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Call for Papers & Abstract Submission

Geographiewerkstatt 2024

Call for Papers & Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission via Conftool:

Geographic research spans the nexus of society, technology and environment,embracing interdisciplinarity, both within and beyond the discipline. It is characterized by a wide array of ontologies, epistemologies and related methodologies and methods. Geographers not only combine methodologies and methods from other disciplines, but they also actively experiment, advance, and innovate in the realms of methods. This is the case not only within the inherently methodological geographical sub-strands such as geography education, remote sensing, environmental modeling, (geo-)statistics, geographical information systems, cartography, but across diverse human geographies, physical geographies and integrative geographical research. Beyond rigorous basic research methods, geographers apply transdisciplinary, participatory, and co-creative methodologies with the aim to contribute to addressing pressing grand challenges, including the climate crisis, natural hazards, demographic change, conflict and war, and digitization. The incorporation of technologies – as research tools and research focus – entails possibilities as well as challenges including research-ethical questions.

This 6th Bi-Annual Geographie-Werkstatt embraces this ever-evolving landscape. It serves as a platform for the comprehensive exploration of method(olog)ical diversity, experimentation and innovation within geography. Researchers, especially early-career scholars, will engage in discussing their methodological approaches and their application in their own postdoctoral projects, doctoral and master’s theses. The conference aims to offer ample space and time for comprehensive feedback, fostering a productive dialogue among geographers from diverse schools of thought and various career levels. Moreover, the conference will feature keynote presentations showcasing innovative and novel research method(ologie)s by international and national scholars, across different crosssectional themes of geography. These keynote lectures will not only inspire reflection but also shed light on the current state of geographic research in Austria. They will illuminate the employment of both, traditional and emerging methodologies, offering a glimpse of exciting future avenues. The Geographie-Werkstatt in Innsbruck eagerly invites contributions, encouraging vibrant discussion and reflections on a wide spectrum of geographical themes encompassing society, technology and the environment, and geography education, while focusing on an integrative perspective.

We invite submissions of Extended Abstracts. Abstracts will be published in a book of abstract, made available via the website of the Geographieverband.  In line with our guidelines, we welcome abstracts adhering to the following style:

  • Title: Provide a clear and concise title for your abstract.
  • Authors: List all authors along with their affiliations.
  • Word Limit: Your abstract should not exceed 500 words.
  • Sources: Cite up to 6 key sources that inform your research.
  • Keywords: Include up to 5 keywords relevant to your research.
  • Illustration: We encourage the inclusion of one illustrative figure or image.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit your abstract via the Conftool. In case you want to upload an illustration, please choose submission type ‘Extended Abstract incl. Illustration’.


As the theme of the congress suggests, we especially welcome submission, focusing on the methodologies of your research. However, we also consider submissions beyond the conference theme. We especially encourage young scholars from all fields of geography to present their qualification works (Master, PhD thesis or habilitation).

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: extended until 4th of January
  • Notification of Acceptance: 15th of January
  • Conference Dates: 7th and 8th of March




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