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Publications – University of Innsbruck

Publications 2021

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Adler, Bianca; Gohm, Alexander; Kalthoff, Norbert; Babic, Nevio; Corsmeier, Ulrich; Lehner, Manuela; Rotach, Mathias W.; Haid, Maren; Markmann, Piet; Gast, Eckhard; Tsaknakis, George; Georgoussis, George (2021): CROSSINN - a field experiment to study the three-dimensional flow structure in the Inn Valley, Austria.
    In: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society 102/1, pp. E38 - E60. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Arosio, T.; Ziehmer-Wenz, M.M.; Nicolussi, K.; Schlüchter, C.; Leuenberger, M.C. (2021): Investigating Masking Effects of Age Trends on the Correlations among Tree Ring Proxies.
    In: Forests 12/11, No. 1523. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Babić, N.; Stiperski, I.; Marinović, I.; Večenaj, Ž.; De Wekker, S. F. J. (2021): Examining relationships between entrainment-driven scalar dissimilarity and surface energy balance underclosure in a semiarid valley.
    In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 298-299, No. 108272. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Babić, Nevio; Adler, Bianca; Gohm, Alexander; Kalthoff, Norbert; Haid, Maren; Lehner, Manuela; Ladstätter, Paul; Rotach, Mathias (2021): Cross-valley vortices in the Inn valley, Austria: Structure, evolution and governing force imbalances.
    In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147/740, pp. 3835 - 3861. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Bagheri, D. S.; Behrens, M.; Bonne, J.-L; Hörhold, M.; Lohmann, G.; Schlosser, E.; Werner, M. (2021): Continuous monitoring of surface water vapour isotopic compositions at Neumayer Station III, East Antarctica.
    In: The Cryosphere 15/10, pp. 4745 - 4761. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ban, N.; Caillaud, C.; Coppola, E.; ..., ...; Zander, M. J.; et al (2021): The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation.
    In: Climate Dynamics 57, pp. 275 - 302. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Barton, E. J.; Taylor, C. M.; Klein, C.; Harris, P. P.; Meng, X. (2021): Observed Soil Moisture Impact on Strong Convection over Mountaineous Tibetan Plateau.
    In: Journal of Hydrometeorology 22/3, pp. 561 - 572. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Büntgen, U.; Allen, K.; Anchukaitis, KJ.; ..., ...; Nicolussi, K.; ..., ...; Esper, Jan (2021): The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions.
    In: Nature Communications 12, Nr. 3411. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Chambers, J.R.; Smith, M.W.; Smith, T.; Sailer, R.; Quincey, D.J.; Carrivick, J.L.; Nicholson, L.; Mertes, J.; Stiperski, I.; James, M.R. (2021): Correcting for systematic underestimation of topographic glacier aerodynamic roughness values from Hintereisferner, Austria.
    In: Frontiers in Earth Science 9, p. 691195. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Cheng, H.; Xu, Y.; Dong, X.; Zhao, J.; Li, H.; Baker, J.; Sinha, A.; Spötl, C.; Zhang, H.; Du, W.; Zong, B.; Jia, X.; Kathayat, G.; Liu, D.; Cai, Y.; Wang, X.; Strikis, N.M.; Cruz, F.W.; Auler, A.S.; Gupta, A.K.; Singh, R.K.; Jaglan, S.; Dutt, S.; Liu, Z.; Edwards, R.L. (2021): Onset and termination of Heinrich Stadial 4 and the underlying climate dynamic.
    In: Communications Earth & Environment 2, Nr. 230. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Dabhi, H.; Rotach, M. W,; Dubrovsky, M,; Oberguggenberger, M. (2021): Evaluation of a stochastic weather generator in simulating univariate and multivariate climate extremes in different climate zones across Europe.
    In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift 30/2, pp. 127 - 151. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Delwiche, K.B.; Knox, S. H.; Malhotra, A.; …, ...; Wohlfahrt, G.; et al (2021): FLUXNET-CH4: a global, multi-ecosystem dataset and analysis of methane seasonality from freshwater wetlands.
    In: Earth System Science Data 13/7, pp. 3607 - 3689. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Demeny, Attila; Rinyu, Laszlo; Kern, Zoltan; Hatvani, Istvan G.; Czuppon, Gyorgy; Suranyi, Gergely; Leel-Ossy, Szabolcs; Shen, Chuan-Chou; Koltai, Gabriella (2021): Paleotemperature reconstructions using speleothem fluid inclusion analyses
    from Hungary.
