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Validierung_EN – University of Innsbruck


Since October 21, 2023, learning outcomes of non-formal learning that cannot be recognized according to § 78 para. 1 and 2 University Act can be validated/recognized at Universität Innsbruck up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits

The standards and procedures for validation of non-formal learning have been defined at Universität Innsbruck in the statute section Validation (German only).

Definition of terms formal, non-formal, informal learning


Application for validation


Validation applications can only be submitted by students for those studies for which they are enrolled. 

Application components

The application for validation has to compare the non-formal learning outcomes to be validated with those formal learning outcomes and examinations in the curriculum of the reported study program for which validation/recognition is requested.

For this purpose, the form "Supplementary Sheet" must be used, which is an integral part of the application for validation.

In any case, the applicant has to enclose documents of the issuing institution in German or English language to the application, which provide information about

- the acquisition of the learning outcomes (e.g. examination confirmation, proof of learning outcomes)

- the amount of work required to achieve the learning outcomes (e.g. working hours)

- the purpose of learning, any learning materials and form(s) of learning 

- the type of assessment

Furthermore, the applicant may enclose documents that provide information about a possible

- Accreditation of the institution or any valid quality seals of the institution that has described and assessed the non-formal learning outcomes.

- Assignment of the learning outcomes to the National Qualifications Framework or description of the level of the acquired learning outcomes (e.g. by means of descriptors)


The application including all digitized documents must be sent by email to

Assessment standard, criteria

The non-formal learning outcomes submitted for validation are to be evaluated on the basis of the submitted written documents. The criteria specified in § 2 of the "Validation" section of the statutes are to be used when assessing the learning outcomes. If, even after any deficiencies have been remedied, the submitted documents do not show according to § 3 para. 2 of the validation section of the statutes, the application shall be rejected if the documents submitted do not show, or do not show with sufficient significance, that the test standard has been met.

Decision (Notification)

After the validation procedure has been carried out, the decision on recognition as an examination for a regular or associate degree program pursuant to § 78 UG is made by means of a notice issued by the body responsible for study matters.

Duration of the validation procedure

In deviation from § 73 AVG, applications for recognition shall be submitted no later than two months after receipt of the application. § 60 (3a) University Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.


If the written application contains deficiencies, the body responsible for study law matters shall immediately arrange for their rectification and order the applicant to rectify the deficiency within a reasonable period of time, with the effect that the application shall be rejected if this period expires without results. If the deficiency is remedied in a timely manner, the application shall be deemed to have been properly filed originally.

Documents in foreign languages

If documents are submitted in a language other than German or English, they must be accompanied by a translation prepared by a sworn and court-certified interpreter.



What does the Part of the Statute on Validation (Satzungsteil Validierung) provide? »

The Part of the Statute on Validation (Satzungsteil Validierung) regulates the procedure by which non-formal learning outcomes from vocational and non-vocational contexts can be recognised.

What is meant by validation? »

Validation is a procedure that includes the steps of identifying, documenting and assessing acquired non-formal learning outcomes for the purpose of recognition. Please note: Validation at Universität Innsbruck is only possible for non-formal learning outcomes (see next FAQ)!
Please note: Learning outcomes achieved in formal prior learning contexts (e.g. Berufsbildende höhere Schule BHS) can still be recognised as “Recognition of Prior Learning” in accordance with § 78 (1) and (2) University Act; No validation is foreseen for these formal learning outcomes!

What is the object of validation? What exactly is validated? »

The objects of validation are learning outcomes from non-formal learning settings that cannot be recognised in accordance with § 78 (1) and (2) University Act. Learning outcomes from non-formal learning can be recognised up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits after positive validation.

How are the standards and procedures for validation regulated? »

The Part of the Statute on Validation (Satzungsteil Validierung) regulates the procedure for validating learning outcomes from vocational and non-vocational qualifications for the purpose of recognition (Read more: University of Innsbruck Bulletin). In simple terms, in the frame of the validation process achieved and certified non-formal learning outcomes must be compared by the applicant to formal learning outcomes of the curriculum anchored in the curriculum. If the evidence of learning outcomes is verifiable and meets the requirements, if the application form and the supplementary sheets have been completed correctly, the application is forwarded for subject-related examination to the Dean of Studies or Associate Dean of Studies. If this examination does not reveal any significant differences in terms of learning outcomes, quality, qualification level, workload and also if the progression of studies is not jeopardised by the recognition of the non-formal learning outcomes, the application can be approved. The non-formal learning outcomes are then recognised to the extent of the ECTS credits specified in the respective curriculum. This recognition takes place with the positive decision of the bodies responsible under study law (Dean of Studies, Associate Dean of Studies).

What are learning outcomes of non-formal learning? »

Learning outcomes of non-formal learning are acquired in a learning process that is planned and pursues an intention. The intention can be, for example, the acquisition of specific knowledge, skills and abilities. The non-formal learning outcomes must be verifiable and evidence of their acquisition must be available. The learning process also takes place within a set time frame with a specific beginning and ending, which may be marked by an examination. Typically, non-formal learning usually involves further training within the framework of vocational training, re-skilling or upskilling.

