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Dr. Tommi Alho – Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Tommi Alho

Institut für Klassische Philologie
und Neulateinische Studien

Projekt: Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-23)
Disputing Medicine: Medical Dissertations at the Academy of Turku (1640–1828)

Innrain 52a
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +43/512/507-40720


Persönliche Daten

  • Geb. 15.10.1980 in Turku


  • Lateinische Linguistik
  • Frühneuzeitliche Dissertationen
  • Latein als Wissenschaftssprache


Artikel in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden

  • Alho, Tommi (2022). Harjoituksia julkiseen elämään Canterburyn katedraalikoulussa (1665–1684). In K. Havu & J. Huhtinen (eds): Ajatusten näyttämö: julkisen keskustelun synty varhaismodernissa Euroopassa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  • Alho, Tommi (2022). A Prevaricator Speech from Caroline Cambridge: James Duport (1606–1679), Aurum potest produci per artem chymicam. In G. Manuwald and L. Nicholas (eds) An Anthology of Neo-Latin in British Universities. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Alho, Tommi, Mäkilähde, Aleksi, Sandis, Elizabeth (2020). Grammar war plays in early-modern England: from entertainment to pedagogy. Renaissance Drama 48 (2): 235–71.
  • Alho, Tommi (2020). Disputations at seventeenth-century Oxford. In M. Friedenthal, H. Marti & R. Seidel (eds): Early Modern Disputations and Dissertations in an Interdisciplinary and European Context (Intersections), 145–63. Leiden: Brill.
  • Alho, Tommi (2020). In Sulphuream Papistarum Conspirationem Exercitia: Retelling the Gunpowder Plot at the King's School, Canterbury (1665-84). Arctos 53: 9–36.
  • Alho, Tommi, Finch, Jason & Sell, Roger (2019). Introduction. In T. Alho, J. Finch & R. Sell (eds): Essays on Literature and Culture for Anthony W. Johnson (FILLM Studies in Languages and Literature), 1–21. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Alho, Tommi (2019). Vir bonus, dicendi peritus: Classical Education in the Restoration Grammar School. In T. Alho, J. Finch & R. Sell (eds): Renaissance Man: Essays on Literature and Culture for Anthony W. Johnson (FILLM Studies in Languages and Literature), 81–101. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Leppänen, Ville, Alho, Tommi (2018). On the mergers of Latin close-mid vowels. Transactions of the Philological Society 116 (3): 460–83.
  • Alho, Tommi, Leppänen, Ville (2017). On Roman brick stamps and the Latin -(a)es genitive. Pallas: Revue d'études antiques (Études de linguistique latine II) 103: 87–93.
  • Alho, Tommi, Leppänen Ville (2016). Roman brick stamps: evidence for the development of Latin case syntax. Glotta 92 (1): 3–15.
  • Mäkilähde, Aleksi, Alho, Tommi & Johnson, Anthony W. (2016). Performative grammars: Genre and allusion in a Restoration manuscript. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 117 (2): 315–44.


  • Alho, Tommi, Finch, Jason & Sell, Roger (eds) (2019). Essays on Literature and Culture for Anthony W. Johnson (FILLM Studies in Languages and Literature). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


  • Alho, Tommi (2020). Classical education in the Restoration grammar school: a Case Study of Orationes et carmina aliaque exercitia (Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Lit. MS E41). Diss. Åbo Akademi: Åbo


  • zusammen mit Timo Korkiakangas: ’Asigmatic accusative plurals? New evidence from Late Latin charters on the origin of Italian plurals’, Latin vulgaire – Latin tardif XIV, 5.-9.9.2022, Gent.
  • ’An aurum potest produci per artem chymicam: James Duport’s Prevaricator speech (1631)’, IANLS XVIII, 31.7.-5.8.2022, Leuven.
  • ’Transformation of the medical dissertation: a case study on the Academy of Turku (1640-1828)’,  30th Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, 9.-11.6.2022, Oulu.
  • zusammen mit Maija Kallinen: ’Lähdeviitteen lähteillä. Tieteellinen viittaaminen Turun akatemian väitöskirjoissa (1640–1713)’, 1500- ja 1600-lukujen tutkimuksen päivät, 28.-29.4.2022, Tampere.
  • ’Pathos in Medical Dissertations at the Academy of Turku (1640–1828)’, ERC Workshop: Pathos in Neo-Latin Scientific Writing, 12.-13.11.2021, Innsbruck.
  • ’University Disputations in Early Modern England’, Eloquentia Academica: The Theory and Practice of Early Modern Latin Academic Rhetoric, 5.-6.9.2019, Leicester.
  • zusammen mit  Aleksi Mäkilähde: ‘Studying Greek in a Restoration Grammar School’, Humanist Greek - Perspectives for a New Field of Studies, 23.-25.8.2018, Helsinki.
  • zusammen mit  Aleksi Mäkilähde: ’Neo-Latin Gunpowder Plot Plays at the King’s School, Canterbury: Contextualizing the Tradition’, IANLS XVII, 29.7.-3.8.2018, Albacete.
  • 'Hi Satanae proles sunt et Jesuitica': Poetry, Politics and Religion in a Restoration Grammar School’, The Classical Association Annual Conference, 6.-9.4.2018, Leicester.
  • zusammen mit Aleksi Mäkilähde & Elizabeth Sandis. ’Staging Pedagogy at School and University in Seventeenth-Century England’, RSA, 22.-24.3.2018, New Orleans.
  • zusammen mit Angela Bartens: ‘Transferring inflectional morphology: Greek‐Latin language shift in ancient Rome’, Annual Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, 19.-22.6.2017, Tampere.
  • zusammen mit Aleksi Mäkilähde: ’Dating Latin loanwords in Old English: Some methodological problems’, Contextualizing historical lexicology, 15.-17.5.2017, Helsinki.
  • zusammen mit Angela Bartens: ‘From Greek to Latin: Language shift in ancient Rome’, 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL), 24.-28.4.2017, München.
  • zusammen mit Anthony W. Johnson & Aleksi Mäkilähde: ‘Skills and knowledge in the Restoration school-room: Exploring George Lovejoy’s Speechbook’, Teaching & Learning in Early Modern England: Skills & Knowledge in Practice, 1.-2.9.2016, Cambridge.
  • zusammen mit Ville Leppänen: ’Dynamics of sound change: on the merger of Latin ĭ and ē’, Latin vulgaire – Latin tardif, 22.-26.8.2016, Uppsala.
  • ‘Normativity and Latin inscriptions’, XLIII Finnish Conference of Linguistics, 25.-27.5.2016, Oulu.
  • ‘Bella grammaticalia et aenigmata: Rhetorical Battles and Riddles in a Restoration Manuscript’, RSA 31.3.-2.4.2016, Boston.
  • zusammen mit Ville Leppänen & Aleksi Mäkilähde: ’Normativity and Language Change’, 22nd International Con-ference of Historical Linguistics (ICHL), 27.-31.7.2015, Napoli
  • zusammen mit Ville Leppänen: ’Normativity and language change: Two case studies on Roman brick-stamps’, 18th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL), 8.-13.6.2015, Toulouse.
  • zusammen mit Anthony W. Johnson: ‘Early Restoration Manuscripts and the Affordances of Digital Editing’, Bergen Shakespeare and Drama Network (BSDN), 23.-27.10.2014, Firenze.

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