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FAQ – University of Innsbruck

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Final exams

  • I failed a final exam in the winter semester but I stay (as a registered student) also for the summer semester? What can I do? ↓

    If you failed exams in the winter semester you can take the resit (you can take 4 resits in the same module) during the summer semester.

    The procedure is the same (see "Instruction how to register for the final exams  ")

    The 4th resit will be the last possibility to pass the exam! This exam will be corrected by one or more further independent professors (committee). In case you fail again, you will be blocked for this study at the University of Innsbruck for lifetime.

  • My stay already ended, I am back at home (home country) and I failed a final exam / did not take the final exam. What can I do? ↓

    • In case you failed a final exam and your stay in Innsbruck already ended you can take a resit only ONCE and only for the next run.
    • In case you did not take the final exam and were not registered for it, you can take the final exam only ONCE and only for the next run.

    See the following pdf-file   (section: Termine - > "Prüfungswochen im WS ...SS...")

  • How do I register for the final exam if my exchange semester in Innsbruck already ended? ↓

    • If the exchange semester is over, the registration system at LFU:online will block you as you are not a registered student anymore. Therefore if you want to take a resit, you have to send us an e-mail - latest two days before the registration deadline! - in order to give us the authority to register for your subject(s). It is not possible to write authorities for other students! You have to write it personally!
    • The authority has to contain:
      • you agree that we register you for a resit
      • title of the interactive part of the module
      • name of the professor
      • course code and
      • that you will come back to Innsbruck to write the exam
      • in case it is your 4th resit the authority additionally has to contain the following sentence: "I understand and know that this is the last resit I am allowed to take."
      • Example: "To the examination office SoWi: I, your name, born: (DoB), Matrikelnummer (your student ID no) give the members of the IWW-Office the authority to register me for the final exam in: module title, module code, professors, exam week. I also confirm that i will come back to Innsbruck and write the exam on the official exam day."
      • You can write the authority an e-mail (from your e-mail account at the University of Innsbruck) and send it to us (
    • As soon as we have registered your module(s), you will receive an e-mail from us. Students have to come back to Innsbruck to write the resit (distance exams are not allowed!)
    • Master students: please get in contact with the professor to ask for details
  • Where do I find final exam registration deadlines and the date of the final exam week? ↓

    • see Link to the PDF-document   (section: Termine - > "Prüfungswochen im WS ...SS...")
    • Master students: please get in contact with the professor to ask for details
  • Where can I find information about the exam day, time and place? ↓

    • You will find the exam dates in the display outside the examination office (always updated) in the basement of the building
    • If you are still enrolled as a student for the next semester you will find the exam date/day in your student account LFU:online   on the page of your registered module(s). The information will also be displayed in the glass box beside the examination office.
    • Time and place will only be available approx. 3-7 days before the exam. Why so late? Because only if the examination office knows the number of examinees they can allocate the examination rooms and check for overlaps.
    • In case there is - for any reason - no information available or you are not registered as a student anymore and your LFU:online student account is blocked, please call the examination office during opening hours: Tel.: +43 (0) 512 507 7022
    • Master students: Please get in contact with the professor to ask for details.
  • I cannot see my mark in my LFU:online student account and the registration come to its deadline - in case I failed I want to take a re-examination. What shall I do? ↓

    If the mark for the interactive part is not available 7 days before registration deadline, please write an e-mail to the concerning department and ask for the mark. In case you do not get an answer, write an e-mail to the   examination office.

  • I have to go to the examination office personally. What do I need to bring? ↓

    • Be aware of the opening hours (Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00), the examination office is situated in the basement of the SoWi building opposite the Studia.
    • Bring your student ID card, print-out of your course modules, print-out of your "Studienblatt" (admission record available at LFU online  )
  • I have registered for the final exam but I decided not to write the final exam. What do I have to do? ↓

    SIGN OFF! You can sign off from the final exam latest 3 days before the final exam (please be aware of the opening hours of the examination office!). If you do not sit the final exam without signing off you will receive the mark 5 (fail) and you will not be allowed to register for the consecutive exam date.

  • I have registered for the final exam but I did not sit the exam and did not sign off? ↓

    If you do not sit the final exam without signing off you will receive the mark 5 (fail) and you will be blocked for registration for the next possible exam date. For students who only stay for one semester, this means that it is no more possible to take the exam as these students are only enrolled for one semester.