    In: Chemical Geology 563, Nr.120051. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Doro, L.; Wang, X.; Ammann, C.; De Antoni Migliorati, M.; Grünwald, T.; Klumpp, K.; Loubet, B.; Pattey, E.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Williams, J.R.; Norfleet, M.L. (2021): Improving the simulation of soil temperature within the EPIC model.
    In: Environmental Modelling & Software 144, Nr. 105140. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ebner, P.P.; Koch, F.; Premier, V.; Marin, C.; Hanzer, F.; Carmagnola, C.M.; François, H.; Günther, D.; Monti, F.; Hargoaa, O.; Strasser, U.; Morin, S.; Lehning, M. (2021): Evaluating a prediction system for snow management.
    In: The Cryosphere 15/8, pp. 3949 - 3973. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Edwards, T. L; Nowicki, S.; Marzeion, B.; ..., ...; Maussion, F.; ..., ...; Zwinger, T. (2021): Projected land ice contributions to twenty-first-century sea level rise.
    In: Nature 593/7857, pp. 74 - 82. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Eis, J.; van der Laan, L.; Maussion, F.; Marzeion, B. (2021): Reconstruction of Past Glacier Changes with an Ice-Flow Glacier Model: Proof of Concept and Validation.
    In: Frontiers in Earth Science 9, No. 595755. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ejarque, E.; Scholz, K.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Battin, T.J.; Kainz, M.J.; Schelker, J. (2021): Hydrology controls the carbon mass balance of a mountain lake in the eastern European Alps.
    In: Limnology and Oceanography 66/6, pp. 2110 - 2125. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Ernst, Andrej; Krainer, Karl; Lucas, Spencer G (2021): Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Gray Mesa Formation (Pennsylvanian) of the Fra Cristobal Mountains, New Mexico.

  • Ernst, Andrej; Krainer, Karl; Schönlaub, Hans-Peter; Vachard, Daniel (2021): Bryozoans, foraminifers, algae, and sedimentological characteristics of an exotic limestone block of the late Viséan Kirchbach Formation, Carnic Alps, Austria.
    In: Bulletin of Geosciences 96/2, pp. 181 - 194. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fischer, Lukas; Breitenlechner, Martin; Canaval, Eva; Scholz, Wiebke; Striednig, Marcus; Graus, Martin; Karl, Thomas G.; Petäjä, Tuukka; Kulmala, Markku; Hansel, Armin (2021): First Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds with the PTR3-TOF-MS.
    In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14/12, pp. 8019 - 8039. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fowler, H. J.; Ali, H.; Allan, R. P.; Ban, N. et al. (2021): Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes.
    In: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 379/2195, No. 20190542. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hansen, R. F.; Griffith, S. M.; Dusanter, S.; Gilman, J. B.; Graus, M.; Kuster, W. C.; Veres, P. R.; de Gouw, J. A.; Warneke, C.; Washenfelder, R. A.; Young, C. J.; Brown, S. S.; Alvarez, S. L.; Flynn, J. H.; Grossberg, N. E.; Lefer, B.; Rappenglück, B.; Stevens, P. S. (2021): Measurements of Total OH Reactivity During CalNex-LA.
    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126/11, Nr. e2020JD032988. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Harper, A.B.; Williams, K.E.; McGuire, P.C.; ..., ...; Wohlfahrt, G.; et al (2021): Improvement of modelling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements.
    In: Geoscientific Model Development 14/6, pp. 3269 - 3294. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hattermann, T.; Nicholls, K.W.; Hellmer, H.H.; Davis, P.; Janout, M.; Østerhus, S.; Schlosser, E. et al. (2021): Observed interannual changes beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf linked to large-scale atmospheric circulation.
    In: Nature Communications 12, No. 2961. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Heim, C.; Hentgen, L.; Ban, N.; Schär, C. (2021): Inter-model variability in convection- resolving simulations of subtropical marine low clouds.
    In: Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 99, pp. 1271 - 1295. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Horak, J.; Hofer, M.; Gutmann, E.; Gohm, A.; Rotach, M. W. (2021): A process-based evaluation of the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model (ICAR) 1.0.1.
    In: Geoscientific Model Development 14/3, pp. 1657 - 1680. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hu, Zhongya; Li, Weiqiang; Zhang, Hua; Krainer, Karl; Zheng, Quan-feng; Xia, Zhiguang; Hu, Wenxuan; Shen, Shu-zhong (2021): Mg isotope evidence for restriction events within the Paleotethys ocean around the Permian-Triassic transition.