At which institutions can these learning outcomes have been acquired? »

Non-formal learning outcomes can be acquired at a variety of institutions, examples are adult continuing education institutions, vocational trainings and courses, but also NGOs (e.g. training in the voluntary sector such as paramedics) are typical institutions where such non-formal learning outcomes can be acquired.

How is the validation procedure organised? »

Students submit the application together with the “Supplementary sheet” containing an explanation and a comparison of the learning outcomes to . Proof/confirmation of the non-formal learning outcomes is enclosed. This is followed by a formal examination and a request for corrections/additions if documents are missing or incorrect. If everything is formally correct and complete, the application is forwarded to the responsible Dean of Studies or Associate Dean of Studies for a subject-related review. Whether or not the non-formal learning outcomes are significantly different from those specified in the curriculum is the subject of the assessment. The basis of the assessment standard and the criteria are described in the Statutes (University of Innsbruck Bulletin).

What evidence/proof of learning outcomes must be submitted? What other information on non-formal learning outcomes is important? »

Proof generally consists of a successfully passed examination or an equivalent form of verification of acquired learning outcomes. This can be a certificate or another meaningful confirmation from the training institution where the non-formal learning outcomes were acquired. It is important that you always submit the original evidence. For example, if you have a certificate or transcript in which achievements have already been recognised, the original proof of the achievements must be submitted in addition to this certificate (the one with the recognised achievements). The following information must also be provided:
-Information on the learning purpose, the learning materials and learning methods used
-Information about the institution where the learning outcome was acquired (in German or English)
-Indication of the workload/hours spent to achieve the non-formal learning outcome (in real time hours)
-Accreditation of the institution
-Assignment of the learning outcomes to the National Qualifications Framework or description of the level of the acquired learning outcomes (e.g. by means of descriptors)

Up to how many ECTS credits can non-formal learning outcomes be recognised? »

Learning outcomes from the non-formal setting can be recognised up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits.

What deadlines do I have to meet? By when must the application be submitted? »

You can submit an application for validation of non-formal learning outcomes as long as you are registered for the relevant degree programme. However, for practical reasons of time, it is of course advisable to apply for validation/recognition early in your studies.

How does the validation procedure work? How long do I have to wait for a decision and how do I find out about it?»

The entire process from submitting the application to receiving the notification takes a maximum of two months. If your application for validation was successful, you will also see this in LFU:online.

I have forgotten to send the required certificate. Can I submit it subsequently?»

If your application has formal shortcomings, for example if it has not been completed in full or documents are missing, you will receive an email notification with a correction request. You will then have two weeks to correct your application accordingly and/or submit additional documents. If you do not comply with the correction request within this period, the application will be rejected (but you can resubmit your application).

Who will check and examine my application?»

If your application has formal shortcomings, for example if it has not been completed in full or documents are missing, you will receive an email notification with a correction request. You will then hFirst, the application is formally assessed: This step includes checking the completeness of the documents, whether the uploaded documents match the required documents, etc. If something has gone wrong here, if something is missing, or if you have overlooked something when filling in the form, you will receive an email asking you to correct this within two weeks. If everything is formally correct, your application will be forwarded to the Dean of Studies or Associate Dean of Studies responsible for subject-related examination.ation in writing by email to

I was active as a student representative. Can I have this activity recognised?»

Such activities can ‘replace’ ECTS credits up to a certain extent, but not via the validation process. The procedure for applying for such replacement is regulated in § 31. 3 HSG 2014 (RIS - Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 2014 - Bundesrecht konsolidiert, Fassung vom 29.02.2024 ( The form for the application is available at the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) must be completed by you and then submitted to the central legal service ZRD, where the requirements for the replacement of the ECTS credits are checked. The application will be processed by the Dean of studies or Associate Dean of studies.

I have non-formal learning outcomes that have already been recognised at another institution. The certificate/transcript issued by this institution therefore contains the assessment ‘recognised’ for these achievements. Can I use this certificate/transcript as proof of my non-formal learning outcome?»

You must at all times submit the original certificates as proof. In the case above, you must therefore submit the certificate that confirms the acquired learning outcomes.

I have a part-time job with which I partly finance my studies. Can I have this activity validated?»

A job that you do to finance your studies does usually not fulfil the criteria for non-formal learning: In the case of a part-time job, there are usually no specific learning outcomes and there is usually no evidence/certificate to verify learning outcomes. Even if your job gives you valuable knowledge and skills, these are more informal in nature. Informal learning outcomes cannot yet be validated at Universität Innsbruck (see next question).

I acquired informal learning outcomes (for example, I have often managed projects as part of a professional activity, but don’t have proof of this as I have acquired this competence autodidactically). Can I submit these for validation?»

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to have informal learning outcomes validated at Universität Innsbruck.
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