  • I have registered for the final exam but I cannot take the exam because I am ill on the exam day? ↓

    In this case you have to bring a medical certificate to the examination office latest one week after the exam day. Otherwise you will be blocked for the next possible exam date.

  • Where can I find information about the exam dates, time and place? ↓

    • You will find the exam dates in the display outside the examination office (always updated) in the basement of the building.
    • Time and place will only be available approx. 3-7 days before the exam. Why so late? Because only if the examination office knows the number of examinees they can allocate the examination rooms and check for overlaps.
    • As soon as the date and time of the final exams are available, you can also see them in your student account LFU:online   on the page of your registered module(s). The information will also be displayed in the glass box beside the examination office. In case there is - for any reason - no information available, please call the examination office during opening hours, Tel.: +43 (0) 512 507 7022
  • What happens if I have to sit 2 final exams on the same day? ↓

    It might happen that a student has to take two final exams on the same day. If you have got a time overlap, please get in contact with the professors.

  • Oral exams? ↓

    According to the study plan, all "Vertiefungsmodule" (advanced course modules) have got an oral exam after the written exam. The oral exam can only take place appr. two weeks after the written exam. If you have chosen a "Vertiefungsmodul" please let us know at the latest 4 weeks before the written exam in order to arrange a special oral exam date for exchange students (e.g. oral exam one or two days after the written exam). Please send us an e-mail with the name, course code and teacher(s) of the course module. The oral exam is part of the study plan and will not individually be announced to you!

  • Can I take a resit of a final exam and what is the procedure? ↓

    Please note that you can only write a re-examination until the deadlines below and you have to write the exam in Innsbruck (distance exams are not possible!). After these dates there is no possibility to write an exam as you will not be registered any longer as a student at the University of Innsbruck!


    • WS: until 10th of April
    • WS + SS: until 1st of October
    • SS: until 1st of October

FAQ - Master Students

  • Is it possible to register in two or more Master Programs, and is it possible to choose undergraduate course modules?↓

    No, you can only be registered in one Master Programs. Therefore, you should study the Master Programs carefully and make the right choice at latest the indicated application deadlines.
    Undergraduate course modules are not available for Master Program students. Please check course modules before you choose your master/undergraduate programme.

  • Duration of stay↓

    Because of limited places, master students are allowed to apply for one semester only, Winter or summer semester!

  • How to apply for a Master Program?

    If you find your university in the pop-up menu of our online application, you are allowed to apply online on our website.

  • Is it possible to change from Master to Bachelor Progam or from Bachelor to Master Program?

    No, as soon as your acceptance letter is issued, it is no longer possible to change the program. Therefore, please read the prerequisites for the Master Program carefully - and in case of questions, contact the responsible master coordinator.

  • Documents to bring for admission (compulsory)↓

    • acceptance letter ("Mitteilung") and the documents mentioned on it
    • your study record (copy) that you are enrolled as a MASTER student at your home institution
    • or a confirmation letter from your university, confirming that you completed a bachelor degree with at least 180 ECTS credits and that you are enrolled as a master student at your home university
    • Please do not ignore the information to bring the documents in original - these documents are required by law and without them you will not be registered and you will not be able to study at the University of Innsbruck !

        You need to bring these documents personally to the admission office when you register. Do not send them by mail or together with your application documents!

        You have to bring these documents - regardless what your home coordinator tells you! This is subject to Austrian Study Law!


Frequently used abbreviations and useful translations

Abbreviations, explanations and translations
VO Vorlesung (lecture)
PS Proseminar (interactive part: papers, discussions, group presentations, etc.)
SE Seminar (interactive part; more intense than a PS: papers, discussions, presentations, etc.)
Eingangsklausur entrance exam (at the beginning of the semester)
Klausur small written exam (during the semester)
Seminararbeiten papers
Präsentationen presentations
interaktive Note mark of the interactive part = PS grade (written exams, seminar work, presentations)
Gesamtprüfung final exam (at the end of the semester)
Modulnote module mark (consists of course mark and final exam mark)
Betriebswirtschaft Business Management
Volkswirtschaft Economics
Einführung introduction
Grundlagen basics
Vertiefung advanced
Wahlmodule electives

Some translations
Sprachkurs language course
Anmeldung registration
Kursgebühren costs
Räumlichkeiten rooms
Prüfung exam
Online Einstufungstest online placement test
Lernziele und Raum learning objectives and rooms
Lehrende teacher/instructor
UE (3) tutorial (3 hours)
Matrikelnummer student ID number
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