    In: Earth And Planetary Science Letters 556, Nr. 116704. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Huangfu, Y.; Yuan, B.; Wang, S.; Wu, C.; He, X.; Qi, J.; de Gouw, J.; Warneke, C.; Gilman, J. B.; Wisthaler, A.; Karl, T.; Graus, M.; Jobson, B. T.; Shao, M. (2021): Revisiting Acetonitrile as Tracer of Biomass Burning in Anthropogenic-Influenced Environments.
    In: Geophysical Research Letters 48/11, Nr. e2020GL092322. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Johnston, A.S.A.; Meade, A.; Ardö, J.; ..., ...; Wohlfahrt, G.; et al. (2021): Temperature thresholds of ecosystem respiration at a global scale.
    In: Nature Ecology & Evolution 5, pp. 487 - 494. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Johnston, V.E.; Borsato, A.; Frisia, S.; Spötl, C.; Hellstrom, J.C.; Cheng, H.; Edwards, L. (2021): Last interglacial hydroclimate in the Italian Prealps reconstructed from speleothem multi-proxy records (Bigonda Cave, NE Italy).
    In: Quaternary Science Reviews 272, Nr. 107243. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Klein, C.; Nkrumah, F.; Taylor, C. M.; Adefisan, E. A (2021): Seasonality and Trends of Drivers of Mesoscale Convective Systems in Southern West Africa.
    In: Journal Of Climate 34/1, pp. 71 - 87. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Klein, Cornelia; Jackson, Lawrence S.; Parker, Douglas J; Marsham, John H; Taylor, Christopher M; Rowel, David P; Guichard, Françoise; Vischel, Théo; Famien, Adjoua Moïse; Diedhiou, Arona (2021): Combining CMIP data with a regional convection-permitting model and observations to project extreme rainfall under climate change.
    In: Environmental Research Letters 16/10, No. 104023. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Knoflach, B.; Ramskogler, K.; Talluto, M.; Hofmeister, F.; Haas, F.; Heckmann, T.; Pfeiffer, M.; Piermattei, L.; Ressl, C.; Wimmer, M.H.; Geitner, C.; Erschbamer, B.; Stötter, J. (2021): Modelling of Vegetation Dynamics from Satellite Time Series to Determine Proglacial Primary Succession in the Course of Global Warming—A Case Study in the Upper Martell Valley (Eastern Italian Alps).
    In: Remote Sensing 13/21, No. 4450. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Koltai, G.; Spötl, C.; Jarosch, A.H.; Cheng, H. (2021): Cryogenic cave carbonates in the Dolomites (Northern Italy): insights into Younger Dryas cooling and seasonal precipitation.
    In: Climate of the Past 17/2, pp. 775 - 789. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kooijmans, L.; Cho, A.; Ma, J.; ..., ....; Spielmann, F.M.; Wohlfahrt, G.; et. al (2021): Evaluation of carbonyl sulfide biosphere exchange in the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB4).
    In: Biogeosciences 18, pp. 6547 - 6565. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Krainer, Karl; Lucas, Spencer G (2021): A marginal facies of the Jurassic Todilto Formation salina basin near Thoreau, New Mexico.
    In: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, Field Conference 71, pp. 249 - 256. (Web link)

  • Kropač, E.; Mölg, T.; Cullen, N.; Collier, E.; Pickler, C.; Turton, J. (2021): A detailed, multi-scale assessment of an atmospheric river event and its impact on extreme glacier melt in the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126/9, No. e2020JD034217. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Kwon, T; Shibata, H; Kepfer-Rojas, S; Schmidt, I K; Larsen, K S; Beier, C; Berg, B; Lamarque, J-F; Hagedorn, F; Eisenhauer, N; Djukic, I; and Tea Composition, Network; Kitz, F; Seeber, J; Wohlfahrt, G (2021): Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes.
    In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, Nr. 678480. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lamprecht, Ch.; Graus, M.; Striednig, M.; Stichaner, M.; Karl, Th. (2021): Decoupling of urban CO2 and air pollutant emission reductions during the European SARS-CoV-2 lockdown.
    In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21/4, pp. 3091 - 3102. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lehner, M.; Rotach, M. W.; Sfyri, E.; Obleitner, F. (2021): Spatial and temporal variations in near‐surface energy fluxes in an Alpine valley under synoptically undisturbed and clear‐sky conditions.
    In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147/737, pp. 2173 - 2196. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Li, H.; Spötl, C.; Cheng, H. (2021): A high-resolution speleothem proxy record of the Late Glacial in the European Alps: extending the NALPS19 record until the beginning of the Holocene.
