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Recognition of Examinations – University of Innsbruck

Recognition of Examinations

The recognition of examinations is regulated by the Universities Act 2002 § 78 Abs. 1.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aart Middeldorp is the Associate Dean of Studies (Studienbeauftragter für Informatik) responsible for the Bachelor and Master Programmes as well as the Supplementary Programme Computer Science. 

Clemens Sauerwein PhD is responsible for the Teaching Training Programme Computer Science.

The Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics (MIP) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tim Netzer is responsible for the Doctoral Programme.



1. Relevant forms:

a) Recognition of exams (Ansuchen um Anerkennung von Prüfungen)

b) Supplementary sheet (Beiblatt), can be found under 'Forms' on the respective study information page:

c) Admission record (Studienblatt)

d) Transcript of records (Bestätigung des Studienerfolgs)

2. Procedure for recognition of exams for BA/MA Computer Science, MA Software Engineering and ES Computer Science

  • Fill out (a) and (b). For (b) see also the information below.
  • Print ALL forms and visit Aart Middeldorp during office hours: Wednesday 11.30-13.00, an appointment is not required (office 3M07 - Department of Computer Science, Technikerstrasse 21a, 2nd floor).
  • For courses listed in (b) that are not in the course catalogue of the University of Innsbruck (and so are not listed in (d), also bring official information (ECTS points, content etc).


3. Procedure for recognition of exams for all Teaching Training Programmes in CS

  • Fill out (a) and (b). For (b) see also the information below.
  • Print ALL forms and visit Clemens Sauerwein by appointment: office 3S03 - Department of Computer Science, Technikerstrasse 21a, 2nd floor
  • For courses listed in (b) that are not in the course catalogue of the University of Innsbruck (and so are not listed in (d)), also bring official information (ECTS points, content etc).

  A recognition is not required for courses that are completed according to an earlier curriculum & stated in an equivalence list.  
  The equivalences are shown in lfu:online. The exams can be transferred by the student. See lfu:online Hilfe/FAQ
  Information about the allocation of exams in lfu:online: provisional allocation 

Automated notification when the exam is recorded by the Examination Office. Since the processing of notifications takes a certain amount of time, recognitions are not immediately visible in lfu:online.

Courses that are completed during the Computer Science studies may be used individually. In this case a confirmation of allocation (Zuordnungsbestätigung) is required:

        • Fill out (b).
        • Submit (b), (c) and (d) by email from your student account to the Prüfungsreferat and mention 'Zuordnung for <study programme>' in the header.

Write a concise (and polite) email from your student account to
or visit Aart Middeldorp during office hours
(Wednesday 11.30-13.00, an appointment is not required)


Examinations must be equivalent in workload (ECTS credits) and content to the courses prescribed in the curriculum. 

An introductory seminar (Proseminar) without the corresponding lecture will not be recognised. 

Receiving credits is not possible with: courses and internships at companies, professional activities

BA Computer Science 

Eligible for receiving credits:

isi-language courses (max. 5 ECTS):

  • advanced level or higher: English, French, Italian, Spanish
  • basic level or higher: all other languages (except German and mother tounge)

With a graduation of the schools listed below  a recognition of 5 ECTS for the Interdisciplinary Skills is possible:

  • HTL Elektronik, Ausbildungsschwerpunkte Technische Informatik; Informationstechnologien; Telekommunikation; Informationstechnik
  • HTL für Wirtschaftsingenieure - Betriebsinformatik
  • HAK, Fachrichtungen Informationsmanagement und Informationstechnologie; Wirtschaftsinformatik (Digital Business)
  • IT-Kolleg Imst
  • Technologische Fachoberschule Brixen or Bozen, Fachrichtung Informatik

Required documents: Recognition of exams 'Ansuchen um Anerkennung von Prüfungen', Supplementary Sheet 'Beiblatt', Admission Record ‘Studienblatt’, Copy of school leaving certificate including timetable (Maturazeugnis)

Not possible with:

  • HTL Eletrotechnik; HTL Maschinenbau; HTL Mechatronik
  • HAK, Ausbildungsschwerpunkte Controlling und Jahresabschluss; Multimedia und Webdesign; Multimedia; Business, IT und Multimedia; Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit mit Marketing
  • Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Ausbildungsschwerpunkte Kommunikations- und Mediendesign; Medieninformatik
  • KPH Edith Stein, Stams
  • 4. jährige Fachschule
  • Berufsreifeprüfung


MA Computer Science

Lehramt Informatik (BEd) 

General information on the recognition procedure can be found on the website of the Faculty of Teacher Education. However, please follow the instructions listed above.


Lehramt Informatik und Informatikmanagement (Mag.rer.nat.) 

Note that for the  Examination Subject Deepening Computer Science courses with a total of 13 semester hours and at least 15 ECTS credits are required (chosen from the compulsory or optional modules of the BA studies of Computer Science)!


Lehramt Digitale Grundbildung und Informatik (MEd) 

Further information: here!


Supplementary Programme Computer Science

  Receiving credits is not possible with:

Master Information Systems

Supplementary Programme 2019W
VU Introduction to Progamming (5 ECTS) VO/PS Introduction to Progamming
VU Database Systems (5 ECTS) ≠  VO/PS Database Systems
Minor Digital Science (DiSC)

Supplementary Programme 2019W
VU Introduction to Progamming: Programming
in Python (5 ECTS)

VO/PS Introduction to Progamming

VU Introduction to Progamming: Programming
in R (5 ECTS)
VO/PS Introduction to Progamming

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