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Partners – Universität Innsbruck





The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies is embedded in a global academic network with leading institutions and colleagues within the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. Regionally the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies draws on a myriad of academic partnerships and friendships with institutions, organizations and practitioners within the field of peace work and research.




Al Azhar University

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Al-Istiqlal University

Aurora University Network

University of Cambridge

Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group, University of Cambridge

College of Arts, University of Bagdad

College of Arts, University of Baghdad

The UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies is partnering with the University of Baghdad in the development of a national pilot project for Peace and Conflict Studies in the framework of national reconciliation in Iraq. The collaboration is supported in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) at Haramaya University was established in 2009. Currently, CSSH offers first degree (BA/BSc.) training programs in eleven fields of study, M.A. Degrees in eight training programs and PhD in two study programs. The College has over 111 staffs on duty and over 38 staffs on study leave. The college is currently hosting over 1265 regular undergraduate program students, 43 masters regular program students and 12 PhD candidates.

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies cooperates with Haramaya University within the framework of the the APPEAR funded project entitled “HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation”.

Dublin City University

Dublin City University

Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg

Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg

The Faculty of Education at the University of Hamburg and the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies are collaborating in the field of Higher Education Capacity Building in a joined proposal in the fields of conflict transformation, cultures of peaces and pedagogy for memory.

Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies

Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies, Germany

The Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) was founded in July 2013, aiming to achieve theoretical understanding of the processes, measurements and practices relevant to fostering best-possible relationships in contexts affected by violence, atrocities, genocides, wars, dictatorships, segregation, enslavement and other crimes against humanity. Reconciliation Studies is a transdisciplinary and multiscale scientific field that focuses on individual, group, inter-group and political dynamics.

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies is cooperating with CPERG as a member of the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and Northern Africa (AARMENA)

Paz & Mente Brazil

Paz & Mente Brazil

Paz & Mente is a Brazilian Diploma program in Peace and Conflict Studies, founded by graduates of the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies’ MA Program.

Cooperation takes place on the levels of regular faculty exchanges. Graduates from Paz & Mente have the possibility to continue their studies within the Bologna framework at the University of Innsbruck.

Ponteificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali

Ponteificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali

University of Granada

The Peace and Conflict Research Institute, University of Granada

Universidad EAFIT

Universidad EAFIT

In 2018 the Unit for Peace Studies reached a memorandum of understanding with EAFIT.

University of Castellón Jaume I

University of Castellón Jaume I

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University of Jena

University of Jordan

University of Petra

University of Tampere

Regional and National



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Austrian Armed Forces

Austrian Armed Forces

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Austrian Development Agency

Austrian Development Agency

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies cooperates with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in the framework of the APPEAR funded Project “HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation”, which is made possible through funds by Austrian Development Cooperation.

Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR)

Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR)

The Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies currently cooperates with Haramaya University, Ethiopia, within the APPEAR funded project entitled “HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation”

Austrian Red Cross

Austrian Red Cross

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Fire Fighting Brigade Innsbruck

Fire Fighting Brigade Innsbruck

The Unit for Peace Studies is cooperating with the City of Innsbruck’s Fire Fighting Brigade with in the framework of the MA Program’s third modular period.

Förderkreis 1669 - Wissenschafft Gesellschaft

Förderkreis 1669 - Wissenschafft Gesellschaft

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Grillhof Bildungszentrum

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haus der Begegnung

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Informationszentrum politische Bildung

Informationszentrum politische Bildung

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Many Peaces Magazine

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Peace Studies Fund

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SOS Kinderdorf – Hermann Gmeiner Academy

SOS Children's Villages' Hermann Gmeiner Academy

SOS Children's Villages' Hermann Gmeiner Academy is a place of intercultural exchange for staff members from all over the world. It extends its warm welcome to the many friends of SOS Children's Villages as well as other development cooperation organizations.

"We connect people to make them see and feel the values of SOS Children's Villages!"

SPECTACT – Verein für politisches und soziales Theater

SPECTACT – Verein für politisches und soziales Theater

Das Ziel von spectACT ist es, Theater der Begegnung und der Ermutigung zu machen. Im Theater wird vieles möglich - Situationen werden anschaulich und dadurch begreifbar. Unser Theater soll Menschen eine Stimme geben, sowie ihren Wünschen und Anliegen Ausdruck verleihen. In unserer Arbeit geht es um die Auseinandersetzung mit politischen und sozialen Themen, die uns persönlich und als Gemeinschaft betreffen. Der Ansatz von spectACT lautet: Ich steh auf und misch mich ein. Ich werde aktiv, damit wir gemeinsam etwas bewegen. Dabei ist und bleibt Theater ästhetische Kunst und wirkt gerade dadurch auf vielfältige Art und Weise. Im Rahmen der Peacestudies bringen wir unsere Erfahrung in Bezug auf Theatermethoden zur Konflikttransformation (Forumtheater, Regenbogen der Wünsche,...) ein. Unsere Referenzen sind hierbei das Theater der Unterdrückten nach Augusto Boal (Er war 2005 als Vortragender zu Gast.) und das Theater zum Leben (, das auf Boals Methoden aufbaut, von David Diamond. David Diamond war inzwischen mehrere Male Lehrender im Programm. Armin Staffler, der Obmann von spectACT, ist seit Beginn im Jahre 2002 immer wieder als Lehrender oder Referent in Partnerprojekten tätig.

Water Rescue Team Innsbruck

Water Rescue Team Innsbruck

The Unit for Peace Studies is cooperating with the City of Innsbruck’s Figher Fighting Brigade with in the framework of the MA Program’s third modular period.

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