    In: Journal of Quaternary Science 36/1, pp. 29 - 39. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Li, T.-Y.; Xiao, S.-Y.; Shen, C.-C.; Zhang, J.; Chen, C.-J.; Cheng, H.; Spötl, C.; Huang, R.; Wang, T.; Li, J.-Y.; Wu, Y.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Edwards, R.L.; Yu, T.-L. (2021): Little Ice Age climate changes in Southwest China from a stalagmite δ18O record.
    In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, No. 110167. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Li, X.; Wendt, K.A.; Dublyansky, Y.; Moseley, G.E.; Spötl, C.; Edwards, R.L. (2021): Novel method for determining 234U-238U ages of Devils Hole 2 cave calcite.
    In: Geochronology 3, pp. 49 - 58. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lucas, Spencer G.; Henderson, Charles; Barrick, James E.; Krainer, Karl (2021): Conodonts and the correlation of the Lower Permian Yeso Group, New Mexico, USA.
    In: Stratigraphy 19/2, pp. 77 - 94. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Lucas, Spencer G.; Krainer, Karl; Allen, Bruce D.; Barrick, James E; Vachard, Daniel (2021): The Carboniferous system in the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico.
    In: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 84, pp. 17 - 87.

  • Marchetto, A.; Boggero, A.; Fontaneto, D.; Lami, A.; Lotter, A. F.; Manca, M. M.; Massaferro, J.; Mosello, R.; Musazzi, S.; Nickus, U.; Psenner, R.; Rogora, M.; Sorvari Sundet, S.; Stuchlik, E.; Tartari, G.A.; Thies, H.; Tolotti, M. (2021): Living organisms and sedimentary remains from high mountain lakes in the Alps.
    In: Journal of Limnology 80/3, Nr. 2036. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Matiu, M.; Crespi, A.; Bertoldi, G.; Carmagnola, C.M.; Marty, C.; Morin, S.; Schöner, W.; Berro, D.C.; Chiogna, G.; De Gregorio, L.; Kotlarski, S.; Majone, B.; Resch, G.; Terzago, S.; Valt, M.; Beozzo, W.; Cianfarra, P.; Gouttevin, I.; Marcolini, G.; Notarnicola, C.; Petitta, M.; Scherrer, S.; Strasser, U.; Winkler, M.; Zebisch, M.; Cicogna, A.; Cremonini, R.; Debernardi, A.; Faletto, M.; Gaddo, M.; Giovannini, L.; Mercalli, L.; Soubeyroux, J.-M.; Sušnik, A.; Trenti, A.; Urbani, S.; Weilguni, V. (2021): Observed snow depth trends in the European Alps 1971 to 2019.
    In: The Cryosphere 15/3, pp. 1343 - 1382. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Migliavacca, M.; Musavi, T.; Mahecha, M.D.; Nelson, J.A.; Knauer, J.; Baldocchi, D.D.; Perez-Priego, O.; Christiansen, R.; Peters, J.; Anderson, K.; Bahn, M.; Black, A.; Blanken, P.D.; Bonal, D.; Buchmann, N.; Caldararu, S.; Carrara, A.; Carvalhais, N.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J.; Cleverly, J.; Cremonese, E.; Desai, A.R.; El-Madany, T.S.; Farella, M.M.; Fernández-Martínez, M.; Filippa, G.; Forkel, M.; Galvagno, M.; Gomarasca, U.; Gough, C.M.; Göckede, M.; Ibrom, A.; Ikawa, H.; Janssens, I.A.; Jung, M.; Kattge, J.; Keenan, T.F.; Knohl, A.; Kobayashi, H.; Kraemer, G.; Law, B.E.; Liddell, M.J.; Ma, X.; Mammarella, I.; Martini, D.; Macfarlane, C.; Matteucci, G.; Montagnani, L.; Pabon-Moreno, D.E.; Panigada, C.; Papale, D.; Pendall, E.; Penuelas, J.; Phillips, R.P.; Reich, P.B.; Rossini, M.; Rotenberg, E.; Scott, R.L.; Stahl, C.; Weber, U.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Wolf, S.; Wright, I.J.; Yakir, D.; Zaehle, S.; Reichstein, M. (2021): The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function.
    In: Nature 598, pp. 468 - 472. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Moseley, G.E.; Edwards, R.L.; Lord, N.S.; Spötl, C.; Cheng, H. (2021): Speleothem record of mild and wet mid-Pleistocene climate in northeast Greenland.
