" key.

Further Information

If no number is actively logged in on the phone (see above), you are asked for then phone number and PIN code to be used for this call. Please enter these data using the telephone keys and confirm each input by pressing the "#" key.

If the call lock is set, you will be asked for your PIN code every time when dialing a number. Again, enter your PIN and confirm the input using the "#" key.

If you enter a phone number, the phone tries to look up and complete the number in the central directory and your personal phone book. If you want to select one of the proposed numbers, please use the arrow keys.

If you press the key "directory", you can search the central directory of the University of Innsbruck. Using the multiple letter functions of the phone (as being used on mobile phones), you can enter the name of the person you want to call. The phone starts to guess the name after entering 2 letters. You can select one of the displayed numbers using the arrow keys.

If you press the second display key on the right side ("Telbuch"), your personal phone book (from the central Exchange server) is displayed. Please use your mail client (Outlook or the web client) to change your contacts and only use the phone for displaying/dialing them.

The second display key on the left side ("Listen") opens the call lists. Here you can select and call number you called or that called you.

There are shortcuts for the three types of call lists: The key "Redial" brings you to the list of numbers you dialed, the left arrow key opens the list of missed calls, the right arrow key displays the calls you accepted.

You can close all menus and lists using the "close" key ("x").

Call Lock

By default, you can use a phone without entering a PIN code, if there is an active login on that phone. However, you can use the function key "Lock" to lock your phone for outgoing calls. Only emergency numbers  can be called then. If you dial another number, you will be asked for the PIN code of the number actively logged in on the phone.

To remove the call lock, press the "lock" key again and enter your PIN code, followed by the "#" key.

You can also activate automatic call locking (after a user-defined period) using the web interface.

Please note: For functional number, call locks are disabled by default.


In gerneral, the handling of incoming calls is defined by profiles, which can be configured using the web interface. As redirections to other numbers are used frequently, they can be set using a special function key, bypassing the profile settings. However, note that redirections on the phone disable the usage of profiles! If you use more complex profiles, you should configure your redirection using the web interface.

When a redirection is active, ths is displayed on the phone  (both your number and the number redirected to are shown, seperated by an arrow from your number to the redirection target). 

Calls on Hold

You can suspend an active phone call, for example if you want to check something with a colleague. In your first call, press the "Hold" key. The other person on the line now hears music on hold. Now dia the second number, start the call using "OK" (check) and terminate the call with "x". Now press the "Hold" key again to continue the first call.

You can also set multiple calls on hold. You then see a list of all the held calls an can select one of them.

Call Transfers

The beset way to transfer a call to another person is to set the call on hold and dial another number (see above). After talking to the second person (announcing the call), press the "Transfer" key and then "OK" to connect the two calls - your call will be terminated. 

If the third person is not available, terminate the second call ("x") and switch back to the first call by pressing "Hold" again.

Three-way Conferences 

You can use your phone for making conference calls for 3 persons, without any central conferencing system.

To add the third person to a phone call, set the first call on hold and dial the second number as described above. When that person is available, press the "Conference" button. 

Do not Disturb (DND)

The key "DND" sets your phone to silent. If somebody calls you, he is signalled that you are not available. Depending on your profile, the caller is redirected to a voice menu, your voicemail box, or the busy tone is played.

When "DND" is activated, there is no way to accept incoming calls. However, they will be listed in the call list as missed.

If multiple numbers are logged in on a phone, "DND" is set for all of them. This may be important if you want to prevent all of the numbers on your phone from ringing. 

Phone Settings

The preferred way of changing your number's configuration is using the web interface; there you also find the help descriptions for the options. However, the most important settings are also available on the phone using the "Menu" key.

A few settings - for example the brightness of the display - are specific to the phone (not the number) and are not transferred if you change to another phone. You find those settings by choosing the "Settings" key and then the menu entry "Preferences".

Using "Preferences - Display", you can change the contrast of the display and if (and when) the background light of the phone should be activated.

If you experience strange problems with your phone (which you shouldn't), you might want to try "Wartung - Neustart" to restart the phone and see if this solves your problem.

The other menu entries in "Settings" are not relevant to users and shall not be used.


You can define profiles for your number - please see the web interface for further information and assistance. On your phone you can list and activate already defined profiles for your (active) number. Press the "snom" key and select a profile to delete or activate it. Press "x" to return to the list of profiles.

Default Profile

Your default profile is of type "call". This profile type can be used for complex tasks. The profile is configured by default as follows:

  • Your number is called, no additional number
  • If you are busy or not available for 20 seconds, the user is redirected to a fallback voice menu.
  • In the fallback menu, the user can choose to go leave you a voicemail message (voicemail box 1) or to be redirected to the central switchboard.
  • If your number is busy, the caller can initiate a callback once you are available again
  • The other options of the fallback menu - redirection to your business mobile phone or to another contact person - are deactivated.

You can configure this profile according to your needs or define new profiles.

Functional Numbers

Functional numbers are those number, that cannot be assigned to a person directly, but are used for a function or task. Examples of such numbers are:

  • FAX devices
  • lecture rooms
  • laboratories
  • hotlines
  • functions . e.g. secretariat

Functional numbers can be logged in actively or passively. If a phone is publically accassible (eg. in lecture rooms or laboratories), they are in general actively logged in.

In most of the cases, functional numbers are only able to call internal numbers.

Call lock is deactivated for functional numbers (to prevent accidents where somebody locks the phone, but nobody knows the PIN of the functional number). 

Further Settings 

All other settings can be configured using the web interface of the phone administration:

Informations on how to use the web interface can be found in the text Settings using the Web Interface.

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