Astroparticle & Particle Physics Seminar
SS 20
- 5. Mar, 10:15: BesprechungSpeaker: Besprechung | Location: SR 8/18
- 12. Mar, 10:15: PhD final reportSpeaker: Emanuele Grimaldo | Location: SR 8/18
- 23.Apr, 10:15: H.E.S.S. DiffuseSpeaker: Markus Holler | Location: SR 8/18
- 14. May, 10:15: MIP Seminar RehearsalSpeaker: Romed Rauth, David Huber | Location: SR 8/18
- 28. May, 10:15: tbdSpeaker: David Huber, Ralf Kissmann| Location: SR 8/18
- 21.Nov, 10:00: PhD progress reportSpeaker: Emanuele Grimaldo | Location: SR 8/18
- 28.Nov, 10:00: tbdSpeaker: Florian Brüser | Location: 8/18
- 4. Jun, 10:15: shifted to winter termSpeaker: Anita Reimer or lukas Merten | Location: SR 8/18
- 18. Jun, 10:15: talk will be given laterSpeaker: Mederika Zangerl | Location: SR 8/18
- 25. Jan, 10:15: tbdSpeaker:Christoph Steinlechner | Location: SR 8/18