    In: Science Advances 7/13, Nr. eabe1260. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Munroe, J.; Kimble, K.; Spötl, C.; Marks, G.S.; McGee, D.; Herron, D. (2021): Cryogenic cave carbonate and implications for thawing permafrost at Winter Wonderland Cave, Utah, USA.
    In: Scientific Reports 11, Nr. 6430. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Muschinski, T.; Gohm, A.; Haid, M.; Umek, L.; Ward, HC. (2021): Spatial heterogeneity of the Inn Valley Cold Air Pool during south foehn: Observations from an array of temperature loggers during PIANO.
    In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift 30/2, pp. 153 - 168. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Nicholson, L.; Wirbel, A.; Mayer, C.; Lambrecht, A. (2021): The challenge of non-stationary feedbacks in the response of debris-covered glaciers to climate forcing.
    In: Frontiers in Earth Science 9, Nr. 662695. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Peron, A.; Kaser, L.; Fitzky, A.C.; Graus, M.; Halbwirth, H.; Greiner, J.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Rewald, B.; Sanden, H.; Karl, T. (2021): Combined effects of ozone and drought stress on the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds from Quercus robur L.
    In: Biogeosciences 18/2, pp. 535 - 556. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Pichelli, E.; Coppola, E.; Sobolowski, S.; Ban, N.; ..., ...; Vegera-Temprado, J.; et al (2021): The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution part 2: historical and future simulations of precipitation.
    In: Climate Dynamics 56/11-12, pp. 3581 - 3602. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Racoviteanu, A.; Nicholson, L.; Glasser, N. (2021): Surface composition of debris-covered glaciers across the Himalaya using spectral unmixing and multi-sensor imagery.
    In: The Cryosphere 15, pp. 4557 - 4588. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Recinos, B.; Maussion, F.; Noël, B.; Möller, M.; Marzeion, B. (2021): Calibration of a frontal ablation parameterization applied to Greenland’s peripheral calving glaciers.
    In: Journal of Glaciology 67/266, pp. 1177 - 1189. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Richter, B.; Schweizer, J.; Rotach, M. W.; van Herweijnen, A. (2021): Modeling spatially distributed snow instability at regional scale using Alpine3D.
    In: Journal of Glaciology 67/266, pp. 1147 - 1162. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Rottler, E.; Vormoor, K.; Francke, T.; Warscher, M.; Strasser, U.; Bronstert, A. (2021): Elevation-dependent compensation effects in snowmelt in the Rhine River Basin upstream gauge Basel.
    In: Hydrology Research 52/2, pp. 536 - 557. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Rounce, D. R.; Hock, R.; McNabb, R. W.; Millan, R.; Sommer, C.; Braun, M. H.; Malz, P.; Maussion, F.; Mauginot, J.; Seehaus, T.C.; Shean, D.E. (2021): Distributed global debris thickness estimates reveal debris significantly impacts glacier mass balance.
    In: Geophysical Research Letters 48/8, Nr. e2020GL091311. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Rowan, A.V,; Nicholson, L.; Quincey, D.J.; Gibson, M.J.; Irvine-Fynn, T. D. L.; Watson, C. S.; Wagnon, P.; Rounce, D. R.; Thompson, S. S.; Porter, P. R.; Glasser, N. F. (2021): Seasonally stable temperature gradients through supraglacial debris in the Everest region of Nepal, Central Himalaya.
    In: Journal of Glaciology 67/261, pp. 170 - 181. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schneider, Jörg W.; Legler, Berit; Brosig, Andreas; Krainer, Karl; Lucas, Spencer G (2021): Sedimentology and depositional environment of the Kinney Brick Quarry Fossil Lagerstätte (Missourian, Late Pennsylvanian), central New Mexico.
    In: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 84, pp. 93 - 123.

  • Scholz, K.; Ejarque, E.; Hammerle, A.; Kainz, M.; Schelker, J.; Wohlfahrt, G. (2021): Atmospheric CO2 Exchange of a Small Mountain Lake: Limitations of Eddy Covariance and Boundary Layer Modeling Methods in Complex Terrain.
    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126/7, No. e2021JG006286. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Schuster, L.; Maussion, F.; Langhamer, L.; Moseley, G. E. (2021): Lagrangian detection of precipitation moisture sources for an arid region in northeast Greenland: relations to the North Atlantic Oscillation, sea ice cover, and temporal trends from 1979 to 2017.
    In: Weather and Climate Dynamics 2/1, pp. 1 - 17. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Senior, C. A.; Marsham, J. H.; Berthou, S.; Burgin, L. E.; Folwell, S. S.; Kendon, E. J.; Klein, C. M.; et. al (2021): Convection permitting regional climate change simulations for understanding future climate and informing decision making in Africa.
    In: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society 102/6, pp. E1206 - E1223. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Serifi, A.; Günther, T.; Ban, N. (2021): Spatio-Temporal Downscaling of Climate Data Using Convolutional and Error-Predicting Neural Networks.
    In: Frontiers in Climate 3, Nr. 656479. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Spötl, C.; Koltai, G.; Jarosch, A.; Cheng, H. (2021): Increased autumn and winter precipitation during the Last Glacial Maximum in the European Alps.
    In: Nature Communications 12, Nr. 1839. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Steidle, S.D.; Warken, S.F.; Schorndorf, N.; Förstel, J.; Schröder-Ritzrau, A.; Moseley, G.E.; Spötl, C.; Avilés, J.; Stinnesbeck, W.; Frank, N. (2021): Reconstruction of Middle to Late Quaternary sea level using submerged speleothems from the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula.
    In: Journal of Quaternary Science 36/7, pp. 1190 - 1200. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stiperski, I.; Katul, G. G.; Calaf, M., (2021): Universal Return to Isotropy of Inhomogeneous Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence.
    In: Physical Review Letters 126/19, Nr. 194501. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stiperski, Ivana; Chamecki, M.; Calaf., M, (2021): Anisotropy of Unstably Stratified Near-Surface Turbulence.
    In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology 180, pp. 363 - 384. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Stojakowits, P.; Mayr, C.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Preusser, F.; Reitner, J.M.; Spötl, C. (2021): Environments at the MIS 3/2 transition in the northern Alps and their foreland.
    In: Quaternary International 581-582, pp. 99 - 113. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Umek, L.; Gohm, A.; Haid, M.; Ward, H. C.; Rotach, M. W. (2021): Large‐eddy simulation of foehn–cold pool interactions in the Inn Valley during PIANO IOP 2.
    In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147/735 (Part B), pp. 944 - 982. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Vergara‐Temprado, J.; Ban, N.; Schär, C. (2021): Extreme sub‐hourly precipitation intensities scale close to the Clausius‐Clapeyron rate over Europe.
    In: Geophysical Research Letters 48/3, Nr. e2020GL089506. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Voordendag, A.; Réveillet, M.; MacDonell, S.; Lhermitte, S. (2021): Snow model comparison to simulate snow depth evolution and sublimation at point scale in the semi-arid Andes of Chile.
    In: The Cryosphere 15/9, pp. 4241 - 4259. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wagner, Thomas; Kainz, Simon; Krainer, Karl; Winkler, Gerfried (2021): Storage-discharge characteristics of an active rock glacier catchment in the Innere Ölgrube, Austrian Alps.
    In: Hydrological Processes 35/5, Nr. e14210. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Waltgenbach, S.; Riechelmann, D.F.C.; Spötl, C.; Jochum, K.P.; Fohlmeister, J.; Schröder-Ritzrau, A.; Scholz, D. (2021): Climate Variability in Central Europe during the Last 2500 Years Reconstructed from Four High-Resolution Multi-Proxy Speleothem Records.
    In: Geosciences 11/4, Nr. 166. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Weber, M.; Hinz, Y.; Schöne, B.R.; Jochum, K.P.; Hoffmann, D.; Spötl, C.; Riechelmann, D.F.C.; Scholz, D. (2021): Opposite Trends in Holocene Speleothem Proxy Records From Two Neighboring Caves in Germany: A Multi-Proxy Evaluation.
    In: Frontiers in Earth Science 9, Nr. 642651. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Welte, C.; Fohlmeister, J.; Wertnik, M.; Wacker, L.; Hattendorf, B.; Eglinton, T.I.; Spötl, C. (2021): Climatic variations during the Holocene inferred from radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes in speleothems from a high-alpine cave.
    In: Climate of the Past 17/5, pp. 2165 - 2177. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wendt, K.A.; Li, X.; Edwards, R.L.; Cheng, H.; Spötl, C. (2021): Precise timing of MIS 7 substages from the Austrian Alps.
    In: Climate of the Past 17/4, pp. 1443 - 1454. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wilkins, J; Schoville, B.J; Pickering, R; Gliganic, L; Collins, B; Brown, K.S; von der Meden, J; Khumalo, W; Meyer, M.C; Maape, S; Blackwood, A.F; Hatton, A (2021): Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari.
    In: Nature 592/7853, pp. 248 - 252. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wils, Katleen; Daryono, Mudrik R.; Praet, Nore; Santoso, Arianto Budi; Dianto, Aan; Schmidt, Sabine; Vervoort, Morgan; Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven; Kusmanto, Edi; Suandhi, Purnama; Natawidjaja, Danny H.; De Batist, Marc (2021): The sediments of Lake Singkarak and Lake Maninjau in West Sumatra reveal their earthquake, volcanic and rainfall history.
    In: Sedimentary Geology 416, Nr. 105863. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Wohlfahrt, G.; Tomerelli, E.; Hammerle, A. (2021): The albedo–climate penalty of hydropower reservoirs.
    In: Nature Energy 6, pp. 372 - 377. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zeman, C.; Wedi, N. P.; Dueben, P. D.; Ban, N.; Schär, C. (2021): Model intercomparison of COSMO 5.0 and IFS 45r1 at kilometer-scale grid spacing.
    In: Geoscientific Model Development 14/7, pp. 4617 - 4639. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zhang, H.; Cheng, H.; Sinha, A.; Spötl, C.; Cai, Y.; Liu, B.; Kathayat, G.; Li, H.; Tian, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhao, J.; Sha, L.; Lu, J.; Meng, B.; Niu, X.; Dong, X.; Liang, Z.; Zong, B.; Ning, Y.; Lan, J.; Edwards, R.L. (2021): Collapse of the Liangzhu and other Neolithic cultures in the lower Yangtze region in response to climate change.
    In: Science Advances 7, No. 48. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zhang, H.; Cheng, H.; Spötl, C.; Zhang, X.; Cruz, F.W.; Sinha, A.; Auler, A.S.; Stríkis, N.M.; Wang, X.; Kathayat, G.; Li, X.; Pérez-Mejías, C.; Cai, Y.; Ning, Y.; Edwards, R.L. (2021): Gradual South-North climate transition in the Atlantic realm within the Younger Dryas.
    In: Geophysical Research Letters 48/8, No. e2021GL092620. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zhang, H.; Zhang, X.; Cai, Y.; Sinha, A.; Spötl, C.; Baker, J.; Kathayat, G.; Liu, Z.; Tian, Y.; Lu, J.; Wang, Z.; Zhao, J.; Jia, X.; Du, W.; Ning, Y.; An, Z.; Edwards, R.L.; Cheng, H. (2021): A data-model comparison pinpoints Holocene spatiotemporal pattern of East Asian summer monsoon.
    In: Quaternary Science Reviews 261, No. 106911. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Zhang, Z.; Zhang, H.; Cui, Z.; Tao, F.; Chen, Z.; Chang, Y.; Magliulo, V.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Zhao, D. (2021): Global consistency in response of terrestrial ecosystem respiration to temperature.
    In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308-309, Nr. 108576. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Review)
  • Azam, M. F.; Kargel, J. S.; Shea, J. M.; Nepal, S.; Haritashya, U. K.; Srivastava, S.; Maussion, F.; Qazi, N.; Chevallier, P.; Dimri, A. P.; Kulkarni, A. V.; Cogley, J. G; Bahuguna, I. M. (2021): Glaciohydrology of the Himalaya-Karakoram.
    In: Science 373/6557, No. eabf3668. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fowler, H.J.; Lenderink, G.; Prein, A.F.; Westra, S.; Allan, R.P.; Ban, N.; Barbero, R.; Berg, P.; Blenkinsop, S.; Do, H.X.; Guerreiro, S.; Haerter, J.O.; Kendon, E.J.; Lewis, E.; Schaer, C.; Sharma, A.; Villarini, G.; Wasko, C.; Zhang, X. (2021): Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes.
    In: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2, pp. 107 - 122. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • Voordendag, A.B.; Goger, B.; Klug, C.; Prinz, R.; Rutzinger, M.; Kaser, G. (2021): Automated and permanent long-range terrestrial laser scanning in a high mountain environment: setup and first results.
    In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences V-2-2021, pp. 153 - 160. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Other)
  • Ward, H. C.; Rotach, M. W.; TEAMx (2021): A Joint Research Initiative Focused on Atmospheric Transport and Exchange Processes over Mountains.
    In: GEWEX Quarterly 31/4, pp. 12 - 14. (Web link)

Journal Article (Editorial)
  • Zardi, D; Rotach, M. W. (2021): Transport and Exchange Processes in the Atmosphere over Mountainous Terrain: Perspectives and Challenges for Observational and Modelling Systems, from Local to Climate Scales.
    In: Atmosphere 12/2, No. 199. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Mölg T.; Kaser G. (2021): Tropical Glaciers.
    In: Fowler, Andrew; Ng, Felix: Glaciers and Ice Sheets in the Climate System. The Karthaus Summer School Lecture Notes. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)., ISBN 978-3-030-42582-1, pp. 483 - 495. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Review)
  • Beyrich, F.; Hartogensis, O. K.; De Bruin, H. A. R.; Ward, H. C. (2021): Scintillometers.
    In: Foken; T.: Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Cham: Springer Nature (= Springer Handbooks)., ISBN ISBN 978-3-030-52170-7, pp. 969 - 997. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Grimmond, C. S. B.; Ward, H. C. (2021): Urban Measurements and Their Interpretation.
    In: Foken; T.: Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Cham: Springer Nature (= Springer Handbooks)., ISBN ISBN 978-3-030-52170-7, pp. 1407 - 1437. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Reprint)
  • Ajai, L.; Breashears, D.; Crutzen, P.; Fuzzi, Sandro; Haeberli, Wilfried; Immerzeel, W.; Kaser, Georg et al. (2021): Fate of Mountain Glaciers in the Anthropocene (2011). A Report by the Working Group Commissioned by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
    In: Benner, Susanne; Lax, Gregor; Crutzen, Paul J.; Pöschl, Ulrich; Lelieveld, Jos; Brauch, Hans Günter: Paul J. Crutzen and the Anthropocene: A New Epoch in Earth’s History. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science, 1)., ISBN 78-3-030-82201-9, pp. 129 - 140. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Barandun, M.; Callegari, M.; Strasser, U.; Notarnicola, C. (2021): Towards daily snowline observations on glaciers using multi-source and multi-resolution satellite data, abstracts.
    In: Bovenga, Fabio; Notarnicola, Claudia; Pierdicca, Nazzareno; Santi, Emanuele: Proceedings of SPIE: Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications. SPIE Remote Sensing, 18.10.2021, Online Only, Madrid/Spain. Bellingham, WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Publishing Services (= Proceedings of SPIE, 11861)., ISBN 9781510645660, No. 1186108. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Becker, C.; Hanzer, F.; Warscher, M.; Strasser, U. (2021): The New openAMUNDSEN Modular Snow and Hydroclimatological Modeling Framework: Application to Data from the GEWEX INARCH Rofental Catchment and ESM-SnowMIP Meteorological Stations.
    In: University of Saskatchewan, Kanada: Proceedings of the 77th Eastern Snow Conference (ESC). June 9, 2021, Virtual Meeting. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan., ISBN 978-1-926503-07-3, No. 9. (Web link)

  • Rottler, E.; Francke, T.; Vormoor, K.; Warscher, M.; Strasser, U.; Bronstert, A. (2021): Höhenabhängige Kompensationseffekte in der Schneeschmelze (Hochrhein 1950-2018).
    In: Universität Potsdam: (Sommer)Tag der Hydrologie: Zusammenfassungen der Beiträge. 30. August – 1. September 2021 in Potsdam. Potsdam: Universität Potsdam / University of Potsdam., p. 50. (Web link)

  • Sigl, M.; Adolphi, F.; Burke, A.; Cole-Dai, J.; Fischer, H.; Kim, WM.; Krüger, K.; Lorenz, S.; McConnell, J.; Nicolussi, K.; Niemeier, U.; Pearson, C.; Reinig, F.; Salzer, M.; Severi, M.; Timmreck, C.; Toohey, M. (2021): Insights on the timing, global sulfate lifecycle and climate impact of Earth’s largest (pre-) historic volcanic eruptions.
    In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2021 - Book of Abstracts. 19.-30.04.2021. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU21-946. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Warscher, M.; Hanzer, F.; Becker, C.; Strasser, U. (2021): Monitoring snow processes in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) and development of an open source snow model framework.
    In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2021 - Book of Abstracts. 19.-30.04.2021. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU21-9101. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
  • Rotach, M. W. (2021): ERC Consolidator Grant für Prof. Ivana Stiperski.
    In: ÖGM Bulletin 1, pp. 16 - 17. (Web link)

Book Chapter, Transfer-Oriented
  • Krainer, Karl (2021): Geologie und Geomorphologie der Ötztaler Alpen.
    In: Grüner, Paul; Scharr, Kurt: Himmelnah am Gletscher. Die Schutzhütte Schöne Aussicht in den Ötztaler Alpen im Schnalstal. Bozen: Athesia Tappeiner Verlag., ISBN 978-88-7073-978-7, pp. 17 - 28. (Web link)

For publications from previous years, please see the Research Documentation Database of the University of Innsbruck.

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